Bottero, Marta; Dell’Anna, Federico; Monaci, Sara; Persico, Simone
Geo-NLP Insights: Unveiling Residential Real Estate Trends Through Textual Analysis Conference
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2024 2024.
title = {Geo-NLP Insights: Unveiling Residential Real Estate Trends Through Textual Analysis},
author = {Marta Bottero and Federico Dell’Anna and Sara Monaci and Simone Persico},
url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-65308-7_12},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-08-22},
booktitle = {International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications},
pages = {163-175},
organization = {ICCSA 2024},
abstract = {The physical and design aspects of buildings, the availability of urban infrastructures and services, and the presence of landscape amenities significantly influence consumer preferences for residential living spaces. Capturing these preferences can provide insights on spatial changes in consumer behavior. To address this challenge, this paper introduces a novel methodological framework that combines Natural Language Processing (NLP) with geospatial data analysis, focusing particularly on insights derived from real estate listings. This innovative approach enables an in-depth examination of urban market dynamics by allowing for a comprehensive analysis that includes temporal shifts and spatial differences. By employing advanced analytical techniques, such as lexical analysis of listings and geospatial exploration, the framework is designed to decode complex market narratives and uncover detailed consumer preferences.
The methodological framework of this paper aims to construct a comprehensive model by integrating textual, spatial, and temporal data from listings, thereby offering a complete perspective of the urban real estate market. The integration of these diverse data sources from real estate listings provides critical insights into consumer preferences and market trends, equipping stakeholders with essential information to make informed decisions. Ultimately, this approach not only broadens the understanding of the real estate market but also aids stakeholders in crafting strategic initiatives that align with the sector’s evolving demands. This method facilitates informed decision-making and strategic planning in the real estate domain by leveraging the rich data found in property listings.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
The methodological framework of this paper aims to construct a comprehensive model by integrating textual, spatial, and temporal data from listings, thereby offering a complete perspective of the urban real estate market. The integration of these diverse data sources from real estate listings provides critical insights into consumer preferences and market trends, equipping stakeholders with essential information to make informed decisions. Ultimately, this approach not only broadens the understanding of the real estate market but also aids stakeholders in crafting strategic initiatives that align with the sector’s evolving demands. This method facilitates informed decision-making and strategic planning in the real estate domain by leveraging the rich data found in property listings.
Kyriakoglou, Revekka; Pappa, Anna; He, Jilin; Schoen, Antoine; Laurens, Patricia; Vartampetian, Markarit; Laredo, Philippe; Kyriacopoulou, Tita
Développement automatique de lexiques pour les concepts émergents : une exploration méthodologique Conference
JADT 2024 : 17th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data Bruxelles, Belgique, 2024.
title = {Développement automatique de lexiques pour les concepts émergents : une exploration méthodologique},
author = {Revekka Kyriakoglou and Anna Pappa and Jilin He and Antoine Schoen and Patricia Laurens and Markarit Vartampetian and Philippe Laredo and Tita Kyriacopoulou},
url = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2406.10253},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-06-27},
address = {Bruxelles, Belgique},
organization = {JADT 2024 : 17th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data},
abstract = {This paper presents the development of a lexicon centered on emerging concepts, focusing on non-technological innovation. It introduces a four-step methodology that combines human expertise, statistical analysis, and machine learning techniques to establish a model that can be generalized across multiple domains. This process includes the creation of a thematic corpus, the development of a Gold Standard Lexicon, annotation and preparation of a training corpus, and finally, the implementation of learning models to identify new terms. The results demonstrate the robustness and relevance of our approach, highlighting its adaptability to various contexts and its contribution to lexical research. The developed methodology promises applicability in conceptual fields.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Billaud, Yann; Moreau, Florian; Milhet, Xavier; Saury, Didier
32ème Congrès Français de Thermique Strasbourg, 2024.
title = {Revue bibliographique menée par analyse de texte : application aux transferts de chaleur et d’humidité dans une paroi poreuse biosourcée},
author = {Yann Billaud and Florian Moreau and Xavier Milhet and Didier Saury},
url = {https://www.sft.asso.fr/sites/default/files/congres/2024/20_doi.pdf
doi = {/10.25855/SFT2024-020},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-06-04},
urldate = {2024-06-04},
address = {Strasbourg},
organization = {32ème Congrès Français de Thermique},
abstract = {Après une introduction sur les enjeux liés à la performance énergétique des bâtiments, la notion d’énergie grise est discutée pour mettre en perspective la réglementation actuelle et déplorer la non prise en compte de la durée de vie des éléments de paroi. Un bref aperçu de l’évolution des techniques constructives couplée à des données relatives aux habitations principales issues du recensement permet d’identifier à la fois la proportion et la nature du bâti ancien dans le parc actuel. Les spécificités des matériaux constituants les maisons anciennes sont ensuite discutées, de même que leurs incompatibilités avec les techniques et matériaux d’isolation actuels, plus particulièrement vis-à-vis des transferts d’humidité dans les parois indispensables à la pérennité des ouvrages. Après un aperçu de l’ensemble des dispositifs mis en place pour limiter la consommation énergétique dans le secteur du bâtiment, des études mettant en doute l’efficacité de la politique de rénovation énergétique des 30 dernières années sont discutées. Ces études s’accordent sur l’importance de la prise en compte de l’énergie grise pour établir une stratégie efficace afin de relever le défi des enjeux énergétiques et climatiques, et de fait, l’importance de la durée de vie des bâtiments. Cette partie introductive se termine en mettant en avant l’intérêt porté aux parois biosourcées et plus particulièrement celles à base de chaux-chanvre. La partie suivante discute des performances thermiques imposées par la réglementation environnementale en évoquant les critères qui ne sont pas pris en compte. Cette réflexion soulève la nécessité d’effectuer une étude bibliographique approfondie dans le but d’identifier l’ensemble des éléments à prendre en compte pour être capable de juger de la pertinence de cette technique constructive, notamment pour une application à grande échelle. Pour cela une méthodologie de recherche bibliographique est proposée. Celle-ci repose sur l’utilisation d’outils de fouille de texte et de données appliqués sur des corpus d’articles téléchargés depuis une base de données. Les résultats sont analysés et commentés pour servir de base à l’élaboration d’un projet de recherche.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Viademonte, Emiliano Ariel Martínez; Carrillo, Mercedes García; Blaustein, Matías
Argentina: un meta-análisis de la agenda de investigaciones en cáncer y salud socioambiental Conference
Congreso de la Fundación Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología 2024 2024.
title = {Argentina: un meta-análisis de la agenda de investigaciones en cáncer y salud socioambiental},
author = {Emiliano Ariel Martínez Viademonte and Mercedes García Carrillo and Matías Blaustein},
url = {https://proceedings.saludcyt.ar/index.php/piii/article/view/296
doi = {/10.56294/piii202390},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-05-08},
urldate = {2024-05-08},
organization = {Congreso de la Fundación Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología 2024},
abstract = {Introduction:
The economic agenda and corporate interests can influence and/or drive the public biomedical research agenda, establishing priorities in the study topics. In this work, we analyzed the contents of the cancer research agenda in Argentina, including a comprehensive analysis of the different epistemological dimensions associated with the study of this set of pathologies.
A bibliometric analysis was conducted based on 7319 scientific articles published between 1980 and 2023, divided into two periods (1980-2000 and 2001-2023), containing one or more authors with Argentina as their affiliation country. The PubMed database and the CorText platform were used to work with the database and to extract the most frequent multi-terms. Through this extraction, the main categories linked to cancer research, their preponderance in the local research agenda, and the place occupied by approaches linked to the molecular, social, and environmental determinants of cancer could be visualized. The content of this cancer research agenda was represented through co-occurrence networks of the predominant multi-terms found in the articles' titles, keywords, and abstracts.
The results reflected a strong predominance of methodological approaches associated with molecular and cellular biology. In addition, terms associated with breast cancer had a strong predominance in recent years. The analysis also revealed that the study of socio-environmental factors influencing the development and progression of diseases such as occupational, environmental, and exposure to xenobiotics remained marginal in the cancer research agenda of Argentina during the last four decades.
It is concluded that the orientation of the Argentine cancer research agenda excludes, with few exceptions, the prevention and study of socio-environmental factors associated with the development and progression of cancer, favoring a reductionist methodological approach anchored in Molecular and Cellular Biology and linked to the development of therapeutic and pharmacological interventions},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
The economic agenda and corporate interests can influence and/or drive the public biomedical research agenda, establishing priorities in the study topics. In this work, we analyzed the contents of the cancer research agenda in Argentina, including a comprehensive analysis of the different epistemological dimensions associated with the study of this set of pathologies.
A bibliometric analysis was conducted based on 7319 scientific articles published between 1980 and 2023, divided into two periods (1980-2000 and 2001-2023), containing one or more authors with Argentina as their affiliation country. The PubMed database and the CorText platform were used to work with the database and to extract the most frequent multi-terms. Through this extraction, the main categories linked to cancer research, their preponderance in the local research agenda, and the place occupied by approaches linked to the molecular, social, and environmental determinants of cancer could be visualized. The content of this cancer research agenda was represented through co-occurrence networks of the predominant multi-terms found in the articles' titles, keywords, and abstracts.
The results reflected a strong predominance of methodological approaches associated with molecular and cellular biology. In addition, terms associated with breast cancer had a strong predominance in recent years. The analysis also revealed that the study of socio-environmental factors influencing the development and progression of diseases such as occupational, environmental, and exposure to xenobiotics remained marginal in the cancer research agenda of Argentina during the last four decades.
It is concluded that the orientation of the Argentine cancer research agenda excludes, with few exceptions, the prevention and study of socio-environmental factors associated with the development and progression of cancer, favoring a reductionist methodological approach anchored in Molecular and Cellular Biology and linked to the development of therapeutic and pharmacological interventions
Labarthe, Pierre
Sustainability transitions of agriculture and the transformation of education and advisory services: convergence or divergence? Conference
ESEE Toulouse, 2023, ISBN: 978-2-9589569-0-5.
title = {Sustainability transitions of agriculture and the transformation of education and advisory services: convergence or divergence?},
author = {Pierre Labarthe},
url = {https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-04249095
isbn = {978-2-9589569-0-5},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-10-19},
address = {Toulouse},
edition = {26th European Seminar on Extension & Education},
organization = {ESEE},
abstract = {The European Seminar on Extension & Education (ESEE) is a biennial conference about agricultural advice and education. It has gathered scholars, advisors and educators since 1973.
It aims at supporting discussion between science and practice. Hence, it is open to a diversity of contributions, both academic and practical. ESEE gathers and contrast experiences and findings from all European countries, but also between Europe and other contexts in the global North and global South. The seminar has lead to the publication of several special issues in the Journal of Agricultural Extension and Education and other academic publications.
The 2023 conference was organised in Toulouse (France), from July 10th to July 13th. The overall theme of the 26th conference is: “Sustainability transitions of agriculture and the transformation of education and advisory services: convergence or divergence?”
Sustainable transition of agriculture is at the forefront of both academic and political agenda, especially in the frame of the next European Common Agricultural Policy. Education and Advisory services are expected to be major drivers of these transitions, by co-producing knowledge with farmers and farm workers, enhancing their competences and supporting their innovation processes. At the same time, advisory services and education face major transformations (digitalisation, privatisation, new governance models, etc.). The relations between these two dynamics - sustainable transition of agriculture and the transformations of advice and education are the matter of debates and controversies. The aim of this conference will be to discuss about concepts, empirical evidence and new methods to support the contribution of advice & education to the various dimensions of sustainability, including social dimensions (inequalities and labour & work conditions) and environmental ones (climate change, biodiversity, water).},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
It aims at supporting discussion between science and practice. Hence, it is open to a diversity of contributions, both academic and practical. ESEE gathers and contrast experiences and findings from all European countries, but also between Europe and other contexts in the global North and global South. The seminar has lead to the publication of several special issues in the Journal of Agricultural Extension and Education and other academic publications.
The 2023 conference was organised in Toulouse (France), from July 10th to July 13th. The overall theme of the 26th conference is: “Sustainability transitions of agriculture and the transformation of education and advisory services: convergence or divergence?”
Sustainable transition of agriculture is at the forefront of both academic and political agenda, especially in the frame of the next European Common Agricultural Policy. Education and Advisory services are expected to be major drivers of these transitions, by co-producing knowledge with farmers and farm workers, enhancing their competences and supporting their innovation processes. At the same time, advisory services and education face major transformations (digitalisation, privatisation, new governance models, etc.). The relations between these two dynamics - sustainable transition of agriculture and the transformations of advice and education are the matter of debates and controversies. The aim of this conference will be to discuss about concepts, empirical evidence and new methods to support the contribution of advice & education to the various dimensions of sustainability, including social dimensions (inequalities and labour & work conditions) and environmental ones (climate change, biodiversity, water).
Maisonobe, Marion; Boissonneau, Thomas
Compte-rendu de la conférence Frognet Conference
2023, (HAL Id: hal-04197912).
title = {Compte-rendu de la conférence Frognet},
author = {Marion Maisonobe and Thomas Boissonneau},
url = {https://hal.science/hal-04197912},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-09-13},
abstract = {Frognet est une conférence francophone interdisciplinaire sur l’utilisation des méthodes d’analyse de réseaux dans la recherche scientifique en sciences humaines et sociales. Elle a eu lieu pour sa première édition, à Toulouse en 2019 et cette année, les jeudi 6 et vendredi 7 avril 2023, pour la deuxième fois, à Montpellier.
Pendant deux jours, quatre-vingts chercheuses et chercheurs se sont réunis pour écouter vingt-neuf présentations et une conférence plénière, sur des thématiques diverses mais ayant l’analyse de réseaux comme point commun.
Des ateliers doctorants, le jeudi matin, ont permis aux doctorant.e.s de présenter leurs travaux en soulignant leurs difficultés et questionnements, en échangeant avec les autres doctorant.e.s et deux chercheur.se.s présents pour chaque atelier.
La conférence était divisée en six sessions plénières (aucune session parallèle) portant sur les thématiques suivantes : les mondes agricoles ; les relations en temps de crise ; le numérique ; les méthodes de l’analyse de réseaux ; les institutions ; les sociabilités.},
note = {HAL Id: hal-04197912},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Pendant deux jours, quatre-vingts chercheuses et chercheurs se sont réunis pour écouter vingt-neuf présentations et une conférence plénière, sur des thématiques diverses mais ayant l’analyse de réseaux comme point commun.
Des ateliers doctorants, le jeudi matin, ont permis aux doctorant.e.s de présenter leurs travaux en soulignant leurs difficultés et questionnements, en échangeant avec les autres doctorant.e.s et deux chercheur.se.s présents pour chaque atelier.
La conférence était divisée en six sessions plénières (aucune session parallèle) portant sur les thématiques suivantes : les mondes agricoles ; les relations en temps de crise ; le numérique ; les méthodes de l’analyse de réseaux ; les institutions ; les sociabilités.
Abdo, Alexandre Hannud; Benbouzid, Bilel; Turnheim, Bruno; Raimbault, Benjamin; Barbier, Marc
SASHIMI and new frontiers in the study of socio-semantic networks with mixed-methods on the Cortext Platform Conference
Sunbelt 2023 Portland, OR, United States, 2023, (INSNA).
title = {SASHIMI and new frontiers in the study of socio-semantic networks with mixed-methods on the Cortext Platform},
author = { Alexandre Hannud Abdo and Bilel Benbouzid and Bruno Turnheim and Benjamin Raimbault and Marc Barbier},
url = {https://hal.science/hal-04488978/
year = {2023},
date = {2023-06-28},
address = {Portland, OR, United States},
organization = {Sunbelt 2023 },
abstract = {Since 2008, the Cortext Platform contributes expertise, infrastructure and computing power for the analysis of "socio-semantic networks", benefiting a global community engaged primarily in original research in the social sciences and humanities, but also assisting literature reviews in a host of others fields, as well as policy and business applications. In 2022, at least 60 peer-reviewed academic publications made direct use of our services, adding to a total of over 300. This presentation will focus on SASHIMI (Hannud Abdo, 2021), a network based, mixed-methods approach recently developed in addition to our earlier Network Mapping methods (Cointet 2012, Cointet 2017), available as both a suite of no-code methods in the free-to-use Cortext Manager cloud service, and a free-and-open-source software library. We will present SASHIMI through some examples of socio-semantic analyses: (a) from the field of Transition Studies, an inquiry into the variety of disciplinary manifestations throughout the social sciences of the "research problem of destabilisation of socio-technical systems", that seeks to inform current destabilisation/discontinuation/phase-out studies with a wider understanding of the problem. (b) from the field of Science and Technology Studies, an analysis of policy documents pertaining to the regulation of artificial intelligence, identifying the interplay between major actors associated with different themes, sectors and perspectives (solutionism, contestation, regulation) on the issue; (c) still in STS, an analysis of social media interactions concerning environmental controversies, focusing on the debate around pesticides in France. SASHIMI is based on domain-topic models, an application of network clustering that synthesizes document clustering (or clustering of any kind of hypernode) and topic modeling. It is also based on a suite of human interfaces — block maps, network maps, and hyperlinked tables — that afford interactive exploration and visualization of the different types of clusters, and their relationships, at discrete levels of granularity ranging from the entire corpus to the individual document, from the entire vocabulary to the individual word. The clustering aspect is based on modern community detection methods, namely the Nested Stochastic Block Model (Peixoto, 2015), while introducing a twist to allow further clustering of dimensions attributed to hypernodes (documents), such as people, time, venue or other categorical metadata, that did not participate in the initial clustering — excluded, for example, in order to produce "semantic" document clusters based exclusively on textual contents. To this particular procedure we give the name "chaining". In the context of the three aforementioned examples, we'll explain a set of concepts and practices, emerging from our usage, to productively co-construct meaning between the representations afforded by the models and interfaces, and the goals, inputs and choices of a researcher with field and experiential knowledge. Particularly, how to interpret the clusters and the specificity and commonality scores of inter-cluster relationships employed in the maps, how to build sequences of corpus delimitation and dimension chaining operations and interpret them, and finally how to construct coherent domain groups we call "constellations", and identify attribute flows in their cores and frontiers. },
note = {INSNA},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Mason, Eloïse; Matt, Mireille; Löbmann, Michael; Helming, Katharina; Hashar, Mohammad Rafiul; Laszlo, Peter; Francis, Nancy; Wall, David; Prokop, Gundula; Rodriguez, Elena; Lansac, Rocio; Carrasco, Violeta; Verdonk, Loes; Bispo, Antonio
Gestion durable sols : une vue d'ensemble de la littérature scientifique Conference
16. Journées d'Etude des Sols Dijon, France, 2023, ISSN: 04145748.
title = {Gestion durable sols : une vue d'ensemble de la littérature scientifique},
author = {Eloïse Mason and Mireille Matt and Michael Löbmann and Katharina Helming and Mohammad Rafiul Hashar and Peter Laszlo and Nancy Francis and David Wall and Gundula Prokop and Elena Rodriguez and Rocio Lansac and Violeta Carrasco and Loes Verdonk and Antonio Bispo},
url = {https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-04145748
issn = {04145748},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-06-26},
urldate = {2023-06-26},
address = {Dijon, France},
organization = {16. Journées d'Etude des Sols },
abstract = {Le projet Soil Mission Support (SMS) vise à améliorer la coordination de R&I sur la gestion des sols et en soutien à la mission "A Soil Deal for Europe". Les connaissances en matière de R&I et les besoins des acteurs sont comparés afin d'identifier les lacunes en matière de connaissances et de développer une feuille de route pour les futures actions de l'UE. La base structurelle de l'analyse documentaire (Löbmann et al., 2022) est une matrice de connaissances (voir Tab. 2) qui combine : 8 défis sociétaux majeurs liés aux sols et 8 domaines de connaissances nécessaires pour assurer une transition pratique vers une gestion durable des sols. Un inventaire par mots-clés de la littérature scientifique publiée et évaluée par les pairs a été réalisé. Une analyse textuelle utilisant la plateforme numérique CorTexT a été entreprise pour explorer la littérature identifiée. },
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Villard, Lionel
GTSO Données de Couperin 2023.
title = {Logiciel CorText Manager - Extraction d'information et analyse socio-sémantique pour les sciences humaines et sociales},
author = {Lionel Villard},
url = {https://zenodo.org/records/8070846
doi = {/10.5281/zenodo.8070845},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-06-21},
urldate = {2023-06-21},
organization = {GTSO Données de Couperin},
abstract = {CorTexT Manager est une application web construite par des chercheurs et par des ingénieurs à destination de chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales, au plus près des questions portées par les chercheurs qui nous entourent et par notre communauté d’utilisateurs. Cette application web peut produire un grand nombre d’analyses différentes qui ont trait aux champs méthodologiques du traitement automatique de la langue, de l’analyse des réseaux sociaux, de la statistique, et plus récemment autour de la dimension géographique qui se cache dans ces données. Un des points forts de Cortext Manager est de pouvoir traiter plusieurs dimensions d’analyse en les combinant dans le même espace. Cet aspect hétérogène permet par exemple d’associer le temps avec la dimension sociale, de l’analyse de texte avec la dimension sociale ou géographique. Cela permet d’appréhender l’émergence de domaines de recherche et d’innovation, d’étudier des controverses et "hot topics", d’effectuer des cartographies socio-sémantiques des productions de la recherche (publications, brevets, projets), ainsi que d’analyser des contenus issus du web et des média-sociaux. Cet atelier se propose de sensibiliser l’audience à certaines de ces méthodes tout en découvrant l’organisation et l’évolution de la production scientifique autour de la chloroquine et de l’hydroxychloroquine entre 2014 et 2020.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Crépel, Maxime
Analyse des récits médiatiques de l'IA Conference
médialab 2023.
title = {Analyse des récits médiatiques de l'IA},
author = {Maxime Crépel},
url = {https://zenodo.org/records/8070088
year = {2023},
date = {2023-06-21},
organization = {médialab},
school = {Sciences Po},
abstract = {L'IA a connu une couverture médiatique croissante ces dernières années. A partir de corpus d'articles de presse portant sur l'IA et les algorithmes, nous proposons une analyse des discours que les médias produisent sur ces technologies de calcul. Nos travaux mettent en évidence les domaines et les enjeux associés à ces technologies, ainsi que le cadrage médiatique articulant des discours de promesses et de critiques sur l'impact de l'IA dans la société. Notre présentation se centrera principalement sur le protocole méthodologique et les outils déployés pour effectuer ces analyses.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
van der Wouden, Puck; van der Heijden, Geert; Shemesh, Hagay; van den Besselaar, Peter
Does research intensity reflect dental care demand? Conference
27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2023) 2023.
title = {Does research intensity reflect dental care demand?},
author = {Puck van der Wouden and Geert van der Heijden and Hagay Shemesh and Peter van den Besselaar},
url = {https://dapp.orvium.io/deposits/6443b9ce034d53c59822ef3b/view},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.55835/6443b9ce034d53c59822ef3b},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-04-22},
organization = {27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2023)},
abstract = {In this paper we address the question whether (i) the Dutch dental research portfolio reflects the dental care demand, and whether (ii) the results of this research does reach the dental care professionals. In order to answer these questions, we analyzed the content of the Dutch Journal of Dentistry (NTvT), a Dutch language professional journal which explicitly aims at disseminating useful knowledge to dental professionals. The research topics addressed in the journal were compared with (i) dental publications written by authors with a Dutch affiliation in international journals and with (ii) expenditures in the various types of oral healthcare. The analysis shows topical change over time, with more emphasis in NTvT on topics as social dentistry, and less attention for basic science topics. At the same time, the Dutch dental research portfolio (reflected by publications in international journals) does not reflect that trend. In addition, it appears that the largest domains of care with the highest share of oral healthcare expenditures (e.g. cariology and prevention) have the lowest attention in research. This applies to both international publications, as to the research disseminated through the professional journal NTvT.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Abdo, Alexandre Hannud
Une approche de méthodes mixtes pour l'étude de réseaux socio-sémantiques Conference
Frognet 2023 - deuxième conférence francophone interdisciplinaire sur l'analyse des réseaux Montpellier, France, 2023.
title = {Une approche de méthodes mixtes pour l'étude de réseaux socio-sémantiques},
author = {Alexandre Hannud Abdo},
url = {https://hal.science/hal-04488010/
year = {2023},
date = {2023-04-06},
address = {Montpellier, France},
organization = {Frognet 2023 - deuxième conférence francophone interdisciplinaire sur l'analyse des réseaux},
abstract = {Cette présentation se concentrera sur SASHIMI (Hannud Abdo, 2021), une approche de méthodes mixtes basée sur les réseaux, récemment développée au sein de l'UMR-LISIS et de la plateforme Cortext, et disponibles à la fois en tant que suite de méthodes « no code » dans le service en-ligne gratuit Cortext Manager, et sous forme d'une bibliothèque logicielle libre et open-source. Nous présenterons SASHIMI à travers quelques exemples d'analyses socio-sémantiques : (a) dans le domaine des Études de Transition, une enquête sur la diversité de manifestations disciplinaires, dans l'ensemble des sciences sociales, du « problème de recherche de la déstabilisation des systèmes socio-techniques », qui cherche à informer les études actuelles sur la déstabilisation/discontinuité/phase-out, avec une compréhension plus large du problème ; (b) dans le domaine des Sciences, Techniques et Société, une analyse de documents politiques relatifs à la règlementation de l'intelligence artificielle, identifiant l'interaction entre les principaux acteurs associés à différents thèmes, secteurs et perspectives (solutionnisme, contestation, règlementation) de la question. SASHIMI est basé sur des modèles de domaine-thématique (« domain-topic models »), une application du clustering de réseaux qui synthétise le clustering de documents (ou le clustering de tout type d'hypernœud) et les modèles thématiques. Il est également basé sur une suite d'interfaces humaines — cartes de blocs, cartes de réseaux, et tableaux munis d'hyperliens — qui permettent une exploration et une visualisation interactives des différents types de clusters, et de leurs relations, à des niveaux discrets de granularité allant du corpus entier au document individuel, du vocabulaire entier au mot individuel. L'aspect clustering est basé sur des méthodes modernes de détection des communautés, à savoir le « nested stochastic block model » (Peixoto, 2015), tout en introduisant une nouvelle fonctionnalité pour permettre le clustering subséquent de dimensions attribuées aux hypernœuds (documents), telles que les personnes, le temps, le lieu ou d'autres métadonnées catégoriques, qui n'ont pas participé au clustering initial — exclues, par exemple, afin de produire des clusters de documents « sémantiques » basés exclusivement sur le contenu textuel. Nous donnons le nom de « chainage » à cette procédure particulière. Dans le contexte des exemples susmentionnés, nous expliquerons un ensemble de concepts et de pratiques, émergeant de notre utilisation, pour co-construire du sens de manière productive entre, d'un côté, les représentations offertes par les modèles et les interfaces, et de l'autre les objectifs, les contributions et les choix d'un chercheur muni de connaissances de terrain et expérientielles. En particulier, comment interpréter les clusters et les scores de spécificité et de communalité des relations inter-clusters employés dans les cartes, comment construire des séquences d'opérations de délimitation de corpus et de chainage de dimensions et les interpréter, et enfin comment construire des groupes de domaines cohérents que nous appelons « constellations », et identifier des flux d'attributs dans leurs cœurs et leurs frontières. },
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Bautista-Puig, Núria; Orduña-Malea, Enrique; Mongeon, Philippe
The participation of public in knowledge production: a citizen science projects overview. Conference
27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2023) 2023.
title = {The participation of public in knowledge production: a citizen science projects overview.},
author = {Núria Bautista-Puig and Enrique Orduña-Malea and Philippe Mongeon},
url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374295244_The_participation_of_public_in_knowledge_production_a_citizen_science_projects_overview},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-04-01},
organization = {27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2023)},
abstract = {Citizen Science (CS) is related to public engagement in scientific research. The tasks in which the citizens can be involved are diverse and can range from data collection and tagging images to participation in the planning and research design. However, little is known about the involvement degree of the citizens to CS projects, and the contribution of those projects to the advancement of knowledge (e.g. scientific outcomes). This study aims to gain a better understanding by analysing the SciStarter database. A total of 2,346 CS projects were identified, mainly from Ecology and Environmental Sciences. Of these projects, 91% show low participation of the citizens (Level 1 ‘citizens as sensors’ and 2 ‘citizens as interpreters’, from Haklay’s scale). In terms of scientific output, 918 papers indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) were identified. The most prolific projects were found to have lower levels of citizen involvement, specifically at Levels 1 and 2.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Breucker, Philippe; Enderli, Géraldine
Cortext Manager : un instrument qui impacte la recherche en Science Sociales Conference
Clermont-Ferrand, 2022, (16e JRSS, Journées de Recherche en Sciences Sociales).
title = {Cortext Manager : un instrument qui impacte la recherche en Science Sociales},
author = {Philippe Breucker and Géraldine Enderli},
url = {https://www.sfer.asso.fr/source/jrss2022/articles/diaporamas/B41_BREUCKER.pdf},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-12-15},
address = {Clermont-Ferrand},
abstract = {Constituer une plateforme scientifique et technique pour soutenir un espace de recherche sur les traces et les usages numériques de la science et de l’innovation en société
note = {16e JRSS, Journées de Recherche en Sciences Sociales},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Delanoue, Elsa; Rodien, Marie-Amélie; Mounaix, Béatrice; Boivin, Xavier
Le traitement du concept de One Welfare dans la littérature : enseignements d’une analyse bibliométrique Conference
Paris, France, 2022, (26ème Rencontres Recherches Ruminants Idele, INRAE).
title = {Le traitement du concept de One Welfare dans la littérature : enseignements d’une analyse bibliométrique},
author = {Elsa Delanoue and Marie-Amélie Rodien and Béatrice Mounaix and Xavier Boivin },
url = {https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-03941131v1},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-12-07},
urldate = {2022-12-07},
address = {Paris, France},
abstract = {Apparue il y a quelques années, l’approche « One Welfare » considère que bien-être des humains et des animaux sont interdépendants et liés à l’environnement socio‐économique et naturel de l’exploitation. L’un des axes de travail du RMT One Welfare est d’analyser les dimensions du concept de « One Welfare » pour en co-construire une définition partagée et transdisciplinaire. Pour amorcer ce travail, une analyse bibliométrique du concept, aux échelles française, européenne et internationale, a été menée. Le travail a été réalisé, en grande partie, grâce au logiciel CorText à partir d’un corpus d’articles issu du Web of Science. Le travail a permis d’identifier les 71 références les plus citées, de les classer par type de référence (littérature académique ou technique) et de décrire leurs contenus (définitions, dimensions abordées, approches suivies, type de relations humain-animal considérées,…). Il est ressorti de ce travail que le traitement du One Welfare, dans les différents types de littérature, n’en est qu’à ses débuts. Les papiers traitent ainsi davantage de l’exploration du concept en lui-même que de son application pratique sur le terrain. En conséquence, on observe des confusions persistantes dans sa définition et des difficultés à délimiter son champ d’application. },
note = {26ème Rencontres Recherches Ruminants
Idele, INRAE},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Breucker, Philippe; Villard, Lionel
METSEM#34 : Logiciel CorText Manager – Extraction d’information et analyse socio-sémantique pour les sciences humaines et sociales Conference
2022, (34ème séance du MetSem).
title = {METSEM#34 : Logiciel CorText Manager – Extraction d’information et analyse socio-sémantique pour les sciences humaines et sociales},
author = {Philippe Breucker and Lionel Villard},
url = {https://metsem.hypotheses.org/1138
year = {2022},
date = {2022-09-15},
abstract = {CorTexT Manager est une application web construite par des chercheurs et par des ingénieurs à destination de chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales, au plus près des questions portées par les chercheurs qui nous entourent et par notre communauté d’utilisateurs.
Cette application web peut produire un grand nombre d’analyses différentes qui ont trait aux champs méthodologiques du traitement automatique de la langue, de l’analyse des réseaux sociaux, de la statistique, et plus récemment autour de la dimension géographique qui se cache dans ces données.
Un des points forts de Cortext Manager est de pouvoir traiter plusieurs dimensions d’analyse en les combinant dans le même espace. Cet aspect hétérogène permet par exemple d’associer le temps avec la dimension sociale, de l’analyse de texte avec la dimension sociale ou géographique. Cela permet d’appréhender l’émergence de domaines de recherche et d’innovation, d’étudier des controverses et “hot topics”, d’effectuer des cartographies socio-sémantiques des productions de la recherche (publications, brevets, projets), ainsi que d’analyser des contenus issus du web et des média-sociaux.
Cet atelier se propose de sensibiliser l’audience à certaines de ces méthodes tout en découvrant l’organisation et l’évolution de la production scientifique autour de la chloroquine et de l’hydroxychloroquine entre 2014 et 2020.},
note = {34ème séance du MetSem},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Cette application web peut produire un grand nombre d’analyses différentes qui ont trait aux champs méthodologiques du traitement automatique de la langue, de l’analyse des réseaux sociaux, de la statistique, et plus récemment autour de la dimension géographique qui se cache dans ces données.
Un des points forts de Cortext Manager est de pouvoir traiter plusieurs dimensions d’analyse en les combinant dans le même espace. Cet aspect hétérogène permet par exemple d’associer le temps avec la dimension sociale, de l’analyse de texte avec la dimension sociale ou géographique. Cela permet d’appréhender l’émergence de domaines de recherche et d’innovation, d’étudier des controverses et “hot topics”, d’effectuer des cartographies socio-sémantiques des productions de la recherche (publications, brevets, projets), ainsi que d’analyser des contenus issus du web et des média-sociaux.
Cet atelier se propose de sensibiliser l’audience à certaines de ces méthodes tout en découvrant l’organisation et l’évolution de la production scientifique autour de la chloroquine et de l’hydroxychloroquine entre 2014 et 2020.
Dauphine-Morer, Anne-Lise; Boissy, Alain; Zenasni, Franck; Mambrini-Doudet, Muriel
Investigating intention in non-human animals: a need for a new theoretical and methodological framework Conference
Congress of the International Society of Applied Ethology, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2022.
title = {Investigating intention in non-human animals: a need for a new theoretical and methodological framework},
author = {Anne-Lise Dauphine-Morer and Alain Boissy and Franck Zenasni and Muriel Mambrini-Doudet},
url = {https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-03800278},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-09-02},
urldate = {2022-09-02},
booktitle = {Congress of the International Society of Applied Ethology},
issuetitle = {55},
address = {Ohrid, Macedonia},
abstract = {While intentions are commonly assessed in humans, this is not the case in non-human animals, which may limit the accuracy of the assessment of their welfare status, which depends, in particular, on whether their expectations are met. Our assumption is that the current approaches in ethology do not take into consideration the possibility that animals have intentions. Our objective is to find the way to evaluate animal intentions. Method: We have developed a two-steps method: i) a bibliometric investigation to identify and select key approaches to study intention within a team gathering ethologists, psychologists and epistemologists. ii) The key approaches identified were confronted to current practices in ethology through three one-day interdisciplinary workshops, gathering 21 researchers in ethology, psychology, law, philosophy, veterinary, learning sciences, management sciences and design. Each workshop had three stages: a disciplinary assessment, an interdisciplinary prospect and a collective design. Results: Step 1: In Scopus database from the 2016-2020, we extracted 89 000 papers with intention in title and keywords. Only 1% of them were explicitly dealing with intention in non-human animals. We analysed the co-occurrence of the authors’ keywords of this 1% papers, to specify the scientific approaches with the CorText Platform. We found 10 discrepant approaches: behavioural flexibility & social context; human-animal interaction & domestication; mirror neuron & language; flexibility & meaning; self-domestication & disease; comparative cognition & auditory; handedness & manipulation; brain evolution & cultural evolution; antiphony & duets and teaching & tradition. All are relative to what we know about human intention, none was specific of what could be non-human animal intention. Step 2: The 3 workshops were successful. Disciplinary assessment: all participants translated the ten approaches into relevant scientific concepts, method and questions in their own discipline. Interdisciplinary prospect: split in groups, participants co-elaborated a hypothesis to study animal intentions based on the combination of concepts, methods and questions gathered on 3 of 10 approaches. Here are three examples: H1. Intention is not directly accessible, but it can be expressed through behavioural adaptations in the relationship. H2. The study of the environment effects on interactions reveals intentions. H3. Interactions have different repercussions on the maintenance or emission or even the valence of the behaviour or intention. Collective design: 7 protocols to test the hypothesis were developed. We will present the overall outputs of the workshops and discuss the power of hypothesis and protocols to prevent anthropocentric approaches when studying animal intention.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Menon, Maya; Katz, Andrew; Paretti, Marie C.
A Thematic and Trend Analysis of Engineering Education for Sustainable Development Conference
ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition ASEE, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2022.
title = {A Thematic and Trend Analysis of Engineering Education for Sustainable Development},
author = {Maya Menon and Andrew Katz and Marie C. Paretti},
url = {https://peer.asee.org/40876},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-08-23},
publisher = {ASEE},
address = {Minneapolis, Minnesota},
organization = {ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition},
abstract = {There is a push for integrating concepts of sustainability and sustainable development in engineering education. The U.S. National Society of Professional Engineers’ Code of Ethics expects engineers “to adhere to the principles of sustainable development in order to protect the environment for future generations”. This push has resulted in significant research and efforts to reform engineering curricula to focus on sustainable development, or the “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” in the 1987 Brundtland Commission’s report. Such research and reform efforts can manifest in several forms and contexts, and it can be difficult to obtain a broader picture of how engineering education as a whole is progressing in this area. To help provide a view of that picture, this paper strives to understand the recent trends in engineering education research for sustainable development by analyzing the relationships between the increasingly popular topics of sustainability and sustainable development and how they have evolved over the past two decades.
Using text network analysis, a natural language processing technique, this study explores the thematic structure of scholarly publications that address the integration of sustainability and/or sustainable development in engineering courses, across curricula and across disciplines. In particular, we extract the thematic structure of over 1,500 abstracts of conference proceedings published in the American Society of Engineering Education related to this issue. With the aid of co-occurrence network maps and epoch trend analysis, we identify the major topics among these engineering education studies. Analyses of these trends indicate that the topics of sustainability and sustainable development have been consistently addressed primarily in civil engineering education research for the past two decades. This implies that these topics have not appeared in many other disciplinary areas of research. In addition, renewable energy is one of the more prevalent topics within the area of engineering education for sustainable development. We report our detailed results by providing insights on how these topics have evolved over time, and the semantic similarities between topics that have similar trending patterns.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Using text network analysis, a natural language processing technique, this study explores the thematic structure of scholarly publications that address the integration of sustainability and/or sustainable development in engineering courses, across curricula and across disciplines. In particular, we extract the thematic structure of over 1,500 abstracts of conference proceedings published in the American Society of Engineering Education related to this issue. With the aid of co-occurrence network maps and epoch trend analysis, we identify the major topics among these engineering education studies. Analyses of these trends indicate that the topics of sustainability and sustainable development have been consistently addressed primarily in civil engineering education research for the past two decades. This implies that these topics have not appeared in many other disciplinary areas of research. In addition, renewable energy is one of the more prevalent topics within the area of engineering education for sustainable development. We report our detailed results by providing insights on how these topics have evolved over time, and the semantic similarities between topics that have similar trending patterns.
Bordignon, Frédérique; Boukacem-Zeghmouri, Chérifa
Quelle place les rapports AERES et HCERES font-ils à la Science Ouverte ? Réponses par une analyse textométrique (2009-2021) Conference
8è conférence Document Numérique et Société 2022, (hal-03700661).
title = {Quelle place les rapports AERES et HCERES font-ils à la Science Ouverte ? Réponses par une analyse textométrique (2009-2021)},
author = {Frédérique Bordignon and Chérifa Boukacem-Zeghmouri},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-03700661/},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-06-26},
urldate = {2022-06-26},
organization = {8è conférence Document Numérique et Société},
abstract = {Le présent travail propose d’identifier et de mesurer la place que revêtent toutes les formes d’ouverture de la science dans les rapports d’évaluation des entités de recherche produits par l’Agence pour l’Évaluation de la REcherche Scientifique (AERES) puis le Haut Conseil de l'Évaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur (HCERES), sur plus d’une décennie (2009-2021). Ce travail exploite un matériau et des métadonnées peu traitées et en livre par la même occasion le potentiel, les biais et les limites. Grâce à des outils linguistiques (CorTexT et TXM), nous sondons ce corpus avec l’objectif de représenter son contenu lexical et son évolution. Pour cela, le Thesaurus de la Science ouverte (INIST 2021) a constitué notre base de travail. Nous avons élaboré ensuite une typologie de 7 grandes thématiques qui nous permettent d’aborder l’ouverture en contexte, et en comparaison à d’autres centres/points d’intérêt des rapports d’évaluation : Science Ouverte, Production scientifique, Bibliométrie, Données, Intégrité/éthique, Propriété Intellectuelle, Publiants. En se focalisant précisément sur les rapports qui mentionnent la Science Ouverte et grâce à l’ensemble de nos requêtes pour TXM qui alimentent ce thème, il est possible de révéler en quels termes elle est évoquée. Par ce biais, nous prenons à témoins les écrits évaluatifs des rapports pour mieux comprendre comment les évaluateurs mobilisent et situent les différentes “branches” de la Science Ouverte. Nous montrons alors très clairement que dès l'époque de l'AERES, les évaluateurs s’intéressent en tout premier lieu à l’ouverture de la science par les activités de vulgarisation et médiation scientifique. L’analyse menée ici montre que la transition de l’AERES vers HCERES a produit un recul vis à vis de cette dynamique. La réduction drastique du nombre de pages des rapports a rejailli sur le travail des évaluateurs qui ont fait des arbitrages allant dans le sens d’un “réductionnisme” vers une forme conventionnelle de l’évaluation, qui n’a donc pas été favorable à la qualification de la question de l’ouverture de la science. Pour résumer, nous pouvons énoncer que les rapports de l’AERES plus longs, présentaient le potentiel d’éclairer la décision politique, sans pour autant conduire à un renouvellement des critères d’évaluation. Ceux de l’HCERES, plus courts, échouent à la fois à la décrire et à la prescrire en restant à distance des engagements pris au niveau national et européen.},
note = {hal-03700661},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Huang, Ruhua; Huang, Yuting
The research trend of open government data utilization: A systematic review Conference
Wuhan University University of Illinois, China, 2022.
title = {The research trend of open government data utilization: A systematic review},
author = {Ruhua Huang and Yuting Huang},
url = {https://hdl.handle.net/2142/113752
year = {2022},
date = {2022-06-06},
urldate = {2022-06-06},
publisher = {University of Illinois},
address = {China},
organization = {Wuhan University},
abstract = {The open government data (OGD) movement has stimulated the opening and sharing of government data significantly. Data use, reuse and distribution, as well as value creation, is the next vital step in the global OGD movement. Summarizing current research progress of OGD utilization (OGDU) would lay a foundation for follow-up research and provide theoretical support for future practice. This poster conducted a systematic review on OGDU research mainly based on research articles, while other document types (e.g., important scientific reports) were also considered to demonstrate a more holistic scenario. The research trends of OGDU were summarized and future research directions were proposed based on research results. This poster revealed three research tendencies in OGDU studies. First, previous OGDU study was driven by the supply side, while current study tends to motivated by the demand side. Second, previous OGDU study was normally conducted from a macro viewpoint, while fine-grained research is more preferred currently. Third, previous research paid more attention on data usage by government departments, while data usage by the public attracts an increasing amount of attention currently. Several research topics are worth researching in the further, i.e., the value of OGDU, diverse contexts for OGDU and solid support measures for OGDU.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Papazu, Irina; Veng, Adam
Controversy Mapping and the Care for Climate Commons: Re-assembling the Danish Climate Movement by Counter-Mapping Digital Network Maps Conference
DASTS 2022.
title = {Controversy Mapping and the Care for Climate Commons: Re-assembling the Danish Climate Movement by Counter-Mapping Digital Network Maps},
author = {Irina Papazu and Adam Veng},
url = {https://pure.itu.dk/en/publications/controversy-mapping-and-the-care-for-climate-commons-re-assemblin
year = {2022},
date = {2022-06-02},
organization = {DASTS},
school = {Aarhus University},
abstract = {The general electoral campaign in 2019 saw a unifying culmination of the climate activist movement in Denmark, assembling everything from green think tanks, school children and direct-action protest groups, succeeded in conglomerating a forceful public that was later congratulated by the newly elected PM for turning climate into the paramount political issue of the Danish 2019 election. The government has since signed the “most ambitious Climate Act in the world”, including the public engagement initiative of the Climate Citizen Assembly, a group of randomly selected citizens mandated to give recommendations for the parliament’s green politics, and a series of “Climate Partnerships”, cooperative collaborations developing frameworks for businesses to engage in the green transition. Despite these efforts, the climate movement, alongside several scientific experts, has expressed dissatisfaction with the government’s politics on the green agenda, while the government itself maintains that it is upholding an ambitious climate politics.
This paper is based on nine months of mixed-methods research, using the digital tools Hyphe, Gephi and CorText to map the relations between different public Danish actors (informal civil society groups, NGO’s, businesses etc.) and their “matters of concern” (cf. Latour 2004) in the controversy of the Danish green transition. Inspired by literature on counter-mapping data science (Dalton and Stallmann 2018), the study introduces an interventionist methodological experiment in using network maps made with digital methods tools as props for material participation (Marres & Lezeaun 2011) in a workshop setting. As such, the paper seeks to explore how critical discussions of network maps can become a ‘prototype for mobilization’ (cf. Jimenéz 2014) for mapped subjects and entities to collectively evaluate and re-invent both their position in a controversy and their means, methods, and tactics for obtaining public impact. This methodological experiment is framed through a discussion of the experience of participation (Kelty 2018) and ethical attunement and world-building among activists (Zigon 2018), and argues for the potentials for collaborative methods and interventionist use of digital cartography in the field of controversy mapping in relation to the green transition.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
This paper is based on nine months of mixed-methods research, using the digital tools Hyphe, Gephi and CorText to map the relations between different public Danish actors (informal civil society groups, NGO’s, businesses etc.) and their “matters of concern” (cf. Latour 2004) in the controversy of the Danish green transition. Inspired by literature on counter-mapping data science (Dalton and Stallmann 2018), the study introduces an interventionist methodological experiment in using network maps made with digital methods tools as props for material participation (Marres & Lezeaun 2011) in a workshop setting. As such, the paper seeks to explore how critical discussions of network maps can become a ‘prototype for mobilization’ (cf. Jimenéz 2014) for mapped subjects and entities to collectively evaluate and re-invent both their position in a controversy and their means, methods, and tactics for obtaining public impact. This methodological experiment is framed through a discussion of the experience of participation (Kelty 2018) and ethical attunement and world-building among activists (Zigon 2018), and argues for the potentials for collaborative methods and interventionist use of digital cartography in the field of controversy mapping in relation to the green transition.
Rizzo, Davide; Combaud, Anne; Schnuriger, Nathalie; Fourati-Jamoussi, Fatma; Ritz, Simon; Leroux, Valérie
Is farming technology innovation locus dependent? Making-of an agricultural Fablab Conference
Digital book of proceedings, 14th European IFSA symposium, 14th European IFSA symposium 2022.
title = {Is farming technology innovation locus dependent? Making-of an agricultural Fablab},
author = {Davide Rizzo and Anne Combaud and Nathalie Schnuriger and Fatma Fourati-Jamoussi and Simon Ritz and Valérie Leroux},
url = {http://ifsa.boku.ac.at/cms/fileadmin/IFSA2022/IFSA2022_Proceedings_Th5.pdf},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-04-08},
urldate = {2022-04-08},
booktitle = {Digital book of proceedings, 14th European IFSA symposium},
issuetitle = {Farming systems facing climate change and resource challenges},
organization = {14th European IFSA symposium},
school = {University of ÉVORA, Portugal},
abstract = {Innovation has multiple targets – products, production processes, marketing, stakeholders’ organizations, etc. – whose nature depends upon the socio-technical framework that orients the match between inventions and market. Amid the wealth of options to facilitate innovation, fablabs are a specific example of the digitalisation era. Originally, a fablab is “the educational outreach component of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms” whose identity is defined by a charter that connects local labs to the
global network. Fablabs’ goal is to provide stimulus for local entrepreneurship as well as for learning and innovation by providing access to tools for digital fabrication. This paper aims at understanding the role of fablabs and other third places in the specific context of farming technology innovation. To this end, we propose a genetic-like analysis (i.e. genotype x environment x management practices), by addressing the historical identity and traits of FTI actors, the description of the main characteristics and dynamics of the place where they are based and the innovation governance put in practice to enhance
their interactions. The approach was applied at two levels: first, the main actors of the farming technology innovation in Europe, ending with a bibliometric analysis of the available literature about fablabs, makerspaces and living labs, with a focus on agriculture. Then, a case study from northern France to describe the making of AgriLab, a fablab dedicated to open innovation towards sustainable agriculture, spanning from equipment to digital tools. AgriLab is based in Beauvais (Hauts-de-France region), together with several other local and international actors of farming technology innovation. In conclusion, we question the role of third places and AgriLab as catalysts for the emergence of relevant farming technology innovations considering the influence from the local and wider context.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
global network. Fablabs’ goal is to provide stimulus for local entrepreneurship as well as for learning and innovation by providing access to tools for digital fabrication. This paper aims at understanding the role of fablabs and other third places in the specific context of farming technology innovation. To this end, we propose a genetic-like analysis (i.e. genotype x environment x management practices), by addressing the historical identity and traits of FTI actors, the description of the main characteristics and dynamics of the place where they are based and the innovation governance put in practice to enhance
their interactions. The approach was applied at two levels: first, the main actors of the farming technology innovation in Europe, ending with a bibliometric analysis of the available literature about fablabs, makerspaces and living labs, with a focus on agriculture. Then, a case study from northern France to describe the making of AgriLab, a fablab dedicated to open innovation towards sustainable agriculture, spanning from equipment to digital tools. AgriLab is based in Beauvais (Hauts-de-France region), together with several other local and international actors of farming technology innovation. In conclusion, we question the role of third places and AgriLab as catalysts for the emergence of relevant farming technology innovations considering the influence from the local and wider context.
Luo, Yifan; Wan, Tao; Qin, Zengchang
Topic Modeling of Political Dynamics with Shifted Cosine Similarity Conference
Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making, vol. 13199, Springer, Cham, 2022, ISBN: 978-3-030-98017-7.
title = {Topic Modeling of Political Dynamics with Shifted Cosine Similarity},
author = {Yifan Luo and Tao Wan and Zengchang Qin},
url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-98018-4_22},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-98018-4_22},
isbn = {978-3-030-98017-7},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-03-04},
urldate = {2022-03-04},
booktitle = {Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making},
volume = {13199},
publisher = {Springer, Cham},
abstract = {Topic modeling with community detection can be used to explore the latent semantic structure of documents, we can utilize a network, i.e., a graph to depict the semantic relation between words. In some network based topic models, in order to obtain a network with obvious community structure, the similarity between words (vertices) is essential. Word embeddings trained from a large corpus empirically perform as well as in rich semantic representation, thus this research is intended to construct a novel similarity in a network based topic model (NAM). In this paper, we first intuitively propose a similarity measure based on shifted cosine similarity between word embeddings. This similarity is exploited to replace the similarity based on typical point-wise mutual information (PMI). Secondly, based on different similarity measures, topics of corpus in a global period are induced by NAM. Finally, we use NAM to capture the dynamic changes of political topics in China and interpret the dynamic processes using historical background. Although our similarity measure introduces semantic differences caused by the difference between data sets and has one more parameter, the experimental results show the effectiveness of our new proposed measure.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Malanski, Priscila Duarte; de Alencar Schiavi, Sandra Mara; Dedieu, Benoît
Panorama des thématiques de recherche sur le travail en agriculture dans la littérature internationale Conference
15 èmes Journées de Recherche en Sciences Sociales (JRSS) Toulouse, 2021.
title = {Panorama des thématiques de recherche sur le travail en agriculture dans la littérature internationale},
author = {Priscila Duarte Malanski and Sandra Mara de Alencar Schiavi and Benoît Dedieu},
url = {https://www.sfer.asso.fr/source/jrss2021/articles/C22_Malanski.pdf},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-12-10},
urldate = {2021-12-10},
address = {Toulouse},
organization = {15 èmes Journées de Recherche en Sciences Sociales (JRSS)},
abstract = {A niveau mondial, presque la moitié de la population vie en milieu rural et l’agriculture est le deuxième secteur qui emploi le plus. Néanmoins, les problématiques de terrain liées au travail en agriculture sont diverses. Études montrent que les approches disciplinaires sont les plus employés pour analyser les différentes problématiques, alors que nous considérons que, afin de
mieux les analyser, il est pertinent de prendre en compte les différentes thématiques et ses liens.
Notre objectif est de caractériser le panorama international de thématiques de recherche sur le travail en agriculture. Nous avons réalisé des analyses diachroniques et synchroniques des mots-clés des articles identifiés sur Web of Science et Scopus. Les résultats montrent que les sept objets de recherche identifiés ont suivi différentes évolutions pendant les 10 dernières
années (consolidation, émergence) et que ces objets ont été développées par six principales thématiques de recherche : allocation de la main-d’œuvre, dynamiques du marché du travail, genre et vulnérabilités, santé au travail, organisation du travail dans les exploitations, gouvernance du travail en chaînes agro-alimentaires. Ce panorama caractérise les thématiques
consolidées de la recherche sur le travail en agriculture au cours du dernier décennie et indique celles qui sont émergentes dans la littérature actuelle.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
mieux les analyser, il est pertinent de prendre en compte les différentes thématiques et ses liens.
Notre objectif est de caractériser le panorama international de thématiques de recherche sur le travail en agriculture. Nous avons réalisé des analyses diachroniques et synchroniques des mots-clés des articles identifiés sur Web of Science et Scopus. Les résultats montrent que les sept objets de recherche identifiés ont suivi différentes évolutions pendant les 10 dernières
années (consolidation, émergence) et que ces objets ont été développées par six principales thématiques de recherche : allocation de la main-d’œuvre, dynamiques du marché du travail, genre et vulnérabilités, santé au travail, organisation du travail dans les exploitations, gouvernance du travail en chaînes agro-alimentaires. Ce panorama caractérise les thématiques
consolidées de la recherche sur le travail en agriculture au cours du dernier décennie et indique celles qui sont émergentes dans la littérature actuelle.
Rizzo, Davide; Marraccini, Elisa
Research topics in crop diversification research at the landscape level: early evidence from a text mining approach Conference
Landscape 2021 - Diversity for Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture, Berlin, Germany, 2021.
title = {Research topics in crop diversification research at the landscape level: early evidence from a text mining approach},
author = {Davide Rizzo and Elisa Marraccini},
url = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03255023},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-09-20},
urldate = {2021-09-20},
booktitle = {Landscape 2021 - Diversity for Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture},
address = {Berlin, Germany},
abstract = {Crop diversification has many benefits both at the cropping system and the food system levels and has been addressed in agricultural research (Hufnagel et al., 2020). Landscape design and management in agricultural regions can support crop diversification by building bridges with scientific domains like ecology and geography (Benoit et al., 2012). Though, little is known on how the research community has addressed the crop diversification within a landscape perspective. In this paper we investigated a bibliographic corpus retrieved from the Scopus database papers coupling crop diversification and landscape (in title, abstract and keywords), retrieving 461 papers for the period 1990 to 2020. The corpus was analysed using the CorText platform (e.g., Ruiz-Martinez et al., 2015). First, natural language processing was used to extract multi-terms from title, abstract and keywords. Then, we mined the temporal dynamics and co-occurrence of the 100 most frequent terms. Our findings showed that species richness emerges as the main topic in this corpus, and that natural enemies, crop types and natural control increased in importance. In the last years, genetic diversity, climate change and agricultural production also gained attention. On the contrary, land use and some of the terms related to diversity (landscape, plant and farmland) were marginal or decreasing. By analysing the terms co-occurrence on the three decades, we observed that the papers addressing crop varieties and agroforestry system split into two streams: one about agricultural production in relation to climate change and the other about farm size and land use. Instead, the functional diversity and field margin disappeared from the recent literature. Land use patterns and landscape diversity converged mainly on studies about biological pest control. Altogether, the corpus highlighted that the spatial configuration lost in importance when addressing crop diversification. In addition, the species diversity gained in attention finally catching a large part of the literature in the corpus. From a landscape approach perspective, we might point out the apparent lack of a major topic: the involvement of local community and stakeholders. Our simple and rapid text mining approach yielded early evidence of knowledge gaps about the landscape level in crop diversification literature. The expected contribution of approaching the crop diversification at the landscape level would be to provide a relevant framework for the characterisation of the baseline system to be diversified. In particular, the landscape agronomy perspective stressed the need to define the scale and target area for crop diversification consistently with (natural and cultivated) species diversity embedded in a local socio-technical system. References Hufnagel, J., Reckling, M., & Ewert, F. (2020). Diverse approaches to crop diversification in agricultural research. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 40(2), 1-17. Ruiz-Martinez, I., Marraccini, E., Debolini, M., & Bonari, E. (2015). Indicators of agricultural intensity and intensification: a review of the literature. Italian Journal of Agronomy, 10(2), 74-84. Benoît, M., Rizzo, D., Marraccini, E., Moonen, A. C., Galli, M., Lardon, S., ... & Bonari, E. (2012). Landscape agronomy: a new field for addressing agricultural landscape dynamics. Landscape ecology, 27(10), 1385-1394. },
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Barbier, Marc
Delineating scientific domains in the literature using the CorTexT platform Conference
50° Convegno Nazionale Società Italiana di Agronomia, Udine, Italy, 2021.
title = {Delineating scientific domains in the literature using the CorTexT platform},
author = {Marc Barbier},
url = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03367721},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-09-15},
urldate = {2021-09-15},
booktitle = {50° Convegno Nazionale Società Italiana di Agronomia},
address = {Udine, Italy},
abstract = {Delineating scientific domains in the literature using the CorTexT platform},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Milia, Matías Federico
Herramientas para la investigación digital. Introducción práctica al CorText Manager Conference
BibTeX | Links:
title = {Herramientas para la investigación digital. Introducción práctica al CorText Manager},
author = {Matías Federico Milia},
url = {https://www.esocite.la/vii-escuela-doctoral/},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-07-29},
urldate = {2021-07-29},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Benbouzid, Bilel; Villard, Lionel; Larédo, Philippe; Adie, Euan
Tentative Governance of Artificial Intelligence Regulation. Representing governance as a virtual network of documents. Conference
Eu-SPRI Annual Conference Oslo, 2021.
title = {Tentative Governance of Artificial Intelligence Regulation. Representing governance as a virtual network of documents.},
author = {Bilel Benbouzid and Lionel Villard and Philippe Larédo and Euan Adie},
url = {https://www.euspri2021.no/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Session-8.3.pdf},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-06-09},
address = {Oslo},
organization = {Eu-SPRI Annual Conference},
abstract = {The paper wishes to test our ability to use quantitative methods to track emerging arrangements in the governance of artificial intelligence regulation. We position the paper in the conceptual approach proposed by Kuhlmann Stegmaier and Konrad (2018).},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Barbier, Marc; Farigoule, Pauline; Cruaud, Astrid; Rossi, Jean-Pierre
A socio-semantic analysis of the research domain on Xylella fastidiosa Conference
title = {A socio-semantic analysis of the research domain on Xylella fastidiosa},
author = {Marc Barbier and Pauline Farigoule and Astrid Cruaud and Jean-Pierre Rossi},
url = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03364873/file/BARBIER%20FARIGOULE%20poster_EFSA_Scientometric.pdf
year = {2021},
date = {2021-04-26},
urldate = {2021-04-26},
abstract = {The invasive plant pathogen Xylella fastidiosa currently threatens European flora through the loss of economically and culturally important host plants. Previously absent from Europe, and considered a quarantine pathogen, X. fastidiosa was first detected in Apulia, Italy in 2013 associated with a devastating disease of olive trees. Although the biology of X. fastidiosa has been studied for over a century, there is still no information on the determinants of specificity between bacterial genotypes and host plant species, which is particularly relevant today as X. fastidiosa is expanding in the naïve European landscape. We analyzed the genomes of 79 X. fastidiosa samples from diseased olive trees across the affected area in Italy as well as genomes of the most genetically closely related strains from Central America. We provided insights into the ecological and evolutionary emergence of this pathogen in Italy. We showed the pathogen was recently introduced, and we generated a list of candidate genes that could play a major role in the adaptation of X. fastidiosa to new environments.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Poibeau, Thierry; Ruiz, Pablo
Application de la résolution référentielle d’entités (entity linking) au domaine des Humanités numériques Conference
Journée Sciences des données et Humanités numériques 2020.
title = {Application de la résolution référentielle d’entités (entity linking) au domaine des Humanités numériques},
author = {Thierry Poibeau and Pablo Ruiz},
url = {https://prf1.org/docs/ruiz_pres_entlink_dh_scom.pdf},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-08-12},
organization = {Journée Sciences des données et Humanités numériques},
abstract = {Technologie de résolution référentielle des entités (entity linking)
– Description de la technologie
– Outils publiques
– Implications des choix d’outil pour la
modélisation des données textuelles},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
– Description de la technologie
– Outils publiques
– Implications des choix d’outil pour la
modélisation des données textuelles
Hu, Jiming; Zheng, Xiang
Structure and evolution patterns of contents of Chinese children's bestsellers Conference
iConference 2020 Proceedings iSchools, 2020.
title = {Structure and evolution patterns of contents of Chinese children's bestsellers},
author = {Jiming Hu and Xiang Zheng},
url = {http://hdl.handle.net/2142/106538},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-03-23},
publisher = {iSchools},
series = {iConference 2020 Proceedings},
abstract = {Children's books involve a large number of topics. This poster focuses on that in China, which is the fastest growing market for children's book in the world. This poster chose Dangdang.com, the biggest Chinese online bookstore, for data source to obtain children's bestsellers. The topic words of children's bestsellers were extracted from their brief introductions of the content on the website. With the aid of co-occurrence theory and tools of social network analysis and visualization, the distribution, correlation structures, and evolution patterns of topics were revealed and visualized. This poster shows that topics of Chinese children's bestsellers are broad and relatively concentrated, but their distribution is unbalanced. There are four distinguished topic communities (Living, Animal, World, and Child) in terms of centrality and maturity, and they all establish their individual systems and tend to be mature. The evolution of these communities tends to be stable with powerful continuity.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Ding, Nian; Huang, Xiao
Research on the Evolution of Health Information Behavior From a Chinese Perspective Conference
2020, ISBN: 978-0-9981331-3-3.
title = {Research on the Evolution of Health Information Behavior From a Chinese Perspective},
author = {Nian Ding and Xiao Huang},
url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10125/64146},
doi = {10.24251/HICSS.2020.404},
isbn = {978-0-9981331-3-3},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-01-07},
urldate = {2020-01-07},
abstract = {China has been undergoing a tremendous development in the reform of health system and it has great effects all the citizens and the nation as a whole. This paper aims to focus on the individuals from the aspect of information behavior. It is expected that the review on health information behavior could be conducted in a systematic way. Moreover, some statistical methods and software have been occupied in order to find out the entire progress of health information behavior. Specifically, both vertical and horizontal comparison have been conducted in this study, and scientometric methods have also be used. After a systematic and profound literature review, the whole progress has been explored and the main topics of great importance have been discovered. Moreover, highly cited papers and their relationship have also been revealed.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Lascialfari, Matteo; Anton, Marc; Larre, Colette; Nguyen-The, Christophe; Micard, Val'erie; Amiot-Carlin, Marie-Josephe; Walrand, St'ephane; Arvisenet, Ga"elle; Leiser, Hugues; Chardigny, Jean-Michel; Cabanac, Guillaume
Dynamiques des connaissances et des innovations dans les sciences alimentaires sur les légumineuses : une analyse mondiale des publications scientifiques Conference
2e Rencontres francophones sur les légumineuses (RFL 2018), INRA Editions, Toulouse, France, 2019, (hal-02191782).
title = {Dynamiques des connaissances et des innovations dans les sciences alimentaires sur les légumineuses : une analyse mondiale des publications scientifiques},
author = {Matteo Lascialfari and Marc Anton and Colette Larre and Christophe Nguyen-The and Val{'e}rie Micard and Marie-Josephe Amiot-Carlin and St{'e}phane Walrand and Ga{"e}lle Arvisenet and Hugues Leiser and Jean-Michel Chardigny and Guillaume Cabanac},
url = {http://oatao.univ-toulouse.fr/22512},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-07-10},
urldate = {2019-07-10},
booktitle = {2e Rencontres francophones sur les légumineuses (RFL 2018)},
publisher = {INRA Editions},
address = {Toulouse, France},
abstract = {Construction d’un Corpus Bibliométrique avec des experts des Sciences de l’alimentation et de l’Information scientifique},
note = {hal-02191782},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Rizzo, Davide; Marraccini, Elisa; Benoît, Marc; Thenail, Claudine; Lardon, Sylvie
Landscape agronomy: bibliometric insights on key issues and background topics of a conceptual framework Conference
10th IALE World Congress Milan, Italy, 2019.
title = {Landscape agronomy: bibliometric insights on key issues and background topics of a conceptual framework},
author = {Davide Rizzo and Elisa Marraccini and Marc Benoît and Claudine Thenail and Sylvie Lardon},
url = {https://hal.science/hal-03609817/
year = {2019},
date = {2019-07-04},
urldate = {2019-07-04},
address = {Milan, Italy},
organization = {10th IALE World Congress },
abstract = {Landscapes are formed by the interactions between natural resources and heterogeneous land managers that expect/pursue an increasing variety of ecosystem services. Landscape ecology undoubtedly indicated the landscape as the best level to assess existing services and to support expected improvements. Where agriculture drives local dynamics, a contextual cross-scale analysis of farming activities and actors is needed to understand how and why landscapes are produced, eventually, redesigned. Inspired by landscape ecology, the landscape agronomy framework was proposed to extend the study of patterns and processes to agriculture, calling to focus on the spatially explicit characterization of farmers' decision-making. In summary, the landscape agronomy conceptual framework helps to describe and analyze the patterns determined by the interactions between agricultural practices and local resources (Benoit, Rizzo et al. 2012, Lands Ecol). This communication aims at providing insights into the key concepts underpinning the conceptual framework, such as the "cropping system" defined by agronomists, and the "force fields" applied in geography. A few years after the launch of this conceptual framework, we address the question: "who cares about landscape and agriculture?". To this aim, we will present the result of a bibliometric analysis using the CorText platform to explore research keywords, (inter)disciplinary bridges and emerging issues related to landscape agronomy. In the discussion, we will address some relevant applications, such as the challenges for agrifood system management of natural resources or to energy production by farmers (e.g., biofuel, biogas), and the landscape perspective on the deployment of smart farming and agtech. We will conclude on possible improvements to this conceptual framework. Altogether, this communication sets the scene for an upcoming multidisciplinary book about advances and challenges of a territorial approach to agricultural issues. },
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Rizzo, Davide; Combaud, Anne; Marraccini, Elisa
Factors influencing farmers' preferences about agricultural equipment supply. A literature overview Conference
AXEMA EurAgEng SIMA, 2017.
title = {Factors influencing farmers' preferences about agricultural equipment supply. A literature overview},
author = {Davide Rizzo and Anne Combaud and Elisa Marraccini},
url = {https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Davide_Rizzo/publication/316686499_Conf_AXM-Eurageng_N06_Farmers_preferences_review/data/590c6589aca272db9ca6e222/Conf-AXM-Eurageng-N06-Farmers-preferences-review.pdf},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-02-01},
booktitle = {AXEMA EurAgEng SIMA},
abstract = {The decreasing number of farmers and the associated increase in farm and field average size risks to constraint the opportunities for innovative farming system design. Agricultural equipment adoption and management can play a critical role to ensure the whole farm profitability by increasing farming practices efficiency. Hence, it is crucial to understand the factors influencing the farmers’ decision making and preferences about the equipment supply.
The aim of this study is to identify the major drivers in this processes based on an overview of the available scientific literature and reports, addressing the interactions between farming practices and equipment supply from the farmers’ perspective. Our goal is to define a generic analytical framework to explore the expectations and willingness of farmers in the adoption of equipment innovation. We foster studies at levels ranging from regions to countries.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
The aim of this study is to identify the major drivers in this processes based on an overview of the available scientific literature and reports, addressing the interactions between farming practices and equipment supply from the farmers’ perspective. Our goal is to define a generic analytical framework to explore the expectations and willingness of farmers in the adoption of equipment innovation. We foster studies at levels ranging from regions to countries.
Indukaev, Andrey; Mogoutov, Andrei; Lepinay, Vincent
Computer scientists from the former USSR: international mobility patterns and scientific success Conference
no. 7, Russia, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4503-2889-0, (CEE-SECR '14: Proceedings of the 10th Central and Eastern European Software Engineering Conference in Russia).
title = {Computer scientists from the former USSR: international mobility patterns and scientific success},
author = {Andrey Indukaev and Andrei Mogoutov and Vincent Lepinay},
url = {https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/2687233.2687257?casa_token=2sPTTtPwEcAAAAAA:BHTooRNy0D12CGa8hQtd3o7q-HUFqE-l3jNbQWfwb6lSImuRRdFyRSyn-D2a8hoI5wuS1MibjPa2XA
doi = {10.1145/2687233.2687257},
isbn = {978-1-4503-2889-0},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-10-23},
urldate = {2014-10-23},
number = {7},
pages = {1-9},
address = {Russia},
abstract = {In the present paper, we develop a new method of longitudinal analysis of bibliographic data in order to explore international mobility of researchers from the former USSR through their publication activity.
Firstly, by means of name recognition algorithm using machine learning, we extracted from Web of Science a dataset of publications of more than three thousand of the most active computer scientists from the former Soviet Union. Then, the information on individuals' scientific production is presented in the form of a sequence of states which summarizes the affiliation location for all articles published by a certain author in a given period.
We use Optimal Matching algorithm to measure the degree of difference (which, in the sequence analysis, is called distance) between the sequences of individual researchers' activity. The distance between sequences is analyzed by means of hierarchical clustering, which permits us to group computer scientists from the former USSR in several classes according to publication activity patterns.
Not surprisingly, ex-soviet researchers having permanent affiliation in their home country are cited less than those who have permanent foreign affiliation. However, those who switch affiliations from former USSR to foreign or the other way round and publish in internationalized groups have one of the highest levels of citation per article among newcomers in discipline.
Our research shows that scientific mobility of successful authors can be not only unidirectional, but can take form of a complex go-and-return pattern, the claim which relativizes the "brain drain" paradigm in the analysis of migration of highly qualified specialists from the former URSS. On the methodological level, we propose a new method for analyzing scientific activity which takes into account its longitudinal dynamics. This method can be used for research questions going far beyond the scope of migration studies.},
note = {CEE-SECR '14: Proceedings of the 10th Central and Eastern European Software Engineering Conference in Russia},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Firstly, by means of name recognition algorithm using machine learning, we extracted from Web of Science a dataset of publications of more than three thousand of the most active computer scientists from the former Soviet Union. Then, the information on individuals' scientific production is presented in the form of a sequence of states which summarizes the affiliation location for all articles published by a certain author in a given period.
We use Optimal Matching algorithm to measure the degree of difference (which, in the sequence analysis, is called distance) between the sequences of individual researchers' activity. The distance between sequences is analyzed by means of hierarchical clustering, which permits us to group computer scientists from the former USSR in several classes according to publication activity patterns.
Not surprisingly, ex-soviet researchers having permanent affiliation in their home country are cited less than those who have permanent foreign affiliation. However, those who switch affiliations from former USSR to foreign or the other way round and publish in internationalized groups have one of the highest levels of citation per article among newcomers in discipline.
Our research shows that scientific mobility of successful authors can be not only unidirectional, but can take form of a complex go-and-return pattern, the claim which relativizes the "brain drain" paradigm in the analysis of migration of highly qualified specialists from the former URSS. On the methodological level, we propose a new method for analyzing scientific activity which takes into account its longitudinal dynamics. This method can be used for research questions going far beyond the scope of migration studies.
Barbier, Marc; Cointet, Jean-Philippe
Socio-semantic dynamics for digital humanities: Methodology and epistemology of large textual corpora analysis Conference
title = {Socio-semantic dynamics for digital humanities: Methodology and epistemology of large textual corpora analysis},
author = {Marc Barbier and Jean-Philippe Cointet},
url = {https://easst.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/easst2014.pdf},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
abstract = {Until recent time, the description, light-modeling and interpretation of socio-cognitive dynamics of science-society relations and social media relationships required a constructivist approach, involving collecting, reading, classifying and interpreting tasks performed by scholars examining sets of digital data (texts, archives, structured databases, websites, blogs, etc.). The growing mass of data produced in the so-called Knowledge Society owes a lot to the acceleration and profusion of digital tools that are now widely used in different areas of human activities: work, culture, leisure, political expression, etc. Social scientists now largely acknowledge that the various modes of interaction brought by new information and communication technologies are changing the very nature of micro-politics and the expression of the self. In our views the conditions for producing knowledge in social sciences and humanities more widely are changed too. New digital infrastructures specifically designed for social sciences and humanities make it possible to equip scientists with tools that enable them to tackle the complexity of heterogeneous textual corpora dynamics and to develop innovative analytical methodologies that will bring new insights and renewed capacities to investigate contemporary issues. The aim of this communication is to propose (1) to discuss some of the epistemic problems that surge from the use of digital platforms ambitioning the development of our capacities of enquiry of knowledge production in society; (2) to present the main developments and experience that had been led within the CorTexT plateform as well as their driving principles.},
howpublished = {Communication to the EASST Conference, Torun, Pologne},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Benbouzid, Bilel
Analyse scientométrique des usages des enquêtes de victimation avec Cortext Manager Conference
Association Internationale des criminologues de langue française, vol. 1, 2014.
title = {Analyse scientométrique des usages des enquêtes de victimation avec Cortext Manager},
author = {Bilel Benbouzid},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
booktitle = {Association Internationale des criminologues de langue française},
journal = {Association Internationale des criminologues de langue française},
volume = {1},
pages = {4},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Parasie, Sylvain; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Dagiral, Eric
La presse en ligne au service de la démocratie locale. LaVoixduNord.fr dans les élections municipales de 2008 Conference
2011, (oai:HAL:hal-00675970v1).
title = {La presse en ligne au service de la démocratie locale. LaVoixduNord.fr dans les élections municipales de 2008},
author = {Sylvain Parasie and Jean-Philippe Cointet and Eric Dagiral},
url = {https://sypar.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/pres_afs_vdn-7juillet11.pdf},
year = {2011},
date = {2011-07-07},
school = {Université Paris Est - IFRIS},
abstract = {Rôle démocratique de la presse en ligne
• discours optimistes : connaissance politique, participation civique
• études empiriques sceptiques : imitation (Boczkowski, 2010), recul de l’investigation, fractionnement du travail (Quandt, 2009)
Question controversée dans le cas de la presse locale
• analyses critiques : collusion élus/localiers, dépolitisation et journalisme de service
• études plus nuancées : Lemieux (2000), Frisque (2010)},
note = {oai:HAL:hal-00675970v1},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
• discours optimistes : connaissance politique, participation civique
• études empiriques sceptiques : imitation (Boczkowski, 2010), recul de l’investigation, fractionnement du travail (Quandt, 2009)
Question controversée dans le cas de la presse locale
• analyses critiques : collusion élus/localiers, dépolitisation et journalisme de service
• études plus nuancées : Lemieux (2000), Frisque (2010)
Tari, Thomas; Caron, Pauline; Breucker, Philippe; Barbier, Marc
Characterising the Localisation of Projects Collaborations in Research Dynamics: methodological requirements and results for new visualisations of heterogeneous networks Conference
2010, (ENID 2010 - Methods and techniques for the exploitation of heterogeneous data sources).
title = {Characterising the Localisation of Projects Collaborations in Research Dynamics: methodological requirements and results for new visualisations of heterogeneous networks},
author = {Thomas Tari and Pauline Caron and Philippe Breucker and Marc Barbier},
url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262494844_Characterising_the_Localisation_of_Projects_Collaborations_in_Research_Dynamics_methodological_requirements_and_results_for_new_visualisations_of_heterogeneous_networks
year = {2010},
date = {2010-01-01},
abstract = {This communication proposes to discuss the construction of methodological requirements on databases building and software development, and aspires to show some concrete results in visualising heterogeneous networks of research dynamics considered through projects ecology.
Our reflection is grounded in the growing needs, either for decision makers or researchers of the STS and SPS communities to relay their analysis of facts on a convenient visualisation of structural relationships between heterogeneous actants. Their configuration in dedicated databases is worthy to focus on as they reflect the endogenous dynamics of research and R&D activities. Our hypothesis is that the aims, perimeter, contents and selected projects of funding programmes represent a relevant account of the un‐going technological and scientific dynamic on the one hand, and a relevant account of the mobilization and choices of scientific communities and science policy “makers” on the other hand. Those configurations rely firmly on spatial‐based organizations, mixing European, national and regional scales in formal and informal clusters. Our perspective in the CorTexT Platform of IFRIS is to enrich the studies of sciences dynamics on customized databases of research and R&D projects that represent Dthrough territories performative associations of laboratories, scientific teams, R&D firms and lead‐users.
Without ignoring the existence of a large array of scientific perspectives in Information Sciences about the measurement of science productions and science dynamics, we situate our work in the branch of analysis and visualisation of social networks. This field as well as indicators are central for evaluation and policy of science (Callon et al., 1986; Law et al., 1988). At present, the evolution of the analysis of scientific networks is largely attached to the question of characterizing collaborative and cognitive dynamics of knowledge production (Powell et al., 2005) and to the emergence of multi or trans‐disciplinary emerging fields of research (Lucio‐Arias, Leydesdorff, 2007) or paradigmatic field of research (Chavalarias, Cointet, 2008). Tracing and mapping knowledge in scientific database or in other electronic sources still represents a huge field of problems for many disciplines dealing with information. More locally, in relation to specific area of research, mapping heterogeneous networks appears to help the understanding of social dynamic of research activities (Cambrosio, Keating, Mogoutov, 2004; Cambrosio et al., 2006; Bourret et al., 2006).
Using co‐word analysis tools (RéseauLu), we have already proposed a social study focused on regime of knowledge production in agricultural science and on the significance of sustainability (Barbier, Mogoutov et al., 2008). We identified two emergent yet lively research themes: biofuels and vegetal fibres, and realized specific bibliometrical studies on those subjects. We then devoted sociological studies based on heterogeneous sources to fibres (Caron et Barbier 2009) and biofuel & bioenergy research (Tari 2009). Bearing in mind this type of overall view on scientific knowledge we wanted to develop an approach on research projects in those domains.},
note = {ENID 2010 - Methods and techniques for the exploitation of heterogeneous data sources},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Our reflection is grounded in the growing needs, either for decision makers or researchers of the STS and SPS communities to relay their analysis of facts on a convenient visualisation of structural relationships between heterogeneous actants. Their configuration in dedicated databases is worthy to focus on as they reflect the endogenous dynamics of research and R&D activities. Our hypothesis is that the aims, perimeter, contents and selected projects of funding programmes represent a relevant account of the un‐going technological and scientific dynamic on the one hand, and a relevant account of the mobilization and choices of scientific communities and science policy “makers” on the other hand. Those configurations rely firmly on spatial‐based organizations, mixing European, national and regional scales in formal and informal clusters. Our perspective in the CorTexT Platform of IFRIS is to enrich the studies of sciences dynamics on customized databases of research and R&D projects that represent Dthrough territories performative associations of laboratories, scientific teams, R&D firms and lead‐users.
Without ignoring the existence of a large array of scientific perspectives in Information Sciences about the measurement of science productions and science dynamics, we situate our work in the branch of analysis and visualisation of social networks. This field as well as indicators are central for evaluation and policy of science (Callon et al., 1986; Law et al., 1988). At present, the evolution of the analysis of scientific networks is largely attached to the question of characterizing collaborative and cognitive dynamics of knowledge production (Powell et al., 2005) and to the emergence of multi or trans‐disciplinary emerging fields of research (Lucio‐Arias, Leydesdorff, 2007) or paradigmatic field of research (Chavalarias, Cointet, 2008). Tracing and mapping knowledge in scientific database or in other electronic sources still represents a huge field of problems for many disciplines dealing with information. More locally, in relation to specific area of research, mapping heterogeneous networks appears to help the understanding of social dynamic of research activities (Cambrosio, Keating, Mogoutov, 2004; Cambrosio et al., 2006; Bourret et al., 2006).
Using co‐word analysis tools (RéseauLu), we have already proposed a social study focused on regime of knowledge production in agricultural science and on the significance of sustainability (Barbier, Mogoutov et al., 2008). We identified two emergent yet lively research themes: biofuels and vegetal fibres, and realized specific bibliometrical studies on those subjects. We then devoted sociological studies based on heterogeneous sources to fibres (Caron et Barbier 2009) and biofuel & bioenergy research (Tari 2009). Bearing in mind this type of overall view on scientific knowledge we wanted to develop an approach on research projects in those domains.
(Sources: Google Scholar, HAL, Scopus, WOS and search engines)
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