Journal Articles
Toma, Pierluigi; Laurens, Patricia
Regional Heterogeneities and Intellectual Capital: unveiling the impact between innovation and tradition Journal Article
In: Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 2024.
title = {Regional Heterogeneities and Intellectual Capital: unveiling the impact between innovation and tradition},
author = {Pierluigi Toma and Patricia Laurens},
url = {https://hal.science/hal-04745720v1
year = {2024},
date = {2024-10-21},
urldate = {2024-10-21},
journal = {Socio-Economic Planning Sciences},
abstract = {The importance of regional development, especially in rural areas, has increased in the globalized world, with a focus on the relationship between economic development and the territory.
Intellectual capital, consisting of human capital, relational capital, and structural capital, is crucial for rural development. In the agri-food sector, intellectual capital includes innovation and tradition, which are often wrongly perceived as incompatible. The impact of intellectual capital on regional development has not been widely studied, particularly in the context of the Italian agri-
food sector, which has a long tradition and strong territorial heterogeneity. This paper aims to measure the impact of intellectual capital and know-how on regional development in the agricultural sector using a nonparametric efficiency methodology applied to a unique geographic area-based dataset. The study finds that innovation, measured by patents, has a better impact on efficiency than the relational component, which has an inverted U-shaped effect. Too much concentration of different consortia in the same area does not favor efficiency but results in negative externalities. In contrast, innovation has a positive effect on efficiency at any level. A synergy effect was evidenced with the coexistence of both technological innovation and certification activities. We also study how the efficiency also varies according to regional characteristics such as the location of the region in Italy (north versus Center and south), the type of the regions (urban versus rural) or the size.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Intellectual capital, consisting of human capital, relational capital, and structural capital, is crucial for rural development. In the agri-food sector, intellectual capital includes innovation and tradition, which are often wrongly perceived as incompatible. The impact of intellectual capital on regional development has not been widely studied, particularly in the context of the Italian agri-
food sector, which has a long tradition and strong territorial heterogeneity. This paper aims to measure the impact of intellectual capital and know-how on regional development in the agricultural sector using a nonparametric efficiency methodology applied to a unique geographic area-based dataset. The study finds that innovation, measured by patents, has a better impact on efficiency than the relational component, which has an inverted U-shaped effect. Too much concentration of different consortia in the same area does not favor efficiency but results in negative externalities. In contrast, innovation has a positive effect on efficiency at any level. A synergy effect was evidenced with the coexistence of both technological innovation and certification activities. We also study how the efficiency also varies according to regional characteristics such as the location of the region in Italy (north versus Center and south), the type of the regions (urban versus rural) or the size.
Toma, Pierluigi; Laurens, Patricia
Regional development and intellectual capital: Unveiling the innovation-tradition dilemma Journal Article
In: Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, vol. 96, pp. 102087, 2024, ISSN: 0038-0121.
title = {Regional development and intellectual capital: Unveiling the innovation-tradition dilemma},
author = {Pierluigi Toma and Patricia Laurens},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0038012124002878},
doi = {/10.1016/j.seps.2024.102087},
issn = {0038-0121},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-10-05},
journal = {Socio-Economic Planning Sciences},
volume = {96},
pages = {102087},
abstract = {In the agri-food sector, intellectual capital includes innovation and tradition, which are often wrongly perceived as incompatible. The impact of intellectual capital on regional development has not been widely studied, particularly in the context of the Italian agri-food sector, which has a strong territorial heterogeneity. This paper aims to measure the impact of intellectual capital and know-how on regional development in the agricultural sector using a nonparametric efficiency methodology applied to a unique geographic area-based dataset. The study finds that innovation, measured by patents, has a better impact on efficiency than the relational component, which has an inverted U-shaped effect.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Nemati-Anaraki, Leila; Ouchi, Ali; Pourmojdegani, Maedeh
A bibliometric Overview and visualization of Koomesh Journal from 2006 to 2022 Journal Article
In: Koomesh, vol. 25, iss. 4, pp. 535-549, 2024.
title = {A bibliometric Overview and visualization of Koomesh Journal from 2006 to 2022},
author = {Leila Nemati-Anaraki and Ali Ouchi and Maedeh Pourmojdegani},
url = {https://repository.brieflands.com/handle/123456789/61490
year = {2024},
date = {2024-08-06},
urldate = {2024-08-06},
journal = {Koomesh},
volume = {25},
issue = {4},
pages = {535-549},
publisher = {Brieflands},
address = {Iran},
abstract = {هدف:مجله کومشيکمجله قديميو پيشرودر ايراناست که از سال2006به عنوان بستريبرايتحقيقاتحوزه پزشکي
خدمت کرده است. هدف اصلياينمطالعه ارائهيکنمايکلياز ساختار انتشارات مجله کومش طيسالهاي2006تا2022از
مواد و روشها:اينمطالعه با رويکردکتابسنجيانجام شد. جامعه مطالعه را1238سند منتشر شده در مجله کومش
تشکيلميدهد.دادههايکتابشناختيايناسناد از پايگاهداده اسکوپوس استخراج شد و روندها و موضوعات مهم مجله مانند
ساختار انتشار و استناد مجله، مقاالت پر استناد آن، نويسندگان،مؤسسات و کشورها با استفاده از طيفوسيعيازتکنيکها و
ابزارهايمختلف کتابسنجياز جمله اکسل،SPSSنسخه26،VOS Viewer،CorTexوBiblioshinyاستخراج شد.
يافتهها:کومش هم از نظر بهرهوريو هم از نظر نفوذ ابتدا با افت و خيزهاييرشد کرده و سپس کاهشيافتهاست. دانشگاه
علوم پزشکيسمنان و کشور ايرانبه ترتيبموسسه و کشور با بيشتريندرصد مشارکت در اينمجله هستند. راهب قرباني
تاثيرگذارترينو پرکارتريننويسندهکومش بود. ميزان همتاليفي ًنسبتاخوبيبيننويسندگانبرتر مجله وجود دارد. بيشترين
همتاليفيبينکشورهايايرانو سوئد و از نظر شهر، بينتهران و سمنان صورت گرفته است. کلمات ايران،ورزش و اضطراببه
ترتيبسه کلمه مهم و پرتکرار نويسندگانبوده است. بيشترينبحث نيزبر رويموضوعاتprecision medicineو کوويد-19
نتيجهگيري:اينمطالعهيکنمايکلياز ساختار انتشارات مجله کومش طيسالهاي2006تا2022ارائه کرده است. اين
مطالعه ممکن است برايهيئتتحريريهمجله مفيدباشد، زيرااطالعات متعدد و مفيديرا برايپيشرفتو ادامه راهکومش
فراهم ميکند.
Introduction: The Koomesh Journal, a pioneering and influential medical research publication in Iran, has been active since 2006. This study aims to offer a comprehensive overview of the journal's publication structure from 2006 to 2022 using bibliometric analysis.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted with a bibliometric approach. The study population consists of 1238 documents published in the Koomesh Journal. The bibliographic data of these documents were extracted from the Scopus database, and various bibliometric techniques and tools, such as Excel 365, SPSS 26, VOS Viewer, CorTex, and Biblioshiny, were extracted to examine trends and significant topics such as the journal's publication and citation structure, highly cited articles, authors, institutions, and countries.
Results: Koomesh experienced fluctuations in productivity and impact before declining. Semnan University of Medical Sciences and Iran were the institutions and countries with the highest participation rates, respectively. Raheb Ghorbani emerged as the most influential and prolific author. The article "Estimation of natural age of menopause in Iranian women: A meta-analysis study" received the most citations. A considerable degree of co-authorship existed among the journal's top authors, with the most collaboration occurring between Iran and Sweden and, in terms of cities, Tehran and Semnan. The terms Iran, sports, and anxiety were the most prevalent and significant. The most discussion was on precision medicine and COVID-19.
Conclusion: This study has provided an overview of the publication structure of Koomesh Journal during the years 2006 to 2022. This study may be useful for the editorial board of the journal, because it provides numerous and useful information for the progress and continuation of the work.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
خدمت کرده است. هدف اصلياينمطالعه ارائهيکنمايکلياز ساختار انتشارات مجله کومش طيسالهاي2006تا2022از
مواد و روشها:اينمطالعه با رويکردکتابسنجيانجام شد. جامعه مطالعه را1238سند منتشر شده در مجله کومش
تشکيلميدهد.دادههايکتابشناختيايناسناد از پايگاهداده اسکوپوس استخراج شد و روندها و موضوعات مهم مجله مانند
ساختار انتشار و استناد مجله، مقاالت پر استناد آن، نويسندگان،مؤسسات و کشورها با استفاده از طيفوسيعيازتکنيکها و
ابزارهايمختلف کتابسنجياز جمله اکسل،SPSSنسخه26،VOS Viewer،CorTexوBiblioshinyاستخراج شد.
يافتهها:کومش هم از نظر بهرهوريو هم از نظر نفوذ ابتدا با افت و خيزهاييرشد کرده و سپس کاهشيافتهاست. دانشگاه
علوم پزشکيسمنان و کشور ايرانبه ترتيبموسسه و کشور با بيشتريندرصد مشارکت در اينمجله هستند. راهب قرباني
تاثيرگذارترينو پرکارتريننويسندهکومش بود. ميزان همتاليفي ًنسبتاخوبيبيننويسندگانبرتر مجله وجود دارد. بيشترين
همتاليفيبينکشورهايايرانو سوئد و از نظر شهر، بينتهران و سمنان صورت گرفته است. کلمات ايران،ورزش و اضطراببه
ترتيبسه کلمه مهم و پرتکرار نويسندگانبوده است. بيشترينبحث نيزبر رويموضوعاتprecision medicineو کوويد-19
نتيجهگيري:اينمطالعهيکنمايکلياز ساختار انتشارات مجله کومش طيسالهاي2006تا2022ارائه کرده است. اين
مطالعه ممکن است برايهيئتتحريريهمجله مفيدباشد، زيرااطالعات متعدد و مفيديرا برايپيشرفتو ادامه راهکومش
فراهم ميکند.
Introduction: The Koomesh Journal, a pioneering and influential medical research publication in Iran, has been active since 2006. This study aims to offer a comprehensive overview of the journal's publication structure from 2006 to 2022 using bibliometric analysis.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted with a bibliometric approach. The study population consists of 1238 documents published in the Koomesh Journal. The bibliographic data of these documents were extracted from the Scopus database, and various bibliometric techniques and tools, such as Excel 365, SPSS 26, VOS Viewer, CorTex, and Biblioshiny, were extracted to examine trends and significant topics such as the journal's publication and citation structure, highly cited articles, authors, institutions, and countries.
Results: Koomesh experienced fluctuations in productivity and impact before declining. Semnan University of Medical Sciences and Iran were the institutions and countries with the highest participation rates, respectively. Raheb Ghorbani emerged as the most influential and prolific author. The article "Estimation of natural age of menopause in Iranian women: A meta-analysis study" received the most citations. A considerable degree of co-authorship existed among the journal's top authors, with the most collaboration occurring between Iran and Sweden and, in terms of cities, Tehran and Semnan. The terms Iran, sports, and anxiety were the most prevalent and significant. The most discussion was on precision medicine and COVID-19.
Conclusion: This study has provided an overview of the publication structure of Koomesh Journal during the years 2006 to 2022. This study may be useful for the editorial board of the journal, because it provides numerous and useful information for the progress and continuation of the work.
Truchet-Aznar, Stéphanie; Aubert, Francis; Aznar, Olivier; Davi, Béatrice
How Does Regional Science Address Environmental Issues? A Bibliometric Analysis of Two Decades of Publications Journal Article
In: Sage, 2024, ISSN: 0160-0176.
title = {How Does Regional Science Address Environmental Issues? A Bibliometric Analysis of Two Decades of Publications},
author = {Stéphanie Truchet-Aznar and Francis Aubert and Olivier Aznar and Béatrice Davi},
url = {https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/01600176241267206},
doi = {/10.1177/01600176241267206},
issn = {0160-0176},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-07-23},
journal = {Sage},
publisher = {SAGE Publications},
abstract = {Using bibliometric methods, this paper is aimed at providing an overview of Regional Science publications that address environmental issues. The analysis covers a corpus of 1145 articles that refer to the environment in their title, abstract or keywords and published in 18 journals between 1999 and 2020. Although these publications account for only 6 percent of the articles published in these journals over that period, their number gradually increased. To gain a clearer picture of the environmental issues addressed, we characterise them according to whether an integrative or topical approach is adopted and by their spatial dimensions. This analytical framework is first applied by searching for specific terms in their title, keywords and abstract. The results show that both approaches are equally effective; further, these articles address intraregional or interregional environmental issues more than global environmental issues. Second, we conduct a keyword co-occurrence analysis revealing four coherent thematic article groups treating environmental issues from the perspectives of amenities and migration, governance and policy, innovation and clusters, and land use and urban sprawl. More detailed analyses of each group allowed us to refine our understanding of how environmental issues were addressed. Finally, a cross-cutting view of the four thematic groups suggests that Regional Science approaches environmental issues through spatial disparities and inequalities, spatial interactions and interdependencies, and the spatial dimension of public action. The research perspectives in each of these areas are highlighted.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Mesmoudi, Salma; Dégeilh, Fanny; Cancino, Waldo; Rodic, Mathieu; Peschanski, Denis; Eustache, Francis
Transdisciplinary method for exploration and visualization of neuroimaging papers and databases: Application to PTSD Journal Article
In: 2024, (Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique).
title = {Transdisciplinary method for exploration and visualization of neuroimaging papers and databases: Application to PTSD},
author = {Salma Mesmoudi and Fanny Dégeilh and Waldo Cancino and Mathieu Rodic and Denis Peschanski and Francis Eustache},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003448724002142},
doi = {/10.1016/j.amp.2024.06.003},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-07-14},
urldate = {2024-07-14},
abstract = {A major improvement in MRI techniques has led to an exponential increase in data acquisition and, consequently, in the number of published articles reporting brain impairments and cognitive deficits underlying a disorder. Meta-analysis offers a means of synthesizing the available literature, testing existing models in the light of scientific advances, and revealing unexpected information. However, article selection, author specialization and top-down hypotheses can mask some results and introduce bias into interpretations. LinkRdata is a platform for automated, data-driven, meta-analytical methods suitable for processing large numbers of MRI articles, that can reduce selection and interpretation biases, thereby allowing scientists to review neurocognitive correlates of disorders in relation to their own corpus of articles. To validate our method, we applied it to fMRI studies of post-traumatic stress disorder. Results confirmed LinkRdata's power to uncover findings hidden by the top-down hypothesis approach.
Méthode transdisciplinaire d’exploration et de visualisation d’articles et de bases de données de neuroimagerie : application au stress post-traumatique
Une amélioration majeure des techniques d’IRM a conduit à une augmentation exponentielle de l’acquisition de données et, par conséquent, du nombre d’articles publiés rapportant des altérations cérébrales et des déficits cognitifs liés à un trouble. La méta-analyse offre un moyen de synthétiser la littérature disponible, de tester les modèles existants à la lumière des avancées scientifiques, et de révéler des informations inattendues. Cependant, la sélection des articles, la spécialisation des auteurs et les hypothèses descendantes peuvent masquer certains résultats et introduire des biais dans les interprétations. LinkRdata est une plateforme de méthodes méta-analytiques automatisées et basées sur les données, adaptée au traitement d’un grand nombre d’articles d’IRM, qui peut réduire les biais de sélection et d’interprétation, permettant ainsi aux chercheurs de passer en revue les corrélats neurocognitifs des troubles en relation avec leur propre corpus d’articles. Pour valider notre méthode, nous l’avons appliquée à des études d’IRMf sur le trouble de stress post-traumatique. Les résultats ont confirmé la capacité de LinkRdata à mettre en évidence des résultats cachés par l’approche hypothétique descendante.},
note = {Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Méthode transdisciplinaire d’exploration et de visualisation d’articles et de bases de données de neuroimagerie : application au stress post-traumatique
Une amélioration majeure des techniques d’IRM a conduit à une augmentation exponentielle de l’acquisition de données et, par conséquent, du nombre d’articles publiés rapportant des altérations cérébrales et des déficits cognitifs liés à un trouble. La méta-analyse offre un moyen de synthétiser la littérature disponible, de tester les modèles existants à la lumière des avancées scientifiques, et de révéler des informations inattendues. Cependant, la sélection des articles, la spécialisation des auteurs et les hypothèses descendantes peuvent masquer certains résultats et introduire des biais dans les interprétations. LinkRdata est une plateforme de méthodes méta-analytiques automatisées et basées sur les données, adaptée au traitement d’un grand nombre d’articles d’IRM, qui peut réduire les biais de sélection et d’interprétation, permettant ainsi aux chercheurs de passer en revue les corrélats neurocognitifs des troubles en relation avec leur propre corpus d’articles. Pour valider notre méthode, nous l’avons appliquée à des études d’IRMf sur le trouble de stress post-traumatique. Les résultats ont confirmé la capacité de LinkRdata à mettre en évidence des résultats cachés par l’approche hypothétique descendante.
Li, Bo; Xu, Zeshui; Wang, Xinxin
Computational intelligence and its dynamic development: statistical exploration, comprehensive evaluation and prospect expansion Journal Article
In: Soft Computing, vol. 28, pp. 9371–9386, 2024.
title = {Computational intelligence and its dynamic development: statistical exploration, comprehensive evaluation and prospect expansion},
author = {Bo Li and Zeshui Xu and Xinxin Wang},
url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00500-024-09789-7},
doi = {/10.1007/s00500-024-09789-7},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-07-05},
journal = {Soft Computing},
volume = {28},
pages = {9371–9386},
abstract = {Computational intelligence (CI) has become one of the most useful and successful tools for dealing with uncertainties and complex problems in many fields, such as neural networks, genetic algorithms, and swarm intelligence, artificial intelligence, risk management, financial monitoring, etc. With the development of CI, abundant publications have arisen related to many research directions and hotspots. Based on the technical support from bibliometrics and the corresponding approach as well as the content analysis, this study conducts a science mapping analysis and a coherent knowledge picture of the research field in CI. The research contributes to clear future development trends and provides more ideas for scholars in this field. First, this paper focuses on the fundamental characteristics of CI publications, including annual numbers, term co-occurrence, and hot research directions, as the preliminary exploration of this field. Then, according to the widely used core database, i.e., Web of Science (WoS), and the technologies of software, VOS viewer, and CiteSpace, the productive institutions, authors, and journals are explored. Next, the corresponding internal characteristics of the CI research are analyzed, including the citation features of countries/regions, institutions, journals and authors. Furthermore, to analyze the development trend of research hotspots, the keywords of all CI publications are studied: (a) classifying them into three phases in chronological order aimed; (b) implementing the burst detection algorithm to intuitively reflect the scientific research in the field of CI. Finally, this paper provides a relatively throughout perspective for the CI articles and reviews and discloses the future development trend, which will help the scholars interested in this area conduct deep research. We conclude this bibliometric overview with the limitations and recommendations for future research in the field of CI.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Rikap, Cecilia
Varieties of corporate innovation systems and their interplay with global and national systems: Amazon, Facebook, Google and Microsoft’s strategies to produce and appropriate artificial intelligence Journal Article
In: Review of inteRnational Political economy, 2024.
title = {Varieties of corporate innovation systems and their interplay with global and national systems: Amazon, Facebook, Google and Microsoft’s strategies to produce and appropriate artificial intelligence},
author = {Cecilia Rikap},
url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/09692290.2024.2365757},
doi = {/10.1080/09692290.2024.2365757},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-06-24},
journal = {Review of inteRnational Political economy},
abstract = {The widely accepted globalization of innovation entails two interrelated undertheorized aspects: (1) the capacity of certain firms to orchestrate transnational innovation systems appropriating successful results, which some have explained with the concept of corporate innovation systems (CIS), and (2) the co-existence of such globalization with those CIS and national innovation systems. I address these matters analysing US Big Tech artificial intelligence (AI) CIS showing that they combine multiple mechanisms to co-produce and appropriate AI. I propose ‘frenemy’ to describe Microsoft’s strategy because many Chinese organizations and even direct competitors integrate its CIS. ‘University’ symbolises Google’s strategy, given its focus on fundamental AI, its central place in the AI research field and appropriation mechanisms that are not translating into clear business advantages. ‘Secrecy’ defines Amazon’s strategy, maximizing knowledge inflows while minimizing outflows. Facebook, with the narrowest AI CIS, exhibits an ‘application-centred’ strategy. Ultimately, this paper contributes to understanding the multiple mechanisms used by leading corporations for controlling and shaping frontier transnational knowledge production and appropriation. By doing so, it advances our knowledge of the interplay between different innovation spheres (national, global and corporate) and highlights the dangers of CIS’s encroachment of national and global systems.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Gourlet, Pauline; Ricci, Donato; Crépel, Maxime
Reclaiming artificial intelligence accounts: A plea for a participatory turn in artificial intelligence inquiries Journal Article
In: Big Data & Society, 2024.
title = {Reclaiming artificial intelligence accounts: A plea for a participatory turn in artificial intelligence inquiries},
author = {Pauline Gourlet and Donato Ricci and Maxime Crépel},
url = {https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/20539517241248093},
doi = {0.1177/20539517241248093},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-05-01},
urldate = {2024-05-01},
journal = {Big Data & Society},
abstract = {How to participate in artificial intelligence otherwise? Put simply, when it comes to technological developments, participation is either understood as public debates with non-expert voices to anticipate risks and potential harms, or as a way to better design technical systems by involving diverse stakeholders in the design process. We advocate for a third path that considers participation as crucial to problematise what is at stake and to get a grip on the situated developments of artificial intelligence technologies.
This study addresses how the production of accounts shape problems that arise with artificial intelligence technologies.
Taking France as a field of study, we first inspected how media narratives account for the entities and issues of artificial intelligence, as reported by the national press over the last decade. From this inspection, we identified four genres and described their performative effects. We then conducted a participatory inquiry with 25 French artificial intelligence practitioners’ to ground artificial intelligence in situated experiences and trajectories. These experiential accounts enabled a plural problematisation of artificial intelligence, playing with the geometries of artificial intelligence and its constituencies, while diversifying and thickening its problems.
To conclude, we discuss how participatory inquiries, through experiential and plural accounts offer a refreshing weaving of artificial intelligence problems into the fabric of its deployments. Our participatory approach seeks to re-politicise artificial intelligence from practitioners’ situated experiences, by making the ongoing relationships between past trajectories, current frictions and future developments tangible and contestable, opening avenues to contribute otherwise.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
This study addresses how the production of accounts shape problems that arise with artificial intelligence technologies.
Taking France as a field of study, we first inspected how media narratives account for the entities and issues of artificial intelligence, as reported by the national press over the last decade. From this inspection, we identified four genres and described their performative effects. We then conducted a participatory inquiry with 25 French artificial intelligence practitioners’ to ground artificial intelligence in situated experiences and trajectories. These experiential accounts enabled a plural problematisation of artificial intelligence, playing with the geometries of artificial intelligence and its constituencies, while diversifying and thickening its problems.
To conclude, we discuss how participatory inquiries, through experiential and plural accounts offer a refreshing weaving of artificial intelligence problems into the fabric of its deployments. Our participatory approach seeks to re-politicise artificial intelligence from practitioners’ situated experiences, by making the ongoing relationships between past trajectories, current frictions and future developments tangible and contestable, opening avenues to contribute otherwise.
Blackwell, Benjamin; Yaneva, Albena
School buildings as performative machines: the new architectural devices of control Journal Article
In: Social & Cultural Geography, 2024.
title = {School buildings as performative machines: the new architectural devices of control},
author = {Benjamin Blackwell and Albena Yaneva},
url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/14649365.2024.2334947},
doi = {10.1080/14649365.2024.2334947},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-04-12},
journal = {Social & Cultural Geography},
abstract = {The past two decades saw a growing attention to the role of design for the geography of education and simultaneously shifted architectural attention towards the understanding of different forms of pedagogy. Yet, careful empirical engagements with the material architecture of contemporary school buildings and the experiences they mediate are still scarce or missing. Focussing on how mechanisms of control are imagined and practiced in the design and use of school buildings, this article fleshes out a picture of the performative spatial machinery of schools. It will do so drawing on designers’ accounts, plans and visions for a Building Schools for the Future (BSF) building in Liverpool, UK and on accounts of the experiences of different school dwellers. Overcoming the dualist understanding of education as an activity that happens in objective frames of learning (the static architecture of the schools) or the subjective interpretations of users (the perception of teachers and students), we trace specific practices of ‘dwelling’ in the school building and identify architectural and designerly techniques for modulating control. Instead of dissipating or reducing control, or merely reproducing the classic forms of power, this versatile and porous type of architecture, we argue, multiplies and diversifies the forms of ‘polycentric’ control exercised through various intersecting lines of
sight and sound.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
sight and sound.
van der Pol, Johannes
The impact of funding on the 5G innovation ecosystem Journal Article
In: Scientometrics, 2024.
title = {The impact of funding on the 5G innovation ecosystem},
author = {Johannes van der Pol},
url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11192-024-04954-z
doi = {/10.1007/s11192-024-04954-z},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-03-01},
urldate = {2024-03-01},
journal = {Scientometrics},
abstract = {This paper aims to extend the literature on the impact of research funding. Using 5G as a case study, this paper analyses how funding impacts the 5G innovation ecosystem. Using the functions of innovation systems as a framework, we analyse how several of these func- tions are influenced by research funding. The results a portion of the ecosystem only par- ticipates with funding. In addition the structure of the ecosystem is significantly altered. Research topics are also influenced by funding: some being mostly treated through fund- ing. Funding has little to no impact on the publications that lead to patents.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Colombo, Massimo G.; Montanaro, Benedetta; Shafi, Kourosh
Dancing with Strangers? Initial Trust and the Formation of Initial Ties Between New Ventures and Corporate Venture Capitalists Journal Article
In: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, pp. 1-43, 2024.
title = {Dancing with Strangers? Initial Trust and the Formation of Initial Ties Between New Ventures and Corporate Venture Capitalists},
author = {Massimo G. Colombo and Benedetta Montanaro and Kourosh Shafi},
url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/378226801_Dancing_with_Strangers_Initial_Trust_and_the_Formation_of_Initial_Ties_Between_New_Ventures_and_Corporate_Venture_Capitalists
doi = {10.1177/10422587241227635},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-02-29},
journal = {Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice},
pages = {1-43},
abstract = {This study proposes a hybrid model of initial trust formation that highlights the role of social categorization and its interplay with both institutional trust and the individuating information about the party. Using data on 1,474 corporate venture capital (CVC) investments in European ventures and a case-control research design, we find that ventures more likely form initial CVC ties with investors whose parent companies are located in countries considered more trust- worthy. This effect is weaker but does not disappear when social defenses safeguard ventures from misplacing trust and when there are social ties between CVC investors and ventures’ inde- pendent VC investors.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Chiffoleau, Yuna; Dourian, Tara; Enderli, Géraldine; Mattioni, Dalia; Akermann, Grégori; Loconto, Allison; Galli, Francesca; Emese, Gulyás; Perényi, Zsófia; Colombo, Luca; Massari, Sonia; Desclaux, Dominique
Reversing the trend of agrobiodiversity decline by co-developing food chains with consumers: A European survey for change Journal Article
In: 2024.
title = {Reversing the trend of agrobiodiversity decline by co-developing food chains with consumers: A European survey for change},
author = {Yuna Chiffoleau and Tara Dourian and Géraldine Enderli and Dalia Mattioni and Grégori Akermann and Allison Loconto and Francesca Galli and Gulyás Emese and Zsófia Perényi and Luca Colombo and Sonia Massari and Dominique Desclaux},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352550924000575},
doi = {/10.1016/j.spc.2024.02.032},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-02-22},
abstract = {Agrobiodiversity is in rapid decline, due to the intensification of agriculture and the development of food value chains based on industrial processing techniques. However, consumers are not generally involved in developing solutions to reverse this trend and their relation to agrobiodiversity remains largely unknown. As part of a European project, and with the aim of involving consumers in guiding research, innovation and policies, a large online survey (n=2,397) and focus groups (n= 82) were carried out in seven countries to gather consumers’ preferences and aversions regarding the use of agrobiodiversity in food chains in relation to their environmental concerns, food consumption practices and knowledge. Using the majority judgment approach typically used to improve political votes, different options for using of agrobiodiversity in food chains were proposed to citizen-consumers. Results first showed that the decline of agrobiodiversity is a concern for consumers, but does not guide food choices. Then, the alternative options for using agrobiodiversity in food chains, previously documented as favourable to its conservation and development, received positive votes from a large majority of respondents, regardless of their socio-economic category. However, the research showed that respondents seem to have limited knowledge on the subject. This study calls for more research and policies to support alternative options for using agrobiodiversity in food chains. It also encourages the co-development of agrobiodiversity-based markets with citizen-consumers as well as the creation of food environments conducive to learning on agrobiodiversity.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Bautista-Puig, Núria; Barreiro-Gen, María; Statulevičiūtė, Gustė; Stančiauskas, Vilius; Dikmener, Gokhan; Akylbekova, Dina; Lozano, Rodrigo
Unraveling public perceptions of the Sustainable Development Goals for better policy implementation Journal Article
In: Science of The Total Environment, vol. 912, pp. 169114, 2024, ISSN: 0048-9697.
title = {Unraveling public perceptions of the Sustainable Development Goals for better policy implementation},
author = {Núria Bautista-Puig and María Barreiro-Gen and Gustė Statulevičiūtė and Vilius Stančiauskas and Gokhan Dikmener and Dina Akylbekova and Rodrigo Lozano},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969723077446},
doi = {/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.169114},
issn = {0048-9697},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-02-20},
journal = {Science of The Total Environment},
volume = {912},
pages = {169114},
abstract = {Public participation is crucial for policy-making and can contribute to strengthening democracies and decision-making. Public participation can help to address sustainability challenges and plays a key role in attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While the SDGs are policy concepts, there has been limited research conducted on how the public perceives the SDGs. Public participation in scientific research has been carried out through citizen science (CS). This paper analyzes the public's perception of the SDGs through CS and how the public can participate in their implementation. The paper uses the OSDG community platform, a citizen science platform with >2000 participants, to analyze public perception of the SDGs. A set of 40,062 excerpts of text (v2023-01-01), a topic modeling and agreement scores by using CorTexT Manager software, was analyzed. The results show that some SDGs, e.g. health (SDG3) or life below water (SDG14), have higher levels of agreement from the public, whilst for other SDGs the public disagree on their perception, (e.g. zero hunger). The paper shows that issues affecting citizens' daily lives (e.g. in People related goals) tend to have a higher level of agreement among volunteers, while economic issues and directives have greater discrepancies. The results provide an overview of the differences in public perception on the SDGs and their implementation. The misperceptions regarding the SDGs should be reduced to achieve a better implementation, improve public participation, and help policy-making processes.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Persico, Simone
In: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, vol. 11, 2024.
title = {Affective, defective, and infective narratives on social media about nuclear energy and atomic conflict during the 2022 Italian electoral campaign},
author = {Simone Persico},
url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-024-02676-4},
doi = {/10.1057/s41599-024-02676-4},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-02-09},
urldate = {2024-02-09},
journal = {Humanities and Social Sciences Communications},
volume = {11},
abstract = {In the digital age, poor public communication catalyzes the spread of disinformation within public opinion. Anyone can produce political content that can reach a global audience, and social media has become a vital tool for political leaders to convey messages to the electorate. The 2022 Italian election campaign has seen the term “nuclear” debated with two different declinations: on the one hand, regarding nuclear energy for civilian use, and on the other hand, regarding the fear of an escalation of the conflict in Ukraine and the use of atomic weapons. This research aims to analyze the social media debate by exploring multiplatform dynamics to qualitatively identify and analyze the connections between social media platforms that we have termed Bridges, a concept drawn from Transmedia Theory to describe the narrative relationship between platforms. The methodological approach will follow an explanatory sequential design that will rely on digital methods to identify connections between platforms (bridges) and then apply an exploratory qualitative approach to enrich the data and capture the nuances of the debate. As expected, we found polarized positions and fragmentation on both issues of civilian nuclear energy and the atomic conflict narrative. Primary evidence shows bridges spreading affective, defective, and infective content across platforms in a multifaceted social media ecosystem. Affective refers to rhetoric that appeals to people’s feelings. Defective means the discussion that brings attention to hyper-partisan news channels, fake news, and misinformation. Infective means bridges with below-the-radar platforms, niche channels, or pseudo-information channels. They use bridges with mainstream platforms to gain the potential to go viral. The paper highlights the importance of cross-platform and interdisciplinary approaches to addressing disinformation in a media ecosystem where social media plays an increasing role in a country’s democratic dynamics.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Nyoni, Rejoice S.; Bruelle, Guillaume; Chikowo, Regis; Andrieu, Nadine
Targeting smallholder farmers for climate information services adoption in Africa: A systematic literature review Journal Article
In: Climate Services, 2024.
title = {Targeting smallholder farmers for climate information services adoption in Africa: A systematic literature review},
author = {Rejoice S. Nyoni and Guillaume Bruelle and Regis Chikowo and Nadine Andrieu},
url = {https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rejoice-Nyoni/publication/378042161_Targeting_smallholder_farmers_for_climate_information_services_adoption_in_Africa_A_systematic_literature_review/links/65c4aad71e1ec12eff7bfac7/Targeting-smallholder-farmers-for-climate-information-services-adoption-in-Africa-A-systematic-literature-review.pdf},
doi = {/10.1016/j.cliser.2024.100450},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-02-07},
journal = {Climate Services},
abstract = {Seventy percent of smallholder farmers in Africa depend on rainfed farming systems, making them vulnerable to climate variability and extremes. Climate information services (CIS) adoption by smallholder farmers in Africa presents a promising solution for adaptation to climate variability. This paper unravels the complexities around climate services for smallholder farmers and explores opportunities to tailor CIS for the resources of smallholder farmers. We use a systematic literature review approach to assess how the human, social, physical/technical, natural and financial capitals may affect awareness, access and use of CIS by smallholder farmers. The study is based on 33 papers from Africa. Majority of the studies gave emphasis on education, information communication and technology literacy levels and advisory services as influencing CIS access, use and uptake. The results highlight that better resourced smallholder farmers have higher access and are more likely to adopt CIS. The human capital emerged as an important component of CIS adoption as it directly determines how the farmer makes decisions on the farm. The natural capital determines the specific preference for CIS when the financial and economic capitals enable farmers acting according to the information received. The social capital provides a basis for farmers to benefit from compounded resources. Thus, the livelihood resource capitals of the target farmers must be considered in CIS information production and dissemination to improve the chances of CIS adoption by vulnerable groups that is illiterate, women, elderly, farmers in agroecological zones prone to climate extremes and poorly resourced farmers.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Ollivier, Guillaume; Gasselin, Pierre; Batifol, Véronique
The framings of the coexistence of agrifood models: a computational analysis of French media Journal Article
In: Agriculture and Human Values, 2024.
title = {The framings of the coexistence of agrifood models: a computational analysis of French media},
author = {Guillaume Ollivier and Pierre Gasselin and Véronique Batifol},
url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10460-023-10531-6
doi = {10.1007/s10460-023-10531-6},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-02-07},
urldate = {2024-02-07},
journal = {Agriculture and Human Values},
abstract = {The confrontations of stakeholder visions about agriculture and food production has become a focal point in the public sphere, coinciding with a diversification of agrifood models. This study analyzes the debates stemming from the coexistence of these models, particularly during the initial term of neoliberal-centrist Emmanuel Macron’s presidency in France.
Employing collective monitoring from 2017 to 2021, a corpus of 958 online news and blog articles was compiled. Using a computational analysis, we reveal the framings and controversies emerging from this media discourse. The macro-structuring of discourse on model coexistence revolves around scientific, economic and political framings. Coexistence is a complex of debates based on specific frames associated with specific arenas and actor configurations: growth of organic agriculture, transformations of agrifood systems, sciences of production and impacts, livestock and meat diet controversies, agroecological innovations, CAP reform criticism, discourse of peasant agriculture and State-Profession co-gestion. Employing global sentiment analysis and focusing on salient controversies, namely EGAlim law, pesticide regulations, and agribashing, we show the shift from conciliation to a hardening of debates. Finally, we discuss the causes and consequences of this trend. The political will to support the transition of agriculture remains influenced by the co-gestion system, an inherited configuration of decision-makers instrumental in the agricultural modernization. As a consequence, significant agricultural challenges, particularly highlighted in the scientific macro-frame, persist unresolved. This lock-in of the agrifood system is based on defensive strategies that challenge the democratic debate about food and agricultural practices.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Employing collective monitoring from 2017 to 2021, a corpus of 958 online news and blog articles was compiled. Using a computational analysis, we reveal the framings and controversies emerging from this media discourse. The macro-structuring of discourse on model coexistence revolves around scientific, economic and political framings. Coexistence is a complex of debates based on specific frames associated with specific arenas and actor configurations: growth of organic agriculture, transformations of agrifood systems, sciences of production and impacts, livestock and meat diet controversies, agroecological innovations, CAP reform criticism, discourse of peasant agriculture and State-Profession co-gestion. Employing global sentiment analysis and focusing on salient controversies, namely EGAlim law, pesticide regulations, and agribashing, we show the shift from conciliation to a hardening of debates. Finally, we discuss the causes and consequences of this trend. The political will to support the transition of agriculture remains influenced by the co-gestion system, an inherited configuration of decision-makers instrumental in the agricultural modernization. As a consequence, significant agricultural challenges, particularly highlighted in the scientific macro-frame, persist unresolved. This lock-in of the agrifood system is based on defensive strategies that challenge the democratic debate about food and agricultural practices.
Xing, Yunfei; Zhang, Justin Zuopeng; Storey, Veda C.; Koohang, Alex
Diving into the divide: a systematic review of cognitive bias-based polarization on social media Journal Article
In: Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 2024, ISSN: 1741-0398.
title = {Diving into the divide: a systematic review of cognitive bias-based polarization on social media},
author = {Yunfei Xing and Justin Zuopeng Zhang and Veda C. Storey and Alex Koohang},
url = {https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JEIM-09-2023-0459/full/html},
doi = {/10.1108/JEIM-09-2023-0459},
issn = {1741-0398},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-01-24},
journal = {Journal of Enterprise Information Management},
abstract = {Purpose
The global prevalence of social media and its potential to cause polarization are highly debated and impactful. The previous literature often assumes that the ideological bias of any media outlet remains static and exogenous to the polarization process. By studying polarization as a whole from an ecosystem approach, the authors aim to identify policies and strategies that can help mitigate the adverse effects of polarization and promote healthier online discourse.
To investigate online polarization, the authors perform a systematic review and analysis of approximately 400 research articles to explore the connection between cognitive bias and polarization, examining both causal and correlational evidence. The authors extensively evaluate and integrate existing research related to the correlation between online polarization and crucial factors such as public engagement, selective exposure and political democracy. From doing so, the authors then develop a PolarSphere ecosystem that captures and illustrates the process of online polarization formation.
The authors' review uncovers a wide range of associations, including ideological cognition, bias, public participation, misinformation and miscommunication, political democracy, echo chambers and selective exposure, heterogeneity and trust. Although the impact of bias on social media polarization depends on specific environments and internal/external conditions, certain variables exhibit strong associations across multiple contexts. The authors use these observations as a basis from which to construct PolarSphere, an ecosystem of bias-based polarization on social media, to theorize the process of polarization formation.
Based on the PolarSphere ecosystem, the authors argue that it is crucial for governments and civil societies to maintain vigilance and invest in further research to gain a deep comprehension of how cognitive bias affects online polarization, which could lead to ways to eliminate polarization.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
The global prevalence of social media and its potential to cause polarization are highly debated and impactful. The previous literature often assumes that the ideological bias of any media outlet remains static and exogenous to the polarization process. By studying polarization as a whole from an ecosystem approach, the authors aim to identify policies and strategies that can help mitigate the adverse effects of polarization and promote healthier online discourse.
To investigate online polarization, the authors perform a systematic review and analysis of approximately 400 research articles to explore the connection between cognitive bias and polarization, examining both causal and correlational evidence. The authors extensively evaluate and integrate existing research related to the correlation between online polarization and crucial factors such as public engagement, selective exposure and political democracy. From doing so, the authors then develop a PolarSphere ecosystem that captures and illustrates the process of online polarization formation.
The authors' review uncovers a wide range of associations, including ideological cognition, bias, public participation, misinformation and miscommunication, political democracy, echo chambers and selective exposure, heterogeneity and trust. Although the impact of bias on social media polarization depends on specific environments and internal/external conditions, certain variables exhibit strong associations across multiple contexts. The authors use these observations as a basis from which to construct PolarSphere, an ecosystem of bias-based polarization on social media, to theorize the process of polarization formation.
Based on the PolarSphere ecosystem, the authors argue that it is crucial for governments and civil societies to maintain vigilance and invest in further research to gain a deep comprehension of how cognitive bias affects online polarization, which could lead to ways to eliminate polarization.
Bachelor Theses
dela Isla Aduna, Dayne Andrei; Cabero, Paulina Mikaela Valderama; Cristobal, Earl Dominic Palad; Go, Riley Jerard Dy; Luakian, Francine Clarisse C.
A bibliometric review on plant allantoin and nitrogen metabolism Bachelor Thesis
De La Salle University, College of Science, Manila, 2024.
title = {A bibliometric review on plant allantoin and nitrogen metabolism},
author = {Dayne Andrei dela Isla Aduna and Paulina Mikaela Valderama Cabero and Earl Dominic Palad Cristobal and Riley Jerard Dy Go and Francine Clarisse C. Luakian},
url = {https://animorepository.dlsu.edu.ph/etdb_bio/76/},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-08-31},
address = {Manila},
school = {De La Salle University, College of Science},
abstract = {This bibliometric review thoroughly examines studies conducted on allantoin in plants, with a primary focus on its influence on nitrogen metabolism. An in-depth comprehension of the role of allantoin in nitrogen metabolism in plants can offer clear insights into the existing knowledge within the scientific community regarding this topic. The bibliographic data from Scopus was analyzed and formatted by CorText Manager, which facilitated the identification of gaps and limitations within the existing scope of the field. In addition, the researchers systematically arranged and depicted patterns and connections, thereby obtaining more distinct perspectives on various subjects and relationships. The study of allantoin and nitrogen metabolism in plants is a comprehensive topic that involves the interconnection of various ideas and niches. This analysis enables researchers globally to navigate a path toward groundbreaking findings by enhancing the current body of literature and emphasizing significant gaps in knowledge.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {bachelorthesis}
Alimad, Julienne E.; Lacsamana, Rochelle Anne A.; Hachaso, Elijah Gniya P.; Moldes, Louise Tara Danielle H.; Montecillo, Julianne Marie L.
The roles of allantoin in the stress responses of animals: A bibliometric review Bachelor Thesis
De La Salle University, Manila, 2024, (Bachelor of Science in Biology major in Medical Biology).
title = {The roles of allantoin in the stress responses of animals: A bibliometric review},
author = {Julienne E. Alimad and Rochelle Anne A. Lacsamana and Elijah Gniya P. Hachaso and Louise Tara Danielle H. Moldes and Julianne Marie L. Montecillo},
url = {https://animorepository.dlsu.edu.ph/etdb_bio/83},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-07-08},
address = {Manila},
school = {De La Salle University},
abstract = {Animals play a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem balance but face various stresses that require complex adaptations for survival. One adaptation involves the release of allantoin, a product of purine catabolism, which plays a significant role in mitigating stress. Despite the growing body of research on allantoin and its roles in animals under stress conditions, its biochemical properties remain relatively unexplored. With this, this paper aims to bridge existing gaps in knowledge in this field of research, assess research trends, and further investigate the role of allantoin in animals under stress conditions. This was done through a bibliometric analysis of relevant literature from 2013 to 2023 that were sourced from the Scopus database and analyzed using the CorText Manager. Several other tools were used in analyzing the relevant literature including term extraction, term-based and country-based network mapping, contingency matrix analysis, Sankey diagram visualization, and epic epoch analysis within the CorText Manager. It was found that the commonly used animal models in allantoin studies include Sprague Dawley and Wistar rats, with amino acids and enzymes playing crucial roles in the metabolic pathways leading to allantoin production. When it comes to identifying metabolites, on the other hand, techniques such as liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry are frequently employed. Notably, the analysis of terminology trends revealed the consistent use of terms like oxidative stress and uric acid in relevant literature. Ultimately, the relationships between commonly used terms in research have revealed consistent trends over time, offering valuable insights for future studies.},
note = {Bachelor of Science in Biology major in Medical Biology},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {bachelorthesis}
Bottero, Marta; Dell’Anna, Federico; Monaci, Sara; Persico, Simone
Geo-NLP Insights: Unveiling Residential Real Estate Trends Through Textual Analysis Conference
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2024 2024.
title = {Geo-NLP Insights: Unveiling Residential Real Estate Trends Through Textual Analysis},
author = {Marta Bottero and Federico Dell’Anna and Sara Monaci and Simone Persico},
url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-65308-7_12},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-08-22},
booktitle = {International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications},
pages = {163-175},
organization = {ICCSA 2024},
abstract = {The physical and design aspects of buildings, the availability of urban infrastructures and services, and the presence of landscape amenities significantly influence consumer preferences for residential living spaces. Capturing these preferences can provide insights on spatial changes in consumer behavior. To address this challenge, this paper introduces a novel methodological framework that combines Natural Language Processing (NLP) with geospatial data analysis, focusing particularly on insights derived from real estate listings. This innovative approach enables an in-depth examination of urban market dynamics by allowing for a comprehensive analysis that includes temporal shifts and spatial differences. By employing advanced analytical techniques, such as lexical analysis of listings and geospatial exploration, the framework is designed to decode complex market narratives and uncover detailed consumer preferences.
The methodological framework of this paper aims to construct a comprehensive model by integrating textual, spatial, and temporal data from listings, thereby offering a complete perspective of the urban real estate market. The integration of these diverse data sources from real estate listings provides critical insights into consumer preferences and market trends, equipping stakeholders with essential information to make informed decisions. Ultimately, this approach not only broadens the understanding of the real estate market but also aids stakeholders in crafting strategic initiatives that align with the sector’s evolving demands. This method facilitates informed decision-making and strategic planning in the real estate domain by leveraging the rich data found in property listings.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
The methodological framework of this paper aims to construct a comprehensive model by integrating textual, spatial, and temporal data from listings, thereby offering a complete perspective of the urban real estate market. The integration of these diverse data sources from real estate listings provides critical insights into consumer preferences and market trends, equipping stakeholders with essential information to make informed decisions. Ultimately, this approach not only broadens the understanding of the real estate market but also aids stakeholders in crafting strategic initiatives that align with the sector’s evolving demands. This method facilitates informed decision-making and strategic planning in the real estate domain by leveraging the rich data found in property listings.
Viademonte, Emiliano Ariel Martínez; Carrillo, Mercedes García; Blaustein, Matías
Argentina: un meta-análisis de la agenda de investigaciones en cáncer y salud socioambiental Conference
Congreso de la Fundación Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología 2024 2024.
title = {Argentina: un meta-análisis de la agenda de investigaciones en cáncer y salud socioambiental},
author = {Emiliano Ariel Martínez Viademonte and Mercedes García Carrillo and Matías Blaustein},
url = {https://proceedings.saludcyt.ar/index.php/piii/article/view/296
doi = {/10.56294/piii202390},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-05-08},
urldate = {2024-05-08},
organization = {Congreso de la Fundación Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología 2024},
abstract = {Introduction:
The economic agenda and corporate interests can influence and/or drive the public biomedical research agenda, establishing priorities in the study topics. In this work, we analyzed the contents of the cancer research agenda in Argentina, including a comprehensive analysis of the different epistemological dimensions associated with the study of this set of pathologies.
A bibliometric analysis was conducted based on 7319 scientific articles published between 1980 and 2023, divided into two periods (1980-2000 and 2001-2023), containing one or more authors with Argentina as their affiliation country. The PubMed database and the CorText platform were used to work with the database and to extract the most frequent multi-terms. Through this extraction, the main categories linked to cancer research, their preponderance in the local research agenda, and the place occupied by approaches linked to the molecular, social, and environmental determinants of cancer could be visualized. The content of this cancer research agenda was represented through co-occurrence networks of the predominant multi-terms found in the articles' titles, keywords, and abstracts.
The results reflected a strong predominance of methodological approaches associated with molecular and cellular biology. In addition, terms associated with breast cancer had a strong predominance in recent years. The analysis also revealed that the study of socio-environmental factors influencing the development and progression of diseases such as occupational, environmental, and exposure to xenobiotics remained marginal in the cancer research agenda of Argentina during the last four decades.
It is concluded that the orientation of the Argentine cancer research agenda excludes, with few exceptions, the prevention and study of socio-environmental factors associated with the development and progression of cancer, favoring a reductionist methodological approach anchored in Molecular and Cellular Biology and linked to the development of therapeutic and pharmacological interventions},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
The economic agenda and corporate interests can influence and/or drive the public biomedical research agenda, establishing priorities in the study topics. In this work, we analyzed the contents of the cancer research agenda in Argentina, including a comprehensive analysis of the different epistemological dimensions associated with the study of this set of pathologies.
A bibliometric analysis was conducted based on 7319 scientific articles published between 1980 and 2023, divided into two periods (1980-2000 and 2001-2023), containing one or more authors with Argentina as their affiliation country. The PubMed database and the CorText platform were used to work with the database and to extract the most frequent multi-terms. Through this extraction, the main categories linked to cancer research, their preponderance in the local research agenda, and the place occupied by approaches linked to the molecular, social, and environmental determinants of cancer could be visualized. The content of this cancer research agenda was represented through co-occurrence networks of the predominant multi-terms found in the articles' titles, keywords, and abstracts.
The results reflected a strong predominance of methodological approaches associated with molecular and cellular biology. In addition, terms associated with breast cancer had a strong predominance in recent years. The analysis also revealed that the study of socio-environmental factors influencing the development and progression of diseases such as occupational, environmental, and exposure to xenobiotics remained marginal in the cancer research agenda of Argentina during the last four decades.
It is concluded that the orientation of the Argentine cancer research agenda excludes, with few exceptions, the prevention and study of socio-environmental factors associated with the development and progression of cancer, favoring a reductionist methodological approach anchored in Molecular and Cellular Biology and linked to the development of therapeutic and pharmacological interventions
Book Chapters
D, Martina Zuñiga; Aranda, Francisca L.; Hernandez-Tenorio, Fabian; Garrido, Karla A.; Meléndrez, Manuel F.; Combatt, Enrique M.; Palencia, Manuel; Palacio, Daniel A.
Advances and Applications of Polyelectrolytes Book Chapter
In: Chile, 2024.
title = {Advances and Applications of Polyelectrolytes},
author = {Martina Zuñiga D and Francisca L. Aranda and Fabian Hernandez-Tenorio and Karla A. Garrido and Manuel F. Meléndrez and Enrique M. Combatt and Manuel Palencia and Daniel A. Palacio},
url = {https://videleaf.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Advances-and-Applications-of-Polyelectrolytes.pdf},
doi = {/10.3390/polym16101434},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-08-20},
address = {Chile},
school = {Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad de Concepción},
abstract = {In recent decades, polyelectrolytes (PELs) have attracted significant interest owing to a surge in research dedicated to the development of new technologies and applications at the biological level. Polyelectrolytes are macromolecules of which a substantial portion of the constituent units contains ionizable or ionic groups. These macromolecules demonstrate varied behaviors across different pH ranges, ionic strengths, and concentrations, making them fascinating subjects within the scientific community. The aim of this review is to present a comprehensive survey of the progress in the application studies of polyelectrolytes and their derivatives in various fields that are vital for the advancement, conservation, and technological progress of the planet, including agriculture, environmental science, and medicine. Through this bibliographic review, we seek to highlight the significance of these materials and their extensive range of applications in modern times.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Khan, Muhammad Asif; Farid, Humaira; Ali, Imtiaz
Bibliometric Analysis of Dubious Research Book Chapter
In: Bibliometrics - An Essential Methodological Tool for Research Projects [Working Title], 2024.
title = {Bibliometric Analysis of Dubious Research},
author = {Muhammad Asif Khan and Humaira Farid and Imtiaz Ali},
url = {https://www.intechopen.com/online-first/1180524},
doi = {/10.5772/intechopen.1005274},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-06-12},
booktitle = {Bibliometrics - An Essential Methodological Tool for Research Projects [Working Title]},
abstract = {Retracted papers are scientific or scholarly works officially withdrawn by the publisher or journal after their initial publication. The primary goal of retractions is to rectify the literature and alert readers about articles containing substantially flawed or erroneous content or data, or due to ethical concerns, rendering reported findings and conclusions unreliable. Retraction notices are typically issued for various reasons, including scientific misconduct, genuine mistakes, or problems with peer review. This chapter provides a systematic analysis of the dubious research identified in the Web of Science Core Collection. Bibliometric analysis was conducted on dubious research to assess the magnitude and influence of the questionable work on the pool of knowledge. The contingency matrix between countries and Web of Science categories of retracted papers reveals correlations between certain domains and the countries. To counter this growing tendency, a multi-pronged approach is essential. Robust policies, vigilant watchdogs, and targeted interventions by institutions are necessary to uphold the integrity of scholarly literature. Academia cannot afford to remain silent in the face of this threat to its credibility.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Educational technologies and assessment practices: Evolution and emerging research gaps Book Chapter
In: Reshaping learning with next generation educational technologies, pp. 136-172, 2024.
title = { Educational technologies and assessment practices: Evolution and emerging research gaps},
author = {LIM MING SOON TRISTAN and GOTTIPATI Swapna and Michelle L. F. CHEONG},
url = {https://ink.library.smu.edu.sg/sis_research/9241
doi = {/10.4018/979-8-3693-1310-7},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-01-01},
booktitle = {Reshaping learning with next generation educational technologies},
pages = {136-172},
abstract = {This chapter examines the integration and trajectory of ubiquitous, adaptive, and immersive technologies in educational assessments, based upon qualitative predictions from Horizon Report and quantitative bibliometric analysis. Through network analysis, the authors identified key educational technological trends and their interconnectedness within the academic domain. These findings underscored the ascendance of adaptive assessments for personalized real-time feedback, the role of virtual immersive assessments adding layers of complexity, variability, and adaptability that a physical environment might not offer, and the pervasive reach of ubiquitous assessments in crafting contextually anchored evaluations. Grounded in pedagogical underpinnings, the chapter presents pressing research gaps, theoretical and practical insights, positioning itself as a useful reference for researchers and practitioners in enhancing educational technology-infused assessment strategies.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
PhD Theses
LIM, Ming Soon Tristan
Ethical imperatives in AI-driven educational assessment: Framework and implications PhD Thesis
Singapore Management University, 2024.
title = {Ethical imperatives in AI-driven educational assessment: Framework and implications},
author = {Ming Soon Tristan LIM},
url = {https://ink.library.smu.edu.sg/etd_coll/556
year = {2024},
date = {2024-05-04},
school = {Singapore Management University},
abstract = {This dissertation embarks on an extensive exploration of the ethical challenges emerging from the integration of AI in educational assessments. It uncovers the complex interplay between AI and the ethical imperatives these technologies pose within educational assessments.
Amidst the rapid development of AI-enabled educational technologies, such as Ubiquitous, Adaptive, and Immersive technologies, this research identifies a notable gap in literature specifically concerning the ethical imperatives and implications of AI in educational assessments. Addressing this gap, the dissertation has three primary objectives: to comprehend and analyze the underpinning educational technologies driving assessments, to elucidate the intricate relationship between AI, ethics, and educational assessments, and to develop a comprehensive theoretical framework addressing the ethical challenges inherent in AI implementations in assessments.
The dissertation contributes to the research field by offering a nuanced examination of AI’s role in educational assessments and its ethical ramifications. It introduces a robust framework to guide educators, policymakers, and researchers through the ethical complexities of AI implementation. This study not only bridges the literature gap but also provides actionable insights for the practical application of AI in educational settings, emphasizing the need for ethical consideration at every stage of the assessment pipeline.
The dissertation highlights the dynamic trajectories of educational technologies, stressing the rising importance of adaptive technologies and the transformative role of immersive and ubiquitous technologies in assessments. It underscores the necessity of ethical vigilance in AI applications and validates a generalizable framework for ethically grounded AI-enabled assessments.
The dissertation opens pathways for future exploration, suggesting the need for interdisciplinary methodologies, longitudinal studies, deeper analysis of learners' AI understanding, and practical applications of the study’s insights. It calls for a collaborative, informed approach among various stakeholders in education to responsibly harness AI's potential, ensuring its integration not only advances educational practices but does so with ethical integrity and pedagogical effectiveness.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Amidst the rapid development of AI-enabled educational technologies, such as Ubiquitous, Adaptive, and Immersive technologies, this research identifies a notable gap in literature specifically concerning the ethical imperatives and implications of AI in educational assessments. Addressing this gap, the dissertation has three primary objectives: to comprehend and analyze the underpinning educational technologies driving assessments, to elucidate the intricate relationship between AI, ethics, and educational assessments, and to develop a comprehensive theoretical framework addressing the ethical challenges inherent in AI implementations in assessments.
The dissertation contributes to the research field by offering a nuanced examination of AI’s role in educational assessments and its ethical ramifications. It introduces a robust framework to guide educators, policymakers, and researchers through the ethical complexities of AI implementation. This study not only bridges the literature gap but also provides actionable insights for the practical application of AI in educational settings, emphasizing the need for ethical consideration at every stage of the assessment pipeline.
The dissertation highlights the dynamic trajectories of educational technologies, stressing the rising importance of adaptive technologies and the transformative role of immersive and ubiquitous technologies in assessments. It underscores the necessity of ethical vigilance in AI applications and validates a generalizable framework for ethically grounded AI-enabled assessments.
The dissertation opens pathways for future exploration, suggesting the need for interdisciplinary methodologies, longitudinal studies, deeper analysis of learners' AI understanding, and practical applications of the study’s insights. It calls for a collaborative, informed approach among various stakeholders in education to responsibly harness AI's potential, ensuring its integration not only advances educational practices but does so with ethical integrity and pedagogical effectiveness.
Gornet, Mélanie; Delarue, Simon; Boritchev, Maria; Viard, Tiphaine
Mapping AI ethics: a meso-scale analysis of its charters and manifestos Proceedings
2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency 2024, (FAccT '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency).
title = {Mapping AI ethics: a meso-scale analysis of its charters and manifestos},
author = {Mélanie Gornet and Simon Delarue and Maria Boritchev and Tiphaine Viard},
url = {https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3630106.3658545
doi = {/10.1145/3630106.3658545},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-06-05},
pages = {127-140},
organization = {2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency},
abstract = {The recent years have seen a surge of initiatives with the goal of defining what “ethical” artificial intelligence would or should entail, resulting in the publication of various charters and manifestos discussing AI ethics; these documents originate from academia, AI industry companies, non-profits, regulatory institutions, and the civil society. The contents of such documents vary wildly, from short, vague position statements to verbatims of democratic debates or impact assessment studies. As such, they are a marker of the social world of artificial intelligence, outlining the tenets of different actors, the consensus and dissensus on important goals, and so on.
Multiple meta-analyses have focused on qualitatively identifying recurring themes in these documents, highlighting the high polysemy of themes such as transparency or trust, among others. The broad term of “AI ethics” and its guiding principles hide multiple disparities, shaped by our collective imaginations, economic and regulatory incentives, and the pre-existing social and structural power asymmetries; through quantitative analyses, we validate and infirm previous qualitative results.
In this paper, we create and present a corpus of charters and manifestos discussing AI ethics through the process of collection and its quantitative analysis using text analysis to shed light on common and distinct vocabularies. Through frequency analysis, hierarchical topic clustering and semantic graph modelling, we show that the charters and manifestos discuss AI ethics along three broad axes: technical documents, regulatory ones, and innovation and business ones. We use our quantitative analysis to back up and nuance previous qualitative results, showing how some themes remain specific while others have fully permeated the space of AI ethics. We document and release our corpus, comprising of 436 documents, charters and manifestos discussing AI ethics. We release the corpus, its datasheet and our analysis, to open the way to further studies and discussions around vocabulary, principles and their evolution, as well as interactions among actors of AI ethics, in order to foster further studies on the topic.},
note = {FAccT '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {proceedings}
Multiple meta-analyses have focused on qualitatively identifying recurring themes in these documents, highlighting the high polysemy of themes such as transparency or trust, among others. The broad term of “AI ethics” and its guiding principles hide multiple disparities, shaped by our collective imaginations, economic and regulatory incentives, and the pre-existing social and structural power asymmetries; through quantitative analyses, we validate and infirm previous qualitative results.
In this paper, we create and present a corpus of charters and manifestos discussing AI ethics through the process of collection and its quantitative analysis using text analysis to shed light on common and distinct vocabularies. Through frequency analysis, hierarchical topic clustering and semantic graph modelling, we show that the charters and manifestos discuss AI ethics along three broad axes: technical documents, regulatory ones, and innovation and business ones. We use our quantitative analysis to back up and nuance previous qualitative results, showing how some themes remain specific while others have fully permeated the space of AI ethics. We document and release our corpus, comprising of 436 documents, charters and manifestos discussing AI ethics. We release the corpus, its datasheet and our analysis, to open the way to further studies and discussions around vocabulary, principles and their evolution, as well as interactions among actors of AI ethics, in order to foster further studies on the topic.
Buccio, Emanuele Di; Neresini, Federico
Research and Teaching Public Communication of Science and Technology on Digital Data Workshop
2024: 20th conference on Information and Research science Connecting to Digital and Library science 2024, ISSN: 1613-0073.
title = {Research and Teaching Public Communication of Science and Technology on Digital Data},
author = {Emanuele Di Buccio and Federico Neresini},
url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3643/paper14.pdf},
issn = {1613-0073},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-02-22},
organization = {2024: 20th conference on Information and Research science Connecting to Digital and Library science},
abstract = {In recent decades, there has been a growing interest among Social Science researchers in computational approaches; Computational Social Science and Digital Sociology are examples of these research directions. An interdisciplinary research field that can be framed within Social Science is Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST), which examines how science and technology can affect contemporary society and how society can affect science and technology. The digitization of traditional media and the proliferation of other information channels, such as Social Media, provide new opportunities for PCST.
This paper discusses the issues that need to be addressed to support PCST scholars, possible solutions to address them, and the integration of these solutions into a single platform that is being used to support research and teaching. Concerning teaching, the paper presents an example of how the platform can be used in the context of a university course.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workshop}
This paper discusses the issues that need to be addressed to support PCST scholars, possible solutions to address them, and the integration of these solutions into a single platform that is being used to support research and teaching. Concerning teaching, the paper presents an example of how the platform can be used in the context of a university course.
Journal Articles
Mason, Eloïse; Bispo, Antonio; Matt, Mireille; Helming, Katharina; Rodriguez, Elena; Lansac, Rocio; Carrasco, Violeta; Hashar, Mohammad Rafiul; Verdonk, Loes; Prokop, Gundula; Wall, David; Francis, Nancy; Laszlo, Peter; Löbmann, Michael T.
Sustainable soil and land management: a systems-oriented overview of scientific literature Journal Article
In: Frontiers in Soil Science, 2023.
title = {Sustainable soil and land management: a systems-oriented overview of scientific literature},
author = {Eloïse Mason and Antonio Bispo and Mireille Matt and Katharina Helming and Elena Rodriguez and Rocio Lansac and Violeta Carrasco and Mohammad Rafiul Hashar and Loes Verdonk and Gundula Prokop and David Wall and Nancy Francis and Peter Laszlo and Michael T. Löbmann},
url = {https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fsoil.2023.1268037/full
doi = {10.3389/fsoil.2023.1268037},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-12-18},
journal = {Frontiers in Soil Science},
abstract = {Healthy soil is vital for our wellbeing and wealth. However, increasing demand for food and biomass may lead to unsustainable soil and land management practices that threaten soils. Other degradation processes such as soil sealing also endanger soil resources. Identifying and accessing the best available knowledge is crucial to address related sustainability issues and promote the needed transition towards sustainable soil and land management practices. Such knowledge has to cover all knowledge domains, system knowledge, target knowledge, and transformation knowledge. However, a comprehensive overview of existing research addressing societal needs related to soil is still missing, which hinders the identification of knowledge gaps. This study provides a detailed analysis of scientific literature to identify ongoing research activities and trends. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of scientific literature related to sustainable soil and land management was conducted. A systems-oriented analytical framework was used that combines soil and land related societal challenges with related knowledge domains. Our analysis revealed a significant increase in scientific publications and related interest in soil and land use-related research, above the average increase of publications within all scientific fields. Different forms of reduction and remediation of soil degradation processes (e.g. erosion, contamination) have been studied most extensively. Other topic areas like land take mitigation, soil biodiversity increase, increase of ecosystem services provision and climate change mitigation and adaption seem to be rather recent concerns, less investigated. We could highlight the importance of context-specific research, as different regions require different practices. For instance, boreal, tropical, karst and peatland regions were less studied. Furthermore, we found that diversifying soil management practices such as agroforestry or including livestock into arable systems are valuable options for increasing biomass, mitigating/adapting to climate change, and improving soil related ecosystem services. A recent trend towards the latter research topic indicates the transition from a soil conservation-oriented perspective to a soil service-oriented perspective, which may be better suited to integrate the social and economic dimensions of soil health improvement alongside the ecological dimension.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Dauphiné-Morer, Anne-Lise; Zenasni, Franck; Boissy, Alain; Mambrini-Doudet, Muriel
Investigating intention in non-human animals. Part I. States of art and non-art Journal Article
In: 2023, (Research Square - preprint platform).
title = {Investigating intention in non-human animals. Part I. States of art and non-art},
author = {Anne-Lise Dauphiné-Morer and Franck Zenasni and Alain Boissy and Muriel Mambrini-Doudet},
url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/376430400_Investigating_intention_in_non-human_animals_Part_I_States_of_art_and_non-art
doi = {10.21203/rs.3.rs-2941491/v2},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-12-11},
abstract = {Is the analytical framework used by ethologists sufficient to study the mental states of non-human animals (NHAs) at the appropriate level of complexity? To address this question our strategy was to i) reveal the experimental and analytic habits of scientists of different disciplines in the literature, and ii) use "intention" as a vector in an interdisciplinary prospect of the study of NHAs mental states. Our own intention was to outline the specific orientations and possible impasses of the ethological analytical framework which limits the consideration of NHAs intentions. We conducted a bibliometric analysis of the scientific literature published between 2016 and 2020 in two steps: 1. through a first corpus, we identified the terms used in studies of NHAs intentions and 2. on this basis, 111 articles related to intentions in NHAs were selected. By analysing them using a co-occurrences network of the authors’ keywords, ten scientific approaches to intention in NHAs were identified. Our main findings are that i) the term « intention » is very seldom used in studies of NHAs; ii) approaches developed in humans are rarely transposed in these studies; and iii) in such few studies, it is not the NHAs intentions which are under question, but the link between NHAs and human intentions. This study highlights the limitations of the current theoretical framework used to study non-human animals’ cognition, which does not allow for the full spectrum of non-human cognitive specificities.},
note = {Research Square - preprint platform},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Rikap, Cecilia
Intellectual monopolies as a new pattern of innovation and technological regime Journal Article
In: Industrial and Corporate Change, 2023.
title = {Intellectual monopolies as a new pattern of innovation and technological regime},
author = {Cecilia Rikap},
url = {https://academic.oup.com/icc/advance-article/doi/10.1093/icc/dtad077/7462137},
doi = {/10.1093/icc/dtad077},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-12-07},
journal = {Industrial and Corporate Change},
abstract = {Building on Schumpeter Mark I and Mark II, I propose an additional pattern of innovation and technological regime called the intellectual monopoly (IM) to explain the co-habitation of large incumbent firms with high entry and exit rates and provide evidence for pharmaceuticals and information technologies. I associate the IM pattern and technological regime with corporate innovation systems and illustrate that patterns not only evolve after changes in technological regimes but also due to economic, political, and institutional transformations.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Demortain, David
Mistrust of the black box: the public auditing of private models in the chemicals regulatory space Journal Article
In: Science as Culture, 2023.
title = {Mistrust of the black box: the public auditing of private models in the chemicals regulatory space},
author = {David Demortain},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/09505431.2023.2286278},
doi = {10.1080/09505431.2023.2286278},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-12-06},
journal = {Science as Culture},
abstract = {Metrics foster trust in governing bodies, but their uncertainty can elicit an opposite sentiment of mistrust. In chemicals governance, most of the conversations concerning computational models revolve around their uncertainty, and the extent to which simulations of safe doses can be transposed in regulatory decisions. To understand the source of this mistrust in models, research in science and technology studies on policy modeling, particularly research that looks at models as an interface between science and policy, must be extended to consider the private production of predictions. Looking at the full set of actors involved in predictive regulatory knowledge – companies, regulatory agencies, modelers working with one or the other – and their concurrent articulations of uncertainty, it appears that regulators audit physiologically based pharmacokinetic models (PBPK, a key class of models used to compute safe chemical doses), because the chemical industry initially introduced them to challenge its methods of risk assessment. Regulators and their modelers established model auditing, to be able to negotiate the predictive claims of companies and their consultants. At the end of the day, neither companies nor regulators appear to dominate the production of predictive knowledge. It is the product of the shifting distribution of expertise in the regulatory space, and of the outcomes of the recurrent trials of credibility that this distribution enables.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Orduña-Malea, Enrique; Bautista-Puig, Núria
Research assessment under debate: disentangling the interest around the DORA declaration on Twitter Journal Article
In: Scientometrics, 2023.
title = {Research assessment under debate: disentangling the interest around the DORA declaration on Twitter},
author = {Enrique Orduña-Malea and Núria Bautista-Puig},
url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11192-023-04872-6#article-info
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-023-04872-6},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-11-17},
journal = {Scientometrics},
abstract = {Much debate has been around the misapplication of metrics in research assessment. As a result of this concern, the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) was launched, an initiative that caused opposing viewpoints. However, the discussion topics about DORA have not been formally identified, especially in participatory environments outside the scholarly communication process, such as social networks. This paper contributes to that end by analyzing 20,717 DORA-related tweets published from 2015 to 2022. The results show an increasing volume of tweets, mainly promotional and informative, but with limited participation of users, either commenting or engaging with the tweets, generating a scarcely polarized conversation driven primarily by a few DORA promoters. While a varied list of discussion topics is found (especially "Open science and research assessment," "Academics career assessment & innovation," and "Journal Impact Factor"), the DORA debate appears as part of broader conversations (research evaluation, open science). Further studies are needed to check whether these results are restricted to Twitter or reveal more general patterns. The findings might interest the different evaluators and evaluated agents regarding their interests and concerns around the reforms in the research evaluation.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Miara, M.; Boudes, P.; Rabier, T.; Gafsi, M.
Animal traction in developed countries: The reappropriation of a past practice through agroecological transition Journal Article
In: Journal of Rural Studies, vol. 103, pp. 103124, 2023, ISSN: 0743-0167.
title = {Animal traction in developed countries: The reappropriation of a past practice through agroecological transition},
author = {M. Miara and P. Boudes and T. Rabier and M. Gafsi},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0743016723001900},
doi = {/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2023.103124},
issn = {0743-0167},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-09-15},
urldate = {2023-09-15},
journal = {Journal of Rural Studies},
volume = {103},
pages = {103124},
abstract = {As part of the current agroecological transition, animal traction in agriculture is benefiting from an increased focus in developed countries. However, the practice is struggling to gain recognition from research, institutions and the agricultural profession. This article aims to analyze how animal traction is treated in developed countries, and to assess the extent to which it could be considered an agroecological practice. We analyze animal traction as a scientific object and a socio-professional movement. Our methodology is based on a review of scientific literature and an analysis of the French general press. The various studies show that animal traction has advantages in terms of energy, economics and agronomy. It tends to be developed by alternative movements and farmers motivated by a desire to redesign our food systems. Both scientific and press reviews show a renewed positive interest in animal traction. Although these reviews highlight its agroecological potential, the practice is facing difficulties in gaining recognition. The findings of this article are of obvious interest to rural development researchers and policy makers. They help the former to explore new issues in the return of animal traction, and the latter to better understand the development factors of this practice.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Veng, Adam; Papazu, Irina; Ejsing, Mads
Is Denmark a green entrepreneurial state? Mapping Danish climate politics between civic mobilization and business cooptation Journal Article
In: STS Encounters, vol. 15, pp. 1-45, 2023, ISSN: 1904-4372.
title = {Is Denmark a green entrepreneurial state? Mapping Danish climate politics between civic mobilization and business cooptation},
author = {Adam Veng and Irina Papazu and Mads Ejsing},
url = {https://pure.itu.dk/en/publications/is-denmark-a-green-entrepreneurial-state-mapping-danish-climate-p
issn = {1904-4372},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-09-05},
journal = {STS Encounters},
volume = {15},
pages = {1-45},
publisher = {Danish Association of Science and Technology Studies},
abstract = {This article is based on digital methods research using the tools Hyphe, Gephi and CorText to map the relations between public Danish actors – from informal civil society groups and NGO’s to business and state actors - and their “matters of concern” (cf. Latour 2004) in the heated political situation around the development of green transition policies following the enactment of the Climate Act in 2019. The Act was, according to the newly elected social democratic government, the “most ambitious Climate Act in the world”. It included such political innovations as the Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change, a group of 99 randomly selected citizens mandated to give recommendations to parliament, and a series of Climate Partnerships, business and industry collaborations tasked with developing recommendations and frameworks for the business community’s engagement in the green transition. The Climate Act was passed after massive popular pressure from the civic climate movement leading up to the election. Despite these efforts and the apparent political will to engage with multiple voices and interests, our network mapping shows that the business community, with an emphasis on “innovative and technological solutions”, were soon to become dominant in the network and align themselves more closely with the political system than the civil society actors were able to with their repeated calls for more radical and political action on climate change.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Huang, Wenbin; Liu, Shibin; Zhang, Tao; Wu, Hao; Pu, Shengyan
Bibliometric analysis and systematic review of electrochemical methods for environmental remediation Journal Article
In: Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2023, ISSN: 1001-0742.
title = {Bibliometric analysis and systematic review of electrochemical methods for environmental remediation},
author = {Wenbin Huang and Shibin Liu and Tao Zhang and Hao Wu and Shengyan Pu},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1001074223003522},
doi = {/10.1016/j.jes.2023.08.003},
issn = {1001-0742},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-08-14},
journal = {Journal of Environmental Sciences},
abstract = {Electrochemical methods are increasingly favored for remediating polluted environments due to their environmental compatibility and reagent-saving features. However, a comprehensive understanding of recent progress, mechanisms, and trends in these methods is currently lacking. Web of Science (WoS) databases were utilized for searching the primary data to understand the knowledge structure and research trends of publications on electrochemical methods and to unveil certain hotspots and future trends of electrochemical methods research. The original data were sampled from 9080 publications in those databases with the search deadline of June 1st, 2022. CiteSpace and VOSviewer software facilitated data visualization and analysis of document quantities, source journals, institutions, authors, and keywords. We discussed principles, influencing factors, and progress related to seven major electrochemical methods. Notably, publications on this subject have experienced significant growth since 2007. The most frequently-investigated areas in electrochemical methods included novel materials development, heavy metal remediation, organic pollutant degradation, and removal mechanism identification. “Advanced oxidation process” and “Nanocomposite” are currently trending topics. The major remediation mechanisms are adsorption, oxidation, and reduction. The efficiency of electrochemical systems is influenced by material properties, system configuration, electron transfer efficiency, and power density. Electro-Fenton exhibits significant advantages in achieving synergistic effects of anodic oxidation and electro-adsorption among the seven techniques. Future research should prioritize the improvement of electron transfer efficiency, the optimization of electrode materials, the exploration of emerging technology coupling, and the reduction in system operation and maintenance costs.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Monaci, Sara; Mazali, Tatiana; Persico, Simone
Smart working during the Covid19 pandemic in Italy: Twitter narratives in female-centered communities Journal Article
In: Mediascapes Journal, vol. 21, iss. 1, pp. 323–343, 2023, ISSN: 2282-2542.
title = {Smart working during the Covid19 pandemic in Italy: Twitter narratives in female-centered communities},
author = {Sara Monaci and Tatiana Mazali and Simone Persico},
url = {https://rosa.uniroma1.it/rosa03/mediascapes/article/view/18290
issn = {2282-2542},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-07-18},
urldate = {2023-07-18},
journal = {Mediascapes Journal},
volume = {21},
issue = {1},
pages = {323–343},
abstract = {While the recent pandemic has accelerated the spread of smart working dynamics in Italy, social media increased their importance as platforms to vehiculate information and points of view and shape public opinion. In the face of extended confinement and a looming health crisis, society has had to fundamentally rethink its daily work practices, social relations, family relationship management, and work-life balance. As a result, the radical and abrupt migration to networked platforms has been a disruptive and unprecedented phenomenon. We aimed to investigate the Twitter debate on smart working during the pandemic by focusing mainly on social concerns and thematics related to work-life balance by addressing the following research questions:
- RQ1: How was the topic of smart working debated on Twitter during the Covid19 pandemic (2020-2021) in Italy, and which narratives and issues fuelled the debate the most?
- RQ2: How the public debate has received the Italian government's work-life balance measures?
- RQ3: Which topics were most discussed by women on smart working?
We used Digital Methods to cope with re-proposing data to depict collective phenomena, social transformations, and cultural expressions by analyzing natively digital data on social media platforms. We gathered more than 750.000 tweets between 28 February 2020 and 30 November 2021, and we mapped narratives and communities by using social network analysis. This allowed for the selection of the more intriguing ones to define various sub-datasets on which to conduct a topic modeling study, which aided in understanding more nuanced aspects of the highly fragmented topic. By studying the italian debate, we identified specific communities which debated government measures to help families during the pandemic and discussed digitalization and smart working as a new paradigm for work. We found DAD (Didactic at Distance, aka homeschooling) as a transversal topic that highly affected how people experienced smart working.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
- RQ1: How was the topic of smart working debated on Twitter during the Covid19 pandemic (2020-2021) in Italy, and which narratives and issues fuelled the debate the most?
- RQ2: How the public debate has received the Italian government's work-life balance measures?
- RQ3: Which topics were most discussed by women on smart working?
We used Digital Methods to cope with re-proposing data to depict collective phenomena, social transformations, and cultural expressions by analyzing natively digital data on social media platforms. We gathered more than 750.000 tweets between 28 February 2020 and 30 November 2021, and we mapped narratives and communities by using social network analysis. This allowed for the selection of the more intriguing ones to define various sub-datasets on which to conduct a topic modeling study, which aided in understanding more nuanced aspects of the highly fragmented topic. By studying the italian debate, we identified specific communities which debated government measures to help families during the pandemic and discussed digitalization and smart working as a new paradigm for work. We found DAD (Didactic at Distance, aka homeschooling) as a transversal topic that highly affected how people experienced smart working.
Bautista-Puig, Nuria; Statulevičiūtė, Gustė; Stančiauskas, Vilius; Dikmener, Gokhan; Akylbekova, Dina
Osdg Community Dataset: Unraveling the Societal Perceptions Around the Sustainable Development Goals Journal Article Forthcoming
In: Other Environmental Science Research eJournal, Forthcoming.
BibTeX | Links:
title = {Osdg Community Dataset: Unraveling the Societal Perceptions Around the Sustainable Development Goals},
author = {Nuria Bautista-Puig and Gustė Statulevičiūtė and Vilius Stančiauskas and Gokhan Dikmener and Dina Akylbekova},
url = {https://ssrn.com/abstract=4514364
doi = {/10.2139/ssrn.4514364 },
year = {2023},
date = {2023-07-18},
journal = {Other Environmental Science Research eJournal},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {forthcoming},
tppubtype = {article}
Baquee, Abdul; md Safiqur Rahaman,; Sevukan, Dr R
A Bibliometric Review of Academic Social Networking Sites (ASNSs) in Scholarly Communication: A Scientific Mapping based on Scopus Database Journal Article
In: International Journal of Information Science and Management (IJISM), vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 286-309, 2023, ISSN: 2008-8302.
title = {A Bibliometric Review of Academic Social Networking Sites (ASNSs) in Scholarly Communication: A Scientific Mapping based on Scopus Database},
author = {Abdul Baquee and md Safiqur Rahaman and Dr R Sevukan},
url = {https://ijism.ricest.ac.ir/article_705746.html
doi = {/10.22034/ijism.2023.1977938.0},
issn = {2008-8302},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-07-01},
urldate = {2023-07-01},
journal = {International Journal of Information Science and Management (IJISM)},
volume = {21},
number = {3},
pages = {286-309},
publisher = {Regional Information Center for Science and Technology},
abstract = {This study aimed to investigate the current state of published literature on Academic Social Networking Sites (ASNSs) in scholarly communication using bibliometric techniques. Social Networking Sites have revolutionized social interaction and scholarly communication by making it easier for researchers to collaborate and share their work. Researchers used selected keywords to gather data from Scopus.
Fourteen years from 2007 to 2020 were considered for the analysis of research publications. Additionally, this research employed a Biblioshiny to provide a graphical representation of bibliometric indicators. the VOSviewer, CorTex, and Citespace software packages were employed to evaluate the keyword analysis and explore the research theme of social networking sites in research communication. A total of 751 publications were retrieved from 381 journals. In terms of publication, positive growth was seen. In scholarly communication, the United States is the most productive country in SNSs research. Regarding institutional affiliation, Wuhan University in China is the most prolific. In addition, it outlined the "5 Ps" for implementing ASNSs. Hopefully, the information provided by this bibliometric analysis of scholarly communication on social networking sites will be helpful to scholars in the future and contribute to the growth of knowledge in this area.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Fourteen years from 2007 to 2020 were considered for the analysis of research publications. Additionally, this research employed a Biblioshiny to provide a graphical representation of bibliometric indicators. the VOSviewer, CorTex, and Citespace software packages were employed to evaluate the keyword analysis and explore the research theme of social networking sites in research communication. A total of 751 publications were retrieved from 381 journals. In terms of publication, positive growth was seen. In scholarly communication, the United States is the most productive country in SNSs research. Regarding institutional affiliation, Wuhan University in China is the most prolific. In addition, it outlined the "5 Ps" for implementing ASNSs. Hopefully, the information provided by this bibliometric analysis of scholarly communication on social networking sites will be helpful to scholars in the future and contribute to the growth of knowledge in this area.
de Raymond, Antoine Bernard
La société comme « système complexe » Vers une physique du monde social ? Journal Article
In: Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances , 2023.
title = {La société comme « système complexe » Vers une physique du monde social ?},
author = {Antoine Bernard de Raymond},
url = {http://journals.openedition.org/rac/30519},
doi = {/10.4000/rac.30519},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-06-26},
urldate = {2023-06-26},
journal = {Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances },
abstract = {Depuis le début du XXIe siècle, les chercheurs en sciences physiques ont construit une forte capacité à se saisir d’enjeux contemporains et à en imposer leur lecture, aussi bien dans la sphère publique que dans le champ scientifique. Cet article interroge les raisons de ce succès à partir du cas des « systèmes complexes » et de la manière dont cette approche a pu s’imposer dans de nombreux champs scientifiques. D’abord, l’article montre le rôle de situations de crise à la fois politiques et épistémiques dans la circulation interdisciplinaire de ces approches. Ensuite, il montre le rôle de traduction et de standardisation de savoirs hétérogènes opéré par l’analyse des « réseaux complexes » au début des années 2000. Face à ce succès des approches en termes de systèmes complexes et plus encore en termes de réseaux complexes dans les sciences économiques et sociales, cet article discute les apports et les limites de ces approches et élabore les conditions d’un usage raisonné et critique de la complexité en sciences sociales.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Green, Brandon; Pécoud, Antoine
Talking about Migration in Times of Crisis: A Textual Analysis of Narratives by IOM and UNHCR on Migrants and Refugees Journal Article
In: American Behavioral Scientist, 2023, ISSN: 0002-7642.
title = {Talking about Migration in Times of Crisis: A Textual Analysis of Narratives by IOM and UNHCR on Migrants and Refugees},
author = {Brandon Green and Antoine Pécoud},
url = {https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/00027642231182899},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1177/00027642231182899},
issn = {0002-7642},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-06-24},
urldate = {2023-06-24},
journal = {American Behavioral Scientist},
publisher = {SAGE Publications},
abstract = {In the absence of a binding and coherent international migration regime, the global governance of migration relies on normative narratives produced by UN agencies and other intergovernmental forums, in line with the discursive legitimacy traditionally associated with international organizations. Such narratives impact migrants, asylum-seekers, and refugees because they support certain policy frameworks among member states. Yet, global migration governance remains fragmented, especially as far as the long-standing divide between the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is concerned. This article contributes to this discussion by applying corpus-assisted critical discourse analysis to the narratives produced by these two organizations. The article identifies some of the dominant worldviews in the narratives of IOM and UNHCR. Results show that IOM and UNHCR have distinct worldviews, associated with different textual patterns, and that, while IOM’s textual productions seem to influence UNHCR’s discourses, the opposite is less true. This would support the view that IOM is currently the leading actor in terms of framing migration, thereby exerting a strong influence on global migration governance.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
(Sources: Google Scholar, HAL, Scopus, WOS and search engines)
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