The embedding of universities in innovation ecosystems: The case of marine research at the University of Bergen

Randi Elisabeth Taxt, Douglas K.R. Robinson, Antoine Schoen, Arnt Fløysand: The embedding of universities in innovation ecosystems: The case of marine research at the University of Bergen. In: Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift–Norwegian Journal of Geography, vol. 76, iss. 1, pp. 42–60, 2022, ISSN: 0029-1951.


While historically the core missions of universities have been research and teaching, it has become increasingly recognised that universities have become significant sources of knowledge and capabilities. This third mission is cementing the role of universities as suppliers of qualified labour and generators of knowledge and technologies that promote innovation in a variety of innovation ecosystems. The main goal of the paper is to illustrate an approach that captures the various contributions of universities to their innovation ecosystems. Often territorially bounded, such links provide insights into the characteristics and geography of the various linkage for a university. With the case of the University of Bergen and its role within the marine innovation ecosystem of Western Norway, this ‘ecosystem fingerprint’, can be seen as a useful means to clarify the third mission of universities through the linkages and interdependencies with various actors. The authors demonstrate that a university can act both as a global pipeline provider and take active part in the local buzz, providing this concept with new empirical insight. The authors conclude that the university is highly embedded in both the marine innovation ecosystem and the knowledge ecosystem, but with linkages extended to interconnected business ecosystems.

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