Géraldine Enderli
Engineer specialised in the production, processing and analysis of data and survey at INRAE - LISIS, CorText

    Géraldine Enderli has a background in nutrition, food science, technology, quality, sensory analysis and consumer behavior. She has been working at INRAE since 2006, first as a development and experimentation engineer at the Centre for Taste and Feeding Behavior (CSGA), and then as an engineer specialised in the production, processing, data analysis and survey at the research unit “Social sciences and food” (ALISS).

    She is specialised in the development and implementation of laboratory and field experiments, and in the development of methods and tools for the study of food behavior. She has also participated in research programs in collaboration with economists in order to produce knowledge for the development and the assessment of nutritional public policies and to understand consumers’ behaviour/choice. For 7 years, she was in charge of the co-management of the Oqali observatory, an incentive tool for food operators to improve the nutritional quality of their products and to measure their effects.

    The projects on various themes she was involved in have led her to collaborate with very different audiences and to work with very different data sets. Her experiences include a strong component of data management and valorisation.

    She joined the LISIS unit and the CorText platform in September 2021. Within CorText, she will strengthen the data sciences pole by participating in research projects mobilizing the platform and by working more specifically on the development of new tools, data quality, collection and processing.