Masters Theses
de Souza Mancoso, Kaique
Cancelar ou não cancelar, eis a questão: uma análise das características da cultura do cancelamento através do julgamento de celebridades no Twitter Masters Thesis
Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Brasil, 2023.
title = {Cancelar ou não cancelar, eis a questão: uma análise das características da cultura do cancelamento através do julgamento de celebridades no Twitter},
author = {Kaique de Souza Mancoso},
url = {https://repositorio.ufc.br/bitstream/riufc/76373/5/2023_dis_ksmancoso.pdf
year = {2023},
date = {2023-11-23},
address = {Fortaleza, Brasil},
school = {Universidade Federal do Ceará},
abstract = {Este estudo se propôs a desvendar as principais características da cultura do cancelamento. Dada a contemporaneidade do tema e o arsenal literário limitado, esta pesquisa revela as configurações e implicações desse fenômeno, contribuindo, assim, para ampliarmos a compreensão das dinâmicas de conversação em redes sociais. Para isso, foram analisados cinco casos de cancelamentos de figuras públicas brasileiras em 2022: Monark, Deolane Bezerra, Gkay, Jade Picon e Luísa Sonza. A escolha dessas celebridades teve origem na análise de matérias digitais sobre “famosos cancelados em 2022” , sendo os procedimentos de pesquisa documental online uma das técnicas fundamentais para essa etapa. A metodologia combinou, principalmente, técnicas de análise de conteúdo e análise de redes sociais para investigar as conversações de cada caso no Twitter. Dada as particularidades de cada fato, foram levantadas e extraídas publicações que mencionavam a figura pública em questão, especificamente nas semanas dos fatos. Os dados revelaram a forte presença de discurso de ódio, através de publicações com ataques e insultos às celebridades, advindos de uma grande maioria de usuários canceladores. Além disso, a investigação mostra que a suposta relação entre o fenômeno do cancelamento e o agendamento de pautas identitárias e morais nem sempre mostrou-se significativa, o que indica a ausência de um debate substancial e a tendência de desvio de tópicos durante as interações. Os esforços dos usuários se concentraram, na verdade, em demandar penalidades e consequências às pessoas canceladas. No entanto, há indícios de que os prejuízos de cancelamentos são mais momentâneos do que duradouros, demonstrando o aspecto volátil de episódios de cancelamentos, com pouco impacto transformador na sociedade.
Os resultados também reforçam que a multidimensionalidade do tema eleva a complexidade de sua plena compreensão. Essa jornada investigativa colabora para futuras reflexões sobre ética digital, responsabilidade online e comportamento nas redes sociais.
This study aimed to unravel the primary characteristics of cancel culture. Given the contemporaneity of the subject and the limited literary resources, this research reveals the configurations and implications of this phenomenon, thereby contributing to an enhanced understanding of conversational dynamics on social networks. To achieve this, five cases of cancellations of Brazilian public figures in 2022 were analyzed: Monark, Deolane Bezerra, Gkay, Jade Picon, and Luísa Sonza. The selection of these celebrities originated from the analysis of digital articles regarding "celebrities canceled in 2022", with online documentary research procedures being one of the fundamental techniques for this stage. The methodology primarily combined content analysis and social network analysis techniques to investigate the conversations of each case on Twitter. Given the peculiarities of each event, posts mentioning the relevant public figure were identified and extracted, specifically during the weeks of these events. The data revealed a substantial presence of hate speech through posts containing attacks and insults directed at the celebrities, originating from a significant majority of canceling users. Furthermore, the investigation indicates that the supposed relationship between the phenomenon of cancel culture and the scheduling of identity and moral agendas did not always prove significant, suggesting the absence of substantial debate and a tendency to divert from topics during interactions. In reality, the users' efforts were concentrated on demanding penalties and consequences for the canceled individuals. Nonetheless, there are indications that the consequences of cancellations are more ephemeral than enduring, highlighting the volatile nature of cancellation episodes with limited transformative impact on society. The results also underscore that the multidimensionality of the subject enhances the complexity of its comprehensive understanding. This investigative journey contributes to future reflections on digital ethics, online responsibility, and behavior on social media.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
Os resultados também reforçam que a multidimensionalidade do tema eleva a complexidade de sua plena compreensão. Essa jornada investigativa colabora para futuras reflexões sobre ética digital, responsabilidade online e comportamento nas redes sociais.
This study aimed to unravel the primary characteristics of cancel culture. Given the contemporaneity of the subject and the limited literary resources, this research reveals the configurations and implications of this phenomenon, thereby contributing to an enhanced understanding of conversational dynamics on social networks. To achieve this, five cases of cancellations of Brazilian public figures in 2022 were analyzed: Monark, Deolane Bezerra, Gkay, Jade Picon, and Luísa Sonza. The selection of these celebrities originated from the analysis of digital articles regarding "celebrities canceled in 2022", with online documentary research procedures being one of the fundamental techniques for this stage. The methodology primarily combined content analysis and social network analysis techniques to investigate the conversations of each case on Twitter. Given the peculiarities of each event, posts mentioning the relevant public figure were identified and extracted, specifically during the weeks of these events. The data revealed a substantial presence of hate speech through posts containing attacks and insults directed at the celebrities, originating from a significant majority of canceling users. Furthermore, the investigation indicates that the supposed relationship between the phenomenon of cancel culture and the scheduling of identity and moral agendas did not always prove significant, suggesting the absence of substantial debate and a tendency to divert from topics during interactions. In reality, the users' efforts were concentrated on demanding penalties and consequences for the canceled individuals. Nonetheless, there are indications that the consequences of cancellations are more ephemeral than enduring, highlighting the volatile nature of cancellation episodes with limited transformative impact on society. The results also underscore that the multidimensionality of the subject enhances the complexity of its comprehensive understanding. This investigative journey contributes to future reflections on digital ethics, online responsibility, and behavior on social media.
Enhaynes, Alistair V.; Anderson, John Brian F.; Bayon, Jerik Adrian V.
Anti-reflective coatings for photovoltaic module efficiency: A bibliometric review Masters Thesis
De La Salle University (DLSU), Manila, 2023, (Bachelor of Science in Biology major in Medical Biology).
title = {Anti-reflective coatings for photovoltaic module efficiency: A bibliometric review},
author = {Alistair V. Enhaynes and John Brian F. Anderson and Jerik Adrian V. Bayon},
url = {https://animorepository.dlsu.edu.ph/etdb_bio/37/},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-08-30},
urldate = {2023-08-30},
address = {Manila},
school = {De La Salle University (DLSU)},
abstract = {With a global call to mitigate climate change by adapting energy systems, renewable energy is on the rise. However, many nations, especially developing countries, have struggled to transition to renewable energy due to its hefty cost. Solar energy is one of the most prominent renewable energy sources and it is usually harvested by photovoltaic modules. Unfortunately, these photovoltaic modules experience optical losses due to the reflection of light. The researchers performed a bibliometric review on anti-reflective coatings to identify trends and relationships. The researchers used literature from the Scopus database and performed different scripts using the Cortext Manager tool. Through the different analyses done by the researchers, top journals, prominent terms, evolution of terms, leading countries, and author interconnections were determined. With this, the researchers have noted the current state and future directions of anti-reflective coatings, such as the development of multifunctional coatings, advanced light trapping mechanisms as well as advancements in its commercialization.},
note = {Bachelor of Science in Biology major in Medical Biology},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
Zafar, Lubna
Impact of Field of Study Trend on Citation Count of Scientific Articles and Authors Masters Thesis
The Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan, 2023.
title = {Impact of Field of Study Trend on Citation Count of Scientific Articles and Authors},
author = {Lubna Zafar},
url = {https://cust.edu.pk/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Dissertation-Lubna-Zafar.pdf
year = {2023},
date = {2023-07-17},
address = {Islamabad, Pakistan},
school = {The Capital University of Science and Technology},
abstract = {Millions of new scientific articles are published each year. Researchers work and publish in their respective fields of interest. A major portion of the scientific community publishing in the same Field of Study (FoS) forms a trend of that field. A novice researcher chooses his field of interest based upon its popularity.
This may have a positive impact on the acceptance of a study or high count of citations in future. There are multiple studies in literature that focus on FoS trend detection and analysis, birth and establishment of an FoS trend, number of publications and researchers in an FoS trend, communities of researchers being formed around an FoS trend, author’s FoS switching, vanishing of an FoS trend, trends in different disciplines etc. However, the previous work contains a gap, that is, there is no work on impact of following an FoS on citation trend of scientific articles and authors.
This study identifies how significant it is to follow an FoS trend and the impact of the FoS trend on research paper citations and on authors citation count. For this purpose, we have chosen the field of Computer Science and Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG) dataset from the 1950-2018 time period. We extracted publications of different FoS of Computer Science and also citation counts for these publications.
First, we established similarity between citation trends of papers belonging to same FoS using rand index and correlation. Then we proposed a technique to identify trend setters and trend followers that would help to identify influential authors in a particular FoS. Finally, we established the impact of FoS on the citation patterns of authors by achieving a consistent R2 values of papers belonging to same FoS.
The results depict that if papers belong to the same FoS, then there are 69% of the chances of having a similar citation pattern and that they have the same citation trend as they also have achieved a high correlation value. Experimental results show that there is a similarity between citation trend of authors that belong to the same FoS as compared to different FoS and achieved consistent R2 value. FoS trend following has a certain impact on the citation count of authors. The result also shows that if an author publishes in a particular FoS, then the citation trend of this author’s work resembles more to the overall citation trend of that particular FoS than that of some other FoS. This proves that FoS has a certain impact on the citation count of a paper and researchers should contemplate on the FoS trend before selecting a particular research area
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
This may have a positive impact on the acceptance of a study or high count of citations in future. There are multiple studies in literature that focus on FoS trend detection and analysis, birth and establishment of an FoS trend, number of publications and researchers in an FoS trend, communities of researchers being formed around an FoS trend, author’s FoS switching, vanishing of an FoS trend, trends in different disciplines etc. However, the previous work contains a gap, that is, there is no work on impact of following an FoS on citation trend of scientific articles and authors.
This study identifies how significant it is to follow an FoS trend and the impact of the FoS trend on research paper citations and on authors citation count. For this purpose, we have chosen the field of Computer Science and Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG) dataset from the 1950-2018 time period. We extracted publications of different FoS of Computer Science and also citation counts for these publications.
First, we established similarity between citation trends of papers belonging to same FoS using rand index and correlation. Then we proposed a technique to identify trend setters and trend followers that would help to identify influential authors in a particular FoS. Finally, we established the impact of FoS on the citation patterns of authors by achieving a consistent R2 values of papers belonging to same FoS.
The results depict that if papers belong to the same FoS, then there are 69% of the chances of having a similar citation pattern and that they have the same citation trend as they also have achieved a high correlation value. Experimental results show that there is a similarity between citation trend of authors that belong to the same FoS as compared to different FoS and achieved consistent R2 value. FoS trend following has a certain impact on the citation count of authors. The result also shows that if an author publishes in a particular FoS, then the citation trend of this author’s work resembles more to the overall citation trend of that particular FoS than that of some other FoS. This proves that FoS has a certain impact on the citation count of a paper and researchers should contemplate on the FoS trend before selecting a particular research area
Virta, Vera
Performance indicators in sustainability reporting: Evidence from Finland Masters Thesis
Utrecht University, 2023.
title = {Performance indicators in sustainability reporting: Evidence from Finland},
author = {Vera Virta},
url = {https://studenttheses.uu.nl/bitstream/handle/20.500.12932/44680/MASTER%20THESIS%20Vera%20Virta%202196433.pdf?sequence=1},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-06-30},
school = {Utrecht University},
abstract = {Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is increasingly gaining attention both among academia and the business world, as environmental concerns continue to take more critical turns. Legislation is tightening around the topic and sustainability reporting is becoming more mandatory. Disclosure requirements are extending to reach smaller corporations as well. Hence, many companies are in a situation where they need to start reporting about their sustainability for the first time. One significant aspect of these CSR reports is Sustainability Performance Indicators (SPI), which are also part of several reporting frameworks. SPIs are useful tools to transform qualitative information into quantitative. They are considered effective in communicating non-financial information, providing reliable and accurate results for stakeholders.
This thesis investigates the sustainability performance indicators disclosed in the Finnish context, solely focusing on indicators defined by Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). It aims to examine what indicators are companies currently including in their reports, whether there can be differences detected regarding company characteristics, and whether it is possible to assess the level of disclosure quality and completeness. The sample consists of 29 large listed companies with origins in Finland.
Text mining and content analysis are performed on the sample reports to examine the disclosed indicators and disclosure quality.
The results show that on average, companies include 40 out of the total 88 GRI indicators in their reports. Environmental and social indicators are highlighted over economic ones, and the most used indicators relate to emissions and energy usage. Larger companies, both in the sense of revenue and number of employees, use more indicators than smaller ones. Differences are detected between industries, suggesting that air transport uses the most indicators, while companies in finance, insurance,
programming, and consultancy use the least indicators. Regarding the indicator preferences, results show that manufacturing companies focus on material and water, while wholesale and retail companies find procurement practices, waste, and suppliers important. Finance etc. companies then highlight customer privacy over other indicators. Findings suggest that there is room for improvement regarding both completeness of the disclosures and their quality, referring to both report content such as completeness, as well as external qualifications such as clarity. Based on the results it can be stated that companies are under external pressure to disclose sustainability information and use multiple performance indicators, but the pressure does not impact the report quality.
This thesis adds to the literature on sustainability reporting and sustainability performance indicators. It provides new insights into the rather scarce literature on the topic by providing results in the context of Finland. The thesis contributes to the stakeholder theory, legitimacy theory, and institutional theory. The results have practical value as well, as can be used by other companies who are starting their sustainability reporting journey, as they can adopt the reporting manners of the larger companies and on the other hand learn from their aberrations.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
This thesis investigates the sustainability performance indicators disclosed in the Finnish context, solely focusing on indicators defined by Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). It aims to examine what indicators are companies currently including in their reports, whether there can be differences detected regarding company characteristics, and whether it is possible to assess the level of disclosure quality and completeness. The sample consists of 29 large listed companies with origins in Finland.
Text mining and content analysis are performed on the sample reports to examine the disclosed indicators and disclosure quality.
The results show that on average, companies include 40 out of the total 88 GRI indicators in their reports. Environmental and social indicators are highlighted over economic ones, and the most used indicators relate to emissions and energy usage. Larger companies, both in the sense of revenue and number of employees, use more indicators than smaller ones. Differences are detected between industries, suggesting that air transport uses the most indicators, while companies in finance, insurance,
programming, and consultancy use the least indicators. Regarding the indicator preferences, results show that manufacturing companies focus on material and water, while wholesale and retail companies find procurement practices, waste, and suppliers important. Finance etc. companies then highlight customer privacy over other indicators. Findings suggest that there is room for improvement regarding both completeness of the disclosures and their quality, referring to both report content such as completeness, as well as external qualifications such as clarity. Based on the results it can be stated that companies are under external pressure to disclose sustainability information and use multiple performance indicators, but the pressure does not impact the report quality.
This thesis adds to the literature on sustainability reporting and sustainability performance indicators. It provides new insights into the rather scarce literature on the topic by providing results in the context of Finland. The thesis contributes to the stakeholder theory, legitimacy theory, and institutional theory. The results have practical value as well, as can be used by other companies who are starting their sustainability reporting journey, as they can adopt the reporting manners of the larger companies and on the other hand learn from their aberrations.
Lim, Shannen Meeka L.; Secosana, Brina Sabelle C.
The effects of cannabidiol on skin: A bibliometric review Masters Thesis
De La Salle University, Manila, 2023.
title = {The effects of cannabidiol on skin: A bibliometric review},
author = {Shannen Meeka L. Lim and Brina Sabelle C. Secosana},
url = {https://animorepository.dlsu.edu.ph/etdb_bio/33/},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-04-01},
urldate = {2023-04-01},
address = {Manila},
school = {De La Salle University},
abstract = {The effects of Cannabidiol (CBD) on the skin have been a prominent topic in scientific research. In recent years, there has been a rise in the popularity of skin care products and skin treatments infused with CBD. Studies have shown that CBD can potentially treat skin disorders such as acne, atopic dermatitis, and psoriasis. However, due to recent CBD studies, research on this topic remains fragmented. Thus, this study performed a bibliometric analysis to examine and analyze the current studies available about the application of CBD in skin treatment. The gaps and unknown information in this field of study were also identified. The databased was Scopus, and the bibliometric analytical tool was CorText. With this, using a network map, the top terms that were derived from CBD studies in the skin were found. Additionally, the links from different countries were seen using a country-based network map. The authors with prominent contributions in this field of study have also been identified using an author-based network map. Furthermore, the relationship between terms and certain journals was observed using a contingency matrix. Moreover, a Sankey diagram showed the evolution of keywords, and an overview of the historical transformation of the different studies under CBD and skin was seen. Finally, An Epic epoch graph highlighted the past and current trends in CBD and skin research. With this, the current challenges and future perspectives of CBD and its effects on the skin were discussed, such as moving on to in vivo trials for CBD and skin research, since a majority (>86%) of all studies has shown potential in CBD as a treatment for skin diseases.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
Masters Theses
Kourri, Demetra
A Tunnel of Many Worlds: Unfolding the Blanka Controversy Masters Thesis
University of Manchester, 2022.
title = {A Tunnel of Many Worlds: Unfolding the Blanka Controversy},
author = {Demetra Kourri},
url = {https://pure.manchester.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/274926081/FULL_TEXT.PDF},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-07-31},
urldate = {2022-07-31},
school = {University of Manchester},
abstract = {This research offers new theoretical and methodological approaches to studying infrastructures in the making, through a pragmatist approach and by mobilising ANT methodology. This making process entails infrastructures as complex networks of things and people and as systems that co-exist and co-evolve with other forms of urban mobility. These systems are not only being built ‘in space’, but as ‘space making’ mechanisms have the potential to shift relations, priorities, and the future of cities. While scholars recognise infrastructures as relational, processual, and constituents of larger heterogeneous networks of actors, the very nature of the space that is produced through their making is yet to be expressed explicitly and/or on multiple scales. More specifically, we are yet to thoroughly theorise how through their conceptualisation and construction, infrastructures extend beyond themselves to shift the very nature of cities that contain them.
This thesis maps the controversy of the Blanka tunnel in Prague, where infrastructure becomes a lens through which we 'read' the city and its constant changes. This helps us explain how a city like Prague negotiates to maintain its historic and cultural character as a 'modern' metropolis. The pragmatic approach and ANT methodology do not see the tunnel as a stable artefact that is influenced purely by political decision-making, financial constraints or technical challenges. We refrain from using predefined explanatory frameworks or panoramic views and employ a series of ‘oligoptica’ (Latour and Hermant 1996) - narrow windows that allow us to see specific aspects of its making in detail.
We map the key actors and concerns of the controversy and see the network of the tunnel unfold, revealing various groups of human and non-human entities. Locating ourselves in specific places of practice, we witness how the tunnel is designed, managed, observed, controlled, discussed, and argued for, and we capture its making through as many voices and actions as possible. We follow the many planning and technical reports, road design manuals, bills of quantities, guidelines and standards, and technical drawings, allowing us to trace how the design and technology of the tunnel inform the re-making of Prague. By documenting the implementation of adopted technical design solutions that respond to the key issues of the controversy, we analyse how the discursive challenges of the project are translated onto its technical/material level and vice versa.
The thesis contributes to conceptual and methodological discussions on the ‘infrastructuring’ of cities, drawing on mobilities, the material turn, STS and ANT. By tracing a live infrastructural project in the making the thesis shows that the making of Blanka is an ‘infrastructuring’ of Prague. This means that the procedures and actions involving its planning and implementation are not just happening in space and time but produce space and time as they transform and question the very nature of the city.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
This thesis maps the controversy of the Blanka tunnel in Prague, where infrastructure becomes a lens through which we 'read' the city and its constant changes. This helps us explain how a city like Prague negotiates to maintain its historic and cultural character as a 'modern' metropolis. The pragmatic approach and ANT methodology do not see the tunnel as a stable artefact that is influenced purely by political decision-making, financial constraints or technical challenges. We refrain from using predefined explanatory frameworks or panoramic views and employ a series of ‘oligoptica’ (Latour and Hermant 1996) - narrow windows that allow us to see specific aspects of its making in detail.
We map the key actors and concerns of the controversy and see the network of the tunnel unfold, revealing various groups of human and non-human entities. Locating ourselves in specific places of practice, we witness how the tunnel is designed, managed, observed, controlled, discussed, and argued for, and we capture its making through as many voices and actions as possible. We follow the many planning and technical reports, road design manuals, bills of quantities, guidelines and standards, and technical drawings, allowing us to trace how the design and technology of the tunnel inform the re-making of Prague. By documenting the implementation of adopted technical design solutions that respond to the key issues of the controversy, we analyse how the discursive challenges of the project are translated onto its technical/material level and vice versa.
The thesis contributes to conceptual and methodological discussions on the ‘infrastructuring’ of cities, drawing on mobilities, the material turn, STS and ANT. By tracing a live infrastructural project in the making the thesis shows that the making of Blanka is an ‘infrastructuring’ of Prague. This means that the procedures and actions involving its planning and implementation are not just happening in space and time but produce space and time as they transform and question the very nature of the city.
Jørgensen, Kari
Børns trivsel - de voksnes ansvar Masters Thesis
Aalborg Universitets, 2022.
title = {Børns trivsel - de voksnes ansvar},
author = {Kari Jørgensen},
url = {https://projekter.aau.dk/projekter/files/472529249/MDO_masteropgave_250522.pdf
year = {2022},
date = {2022-05-25},
urldate = {2022-05-25},
school = {Aalborg Universitets},
abstract = {Purpose
This study is based on the 117 free text responses from 7th Grade students' identification of ‘ambiance’ as essential for their well-being at Helsingør School. My interest in investigating their well-being stems from the very small fluctuations seen in the results of the National Well-being Survey. This led to a study using Natural Language Processing (NLP), unsupervised text analysis, performed on essays written by the students, where ‘ambiance’ was designated as a focus area from a student perspective. In my master’s project and on this background, I have investigated whether the assumption that ‘mood’ and ‘ambiance’ have an impact on the students' well-being at Helsingør School is simply a school leader's assumption, or if there is an experience among staff and managers at the school that this is significant. My contribution to the existing (Danish) research in the field is partly the chosen method in relation to data from the employees (free texts), partly a suggested definition and impact of the concepts ‘mood’ and ‘ambiance’ when seen in a school context.
With the wish to give the teachers and educators the opportunity to contribute their experience and position to the meaning of ‘mood’ and ‘ambiance’ in relation to student well-being, the choice of method fell on datafication of the free texts written by the staff about these concepts using NLP, unsupervised text analysis. This method has not been used before, offering teachers and educators the possibility to write their opinion, in their own words. This method was also used in connection with the study of the students' well-being, a result on which this dissertation is based.
Focus group interview was chosen as a method in relation to uncovering the managers’ positions to these concepts, as well as how the managers’ roles are in relation to these. The focus group interview uncovered a number of themes in relation to ‘mood’ and ‘ambiance’ that the managers are interested in. School researcher Louise Klinge was interviewed in an attempt to get closer to the description of an evocative classroom, a definition of the concepts of ‘mood’ and ‘ambiance’ and an answer to the question: What is the definition of ‘basic ambiance’?
In the focus group interview, the managers reflected on their own practice and shed light on behaviors and practices, that they previously were not aware of. The focus group interview took on 4 the character of action research in practice, where reflection on one's own practice as well as budding insights in relation to significant actions with a view to students' well-being were articulated and described. The research indicates that it is the adult's responsibility to create a constructive and learning-promoting atmosphere in the classroom or in the community around the students.
The biggest limitation has been a poor response rate on the free text survey as I only managed to get 16 free texts from potentially more than 200 teachers and educators regarding their position on and experience with ‘mood’ and ‘ambiance’ as significant factors of the students’ well-being at Helsingør School. These free texts were intended to be the primary data source, but too few responded. Why so few responded despite postponing the deadline three times and sending many reminders to write a free text is identified as an interesting subject for further investigation.
There are several interesting perspectives that it will make sense to examine further. First and foremost, it will make sense to challenge the existing social construction in relation to what the primary task of teachers and educators is. They have not been heard in a way in which they could unreservedly describe their experiences and attitudes in relation to the significance of ‘mood’ and ‘ambiance’ for the well-being of students. Perhaps it will be possible to involve these professional groups in another future design e.g., a data sprint. Another phenomenon that is worth investigating further is the attitude towards and communication of the National Well-being Survey. Do we believe in the data collected? Do we use data for the benefit of the students' well-being, or is it just considered as 'completed' of another work assignment?},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
This study is based on the 117 free text responses from 7th Grade students' identification of ‘ambiance’ as essential for their well-being at Helsingør School. My interest in investigating their well-being stems from the very small fluctuations seen in the results of the National Well-being Survey. This led to a study using Natural Language Processing (NLP), unsupervised text analysis, performed on essays written by the students, where ‘ambiance’ was designated as a focus area from a student perspective. In my master’s project and on this background, I have investigated whether the assumption that ‘mood’ and ‘ambiance’ have an impact on the students' well-being at Helsingør School is simply a school leader's assumption, or if there is an experience among staff and managers at the school that this is significant. My contribution to the existing (Danish) research in the field is partly the chosen method in relation to data from the employees (free texts), partly a suggested definition and impact of the concepts ‘mood’ and ‘ambiance’ when seen in a school context.
With the wish to give the teachers and educators the opportunity to contribute their experience and position to the meaning of ‘mood’ and ‘ambiance’ in relation to student well-being, the choice of method fell on datafication of the free texts written by the staff about these concepts using NLP, unsupervised text analysis. This method has not been used before, offering teachers and educators the possibility to write their opinion, in their own words. This method was also used in connection with the study of the students' well-being, a result on which this dissertation is based.
Focus group interview was chosen as a method in relation to uncovering the managers’ positions to these concepts, as well as how the managers’ roles are in relation to these. The focus group interview uncovered a number of themes in relation to ‘mood’ and ‘ambiance’ that the managers are interested in. School researcher Louise Klinge was interviewed in an attempt to get closer to the description of an evocative classroom, a definition of the concepts of ‘mood’ and ‘ambiance’ and an answer to the question: What is the definition of ‘basic ambiance’?
In the focus group interview, the managers reflected on their own practice and shed light on behaviors and practices, that they previously were not aware of. The focus group interview took on 4 the character of action research in practice, where reflection on one's own practice as well as budding insights in relation to significant actions with a view to students' well-being were articulated and described. The research indicates that it is the adult's responsibility to create a constructive and learning-promoting atmosphere in the classroom or in the community around the students.
The biggest limitation has been a poor response rate on the free text survey as I only managed to get 16 free texts from potentially more than 200 teachers and educators regarding their position on and experience with ‘mood’ and ‘ambiance’ as significant factors of the students’ well-being at Helsingør School. These free texts were intended to be the primary data source, but too few responded. Why so few responded despite postponing the deadline three times and sending many reminders to write a free text is identified as an interesting subject for further investigation.
There are several interesting perspectives that it will make sense to examine further. First and foremost, it will make sense to challenge the existing social construction in relation to what the primary task of teachers and educators is. They have not been heard in a way in which they could unreservedly describe their experiences and attitudes in relation to the significance of ‘mood’ and ‘ambiance’ for the well-being of students. Perhaps it will be possible to involve these professional groups in another future design e.g., a data sprint. Another phenomenon that is worth investigating further is the attitude towards and communication of the National Well-being Survey. Do we believe in the data collected? Do we use data for the benefit of the students' well-being, or is it just considered as 'completed' of another work assignment?
Engell, Jeppe
Transfer, aktion og data! Masters Thesis
Aalborg Universitet, 2022.
title = {Transfer, aktion og data!},
author = {Jeppe Engell},
url = {https://projekter.aau.dk/projekter/da/studentthesis/transfer-aktion-og-data(d4e54e2e-f2da-444a-98e8-a8eaa8024322).html
year = {2022},
date = {2022-05-25},
school = {Aalborg Universitet},
abstract = {In HK, academy subjects, diploma subjects, master's subjects are completed every year, students write subject tests and trainees write assignments. In the assignments, based on well-considered problem formulations, important knowledge and data for HK are produced, concluded and reflected on. That knowledge is not collected, analyzed and converted into new workflows and this means that continuing education is not followed up on and thus can only be considered as personal development. The real issues that HK has in many areas are not combined with the employees who take subjects as continuing education.
New inputs from conferences, networks and journalism are not discussed and converted into issues that can be investigated in subjects at several levels. There is no requirement that knowledge and data that the employees produce be disseminated. The above is not unique to HK, as is the case in the vast majority of workplaces in Denmark. In fact, research shows that up to 85 percent of learning efforts are wasted. But if, on the other hand, students could be taught to become better at acting, the picture would look completely different. To act, based on what one has learned, is called 'Transfer'. "
Therefore, under this task seeks: How can HK through data workshops with employees examine its approach to continuing education and adjust it so that there is a transfer of knowledge from the tasks from the employees to the company and the experience of follow-up is increased?
The 5 data workshops made in this assignment on transfer of knowledge from education to workplaces, clearly show that it is possible to achieve practical knowledge sharing and competence development around the subject and thus come up with a new practice around transfer that will also increase the experience of follow-up among employees.
Data workshops show that advanced technology to produce data, if used and presented in the right way, can create a premise and the driver that creates the understanding of the necessity of change in practice.
It is not enough just to see the necessity of the change anymore, it must also make sense in relation to own and organizational values. It showed the data workshops in full how challenged HK is when employees experience that doubts arise about HK’s values and what happens when they are clear.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
New inputs from conferences, networks and journalism are not discussed and converted into issues that can be investigated in subjects at several levels. There is no requirement that knowledge and data that the employees produce be disseminated. The above is not unique to HK, as is the case in the vast majority of workplaces in Denmark. In fact, research shows that up to 85 percent of learning efforts are wasted. But if, on the other hand, students could be taught to become better at acting, the picture would look completely different. To act, based on what one has learned, is called 'Transfer'. "
Therefore, under this task seeks: How can HK through data workshops with employees examine its approach to continuing education and adjust it so that there is a transfer of knowledge from the tasks from the employees to the company and the experience of follow-up is increased?
The 5 data workshops made in this assignment on transfer of knowledge from education to workplaces, clearly show that it is possible to achieve practical knowledge sharing and competence development around the subject and thus come up with a new practice around transfer that will also increase the experience of follow-up among employees.
Data workshops show that advanced technology to produce data, if used and presented in the right way, can create a premise and the driver that creates the understanding of the necessity of change in practice.
It is not enough just to see the necessity of the change anymore, it must also make sense in relation to own and organizational values. It showed the data workshops in full how challenged HK is when employees experience that doubts arise about HK’s values and what happens when they are clear.
Larsen, Alberte Bau
Mapping out Nature National Park Gribskov - Controversies of nature, culture and realities. Masters Thesis
Aalborg Universitet, 2022.
title = {Mapping out Nature National Park Gribskov - Controversies of nature, culture and realities.},
author = {Alberte Bau Larsen},
url = {https://projekter.aau.dk/projekter/da/studentthesis/mapping-out-nature-national-park-gribskov--controversies-of-nature-culture-and-realities(6b10c821-bcbb-4cc7-9ef5-8af847dbc4d9).html
year = {2022},
date = {2022-01-18},
school = {Aalborg Universitet},
abstract = {This thesis researches public enactments of nature-cultures within the case of the new Nature National Park Gribskov. It aims at mapping out controversies that rise when an area of the Gribskov forest will change its management practices from production forest to a place with rewilding, where large herbivores and untouched forest will be the approach to management, in order to increase biodiversity in the area.
To create a map of the controversies, I analyse how publics gather around issues, and enacts different realities of purposes and usages of nature, which causes different realities to clash. Through an extensive set of data on the controversy, collected from Facebook, public hearings and interview with the local public, I identify six central objects of dispute, namely; large herbivores, fences, outdoor life, biodiversity, climate and expertise. These objects are fluid in their actions in different networks, causing clashes between practices of each object alone, as well as among the objects. An underlying factor of clashes within a majority of the objects are the enactments of wild nature, which leads to disputes over the design of the Nature National Park Gribskov.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
To create a map of the controversies, I analyse how publics gather around issues, and enacts different realities of purposes and usages of nature, which causes different realities to clash. Through an extensive set of data on the controversy, collected from Facebook, public hearings and interview with the local public, I identify six central objects of dispute, namely; large herbivores, fences, outdoor life, biodiversity, climate and expertise. These objects are fluid in their actions in different networks, causing clashes between practices of each object alone, as well as among the objects. An underlying factor of clashes within a majority of the objects are the enactments of wild nature, which leads to disputes over the design of the Nature National Park Gribskov.
Masters Theses
González, Yuri Shirley Saldarriaga
The co-creation of antagonism : a lexical analysis of legal mobilizations over abortion in Colombia Masters Thesis
SÉNECA - Universidad de los Andes, 2021.
title = {The co-creation of antagonism : a lexical analysis of legal mobilizations over abortion in Colombia},
author = {Yuri Shirley Saldarriaga González},
url = {http://hdl.handle.net/1992/53535
year = {2021},
date = {2021-11-03},
pages = {202143},
school = {SÉNECA - Universidad de los Andes},
abstract = {Pro-life and pro-choice movements seemingly pursue drastically different objectives in the debate over abortion. Using the case of the legal mobilization before the Colombian Constitutional Court, I ask what happens when these two movements meet in the same institutional arena. To answer this question, I use an original dataset of legal files and apply to it distant reading techniques. Content and temporal analysis of judicial arguments over abortion reveals several counter-intuitive results. Contrary to a common assumption in the literature on antagonistic social movements, I show that the interaction between the two movements was not simply reactive. Instead, it led to the accidental co-creation of a common set of concepts, which gradually allowed each movement to position itself more clearly with respect to its rival.
Los movimientos pro-vida y pro-elección aparentemente persiguen objetivos drásticamente diferentes en el debate sobre el aborto. Utilizando el caso de la movilización judicial ante la Corte Constitucional de Colombia, pregunto qué sucede cuando estos dos movimientos se encuentran en un mismo escenario institucional. Para responder a esta pregunta, utilizo un conjunto de datos original de archivos legales y le aplico técnicas de lectura a distancia. El análisis temporal y de contenido de los argumentos judiciales sobre el aborto revela varios resultados contrarios a la intuición. Contrariamente a una suposición común en la literatura sobre movimientos sociales antagónicos, muestro que la interacción entre los dos movimientos no fue simplemente reactiva. En cambio, condujo a la co-creación accidental de un conjunto común de conceptos, lo que gradualmente permitió que cada movimiento se posicionara más claramente con respecto a su rival.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
Los movimientos pro-vida y pro-elección aparentemente persiguen objetivos drásticamente diferentes en el debate sobre el aborto. Utilizando el caso de la movilización judicial ante la Corte Constitucional de Colombia, pregunto qué sucede cuando estos dos movimientos se encuentran en un mismo escenario institucional. Para responder a esta pregunta, utilizo un conjunto de datos original de archivos legales y le aplico técnicas de lectura a distancia. El análisis temporal y de contenido de los argumentos judiciales sobre el aborto revela varios resultados contrarios a la intuición. Contrariamente a una suposición común en la literatura sobre movimientos sociales antagónicos, muestro que la interacción entre los dos movimientos no fue simplemente reactiva. En cambio, condujo a la co-creación accidental de un conjunto común de conceptos, lo que gradualmente permitió que cada movimiento se posicionara más claramente con respecto a su rival.
Søltoft, Johan Irving
The Pandemic Turn? A case study of The Digitalizing of Everyday Life Masters Thesis
Aalborg University Copenhagen, 2021.
title = {The Pandemic Turn? A case study of The Digitalizing of Everyday Life},
author = {Johan Irving Søltoft},
url = {https://projekter.aau.dk/projekter/files/415131424/_The_Pandemic_Turn____A_Case_Study_of__The_Digitalization_of_Everyday_Life__.pdf
year = {2021},
date = {2021-06-19},
urldate = {2021-06-19},
school = {Aalborg University Copenhagen},
abstract = {This dissertation will be a study of how Corona has affected social science practices. To investigate this, the Danish “Digitalization of Everyday Life” project initiated during the first Covid-19 lockdown in Denmark, will serve as a case study, inspired by Bent Flybjerg and analysed with theoretical inspiration from Bruno Latour and ANT as a way of studying “science in the making”.
Through the “Digitalization of Everyday Life” project, it will be described how the Covid-19 pandemic led to new methods being developed and how earlier methods are being re-thought, such as the archive. This process can be described by documenting how different actors allied themselves by forming new networks, both on a macro as well as a micro scale.
To investigate how the Covid-19 pandemic has led to various topics within social science that were previously “black boxed” to suddenly become re-opened. This dissertation will therefore examine whether a paradigmatic shift in social science has occurred, a pandemic turn?},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
Through the “Digitalization of Everyday Life” project, it will be described how the Covid-19 pandemic led to new methods being developed and how earlier methods are being re-thought, such as the archive. This process can be described by documenting how different actors allied themselves by forming new networks, both on a macro as well as a micro scale.
To investigate how the Covid-19 pandemic has led to various topics within social science that were previously “black boxed” to suddenly become re-opened. This dissertation will therefore examine whether a paradigmatic shift in social science has occurred, a pandemic turn?
Béchet, Nathalie
title = {#IamNotaVirus: text mining analysis of the blame phenomenon and anti-asian racism on Twitter amid the Covid-19 pandemic Observation of the narrative diversity generated by hashtag activism in France},
author = {Nathalie Béchet},
url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/349883313_IamNotaVirus_text_mining_analysis_of_the_blame_phenomenon_and_anti-asian_racism_on_Twitter_amid_the_Covid-19_pandemic_Observation_of_the_narrative_diversity_generated_by_hashtag_activism_in_France},
doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.14680.21761},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-05-01},
urldate = {2021-05-01},
abstract = {The hashtag #JeNeSuisPasUnVirus (#IamNotAVirus) was coined in January 2020 during the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) in China as anti-Asian racist incidents gained visibility nourished by the idea that if the pandemic originated in Asia, Asian people were infected and responsible for the spread of the virus. This hashtag reached a peak on January 28th before decreasing, following the shifting curve of the blame phenomenon (Atlani-Duault et al., 2020). Certainly anti-Asian racism is not a new phenomenon, but the Covid-19 pandemic came as an enhancer for xenophobic acts and hate speeches. As Asian communities informally got together online via hashtag activism to denounce persecutions they face, we could observe how the recurring blame process amid health crises, has been worded around ethnic and cultural stigmata. The many comparisons Twitter users from our corpus tended to make with anti-Muslim sentiments in France showed just how the phenomenon at stake here is the one of using a nation's minorities as a scapegoat for local issues. This 2020 epidemic and its associated Twitter hashtag #JeNeSuisPasUnVirus, are just a salience that ought to be grasped by researchers to scrutinize the plurality of narratives around anti-Asian racism and observe how the blame phenomenon works. The present study aims to do so by applying text mining methods to thousands of tweets containing this precise hashtag from the end of January to the end of March 2020.
The present article stands for a Master Thesis presented in order to obtain a M.A. in Data Sciences and Digital Sociology from Gustave Eiffel University under the supervision of Digital Sociology associate professor Bilel Benbouzid. It hasn't been published.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
The present article stands for a Master Thesis presented in order to obtain a M.A. in Data Sciences and Digital Sociology from Gustave Eiffel University under the supervision of Digital Sociology associate professor Bilel Benbouzid. It hasn't been published.
Schüler, Jimmy
De l’innovation pour le profit, aux profits sans innovation : une monographie de l’entreprise pharmaceutique Novartis Masters Thesis
Université de Genève, 2021.
title = {De l’innovation pour le profit, aux profits sans innovation : une monographie de l’entreprise pharmaceutique Novartis},
author = {Jimmy Schüler},
editor = {Cédric Michel Durand},
url = {https://archive-ouverte.unige.ch/unige:148424
year = {2021},
date = {2021-01-01},
school = {Université de Genève},
abstract = { Notre travail propose une analyse détaillée des politiques de profit chez Novartis. Nous revenons sur ses différents modèles de production : du modèle des blockbusters à celui des traitements de niche. Nous analysons les mécanismes qui structurent la production de son innovations tels que l’externalisation de phases cliniques ou l’acquisition tardive de traitements issus de sa périphérie. Un processus de monopolisation de l’innovation permise par la position dominante du groupe au sein du secteur pharmaceutique.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
Masters Theses
de Macedo, Marlene Ascensão
Ementas e Nomes de Restaurantesem Zona Turística do Funchal e de Santa Cruz de TenerifeUm olhar sobre a paisagem linguística Masters Thesis
Universidade da Madeir, 2020.
title = {Ementas e Nomes de Restaurantesem Zona Turística do Funchal e de Santa Cruz de TenerifeUm olhar sobre a paisagem linguística},
author = {Marlene Ascensão de Macedo},
url = {https://digituma.uma.pt/handle/10400.13/3076
year = {2020},
date = {2020-12-01},
school = {Universidade da Madeir},
abstract = {The present report is the result of a case study inspired on names of restaurants and their menus in two different touristic areas: Funchal (rua de Santa Maria and Largo do Corpo Santo) in Madeira Archipelago and Santa Cruz de Tenerife (avenida Anaga and rua Bethencourt de Alfonso) in the Canary Islands. The aim is to characterize the linguistic landscape of both zones through the names of the restaurants and its menus, comparing the two linguistic landscapes in order to establish similarities and differences between them. This work is constituted by a linguistic analysis and a sociological study of the mentioned corpora linguistics, identifying determinant reasons for these expressions of symbolic mediation. The islands (Madeira and Tenerife) preserve a remarkable tourist tradition and great promotion at the international level (see, among other means of dissemination, catalogs of travel agencies, guides sold annually before the high season, tourism fairs’ folds, social networks and others). The places with the highest flow of foreign tourists in August and September were compared both in the cities of Funchal and Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The study compares these two linguistic landscapes, where both consumers have similar profiles (generation, origin, tastes for food and beverages, etc.) according to a preparatory research done by verbal consultation of the professionals of these establishments and the contemplated period of the day was the dinner time and the moments of the festivity that follows it, being this presentation based on sociological foundations that structure knowledge in the area. The methodological approach adopted followed the hypothetical-deductive method, based on a specific question: considering Madeira and Tenerife two different islands in Macaronesia with long tourist tradition, can the linguistic landscape of Funchal and Santa Cruz de Tenerife have similarities regarding the names of restaurants and their outdoor menus?},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
Masters Theses
Aumüller-Wagner, Sophia; Læarsson, Bartal; Agar, Muhammed; Mituzaite, Kristina; Münz, Janina; Malnača, Linda
Dominant and silent voices in the discourse on Health Smart Homes for the Elderly on Twitter and Scopus Masters Thesis
IT-University of Copenhagen, 2019.
title = {Dominant and silent voices in the discourse on Health Smart Homes for the Elderly on Twitter and Scopus},
author = {Sophia Aumüller-Wagner and Bartal Læarsson and Muhammed Agar and Kristina Mituzaite and Janina Münz and Linda Malnača},
url = {https://www.dasts.dk/wp-content/uploads/ESPS_Health-smart-home-for-the-elderly.pdf},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-09-01},
school = {IT-University of Copenhagen},
abstract = {Living in a world of demographic change means that aging societies will to a higher extend deal with mobility issues, chronic illnesses, and fall risks. Smart home technologies are increasingly considered in healthcare and could help alleviate the dilemma of people wanting to remain autonomous and independent while growing older. Under the lens of Clarke’s Situational Analysis, this paper explores how health smart homes for the elderly are co-constructed on the platforms of Scopus and Twitter. Using both Big Data and Thick Data, silent voices in the discourse around this technology are uncovered in order to understand how far the innovation of smart homes is aligned with the needs of its users. The main finding of this research paper shows that the field around health smart homes for the elderly is still in its early stages and the needs and concerns of elderly people are not yet considered enough. In order to design smart health homes for the elderly, the researchers propose a requirement pyramid that can aid the design of these future technologies. },
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
Morales, Manuel
Industrial symbiosis, a model of strong sustainability : an analysis of two case studies, Tampico and Dunkirk Masters Thesis
Université Clermont Auvergne, 2019, (HAL Id : tel-02639298 , version 1).
title = {Industrial symbiosis, a model of strong sustainability : an analysis of two case studies, Tampico and Dunkirk},
author = {Manuel Morales},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-06-21},
school = {Université Clermont Auvergne},
abstract = {Industrial symbiosis (IS) is presented as an inter-firm organizational strategy with the aim of social innovation that targets material and energy flow optimization, but also structural sustainability. In this study, we present systems thinking and geographical proximity as the theoretical framework used to analyze industrial symbiosis through a methodology based on System Dynamics and the underpinning use of Causal Loop Diagrams, aiming to identify the main drivers and hindrances that reinforce or balance the industrial symbiosis’s sustainability. The understanding of industrial symbiosis is embedded in a theoretical framework that conceptualizes industry as a complex ecosystem in which qualitative and quantitative approaches can be integrated, if we use a methodology flexible enough to encompass the complexity of the stakeholder’s values and motivations in the same analysis. Furthermore, the methodology performs a comparative strength over descriptive statistical forecasting, because it is able to integrate social causal rationality when estimating attractiveness in a region or individual firm’s potential. The stakeholders’ influence becomes essential to the complex understanding of this institution, because by shaping individual behavior in a social context, industrial symbiosis provides a degree of cooperation in order to overcome social dilemmas for actors like the tension between efficiency/resilience, who cannot be achieved by their own. The proposed narrative encourages us to draw up scenarios, integrating variables from different motivational value in the industrial symbiosis. We use the Altamira and the Dunkirk case studies to explain the role of geographical systems analysis, identifying loops that reinforce or regulate the sustainability of industrial symbiosis, and three drivers: “Efficiency/Resilience dilemma”, “Industrial symbiosis governance”, and “The role of global recycling networks in the by-product valorization”. The social dimension integration in the analysis of a complex system is indeed applied to enhance the understanding of IS dynamics, but a great potential is foreseen for other micro-level social systems like for example urban metabolism dynamics or bio-economy. },
note = {HAL Id : tel-02639298 , version 1},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
Masters Theses
Pan, Ying-Ling
Understanding the message functions in health communication, promotion and pubic engagement on Twitter: An exploratory analysis of the SunSmart campaign Masters Thesis
University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands, 2018.
title = {Understanding the message functions in health communication, promotion and pubic engagement on Twitter: An exploratory analysis of the SunSmart campaign},
author = {Ying-Ling Pan},
url = {https://essay.utwente.nl/76515/1/Pan_BA_faculty.pdf},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-08-31},
address = {Enschede, the Netherlands},
school = {University of Twente},
abstract = {Background. As the mortality of skin cancer has risen rapidly over the recent decades, skin health organisations largely use social media as a communication tool to promote health campaigns and encourage participation. However, little is known about the specific approach to foster engagement via tweets as a form of health communication and promote health campaigns to engage the public. By focusing on the SunSmart skin health campaign on Twitter, this study aims to investigate how the communication during the campaign is characterised in terms of the functions of messages, to what extent the use of these messages can create public engagement, and how message contents play out among the functions. Methodology. By focusing on the SunSmart health campaign on Twitter, this study adopts a multi-method approach. First, a descriptive statistical analysis is used to understand whether levels of engagement among types of usersand message functions differ. Second, Natural Language Processing(NLP) is adopted for developing a codebook in which four message functions manifested from the SunSmart data are identified. Third, content analysis is used to manually classify each tweet to different user types and message functions. Last, by using Natural Language Processing(NLP) and the hashtag visualisation the matic analysis, we further explore whether the composition of content (i.e., keywords & thematic topics) among message functions differ. Results. Using the 2014 SunSmart health campaign on Twitter as an empirical context and on the basis of comparison between individuals and organisations(i.e.,the public), results show that individual users are more engaged in the SunSmart campaign on Twitter than organisations did. In addition, we find the levels of engagement among the four main message functions between individuals and organisations differ. At the content level, results show that utilisation of keywords and thematic topics among different message functions generally differ among individuals and organisations. Contributions. This study offers contributions to research on media studies, health communication, and health campaign marketing. Practically, the results provides with insight on strategic health communication and marketing campaigns.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
Theel, Mandy
Digital Nomadism as an extension of new media work: Travelling between ideology and practice Masters Thesis
University of Amsterdam, 2018.
title = {Digital Nomadism as an extension of new media work: Travelling between ideology and practice},
author = {Mandy Theel},
url = {https://scripties.uba.uva.nl/search?id=record_24483},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-07-28},
urldate = {2018-07-28},
school = {University of Amsterdam},
abstract = {In a world where technology intertwines increasingly with everyday life and work, the traditional career fades into the background and work how we know it is transformed. The structural organisation and subjective perception of work are moving towards new notions of freedom and nomadism while new labour forms arise. This thesis is a journey into the world of Digital Nomads, their imagination and implementation of a new kind of work practice. The research aims to examine the changing notion of work in new media industries caused by technological and societal developments. Through the lens of a mixed methods approach using digital methods in a quantitative content analysis and qualitative semi-structured interviews, the study analyses the values and practices of Digital Nomads.The movement of Digital Nomadism will be regarded from a new media perspective where it proves to extend the existing understanding of the new media work practices. The thesis provides a model based on discourse analysis that contrasts the ideology and practice of this work and lifestyle. Moreover, it contributes new insights into the changing notion of work proposing that, especially in the new media industries, work experiences an “industrialisation of nomadism”.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
Masters Theses
Etude de la mèmosphère de God Emperor Trump Masters Thesis
title = {Etude de la mèmosphère de God Emperor Trump},
author = {CMW and D2SN},
url = {https://lesmondesnumeriques.files.wordpress.com/2017/02/rendu-trump-sprint.pdf},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-02-01},
urldate = {2017-02-01},
abstract = {Sprint opérationnel Masters CMW et NUMI (D2SN)},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
Masters Theses
el Jamal, Sarah
Framing Arab Poverty Knowledge Production: A Socio-bibliometric Study Masters Thesis
American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, 2015.
title = {Framing Arab Poverty Knowledge Production: A Socio-bibliometric Study},
author = {Sarah el Jamal},
url = {https://scholarworks.aub.edu.lb/bitstream/handle/10938/10615/t-6197.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=n},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-06-02},
address = {Beirut, Lebanon},
school = {American University of Beirut},
abstract = {Based on Mannheim's theory that knowledge is socially constructed, and its production process is influenced by the social context in which it occurs, this study seeks to identify and analyze the social influences and forces behind the knowledge produced and disseminated in the form of academic journal articles on the topic of poverty in the Arab World. Although the knowledge production process will not be studied in its making, certain features and elements of the final body of knowledge (the articles) will be taken as telling indicators of the process in hindsight. These will be the basis of three kinds of analyses that will be carried out: content analysis, authorship analysis, and citation analysis. In content analysis, I will scrutinize the poverty concepts used, the methodologies applied, the use of theory including theoretical frameworks of the studies, the prevailing political and epistemological paradigms, the structure of the articles, and the types of articles (critique, essay, fieldwork). In authorship analysis, I will survey the sociological markers pertaining to the authors and institutions producing the articles. In citation analysis, I will analyze the characteristics and trends of the references. Ultimately, I seek to answer the following question: What are the social factors conditioning the production of academic articles on poverty in the Arab World, and what are the observed trends thereof?},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
(Sources: Google Scholar, HAL, Scopus, WOS and search engines)
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