PhD Theses
Levain, Alix-Kathleen
Vivre avec l’algue verte : Médiations, épreuves et signes PhD Thesis
Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 2014, (HAL Id : tel-01098682 , version 1).
title = {Vivre avec l’algue verte : Médiations, épreuves et signes},
author = {Alix-Kathleen Levain},
url = {https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01098682/},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
urldate = {2014-01-01},
school = {Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle},
abstract = {Aborder les crises et les changements environnementaux sous l'angle de l'expérience de ceux qui y sont confrontés permet de prendre la mesure de ce qui est en jeu dans les processus contemporains d’écologisation. L’expérience écologique engage en effet des observations expertes et profanes sur le monde naturel, de plus en plus instrumentées par les sciences et les techniques et qui se construisent à différenteséchelles. Mais elle est aussi expérience sociale, en ce qu’elle oblige à penser ce qui, dans notre regard et dans celui des autres, se trouve interrogé par la formulation désormais principalement problématique des relations de l’homme avec les milieux qu’il habite et transforme. L’enquête ethnographique permet d’explorer simultanément ces deux dimensions indissociables d’une expérience problématique. Cette thèse explore les modes de prise en compte et de prise en charge des évolutions de l’environnement littoral, à partir d’une analyse de l’émergence de l’eutrophisation accélérée des milieux aquatiques, considérée aujourd'hui comme un problème écologique majeur à l'échelle mondiale. Elle s'appuie sur le cas des proliférations d'algues vertes, observées sur une partie du littoral breton depuis les années 1970 et directement reliées à l'intensification de l'élevage dans la région. Axe majeur du développement régional et fer de lance de l'agriculture française,le «modèle breton» est en effet àl'origine d'un enrichissement massif des eaux des rivières et des eaux côtières en nutriments. La thèse rend compte de la complexité de cette expérience vécue, montre les modes pluriels d'existence des marées vertes en tant que phénomène et en tant que problème public. A partir du comportement problématique des algues, compagnes indésirables de la modernité, ce sont les transformations et le devenir d'une société qui se trouvent interrogés et réévalués, au travers de la mutation douloureuse de ses rapports avec les êtres vivants environnants. Dans une perspective socio-‐anthropologique, la thèse s’attache de ce fait à décrire comment le phénomène est questionné, interprété, enrôlé. Elle analyse la façon dont se construisent les articulations et les médiations qui permettent de donner sens au désordre et aboutit à une proposition de relecture de l’écologisation comme expérience située et réflexive. },
note = {HAL Id : tel-01098682 , version 1},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Technical Reports
Tancoigne, Elise; Barbier, Marc; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Richard, Guy
Les services écosystémiques dans la littérature scientifique : démarche d'exploration et résultats d'analyse : Rapport d'étude pour la phase d'exploration du métaprogramme EcoServ. Technical Report
2014, (hal-01157253 , version 1).
title = {Les services écosystémiques dans la littérature scientifique : démarche d'exploration et résultats d'analyse : Rapport d'étude pour la phase d'exploration du métaprogramme EcoServ. },
author = {Elise Tancoigne and Marc Barbier and Jean-Philippe Cointet and Guy Richard},
url = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01157253/},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
urldate = {2014-01-01},
pages = {69},
abstract = {En 2005, le Millenium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) a permis de reconnaître l’importance des écosystèmes pour le bien-être humain, ainsi que la diminution d’un certain nombre de services fournis à l’homme par ces mêmes écosystèmes au cours des dernières décennies. L’agriculture est considérée comme responsable de la diminution d’un certain nombre de services, ainsi que de la biodiversité, au profit du seul service d’approvisionnement en nourriture (Carpenter et al., 2009). Elle se trouve donc aujourd’hui plus que jamais confrontée à deux impératifs qui mettent en avant sa multifonctionnalité : garantir la fourniture de biens de consommation (nourriture, bois, eau potable...) et de bénéfices sociaux (e.g. emploi) tout en préservant la capacité des écosystèmes à fournir d’autres services (purification de l’eau, régulation du climat, etc.). EcoServ est un méta-programme de recherche en construction à l’Inra afin qu’y soit développée une recherche inter-disciplinaire sur les services fournis par les écosystèmes continentaux dépendants des activités agricoles et forestières. La présente analyse a été engagée dans le cadre de sa construction, afin de connaître la place des systèmes agricoles dans la littérature sur les services écosystémiques. Ce travail de scientométrie a été guidé par quatre questions principales : quelles sont les disciplines scientifiques impliquées dans cette recherche ? Quels sont les services écosystémiques abordés dans la littérature ? Quels sont les écosystèmes étudiés ? Quelle est la place de l’Inra dans ce paysage ? Le corpus est issu de la base de données bibliographique Web of Science. Il a été construit de manière large afin d’inclure les différents synonymes de la notion de « service écosystémique ». Différentes analyses lexicales ont ensuite été réalisées pour la période postérieure au MEA (2006-2012) à l’aide de la plateforme CorTexT manager de l’Ifris et de R (R Core Team, 2012) : extractions lexicales, catégorisations de termes, calculs de fréquences, cartes de cooccurences. Les termes les plus fréquemment utilisés dans les articles de la période 1975- 2012 sont ecosystem service (39 % des documents indexés), puis ecosystem function (29 %), ecological function (14 %) et environmental service (9 %). Le terme ecosystem function dominera jusqu’en 2007 où il sera supplanté par celui de ecosystem service qui connait une progression exponentielle suite à la publication du MEA (Millenium Ecosystem Assessment, 2003, 2005). Ce concept est particulièrement mobilisé par l’écologie et la biologie de la conservation, d’où il tire son origine. Les trois références les plus citées de ce corpus se situent en écologie (Costanza et al., 1997; Daily, 1997; Hooper et al., 2005). Les sciences agronomiques utilisent plutôt le terme de « services environnementaux », qui met l’accent sur les services rendus par l’homme à l’environnement. La place de l’Institut dans ce corpus étant très faible (1.5 %) malgré les résultats importants obtenus au cours de l’enquête réalisée début 2013 auprès des départements, il est très probable qu’un grand nombre de services soient étudiés à l’Inra sans que les chercheurs se réclament de cette notion. Le service le plus étudié est celui de production agricole. La majorité des services sont étudiés de manière isolée. Lorsqu’ils sont étudiés conjointement, les services concernés sont majoritairement des services qui agissent en synergie. Les services antagonistes sont très peu étudiés conjointement. Par conséquent, lorsque la notion de trade-off apparait dans la littérature, elle est surtout abordée de manière théorique et programmatique. En outre, elle peut concerner différents niveaux et différents objets : il peut s’agir de faire des compromis entre acteurs, ou bien entre désirs et réalité, ou bien encore entre Environnement et Humanité. Si les écosystèmes forestiers et agricoles sont parmi les écosystèmes les plus étudiés, ils le sont principalement dans leur dimension bio-physique, et très peu dans leur dimension sociale. L’idée d’étudier un socio-écosystème dans son ensemble n’est pas encore mise en oeuvre. Les problématiques de gestion des ressources naturelles sont abordées principalement par des méthodologies de l’économie classique : consentement à payer, évaluations contingentes, etc. Elles sont également très liées à un argumentaire en faveur du développement social. Tout ceci amène à penser qu’une grande partie de la littérature sur la gestion des services écosystémiques est avant tout d’ordre programmatique. Cette étude met également en évidence la limite du cadre conceptuel du MEA, limite qui a déjà été pointée à de nombreuses reprises dans la littérature. Ses catégories de service sont en effet de portée limitée pour repérer les services dans la littérature et elles ne permettent pas de détecter les dysservices (entendus ici comme des dysfonctionnements des écosystèmes), qui représentent pourtant une part importante de cette littérature. Cette étude possède également des limites importantes dans la mesure où sa source de données est loin d’être exhaustive et où son travail de catégorisation n’a pas permis de lever certaines ambiguïtés thématiques. Il est en effet souvent difficile de déterminer à partir de la liste de termes s’il s’agit d’un service rendu par les écosystèmes ou d’un service rendu par l’homme (ex. : forest protection). Pour conclure, ces résultats montrent que ce concept a peu été saisi par les sciences agronomiques, quand bien même de nombreuses études traitent des milieux agricoles ; qu’il est beaucoup abordé de manière programmatique et sans considérer le socio-écosystème dans son ensemble. Un grand nombre de travaux effectués à l’échelle du paysage incluent les agro-écosystèmes mais ne sont pas réalisés par les sciences agronomiques. Celles-ci ont intérêt à se placer sur ces « approches paysage » qui gagnent une place de plus en plus importante. Le développement d’une recherche intégrée sur la gestion des écosystèmes anthropisés prend donc tout son sens dans ce contexte, et un travail de sensibilisation important sera à réaliser à l’Inra pour familiariser les chercheurs avec la notion de « service écosystémique ». },
note = {hal-01157253 , version 1},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
Journal Articles
Chavalarias, David; Cointet, Jean-Philippe
Phylomemetic patterns in science evolution - the rise and fall of scientific fields Journal Article
In: PloS one, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. e54847, 2013.
title = {Phylomemetic patterns in science evolution - the rise and fall of scientific fields},
author = {David Chavalarias and Jean-Philippe Cointet},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0054847},
doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0054847},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-01-01},
urldate = {2013-01-01},
journal = {PloS one},
volume = {8},
number = {2},
pages = {e54847},
publisher = {Public Library of Science},
abstract = {We introduce an automated method for the bottom-up reconstruction of the cognitive evolution of science, based on big-data issued from digital libraries, and modeled as lineage relationships between scientific fields. We refer to these dynamic structures as phylomemetic networks or phylomemies, by analogy with biological evolution; and we show that they exhibit strong regularities, with clearly identifiable phylomemetic patterns. Some structural properties of the scientific fields - in particular their density -, which are defined independently of the phylomemy reconstruction, are clearly correlated with their status and their fate in the phylomemy (like their age or their short term survival). Within the framework of a quantitative epistemology, this approach raises the question of predictibility for science evolution, and sketches a prototypical life cycle of the scientific fields: an increase of their cohesion after their emergence, the renewal of their conceptual background through branching or merging events, before decaying when their density is getting too low.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Keating, Peter; Cambrosio, Alberto; Nelson, Nicole; Mogoutov, Andrei; Cointet, Jean-Philippe
Therapy’s shadow: a short history of the study of resistance to cancer chemotherapy Journal Article
In: Frontiers in pharmacology, vol. 4, pp. 58, 2013.
title = {Therapy’s shadow: a short history of the study of resistance to cancer chemotherapy},
author = {Peter Keating and Alberto Cambrosio and Nicole Nelson and Andrei Mogoutov and Jean-Philippe Cointet},
url = {https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2013.00058},
doi = {10.3389/fphar.2013.00058},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-01-01},
urldate = {2013-01-01},
journal = {Frontiers in pharmacology},
volume = {4},
pages = {58},
publisher = {Frontiers},
abstract = {This article traces the history of research on resistance to drug therapy in oncology using scientometric techniques and qualitative analysis. Using co-citation analysis, we generate maps to visualize subdomains in resistance research in two time periods, 1975–1990 and 1995–2010. These maps reveal two historical trends in resistance research: first, a shift in focus from generic mechanisms of resistance to chemotherapy to a focus on resistance to targeted therapies and molecular mechanisms of oncogenesis; and second, a movement away from an almost exclusive reliance on animal and cell models and toward the generation of knowledge about resistance through clinical trial work. A close reading of highly cited articles within each subdomain cluster reveals specific points of transition from one regime to the other, in particular the failure of several promising theories of resistance to be translated into clinical insights and the emergence of interest in resistance to a new generation of targeted agents such as imatinib and trastuzumab. We argue that the study of resistance in the oncology field has thus become more integrated with research into cancer therapy – rather than constituting it as a separate domain of study, as it has done in the past, contemporary research treats resistance as the flip side to treatment, as therapy’s shadow.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Raimbault, Benjamin; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Joly, Pierre-Benoît
Caractérisation du processus d’émergence de la biologie synthétique à partir d’une approche scientomiétrique Journal Article
In: médecine/sciences, vol. 29, pp. 47-55, 2013.
title = {Caractérisation du processus d’émergence de la biologie synthétique à partir d’une approche scientomiétrique},
author = {Benjamin Raimbault and Jean-Philippe Cointet and Pierre-Benoît Joly},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1051/medsci/201329s213},
doi = {10.1051/medsci/201329s213},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-01-01},
urldate = {2013-01-01},
journal = {médecine/sciences},
volume = {29},
pages = {47-55},
publisher = {Éditions EDK, Groupe EDP Sciences},
abstract = {La biologie de synthèse est un espace hétérogène dont la définition n’est pas stabilisée. Elle se situe à l’intersection de différents champs disciplinaires : chimie, biologie moléculaire, bio-informatique, et est classiquement abordée par la littérature selon trois angles [1–3] : 1 une approche « DNA based device construction » (biobrick), ou approche bottom-up, focalisée sur l’ingénierie de circuits de gènes synthétiques ; 2 une approche « genome-driven cell engineering », ou approche top-down, focalisée sur la synthèse d’un génome dans son intégralité ; 3 une approche « proto-cell creation » qui vise à recréer des systèmes cellulaires minimaux, et en vertu de laquelle les recherches sont focalisées sur le principe de l’émergence, ouvertement présenté comme un obstacle par les tenants de la première approche.
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Proceedings Articles
Massad, D; Omodei, Elisa; Strohecker, Carol; Xu, Yiqun; Garland, Joshua; Zhang, Mengsen; Seoane, Luís F.
Unfolding History: Classification and analysis of written history as a complex system Proceedings Article
In: Complex Systems Summer School Proceedings, 2013.
title = {Unfolding History: Classification and analysis of written history as a complex system},
author = {D Massad and Elisa Omodei and Carol Strohecker and Yiqun Xu and Joshua Garland and Mengsen Zhang and Luís F. Seoane},
url = {https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Unfolding-History-%3A-Classification-and-analysis-of-Massad-Omodei/909983164867fd53a1d934e13c1cd6a4b6c51ba3},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-01-01},
booktitle = {Complex Systems Summer School Proceedings},
abstract = {Before writing, chronicles were told by word of mouth. They conveyed information of important historic events that could readily be mixed up with legends–or become them. Chronicles needed to be easily accessible for people to pass them along, and stories lived on in listeners’ short memories. This collective, ever-waning awareness was the technology that kept the tales extant, and this technology required a continuous effort in reminding people never to forget. This way of keeping stories alive also imposed important constrains on the kind and form of the narrative material. Breathtaking epics were perhaps more likely to survive, which could easily tend toward mystification of pre-historic characters. These epics had to be kept in the form of repetitive, easy-to-learn patterns. It comes as a pleasant surprise for us that diverse ancient poems take similar},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
Bahi-Jaber, Narges; Mogoutov, Andrei; Elmhiri, Ghada; Abdennebi-Najar, Latifa
Animal models and fetal programming: an integrative literature approach Proceedings Article
In: Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 8th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, pp. 54-55, 2013, (DOHaD13-1667).
title = {Animal models and fetal programming: an integrative literature approach},
author = {Narges Bahi-Jaber and Andrei Mogoutov and Ghada Elmhiri and Latifa Abdennebi-Najar},
url = {https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Venkata_Malakapalli/publication/311847383_Modelling_developmental_origins_of_adult_based_diseases_obesity_using_mesenchymal_stem_-_cellular_molecular_and_functional_approaches/links/585d476308aebf17d38a31b8/Modelling-developmental-origins-of-adult-based-diseases-obesity-using-mesenchymal-stem-cellular-molecular-and-functional-approaches.pdf},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-01-01},
urldate = {2013-01-01},
booktitle = {Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 8th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease},
journal = {Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease},
volume = {4},
number = {2},
pages = {54-55},
abstract = {Despite the substantial epidemiological evidence for foetal origins of adult disease, there are intrinsic limitations in long-term retrospective studies. Some aspects can, however, be focused on by using the controlled conditions afforded by animal models, a number of which have been developed to study this in utero programming phenomenon. Animal models allow study of the pathophysiology of disease, and afford a means to study the underlying biochemical and molecular biological mechanisms, whilst they cannot be used entirely as a substitute for the study of human diseases. Analysing the contribution of animal models in our understanding of foetal programming as well as their limits requires a systematic review of the existing literature.},
note = {DOHaD13-1667},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
Journal Articles
Parasie, Sylvain; Cointet, Jean-Philippe
La presse en ligne au service de la démocratie locale, une analyse morphologique de forums politiques Journal Article
In: Revue Française de Science Politique, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 45-70, 2012.
title = {La presse en ligne au service de la démocratie locale, une analyse morphologique de forums politiques},
author = {Sylvain Parasie and Jean-Philippe Cointet},
url = {https://doi.org/10.3917/rfsp.621.0045},
doi = {10.3917/rfsp.621.0045},
year = {2012},
date = {2012-02-01},
urldate = {2012-02-01},
journal = {Revue Française de Science Politique},
volume = {62},
number = {1},
pages = {45-70},
abstract = {Les sciences sociales dressent souvent un constat critique du rôle que joue la presse dans la vie politique locale. À travers une analyse statistique et lexicométrique de forums web mis en place par La Voix du Nord à l’occasion des élections municipales de 2008, cet article montre qu’une organisation de presse peut tirer parti du web pour modifier le rôle qu’elle joue dans les espaces démocratiques locaux. Pour ce faire, il montre que la prise de parole se déploie en ligne d’une façon spécifique selon la morphologie des communes. En proposant des espaces de discussion en ligne, le journal joue le rôle d’un « voile » dans les petites communes mettant en suspens les identités dans un contexte d’interconnaissance et d’un « catalyseur » dans les communes moyennes favorisant l’émergence d’une opinion locale.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Mogoutov, Andrei; Bourret, Pascale; Abed, Rim El; Cambrosio, Alberto
Les réseaux de l’expression génique - Émergence et développement d’un domaine clé de la génomique Journal Article
In: médecine/sciences, vol. 28, pp. 7–13, 2012.
title = {Les réseaux de l’expression génique - Émergence et développement d’un domaine clé de la génomique},
author = {Jean-Philippe Cointet and Andrei Mogoutov and Pascale Bourret and Rim El Abed and Alberto Cambrosio},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1051/medsci/2012281s104},
doi = {10.1051/medsci/2012281s104},
year = {2012},
date = {2012-01-01},
urldate = {2012-01-01},
journal = {médecine/sciences},
volume = {28},
pages = {7--13},
publisher = {Éditions EDK, Groupe EDP Sciences},
abstract = {Cet article analyse l’émergence et le développement d’un des domaines clés de la génomique, celui de l’expression génique (gene expression profiling), en utilisant des méthodes d’analyse informatisée et de cartographie du contenu des publications scientifiques. Les résultats de cette analyse détaillent le rôle central joué par l’oncologie dans le développement de ce domaine de recherche. Des démonstrations de principe utilisant un organisme modèle végétal ont rapidement débouché sur des preuves de l’utilité de cette approche dans le cas des hémopathies malignes et des applications dans le domaine des tumeurs solides, notamment les cancers du sein. L’étude met également en relief l’importance de la bioinformatique et des biostatistiques comme conditions de possibilité de ce type de recherches, qui s’imposent dès lors comme le troisième pôle, en plus du laboratoire et de la clinique, du triangle de la recherche translationnelle.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Parasie, Sylvain; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; O’Mahony, Michael
Online press serving local democracy Journal Article
In: Revue française de science politique, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 45–70, 2012.
title = {Online press serving local democracy},
author = {Sylvain Parasie and Jean-Philippe Cointet and Michael O’Mahony},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/rfsp.621.0045},
doi = {10.3917/rfsp.621.0045},
year = {2012},
date = {2012-01-01},
urldate = {2012-01-01},
journal = {Revue française de science politique},
volume = {62},
number = {1},
pages = {45--70},
publisher = {Presses de Sciences Po},
abstract = {For decades, research has been quite sceptical towards the role journalism plays in local political life. This article shows that news organizations can take advantage of the web to play a new role in local democratic arenas. Based on a statistical and lexicometric analysis of online forums set up by a French regional newspaper (La Voix du Nord), this study shows how the morphology of municipalities impacts the way online discussion unfolds. In providing such online discussion arenas to citizens, the news organization plays the part of a “veil” in small cities – playing down the effects of strong acquaintanceship among individuals – and the part of a “catalyst” in medium-sized cities – promoting the rise of local opinion.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Proceedings Articles
Schoen, Antoine; Villard, Lionel; Laurens, Patricia; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Heimeriks, Gaston; Alkemade, Floortje
The Network Structure of Technological Developments; Technological Distance as a Walk on the Technology Map Proceedings Article
In: 17th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, pp. 733-742, 2012, (oai:HAL:hal-00809632v1).
title = {The Network Structure of Technological Developments; Technological Distance as a Walk on the Technology Map},
author = {Antoine Schoen and Lionel Villard and Patricia Laurens and Jean-Philippe Cointet and Gaston Heimeriks and Floortje Alkemade},
url = {https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/48332739.pdf},
year = {2012},
date = {2012-09-01},
urldate = {2012-09-01},
booktitle = {17th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators},
pages = {733-742},
abstract = {This paper presents a global map of technology that characterises the proximity and dependency of technological areas. It addresses the structure of technological output embodied in the network connecting patents to the patent classifications that they are attributed to. The distance between areas of technology is based on the analysis of the co-occurrence of IPC codes assigned to individual patent documents. As our classification of technologies we use an extended version of the WIPO classification of technological fields, unfolding the 35 classes to 389. The global map allows to ‘overlay’ patents produced by a specific organisation or country against the background of a stable representation of global technological invention and to produce comparisons that are visually attractive, very readable, and potentially useful for policy-making and strategic management. As an illustration, the technological portfolios of two large industrial corporations (IBM and BASF) are projected on this global map of technology, highlighting the technological profile of these groups. As such, the map can provide valuable information about promising areas of further technological development, comparative advantages and missing technological competences. },
note = {oai:HAL:hal-00809632v1},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
Barbier, Marc; Cointet, Jean-Philippe
Reconstruction of Socio-Semantic Dynamics in Sciences-Society Networks: Methodology and Epistemology of large textual corpora analysis Proceedings Article
In: Science and Democracy Network, Annual Meeting, 2012.
title = {Reconstruction of Socio-Semantic Dynamics in Sciences-Society Networks: Methodology and Epistemology of large textual corpora analysis},
author = {Marc Barbier and Jean-Philippe Cointet},
url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261774173_Reconstruction_of_Socio-Semantic_Dynamics_in_Sciences-Society_Networks_Methodology_and_Epistemology_of_large_textual_corpora_analysis_Communication_to_the_Science_and_Democracy_Network_Annual_Meeting_},
year = {2012},
date = {2012-01-01},
booktitle = {Science and Democracy Network, Annual Meeting},
abstract = {Until recent time, the description, light-modeling and interpretation of socio-cognitive dynamics of science-society relations required a constructivist approach, involving collecting, reading, classifying and interpreting tasks performed by scholars examining sets of texts, archives, interviews, etc. The growing mass of data produced in the so-called Knowledge Society owes a lot to the acceleration and profusion of digital tools that are now widely used in different areas of human activities: work, culture, leisure, political expression, etc. Social scientists now largely acknowledge that the various modes of interaction brought by new information and communication technologies are changing the very nature of micro-politics and the expression of the self. In our views the conditions for producing knowledge from a Science & Technology Studies point of view are changed too, for at least three reasons: • the deluge of electronic sources of data overloads our capacity of enquiry, • S&TS dynamics now intertwine heterogeneous actors, matters of facts and matters of concerns coming from different arenas call for an integrated understanding of knowledge production and circulation. • Nevertheless, new digital infrastructures specifically designed for social sciences and humanities make it possible to equip scientists with tools that enable them to tackle the complexity of heterogeneous textual corpora dynamics and to develop innovative analytical methodologies that will bring new insights and renewed capacities to investigate contemporary issues.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
Mogoutov, Andrei; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Borra, Erik; Stevenson, Michael; Helmond, Anne; Gerlitz, Carolin; Rogers, Richard; Sanchez, Natalia; Venturini, Tommaso; Severo, Marta; Rieder, Bernhard
The Digital Methods Initiative Summerschool 2012 Online
(DMI), The Digital Methods Initiative (Ed.): 2012, visited: 02.07.2012.
title = {The Digital Methods Initiative Summerschool 2012},
author = {Andrei Mogoutov and Jean-Philippe Cointet and Erik Borra and Michael Stevenson and Anne Helmond and Carolin Gerlitz and Richard Rogers and Natalia Sanchez and Tommaso Venturini and Marta Severo and Bernhard Rieder},
editor = {The Digital Methods Initiative (DMI)},
url = {https://digitalmethods.net/Dmi/Summerschool2012Presentations
year = {2012},
date = {2012-07-02},
urldate = {2012-07-02},
abstract = {The Digital Methods Initiative Summerschool 2012 workshops
Crawling & Scraping
The workshop serves as an introduction to two classic digital methods techniques for issue mapping and analysis. A discussion of the Issue Crawler and the Lippmannian device is followed by a short exercise in which we'll study the presence of skeptics among top sources of information related to climate change.
Tracking the Trackers
In this short workshop you will learn how to map the cookie ecology related to a set of websites using the DMI Tracker Tracker tool and Gephi. The Tracker Tracker tool was conceived at the Digital Methods Winterschool 2012 in January. It is build on top of the anti-tracking plugin www.ghostery.com and allows to identify the invisible web, devices that track user activities online and the services associated to them. In order to prepare for this workshop we recommend reading the related projects and materials listed below. Please download and install Gephi athttps://gephi.org/ before the workshop starts so you can also learn how to visualize your results.
CorText: Open Platform for Heterogeneous Data Collection, Analysis and Visualization
IFRIS Digital Platform has developed a powerful web based software solution to address the needs of social scientists conducting empirical studies in the fields of Media Studies, Science and Technology Studies and Digital Humanities. The software platform CorText is an open online service for heterogeneous data analysis, modeling and visualization. The platform has the ambition to provide powerful data mash-up capacities transforming various data sources to structured analytical database. CorText platform offers a large spectrum of analytical tools integrating methods and approaches coming from Data Mining, computational linguistics, dynamical systems modeling, (post-)network analysis.
Query Design & List Building
How does one build a source set? How does one identify key words? How to query the source sets for the key words?
Actor-Network Textual Analysis (ANTA)
Having its roots in the laboratories studies movement, actor-network theory has always had in ethnography its privileged research method. Still, at least in the words of its founders, ANT has always longed for a more quantitative grasp of its objects. Until recently all the attempts to devise an integrated methodology for actor-network text analysis were frustrated by the scarcity of text to be analyzed. A part from scientific literature and media discourses it was difficult to find large amount of digitized text to investigate. In the last few years, this bottleneck has been spectacularly removed by the advent of electronic media and of digital traceability. The deluge of digitized texts made available online by all sort of actors (institutions, individuals, associations, media, activists, scientists…) calls for new tools of analysis at the same time more user-friendly and more powerful. ANTA or Actor-Network Analyzer is one of such tools. It has been developed at Sciences Po médialab to offer social researchers a simple text-analysis toolkit attuned with the theoretical tenets of actor-network theory.
Working with Networks: Analysis and Visualization (Gephi)
Network analysis has become a common technique for working with various types of data. Especially the gephi graph analysis toolkit has made the method significantly more accessible by providing a relatively easy to use interface for exploring and visualizing graphs. This tutorial will introduce a number of basic concepts from graph theory and explicate them by showing how gephi allows us to work with them.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {online}
Crawling & Scraping
The workshop serves as an introduction to two classic digital methods techniques for issue mapping and analysis. A discussion of the Issue Crawler and the Lippmannian device is followed by a short exercise in which we'll study the presence of skeptics among top sources of information related to climate change.
Tracking the Trackers
In this short workshop you will learn how to map the cookie ecology related to a set of websites using the DMI Tracker Tracker tool and Gephi. The Tracker Tracker tool was conceived at the Digital Methods Winterschool 2012 in January. It is build on top of the anti-tracking plugin www.ghostery.com and allows to identify the invisible web, devices that track user activities online and the services associated to them. In order to prepare for this workshop we recommend reading the related projects and materials listed below. Please download and install Gephi athttps://gephi.org/ before the workshop starts so you can also learn how to visualize your results.
CorText: Open Platform for Heterogeneous Data Collection, Analysis and Visualization
IFRIS Digital Platform has developed a powerful web based software solution to address the needs of social scientists conducting empirical studies in the fields of Media Studies, Science and Technology Studies and Digital Humanities. The software platform CorText is an open online service for heterogeneous data analysis, modeling and visualization. The platform has the ambition to provide powerful data mash-up capacities transforming various data sources to structured analytical database. CorText platform offers a large spectrum of analytical tools integrating methods and approaches coming from Data Mining, computational linguistics, dynamical systems modeling, (post-)network analysis.
Query Design & List Building
How does one build a source set? How does one identify key words? How to query the source sets for the key words?
Actor-Network Textual Analysis (ANTA)
Having its roots in the laboratories studies movement, actor-network theory has always had in ethnography its privileged research method. Still, at least in the words of its founders, ANT has always longed for a more quantitative grasp of its objects. Until recently all the attempts to devise an integrated methodology for actor-network text analysis were frustrated by the scarcity of text to be analyzed. A part from scientific literature and media discourses it was difficult to find large amount of digitized text to investigate. In the last few years, this bottleneck has been spectacularly removed by the advent of electronic media and of digital traceability. The deluge of digitized texts made available online by all sort of actors (institutions, individuals, associations, media, activists, scientists…) calls for new tools of analysis at the same time more user-friendly and more powerful. ANTA or Actor-Network Analyzer is one of such tools. It has been developed at Sciences Po médialab to offer social researchers a simple text-analysis toolkit attuned with the theoretical tenets of actor-network theory.
Working with Networks: Analysis and Visualization (Gephi)
Network analysis has become a common technique for working with various types of data. Especially the gephi graph analysis toolkit has made the method significantly more accessible by providing a relatively easy to use interface for exploring and visualizing graphs. This tutorial will introduce a number of basic concepts from graph theory and explicate them by showing how gephi allows us to work with them.
Demortain, David
Scientists and the Regulation of Risk: Standardising Control Book
Edward Elgar Publishing, Incorporated, 2011, ISBN: 9781849809443.
title = {Scientists and the Regulation of Risk: Standardising Control},
author = {David Demortain},
url = {https://books.google.fr/books?id=yzHDiMfTtuwC},
isbn = {9781849809443},
year = {2011},
date = {2011-10-01},
urldate = {2011-10-01},
publisher = {Edward Elgar Publishing, Incorporated},
abstract = {Risks are increasingly regulated by international standards, and scientists play a key role in standardisation. This fascinating book exposes the action of "invisible colleges" of scientists –loose groups of prominent scientific experts who combine practical experience of risk and control with advisory responsibility – in the formulation of international standards. Drawing upon the domains of medicines, "novel foods" and food hygiene, the author investigates new regulatory concepts emerging from invisible colleges, highlighting how they shape consensus and pave the way for international standards. He explores the relationship between science and regulation from theoretic and historic perspectives, and illustrates how scientific experts integrate regulatory actors in commonly agreed modes of control and structures of regulatory responsibilities. Sociological and political implications are also discussed. Using innovative methodologies and an extensive insight into food and pharmaceutical regulation, this book will provide a much-needed reference tool for scholars and students in a range of fields encompassing science and technology studies, public policy, risk and environmental regulation, and transnational governance.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Parasie, Sylvain; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Dagiral, Eric
La presse en ligne au service de la démocratie locale. LaVoixduNord.fr dans les élections municipales de 2008 Conference
2011, (oai:HAL:hal-00675970v1).
title = {La presse en ligne au service de la démocratie locale. LaVoixduNord.fr dans les élections municipales de 2008},
author = {Sylvain Parasie and Jean-Philippe Cointet and Eric Dagiral},
url = {https://sypar.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/pres_afs_vdn-7juillet11.pdf},
year = {2011},
date = {2011-07-07},
school = {Université Paris Est - IFRIS},
abstract = {Rôle démocratique de la presse en ligne
• discours optimistes : connaissance politique, participation civique
• études empiriques sceptiques : imitation (Boczkowski, 2010), recul de l’investigation, fractionnement du travail (Quandt, 2009)
Question controversée dans le cas de la presse locale
• analyses critiques : collusion élus/localiers, dépolitisation et journalisme de service
• études plus nuancées : Lemieux (2000), Frisque (2010)},
note = {oai:HAL:hal-00675970v1},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
• discours optimistes : connaissance politique, participation civique
• études empiriques sceptiques : imitation (Boczkowski, 2010), recul de l’investigation, fractionnement du travail (Quandt, 2009)
Question controversée dans le cas de la presse locale
• analyses critiques : collusion élus/localiers, dépolitisation et journalisme de service
• études plus nuancées : Lemieux (2000), Frisque (2010)
Tari, Thomas; Caron, Pauline; Breucker, Philippe; Barbier, Marc
Characterising the Localisation of Projects Collaborations in Research Dynamics: methodological requirements and results for new visualisations of heterogeneous networks Conference
2010, (ENID 2010 - Methods and techniques for the exploitation of heterogeneous data sources).
title = {Characterising the Localisation of Projects Collaborations in Research Dynamics: methodological requirements and results for new visualisations of heterogeneous networks},
author = {Thomas Tari and Pauline Caron and Philippe Breucker and Marc Barbier},
url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262494844_Characterising_the_Localisation_of_Projects_Collaborations_in_Research_Dynamics_methodological_requirements_and_results_for_new_visualisations_of_heterogeneous_networks
year = {2010},
date = {2010-01-01},
abstract = {This communication proposes to discuss the construction of methodological requirements on databases building and software development, and aspires to show some concrete results in visualising heterogeneous networks of research dynamics considered through projects ecology.
Our reflection is grounded in the growing needs, either for decision makers or researchers of the STS and SPS communities to relay their analysis of facts on a convenient visualisation of structural relationships between heterogeneous actants. Their configuration in dedicated databases is worthy to focus on as they reflect the endogenous dynamics of research and R&D activities. Our hypothesis is that the aims, perimeter, contents and selected projects of funding programmes represent a relevant account of the un‐going technological and scientific dynamic on the one hand, and a relevant account of the mobilization and choices of scientific communities and science policy “makers” on the other hand. Those configurations rely firmly on spatial‐based organizations, mixing European, national and regional scales in formal and informal clusters. Our perspective in the CorTexT Platform of IFRIS is to enrich the studies of sciences dynamics on customized databases of research and R&D projects that represent Dthrough territories performative associations of laboratories, scientific teams, R&D firms and lead‐users.
Without ignoring the existence of a large array of scientific perspectives in Information Sciences about the measurement of science productions and science dynamics, we situate our work in the branch of analysis and visualisation of social networks. This field as well as indicators are central for evaluation and policy of science (Callon et al., 1986; Law et al., 1988). At present, the evolution of the analysis of scientific networks is largely attached to the question of characterizing collaborative and cognitive dynamics of knowledge production (Powell et al., 2005) and to the emergence of multi or trans‐disciplinary emerging fields of research (Lucio‐Arias, Leydesdorff, 2007) or paradigmatic field of research (Chavalarias, Cointet, 2008). Tracing and mapping knowledge in scientific database or in other electronic sources still represents a huge field of problems for many disciplines dealing with information. More locally, in relation to specific area of research, mapping heterogeneous networks appears to help the understanding of social dynamic of research activities (Cambrosio, Keating, Mogoutov, 2004; Cambrosio et al., 2006; Bourret et al., 2006).
Using co‐word analysis tools (RéseauLu), we have already proposed a social study focused on regime of knowledge production in agricultural science and on the significance of sustainability (Barbier, Mogoutov et al., 2008). We identified two emergent yet lively research themes: biofuels and vegetal fibres, and realized specific bibliometrical studies on those subjects. We then devoted sociological studies based on heterogeneous sources to fibres (Caron et Barbier 2009) and biofuel & bioenergy research (Tari 2009). Bearing in mind this type of overall view on scientific knowledge we wanted to develop an approach on research projects in those domains.},
note = {ENID 2010 - Methods and techniques for the exploitation of heterogeneous data sources},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Our reflection is grounded in the growing needs, either for decision makers or researchers of the STS and SPS communities to relay their analysis of facts on a convenient visualisation of structural relationships between heterogeneous actants. Their configuration in dedicated databases is worthy to focus on as they reflect the endogenous dynamics of research and R&D activities. Our hypothesis is that the aims, perimeter, contents and selected projects of funding programmes represent a relevant account of the un‐going technological and scientific dynamic on the one hand, and a relevant account of the mobilization and choices of scientific communities and science policy “makers” on the other hand. Those configurations rely firmly on spatial‐based organizations, mixing European, national and regional scales in formal and informal clusters. Our perspective in the CorTexT Platform of IFRIS is to enrich the studies of sciences dynamics on customized databases of research and R&D projects that represent Dthrough territories performative associations of laboratories, scientific teams, R&D firms and lead‐users.
Without ignoring the existence of a large array of scientific perspectives in Information Sciences about the measurement of science productions and science dynamics, we situate our work in the branch of analysis and visualisation of social networks. This field as well as indicators are central for evaluation and policy of science (Callon et al., 1986; Law et al., 1988). At present, the evolution of the analysis of scientific networks is largely attached to the question of characterizing collaborative and cognitive dynamics of knowledge production (Powell et al., 2005) and to the emergence of multi or trans‐disciplinary emerging fields of research (Lucio‐Arias, Leydesdorff, 2007) or paradigmatic field of research (Chavalarias, Cointet, 2008). Tracing and mapping knowledge in scientific database or in other electronic sources still represents a huge field of problems for many disciplines dealing with information. More locally, in relation to specific area of research, mapping heterogeneous networks appears to help the understanding of social dynamic of research activities (Cambrosio, Keating, Mogoutov, 2004; Cambrosio et al., 2006; Bourret et al., 2006).
Using co‐word analysis tools (RéseauLu), we have already proposed a social study focused on regime of knowledge production in agricultural science and on the significance of sustainability (Barbier, Mogoutov et al., 2008). We identified two emergent yet lively research themes: biofuels and vegetal fibres, and realized specific bibliometrical studies on those subjects. We then devoted sociological studies based on heterogeneous sources to fibres (Caron et Barbier 2009) and biofuel & bioenergy research (Tari 2009). Bearing in mind this type of overall view on scientific knowledge we wanted to develop an approach on research projects in those domains.
Proceedings Articles
Tari, Thomas; Barbier, Marc; Breucker, Philippe
Characterising dynamics of new sciences through project collaborations: a project-based scientometrica insight into French bioenergies research Proceedings Article
In: 3. European Network of Indicators Designers Conference: STI Indicators for Policymaking and Strategic Decisions. 2010-03-032010-03-05, Paris, FRA, 2010.
title = {Characterising dynamics of new sciences through project collaborations: a project-based scientometrica insight into French bioenergies research},
author = {Thomas Tari and Marc Barbier and Philippe Breucker},
url = {http://agris.fao.org/agris-search/search.do?recordID=FR2014006818},
year = {2010},
date = {2010-01-01},
booktitle = {3. European Network of Indicators Designers Conference: STI Indicators for Policymaking and Strategic Decisions. 2010-03-032010-03-05, Paris, FRA},
abstract = {This communication proposes to discuss the construction of methodological requirements on databases building and software development, and aspires to show some concrete results in visualising heterogeneous networks of research dynamics considered through projects ecology. Our reflection is grounded in the growing needs, either for decision makers or researchers of the STS and SPS communities to relay their analysis of facts on a convenient visualisation of structural relationships between heterogeneous actants. Their configuration in dedicated databases is worthy to focus on as they reflect the endogenous dynamics of research and R&D activities. Our hypothesis is that the aims, perimeter, contents and selected projects of funding programmes represent a relevant account of the un-going technological and scientific dynamic on the one hand, and a relevant account of the mobilization and choices of scientific communities and science policy “makers” on the other hand. Those configurations rely firmly on spatial-based organizations, mixing European, national and regional scales in formal and informal clusters. Our perspective in the CorTexT Platform of IFRIS is to enrich the studies of sciences dynamics on customized databases of research and R&D projects that represent through territories performative associations of laboratories, scientific teams, R&D firms and lead-users. },
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
(Sources: Google Scholar, HAL, Scopus, WOS and search engines)
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