446 entries « 11 of 12 »


Proceedings Articles


Poibeau, Thierry; Ruiz, Pablo

Generating navigable semantic maps from social sciences corpora Proceedings Article

In: Digital Humanities 2015, 2015, (ARXIV : 1507.02020 ).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Raimbault, Juste

Models Coupling Urban Growth and Transportation Network Growth: An Algorithmic Systematic Review Approach ECTQG 2015, Bari Proceedings Article

In: European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography 2015, 2015.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Masters Theses


el Jamal, Sarah

Framing Arab Poverty Knowledge Production: A Socio-bibliometric Study Masters Thesis

American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, 2015.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:



Turenne, Nicolas; Andro, Mathieu; Corbière, Roselyne; Phan, Tien T

Open data platform for knowledge access in plant health domain: VESPA Mining Miscellaneous


Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

PhD Theses


Gayoso, Emile

Coproduire le nouveau. Sociologie des plateformes de co-innovation PhD Thesis

2015, (Thèse de doctorat dirigée par Flichy, Patrice Sociologie Paris Est 2015).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Technical Reports


Barbier, Marc; Breucker, Philippe

Les effets d’une programmation thématique des activités de la recherche publique Technical Report

2015, (DOI 10.13140/RG.2.1.4600.0485).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Larédo, Philippe; Robinson, Douglas K. R.; Delemarle, Aurélie; Lagnau, Axel; Revollo, Michel; Villard, Lionel

Mapping and characterising the dynamics of emerging technologies to inform policy Technical Report

2015, (hal-01275987 , version 1 ).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Kahane, Bernard; Mogoutov, Andrei; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Villard, Lionel; Larédo, Philippe

A dynamic query to delineate emergent science and technology : the case of nano science and technology Technical Report


Abstract | BibTeX | Links:




Training Book CorTexT Workshop

2015, (RISIS short course type A, 6 -7 October 2015).



Journal Articles


Cardon, Vincent

Des chiffres et des lettres. Evaluation, expressions du jugement de qualité et hiérarchies sur le marché de l’hôtellerie Journal Article

In: Réseaux, no. 1, pp. 207–245, 2014.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Cambrosio, Alberto; Bourret, Pascale; Rabeharisoa, Vololona; Callon, Michel

Big Data and the Collective Turn in Biomedicine. How Should We Analyze Post-Genomic Practices? Journal Article

In: TECNOSCIENZA: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 11-42, 2014.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Cetro, Rosa; Barbier, Marc; Breucker, Philippe; Eggermont, Hilde; Gambette, Philippe; Kyriacopoulou, Tita; Roux, Xavier Le; Martineau, Claude; Turenne, Nicolas

Vers une approche semi-automatique pour la définition de motifs d'argumentation utilisés dans les résumés de projets scientifiques du domaine de la biodiversité Journal Article

In: Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, pp. 47-80, 2014.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Granjou, Celine; Mauz, Isabelle; Barbier, Marc; Breucker, Philippe

Making taxonomy environmentally relevant. Insights from an all taxa biodiversity inventory Journal Article

In: Environmental Science & Policy, vol. 38, pp. 254-262, 2014, (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2014.01.004).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Leydesdorff, Loet; Goldstone, Robert L

Interdisciplinarity at the journal and specialty level: The changing knowledge bases of the journal Cognitive Science Journal Article

In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 164-177, 2014, (https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.22953).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Mazieres, Antoine; Trachman, Mathieu; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Coulmont, Baptiste; Prieur, Christophe

Deep tags: toward a quantitative analysis of online pornography Journal Article

In: Porn Studies, vol. 1, no. 1-2, pp. 80–95, 2014.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Omodei, Elisa; Cointet, Jean-Philippe

Modélisation multiniveau de la morphogenèse de familles de citations Journal Article

In: Revue Sciences/Lettres, no. 2, 2014.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Tancoigne, Elise; Barbier, Marc; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Richard, Guy

The place of agricultural sciences in the literature on ecosystem services Journal Article

In: Ecosystem Services, vol. 10, pp. 35-48, 2014.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Venturini, Tommaso; Baya-Laffite, Nicolas; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Gray, Ian; Zabban, Vinciane; Pryck, Kari De

Three maps and three misunderstandings: A digital mapping of climate diplomacy Journal Article

In: Big Data & Society, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 1-19, 2014.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Baya-Laffite, Nicolas; Cointet, Jean-Philippe

Cartographier la trajectoire de l'adaptation dans l'espace des négociations sur le climat. Changer d'échelle, red(u)ire la complexité Journal Article

In: Réseaux, vol. 188, no. 6, pp. 159-198, 2014.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:



Indukaev, Andrey; Mogoutov, Andrei; Lepinay, Vincent

Computer scientists from the former USSR: international mobility patterns and scientific success Conference

no. 7, Russia, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4503-2889-0, (CEE-SECR '14: Proceedings of the 10th Central and Eastern European Software Engineering Conference in Russia).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Barbier, Marc; Cointet, Jean-Philippe

Socio-semantic dynamics for digital humanities: Methodology and epistemology of large textual corpora analysis Conference


Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Benbouzid, Bilel

Analyse scientométrique des usages des enquêtes de victimation avec Cortext Manager Conference

Association Internationale des criminologues de langue française, vol. 1, 2014.


Book Chapters


Bourret, Pascale; Keating, Peter; Cambrosio, Alberto

From BRCA to BRCAness: tales of translational research Book Chapter

In: Breast Cancer Gene Research and Medical Practices: Transnational Perspectives in the time of BRCA, pp. 175-193, Routledge, 2014.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Proceedings Articles


Bourreau, Pierre; Poibeau, Thierry

Mapping the Economic Crisis: Some Preliminary Investigations Proceedings Article

In: ACL Language Technologies and Computational Social Science, 2014.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Lepinay, Vincent; Mogoutov, Andrei; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Villard, Lionel

Russian computer scientists, local and abroad: mobility and collaboration Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the 10th Central and Eastern European Software Engineering Conference in Russia, pp. 18, ACM 2014, (https://doi.org/10.1145/2687233.2687254).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Omodei, Elisa; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Poibeau, Thierry

Mapping the natural language processing domain: Experiments using the acl anthology Proceedings Article

In: LREC 2014, the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, pp. 2972-2979, ELRA 2014.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Steinfeld, Nili; Lev-On, Azi

Well-done, Mr. Mayor!: Linguistic analysis of municipal facebook pages Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, pp. 273-279, ACM 2014, (https://doi.org/10.1145/2612733.2612763).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Schoen, Antoine; Paradeise, Catherine; Cauchard, Lionel; Noël, Marianne

A double shift in researchers’ activity profiles: an actor-based analysis of the making of quality in high standing academic departments Proceedings Article

In: STI 2014 Leiden, “Context Counts: Pathways to Master Big and Little Data”, CWTS 2014.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

PhD Theses


Omodei, Elisa

Modeling the socio-semantic dynamics of scientific communities PhD Thesis

Ecole normale supérieure-ENS PARIS, 2014, (HAL Id : tel-01097702 , version 1).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Levain, Alix-Kathleen

Vivre avec l’algue verte : Médiations, épreuves et signes PhD Thesis

Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 2014, (HAL Id : tel-01098682 , version 1).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Technical Reports


Tancoigne, Elise; Barbier, Marc; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Richard, Guy

Les services écosystémiques dans la littérature scientifique : démarche d'exploration et résultats d'analyse : Rapport d'étude pour la phase d'exploration du métaprogramme EcoServ. Technical Report

2014, (hal-01157253 , version 1).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Journal Articles


Chavalarias, David; Cointet, Jean-Philippe

Phylomemetic patterns in science evolution - the rise and fall of scientific fields Journal Article

In: PloS one, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. e54847, 2013.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Keating, Peter; Cambrosio, Alberto; Nelson, Nicole; Mogoutov, Andrei; Cointet, Jean-Philippe

Therapy’s shadow: a short history of the study of resistance to cancer chemotherapy Journal Article

In: Frontiers in pharmacology, vol. 4, pp. 58, 2013.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Raimbault, Benjamin; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Joly, Pierre-Benoît

Caractérisation du processus d’émergence de la biologie synthétique à partir d’une approche scientomiétrique Journal Article

In: médecine/sciences, vol. 29, pp. 47-55, 2013.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Proceedings Articles


Massad, D; Omodei, Elisa; Strohecker, Carol; Xu, Yiqun; Garland, Joshua; Zhang, Mengsen; Seoane, Luís F.

Unfolding History: Classification and analysis of written history as a complex system Proceedings Article

In: Complex Systems Summer School Proceedings, 2013.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Bahi-Jaber, Narges; Mogoutov, Andrei; Elmhiri, Ghada; Abdennebi-Najar, Latifa

Animal models and fetal programming: an integrative literature approach Proceedings Article

In: Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 8th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, pp. 54-55, 2013, (DOHaD13-1667).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Journal Articles


Parasie, Sylvain; Cointet, Jean-Philippe

La presse en ligne au service de la démocratie locale, une analyse morphologique de forums politiques Journal Article

In: Revue Française de Science Politique, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 45-70, 2012.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Mogoutov, Andrei; Bourret, Pascale; Abed, Rim El; Cambrosio, Alberto

Les réseaux de l’expression génique - Émergence et développement d’un domaine clé de la génomique Journal Article

In: médecine/sciences, vol. 28, pp. 7–13, 2012.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Parasie, Sylvain; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; O’Mahony, Michael

Online press serving local democracy Journal Article

In: Revue française de science politique, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 45–70, 2012.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Proceedings Articles


Schoen, Antoine; Villard, Lionel; Laurens, Patricia; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Heimeriks, Gaston; Alkemade, Floortje

The Network Structure of Technological Developments; Technological Distance as a Walk on the Technology Map Proceedings Article

In: 17th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, pp. 733-742, 2012, (oai:HAL:hal-00809632v1).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

446 entries « 11 of 12 »

(Sources: Google Scholar, HAL, Scopus, WOS and search engines)

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