Using the CorTexT-Risis Platform for Research in Science-Policy-Studies and Science-Technology-Studies

Marc Barbier, Jean-Philippe Cointet: Using the CorTexT-Risis Platform for Research in Science-Policy-Studies and Science-Technology-Studies. 2019.


The objective of the course is to introduce participants to the uses of the RISIS.CorTexT platform, a research facility in S&T Studies proposed under the RISIS Infrastructure Project. Thanks to short lectures, demos, workshop and practical training participants should get enough skills to develop research work on various types of Data Base that trace science and innovation dynamics. Existing RISIS databases will be mobilized (like Patstat, Web of Science, Corporate Invention Board, EUPRO and others) and possibly other datasets that participants could bring.

The course will focus on three majors inputs:
• An overall view of the scientific and technological landscape of platforms of Digital Humanities and a synthesis of the key heuristics that ground the Platform.
• A step by step demonstration of how to use the CorTexT.Risis Platform
• A learning-by-doing approach of using the various potentialities of the RISIS.CorTexT platform.

See all documents refering Cortext Manager

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