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93 entries « 1 of 3 »


Journal Articles


Nemati-Anaraki, Leila; Ouchi, Ali; Pourmojdegani, Maedeh

A bibliometric Overview and visualization of Koomesh Journal from 2006 to 2022 Journal Article

In: Koomesh, vol. 25, iss. 4, pp. 535-549, 2024.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Truchet-Aznar, Stéphanie; Aubert, Francis; Aznar, Olivier; Davi, Béatrice

How Does Regional Science Address Environmental Issues? A Bibliometric Analysis of Two Decades of Publications Journal Article

In: Sage, 2024, ISSN: 0160-0176.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Mesmoudi, Salma; Dégeilh, Fanny; Cancino, Waldo; Rodic, Mathieu; Peschanski, Denis; Eustache, Francis

Transdisciplinary method for exploration and visualization of neuroimaging papers and databases: Application to PTSD Journal Article

In: 2024, (Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Colombo, Massimo G.; Montanaro, Benedetta; Shafi, Kourosh

Dancing with Strangers? Initial Trust and the Formation of Initial Ties Between New Ventures and Corporate Venture Capitalists Journal Article

In: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, pp. 1-43, 2024.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:



Viademonte, Emiliano Ariel Martínez; Carrillo, Mercedes García; Blaustein, Matías

Argentina: un meta-análisis de la agenda de investigaciones en cáncer y salud socioambiental Conference

Congreso de la Fundación Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología 2024 2024.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Journal Articles


Dauphiné-Morer, Anne-Lise; Zenasni, Franck; Boissy, Alain; Mambrini-Doudet, Muriel

Investigating intention in non-human animals. Part I. States of art and non-art Journal Article

In: 2023, (Research Square - preprint platform).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Orduña-Malea, Enrique; Bautista-Puig, Núria

Research assessment under debate: disentangling the interest around the DORA declaration on Twitter Journal Article

In: Scientometrics, 2023.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Veng, Adam; Papazu, Irina; Ejsing, Mads

Is Denmark a green entrepreneurial state? Mapping Danish climate politics between civic mobilization and business cooptation Journal Article

In: STS Encounters, vol. 15, pp. 1-45, 2023, ISSN: 1904-4372.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Huang, Wenbin; Liu, Shibin; Zhang, Tao; Wu, Hao; Pu, Shengyan

Bibliometric analysis and systematic review of electrochemical methods for environmental remediation Journal Article

In: Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2023, ISSN: 1001-0742.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Raimbault, Benjamin

Faire avec l’industrie - Repenser la crédibilité scientifique par la preuve de concept Journal Article

In: Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances, 2023.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Dauphiné-Morer, Anne-Lise; Zenasni, Franck; Boissy, Alain; Mambrini-Doudet, Muriel

What do we really know about intention in animals? A bibliometric analysis Journal Article Forthcoming

In: Forthcoming.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Milia, Matias Federico; Brambila, Claudia Gonzalez; Lee, Ángel; Ignacio, José; Sánchez, Ponce

The transformation of medical research in Mexico: A structural analysis of thematical domains, institutional affiliations, authors’ cohorts, and possible correlations Journal Article

In: Quantitative Science Studies, pp. 1-26, 2023, ISSN: 2641-3337.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Feng, Sida; Han, Fang

Radical innovation detection in the solar energy domain based on patent analysis Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Energy Research, vol. 10, 2023.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:



Singh, Abhishek; Rajput, Vishnu D.; Ghazaryan, Karen; Gupta, Santosh Kumar; Minkina, Tatiana

Nanopriming Approach to Sustainable Agriculture Book

IGI Global, Engineering Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global), Hershey, PA, 2023.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Yaneva, Albena

Architecture after Covid Book

Bloomsbury Publishing, 2023, ISBN: 9781350271067.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:



Abdo, Alexandre Hannud; Benbouzid, Bilel; Turnheim, Bruno; Raimbault, Benjamin; Barbier, Marc

SASHIMI and new frontiers in the study of socio-semantic networks with mixed-methods on the Cortext Platform Conference

Sunbelt 2023 Portland, OR, United States, 2023, (INSNA).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Masters Theses


de Souza Mancoso, Kaique

Cancelar ou não cancelar, eis a questão: uma análise das características da cultura do cancelamento através do julgamento de celebridades no Twitter Masters Thesis

Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Brasil, 2023.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Virta, Vera

Performance indicators in sustainability reporting: Evidence from Finland Masters Thesis

Utrecht University, 2023.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:



Kocksch, Laura Anna; Sørensen, Estrid

Towards a Typology of Interdisciplinarity in Cybersecurity: Trade, Choice, and Agnostic-Antagonist Workshop

2023, (NSPW '23: Proceedings of the 2023 New Security Paradigms Workshop).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Journal Articles


Herrera-Pavo, Miguel Ángel; Navarrete, Verónica Orellana; Rodríguez, José Daniel Espinosa; Espinoza-Weaver, Yadhira

Participatory design of a Pedagogical Model for the Ecuadorian Educational System Journal Article

In: Podium, vol. 42, pp. 93–116, 2022, ISSN: 1390-5473.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Hernandez-Tenorio, Fabian; Miranda, Alejandra M.; Rodríguez, Carlos A.; Giraldo-Estrada, Catalina; Sáez, Alex A.

Potential Strategies in the Biopesticide Formulations: A Bibliometric Analysis Journal Article

In: Agronomy, vol. 12, iss. 2665, no. 11, 2022.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Boudalia, Sofiane; Okoth, Sheila A.; Zebsa, Rabah

The exploration and exploitation of shale gas in Algeria: Surveying key developments in the context of climate uncertainty Journal Article

In: The Extractive Industries and Society, vol. 11, pp. 101115, 2022, ISSN: 2214-790X.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Rizzo, Davide; Debolini, Marta; Thenail, Claudine; Lardon, Sylvie; Marraccini , Elisa

Agriculture at the Landscape Level: Scientific Background and Literature Overview Journal Article

In: Landscape Agronomy, pp. 1–23, 2022.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Hampton, Harrison; Foley, Aoife; Rio, Dylan Furszyfer Del; Smyth, Beatrice; Laverty, David; Caulfield, Brian

Customer engagement strategies in retail electricity markets: A comprehensive and comparative review Journal Article

In: Energy Research & Social Science, vol. 90, pp. 102611, 2022, ISSN: 2214-6296.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Abdo, Alexandre Hannud; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Bourret, Pascale; Cambrosio, Alberto

Domain‐topic models with chained dimensions: Charting an emergent domain of a major oncology conference Journal Article

In: JASIST, vol. 77, iss. 7, pp. 992-1011, 2022.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Milia, Matias Federico; Giralt, Ariadna Nebot; Arvanitis, Rigas

Local emergence, global expansion: understanding the structural evolution of a bi-lingual national research landscape Journal Article

In: Scientometrics, 2022.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:



Dauphine-Morer, Anne-Lise; Boissy, Alain; Zenasni, Franck; Mambrini-Doudet, Muriel

Investigating intention in non-human animals: a need for a new theoretical and methodological framework Conference

Congress of the International Society of Applied Ethology, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2022.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Papazu, Irina; Veng, Adam

Controversy Mapping and the Care for Climate Commons: Re-assembling the Danish Climate Movement by Counter-Mapping Digital Network Maps Conference

DASTS 2022.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Rizzo, Davide; Combaud, Anne; Schnuriger, Nathalie; Fourati-Jamoussi, Fatma; Ritz, Simon; Leroux, Valérie

Is farming technology innovation locus dependent? Making-of an agricultural Fablab Conference

Digital book of proceedings, 14th European IFSA symposium, 14th European IFSA symposium 2022.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Book Chapters


Dubois, Michel

The Anthem Companion to Robert K. Merton: chapter Nine, "Providing Puzzles": Science as Norms and Values Book Chapter

In: Crothers, Charles; Sabetta, Lorenzo (Ed.): Chapter 9, pp. 165-182, Anthem Press, 2022, ISBN: 9781839981173.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Proceedings Articles


Copty, Nadim; Kazezyılmaz-Alhan, Cevza Melek

IWA 4th Regional Conference on Diffuse Pollution & Eutrophication Proceedings Article

In: International Water Association İstanbul, Türkiye, 2022, ISBN: 978-605-7880-13-0.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Masters Theses


Kourri, Demetra

A Tunnel of Many Worlds: Unfolding the Blanka Controversy Masters Thesis

University of Manchester, 2022.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Engell, Jeppe

Transfer, aktion og data! Masters Thesis

Aalborg Universitet, 2022.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:



Koronska, Kamila; Lompe, Maria; Rogers, Richard

Mapping controversial narratives related to the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine in Polish-language social media Facilitators Online

(DMI), The Digital Methods Initiative (Ed.): 2022, visited: 28.09.2022.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Kamara, Abdourahmane Tintou; Vignes, Annick; Polleau, Auriane; Deschamps, Aurore; Caputo, Chiara; Prieur, Christophe; Egher, Claudia; Cubizolles, Dylan; Armanet, Enguerrand; Lucifora, Federico; Laglil, Hajar; Miotto, Marilù; Delivre, Raphael; Tadiello, Sébastien; Tuncer, Sila; Persico, Simone; Billard, Tom; Chabaux, Valentin; Tahiri, Zakaria

Crawling the italian Green Pass debate on Twitter Online

(DMI), The Digital Methods Initiative (Ed.): 2022, visited: 18.02.2022.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

PhD Theses


Sørhaug, Jon Olav

På sporet av aktørar som skriv Ein studie av to digitale samskrivingskasus i ein ungdomsskoleklasse PhD Thesis

2022, ISSN: 1504-9272.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


McIlwaine, Neil

A market analysis of customer-connected mass energy storage PhD Thesis

2022, (EThOS ID:

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Journal Articles


Abdo, Alexandre Hannud; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Bourret, Pascale; Cambrosio, Alberto

Domain-topic models with chained dimensions: Charting an emergent domain of a major oncology conference Journal Article

In: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2021.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Milia, Matías Federico

Global trends, Local threads. The Thematic Orientation of Renewable Energy Research in Mexico and Argentina between 1992 and 2016 Journal Article

In: Journal of Scientometric Research, vol. 10, pp. s32-s45, 2021.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


de Raymond, Antoine Bernard; Alpha, Arlène; Ben-Ari, Tamara; Daviron, Benoît; Nesme, Thomas; Tétart, Gilles

Systemic risk and food security. Emerging trends and future avenues for research Journal Article

In: Global Food Security, 2021.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

93 entries « 1 of 3 »

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