Cortext 2024: getting better all the time
Here in the outskirts of Paris, at Champs-sur-Marne, work is ongoing to build the future of Cortext. It will soon be 8 years since the second version of the open-for-all web service, Cortext Manager, has been released. For the next iteration, we’re preparing a more friendly, robust and flexible system, so users can interact in […]
Introduction to Pytheas
In this article we will present what is Pytheas and how you can access it. Available here :
Metropolisation, peripheries and funding of nano sciences & technologies
As an output from RISIS project funded by EU commission, we have investigated what are the impacts of funding on the geographical spaces where are located the productions of nano S&T. Based on a worked done by Lionel Villard (ESIEE–IFRIS), François Perruchas (INGENIO), Thomas Scherngell (AIT), Michael Barber (AIT), Philippe Larédo (Université Paris-Est, ENPC–IFRIS) and […]
Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity Research: what about temperate agriculture?
CorTexT Plateform contributes to the TempAG Network for Global Food Security CorTexT Platform has developed the TextDrill Project ( ) in order to delineate and analyse the corpus of Biodiversity Research with the contribution of Scientific Expert involved in the TempAg Initiative Site web: Technology and Software: Perl, R, Unitex, CorTexT, PHP, XML This […]
Programming research by the impacts of project collaborations
At the end of eight years of programming (2005-2013), the ANR (French National Research Agency) has initiated a reflection on the impacts of three successive research programs in agronomic science (ADD / SYSTERRA / AGROBIOSPHERE). ANR has proposed the Inra-SenS unit and the CorTexT Platform to conduct an in depth-study of projects submitted and recipients of these programs. […]
Evolution of cancer research
Research is evolving at an ever faster pace. Cancer research is paramount among fields that have, in the last few decades, displayed an accelerated and complex dynamics involving new techniques, new targets, and a long sequence of entirely new subfields fuelled by massive investment and high hopes of new treatments from innovative approaches. Genetics, viral […]
GeoClust: a tool to study the geographical aggregation of activities
GeoClust is a simple solution to study the geographical aggregation of activities. This is done by grouping coordinates (latitude and longitude) into clusters. This has been developed by members of the platform CorText for the RISIS project. The software is based on two successive different approaches Step 1: density-based analysis First we use a density-based […]
Up and downs, the digital lives of high and low technologies
Up and downs, the digital lives of high and low technologies A participatory project run by Marianne Noel (LISIS), Mathieu Quet (CEPED), Marine Aldahdah (CEPED), Eric Dagiral (CERLIS) and colleagues of the Jawaharla Nehru University: Khetrimayun Monish, Rajiv Mishra, Sohan Sha, and Vidya Subramanian
Pulseweb project is a joint project of CorText along with Global Pulse (UNO initiative) and ISC-PIF. We analyzed every articles related to food security issues in the French media ( 22.000 articles from the national and local press extracted from the Factiva database). Text mining and network analysis tools were applied to identify the main […]
Working Paper – IFRIS with
Abstract The aim of the paper is to contribute to the literature dealing with firm R&D internationalization by tracking two critical patterns: the evolution of the share of firm R&D carried out abroad and the changes in firm locational strategies related to R&D. We have built up a large data set covering patenting efforts of […]