How the concept of nature-based solutions for climate adaptation could be introduced in Master’s curricula. Insights from France

Pierre-Antoine Versini, Mario Al-Sayah, Frederique Bordignon, Daniel Schertzer: How the concept of nature-based solutions for climate adaptation could be introduced in Master's curricula. Insights from France. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 395, 2023, ISSN: 0959-6526.


While the importance of Nature-Based Solutions for climate change adaptation (NBaS) is being increasingly acknowledged, very few studies investigate the status of these solutions in higher education syllabi. In an effort to bridge this gap, this study assessed the position of the NBaS notion in French Master's programs. Based on a survey questionnaire, several interviews and a text mining analysis of the Master's contents, this paper identified, localised and analysed the French Masters that presented links with NBaS related concepts. This analysis revealed that the notion of NBaS is far from being mastered. This might be caused by a conceptual misunderstanding of definitions. While text mining revealed that the building blocks of the NBaS framework are present, much still needs to be done for connecting them together. A combined analysis of the findings derived from this study led to recommendations to better introduce NBaS in Masters programs in the future.

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