Evolution of Research on Smart Health: A Bibliometrics Analysis

Xiao Huang, Ke Dong, Jiang Wu: Evolution of Research on Smart Health: A Bibliometrics Analysis. In: International Conference on Smart Health, ICSH 2018, pp. 351-358, Wuhan; China, 2018.


Smart health is a new form of business created by the combination of the Internet and the medical industry and the research of smart health has gradually attracted much attention from the academic community. In this study, the scientific literatures of smart health included in Web of Science are analyzed to draw the knowledge map to find out the research trail in this field. The analysis results show that the number of literatures in the field continues to increase and that published journals have a certain degree of centrality. Reviews and commentary articles published earlier will receive more attention. The update of technology will significantly change the research trend, the content covered in this area will also be more extensive with the further development of smart health related technologies.

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