Journal Articles
Giry, Claire
Cahier de l’ANR n°17 : Les défis de la ville en transition Journal Article
In: ANR, 2024, (HAL Id: hal-04706976).
title = {Cahier de l’ANR n°17 : Les défis de la ville en transition},
author = {Claire Giry},
url = {https://hal.science/hal-04706976/
year = {2024},
date = {2024-09-24},
urldate = {2024-09-24},
journal = {ANR},
abstract = {Les cahiers de l’ANR traitent de questions thématiques transverses aux différents appels à projets financés par l’Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) et France 2030. Cette collection, qui existe depuis 2009, met en perspective les recherches, les innovations et les avancées en cours dans un domaine spécifique. Sans prétention d’exhaustivité, son objectif est de revenir sur les enjeux sociétaux et les défis d’avenir identifiés par les communautés de recherche mobilisées sur une thématique. Les cahiers de l’ANR s’adressent aussi bien aux chercheurs qu’aux décideurs politiques et au grand public.
Le présent cahier a pour thème principal la transition urbaine et a vocation à analyser dans quelles mesures les villes s’adaptent pour répondre aux enjeux climatiques, énergétiques et de biodiversité. Il fait référence aux différents projets de recherche financés par l’ANR dans ce domaine. Ce cahier, le dix-septième de la collection, a été coordonné par Anne Ruas, responsable scientifique à l’ANR, et Liz Pons, adjointe au responsable du département Sciences Physiques, Ingénierie, Chimie et Énergie, en collaboration avec la Direction de l’information et de la communication, la Direction de la Stratégie Numérique et des Données et la Direction des Grands Programmes d’Investissements de l’État.},
note = {HAL Id: hal-04706976},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Le présent cahier a pour thème principal la transition urbaine et a vocation à analyser dans quelles mesures les villes s’adaptent pour répondre aux enjeux climatiques, énergétiques et de biodiversité. Il fait référence aux différents projets de recherche financés par l’ANR dans ce domaine. Ce cahier, le dix-septième de la collection, a été coordonné par Anne Ruas, responsable scientifique à l’ANR, et Liz Pons, adjointe au responsable du département Sciences Physiques, Ingénierie, Chimie et Énergie, en collaboration avec la Direction de l’information et de la communication, la Direction de la Stratégie Numérique et des Données et la Direction des Grands Programmes d’Investissements de l’État.
Barats, Christine; Biscarrat, Laetitia; Chanial, Camille
Dire l’inceste sur Twitter : caractéristiques discursives et dynamiques de circulation de #MeTooInceste Journal Article
In: Questions de communication, vol. 45, 2024, ISSN: 2259-8901.
title = {Dire l’inceste sur Twitter : caractéristiques discursives et dynamiques de circulation de #MeTooInceste},
author = {Christine Barats and Laetitia Biscarrat and Camille Chanial},
url = {https://journals.openedition.org/questionsdecommunication/34785},
doi = {/10.4000/11wx1},
issn = {2259-8901},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-06-30},
journal = {Questions de communication},
volume = {45},
abstract = {Dans le prolongement de #MeToo, en janvier 2021, le hashtag #MeTooInceste a contribué à réactualiser le problème public de l’inceste en France. Afin de prêter attention aux caractéristiques de ces prises de parole, différents matériaux ont été recueillis (corpus de tweets et entretiens). Les différents types de données ont permis de combiner et d’articuler des analyses quantitatives et qualitatives et de les contextualiser, dans une dynamique de méthodes mixtes. Les caractéristiques sémio-discursives de ces prises de parole ont été mises au jour, en particulier leurs caractéristiques lexicales et morphosyntaxiques. La diversité des prises de parole montre ainsi la centralité du témoignage et éclaire les ressorts de sa circulation, en l’occurrence le rôle de certains comptes qui contribuent à la dynamique de circulation du hashtag et à son déploiement.
In the wake of #MeToo, the January 2021 hashtag #MeTooInceste helped to update the public issue of incest in France. We collected various types of material (a corpus of tweets and interviews) in order to examine the characteristics of these expressions. We have contextualized, analyzed and discussed these data thanks to a mixed method relying on both quantitative and qualitative tools. We have uncovered the semiodiscursive characteristics of these utterances, in particular their lexical and morphosyntactic features. The diversity of the responses shows the centrality of the testimony and sheds light on the reasons for its circulation, in this case the role of certain Twitter accounts that contribute to the circulation of the hashtag and its deployment.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
In the wake of #MeToo, the January 2021 hashtag #MeTooInceste helped to update the public issue of incest in France. We collected various types of material (a corpus of tweets and interviews) in order to examine the characteristics of these expressions. We have contextualized, analyzed and discussed these data thanks to a mixed method relying on both quantitative and qualitative tools. We have uncovered the semiodiscursive characteristics of these utterances, in particular their lexical and morphosyntactic features. The diversity of the responses shows the centrality of the testimony and sheds light on the reasons for its circulation, in this case the role of certain Twitter accounts that contribute to the circulation of the hashtag and its deployment.
Gourlet, Pauline; Ricci, Donato; Crépel, Maxime
Reclaiming artificial intelligence accounts: A plea for a participatory turn in artificial intelligence inquiries Journal Article
In: Big Data & Society, 2024.
title = {Reclaiming artificial intelligence accounts: A plea for a participatory turn in artificial intelligence inquiries},
author = {Pauline Gourlet and Donato Ricci and Maxime Crépel},
url = {https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/20539517241248093},
doi = {0.1177/20539517241248093},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-05-01},
urldate = {2024-05-01},
journal = {Big Data & Society},
abstract = {How to participate in artificial intelligence otherwise? Put simply, when it comes to technological developments, participation is either understood as public debates with non-expert voices to anticipate risks and potential harms, or as a way to better design technical systems by involving diverse stakeholders in the design process. We advocate for a third path that considers participation as crucial to problematise what is at stake and to get a grip on the situated developments of artificial intelligence technologies.
This study addresses how the production of accounts shape problems that arise with artificial intelligence technologies.
Taking France as a field of study, we first inspected how media narratives account for the entities and issues of artificial intelligence, as reported by the national press over the last decade. From this inspection, we identified four genres and described their performative effects. We then conducted a participatory inquiry with 25 French artificial intelligence practitioners’ to ground artificial intelligence in situated experiences and trajectories. These experiential accounts enabled a plural problematisation of artificial intelligence, playing with the geometries of artificial intelligence and its constituencies, while diversifying and thickening its problems.
To conclude, we discuss how participatory inquiries, through experiential and plural accounts offer a refreshing weaving of artificial intelligence problems into the fabric of its deployments. Our participatory approach seeks to re-politicise artificial intelligence from practitioners’ situated experiences, by making the ongoing relationships between past trajectories, current frictions and future developments tangible and contestable, opening avenues to contribute otherwise.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
This study addresses how the production of accounts shape problems that arise with artificial intelligence technologies.
Taking France as a field of study, we first inspected how media narratives account for the entities and issues of artificial intelligence, as reported by the national press over the last decade. From this inspection, we identified four genres and described their performative effects. We then conducted a participatory inquiry with 25 French artificial intelligence practitioners’ to ground artificial intelligence in situated experiences and trajectories. These experiential accounts enabled a plural problematisation of artificial intelligence, playing with the geometries of artificial intelligence and its constituencies, while diversifying and thickening its problems.
To conclude, we discuss how participatory inquiries, through experiential and plural accounts offer a refreshing weaving of artificial intelligence problems into the fabric of its deployments. Our participatory approach seeks to re-politicise artificial intelligence from practitioners’ situated experiences, by making the ongoing relationships between past trajectories, current frictions and future developments tangible and contestable, opening avenues to contribute otherwise.
Chiffoleau, Yuna; Dourian, Tara; Enderli, Géraldine; Mattioni, Dalia; Akermann, Grégori; Loconto, Allison; Galli, Francesca; Emese, Gulyás; Perényi, Zsófia; Colombo, Luca; Massari, Sonia; Desclaux, Dominique
Reversing the trend of agrobiodiversity decline by co-developing food chains with consumers: A European survey for change Journal Article
In: 2024.
title = {Reversing the trend of agrobiodiversity decline by co-developing food chains with consumers: A European survey for change},
author = {Yuna Chiffoleau and Tara Dourian and Géraldine Enderli and Dalia Mattioni and Grégori Akermann and Allison Loconto and Francesca Galli and Gulyás Emese and Zsófia Perényi and Luca Colombo and Sonia Massari and Dominique Desclaux},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352550924000575},
doi = {/10.1016/j.spc.2024.02.032},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-02-22},
abstract = {Agrobiodiversity is in rapid decline, due to the intensification of agriculture and the development of food value chains based on industrial processing techniques. However, consumers are not generally involved in developing solutions to reverse this trend and their relation to agrobiodiversity remains largely unknown. As part of a European project, and with the aim of involving consumers in guiding research, innovation and policies, a large online survey (n=2,397) and focus groups (n= 82) were carried out in seven countries to gather consumers’ preferences and aversions regarding the use of agrobiodiversity in food chains in relation to their environmental concerns, food consumption practices and knowledge. Using the majority judgment approach typically used to improve political votes, different options for using of agrobiodiversity in food chains were proposed to citizen-consumers. Results first showed that the decline of agrobiodiversity is a concern for consumers, but does not guide food choices. Then, the alternative options for using agrobiodiversity in food chains, previously documented as favourable to its conservation and development, received positive votes from a large majority of respondents, regardless of their socio-economic category. However, the research showed that respondents seem to have limited knowledge on the subject. This study calls for more research and policies to support alternative options for using agrobiodiversity in food chains. It also encourages the co-development of agrobiodiversity-based markets with citizen-consumers as well as the creation of food environments conducive to learning on agrobiodiversity.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Ollivier, Guillaume; Gasselin, Pierre; Batifol, Véronique
The framings of the coexistence of agrifood models: a computational analysis of French media Journal Article
In: Agriculture and Human Values, 2024.
title = {The framings of the coexistence of agrifood models: a computational analysis of French media},
author = {Guillaume Ollivier and Pierre Gasselin and Véronique Batifol},
url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10460-023-10531-6
doi = {10.1007/s10460-023-10531-6},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-02-07},
urldate = {2024-02-07},
journal = {Agriculture and Human Values},
abstract = {The confrontations of stakeholder visions about agriculture and food production has become a focal point in the public sphere, coinciding with a diversification of agrifood models. This study analyzes the debates stemming from the coexistence of these models, particularly during the initial term of neoliberal-centrist Emmanuel Macron’s presidency in France.
Employing collective monitoring from 2017 to 2021, a corpus of 958 online news and blog articles was compiled. Using a computational analysis, we reveal the framings and controversies emerging from this media discourse. The macro-structuring of discourse on model coexistence revolves around scientific, economic and political framings. Coexistence is a complex of debates based on specific frames associated with specific arenas and actor configurations: growth of organic agriculture, transformations of agrifood systems, sciences of production and impacts, livestock and meat diet controversies, agroecological innovations, CAP reform criticism, discourse of peasant agriculture and State-Profession co-gestion. Employing global sentiment analysis and focusing on salient controversies, namely EGAlim law, pesticide regulations, and agribashing, we show the shift from conciliation to a hardening of debates. Finally, we discuss the causes and consequences of this trend. The political will to support the transition of agriculture remains influenced by the co-gestion system, an inherited configuration of decision-makers instrumental in the agricultural modernization. As a consequence, significant agricultural challenges, particularly highlighted in the scientific macro-frame, persist unresolved. This lock-in of the agrifood system is based on defensive strategies that challenge the democratic debate about food and agricultural practices.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Employing collective monitoring from 2017 to 2021, a corpus of 958 online news and blog articles was compiled. Using a computational analysis, we reveal the framings and controversies emerging from this media discourse. The macro-structuring of discourse on model coexistence revolves around scientific, economic and political framings. Coexistence is a complex of debates based on specific frames associated with specific arenas and actor configurations: growth of organic agriculture, transformations of agrifood systems, sciences of production and impacts, livestock and meat diet controversies, agroecological innovations, CAP reform criticism, discourse of peasant agriculture and State-Profession co-gestion. Employing global sentiment analysis and focusing on salient controversies, namely EGAlim law, pesticide regulations, and agribashing, we show the shift from conciliation to a hardening of debates. Finally, we discuss the causes and consequences of this trend. The political will to support the transition of agriculture remains influenced by the co-gestion system, an inherited configuration of decision-makers instrumental in the agricultural modernization. As a consequence, significant agricultural challenges, particularly highlighted in the scientific macro-frame, persist unresolved. This lock-in of the agrifood system is based on defensive strategies that challenge the democratic debate about food and agricultural practices.
Bachelor Theses
Akkari, Sophian; Almecija, César; Bourson, Théo; Courtot, Victor; Karim, Iheb El; Freyther, Alexandre; Glorieux, Côme; Haller, Antoine; Serieys, Thomas
Le tunnel Lyon-Turin - Un méga-projet inutile ? Bachelor Thesis
2024, (Description de controverses - Mines Paris PSL Research University).
title = {Le tunnel Lyon-Turin - Un méga-projet inutile ?},
author = {Sophian Akkari and César Almecija and Théo Bourson and Victor Courtot and Iheb El Karim and Alexandre Freyther and Côme Glorieux and Antoine Haller and Thomas Serieys},
url = {https://controverses.minesparis.psl.eu/public/promo23/PC7-Le%20tunnel%20Lyon-Turin.pdf},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-03-01},
urldate = {2024-03-01},
abstract = {Le projet Lyon-Turin est un projet de ligne ferroviaire traversant les Alpes et reliant les métropoles de Lyon et Turin. Il vise à remplacer la ligne actuelle, inaugurée en 1871, dont les fortes pentes et les infrastructures vieillissantes limitent l’exploitation. En augmentant la capacité de transport par le rail entre la France et l’Italie, la nouvelle ligne remplirait un objectif double d’intégration européenne et de décarbonation du transport transalpin. Néanmoins, en raison du coût important du projet, de son impact environnemental et d’un bilan carbone jugé insuffisamment positif, différents mouvements se sont constitués pour mettre fin au projet.
Le projet s’organise autour d’un tunnel de base, dit du Mont d’Ambin ou du Mont Cenis, de 57,5 km de long qui permet le franchissement des Alpes en reliant Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, en Savoie, à Suse, en Italie. Situé à une altitude comprise entre 550 et 600 m, il limite la pente à 1,2 % contre 3,4 % sur la ligne actuelle, autorisant ainsi une capacité plus importante et une vitesse plus rapide que le tracé du XIXe siècle. Il constitue la section transfrontalière franco-italienne, actuellement en cours de réalisation et dont la mise en service est prévue en 2032. De chaque côté de cette section internationale, la France et l’Italie se sont engagées à réaliser des accès de même capacité que le tunnel. Alors que l’Italie a engagé la réalisation de la ligne entre Suse et Turin, la partie française demeure à l’état de projet. Si l’État a officiellement fait le choix du scénario “grand gabarit” parmi trois scénarios, le Conseil d’orientation des infrastructures a suggéré d’en reporter la réalisation et de privilégier l’amélioration du trajet Dijon-Modane, tandis que d’autres acteurs demandent l’abandon du projet.},
note = {Description de controverses - Mines Paris PSL Research University},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {bachelorthesis}
Le projet s’organise autour d’un tunnel de base, dit du Mont d’Ambin ou du Mont Cenis, de 57,5 km de long qui permet le franchissement des Alpes en reliant Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, en Savoie, à Suse, en Italie. Situé à une altitude comprise entre 550 et 600 m, il limite la pente à 1,2 % contre 3,4 % sur la ligne actuelle, autorisant ainsi une capacité plus importante et une vitesse plus rapide que le tracé du XIXe siècle. Il constitue la section transfrontalière franco-italienne, actuellement en cours de réalisation et dont la mise en service est prévue en 2032. De chaque côté de cette section internationale, la France et l’Italie se sont engagées à réaliser des accès de même capacité que le tunnel. Alors que l’Italie a engagé la réalisation de la ligne entre Suse et Turin, la partie française demeure à l’état de projet. Si l’État a officiellement fait le choix du scénario “grand gabarit” parmi trois scénarios, le Conseil d’orientation des infrastructures a suggéré d’en reporter la réalisation et de privilégier l’amélioration du trajet Dijon-Modane, tandis que d’autres acteurs demandent l’abandon du projet.
Journal Articles
Versini, Pierre-Antoine; Al-Sayah, Mario; Bordignon, Frederique; Schertzer, Daniel
How the concept of nature-based solutions for climate adaptation could be introduced in Master's curricula. Insights from France Journal Article
In: Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 395, 2023, ISSN: 0959-6526.
title = {How the concept of nature-based solutions for climate adaptation could be introduced in Master's curricula. Insights from France},
author = {Pierre-Antoine Versini and Mario Al-Sayah and Frederique Bordignon and Daniel Schertzer},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S095965262300522X},
doi = {/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.136364},
issn = {0959-6526},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-02-09},
urldate = {2023-02-09},
journal = {Journal of Cleaner Production},
volume = {395},
abstract = {While the importance of Nature-Based Solutions for climate change adaptation (NBaS) is being increasingly acknowledged, very few studies investigate the status of these solutions in higher education syllabi. In an effort to bridge this gap, this study assessed the position of the NBaS notion in French Master's programs. Based on a survey questionnaire, several interviews and a text mining analysis of the Master's contents, this paper identified, localised and analysed the French Masters that presented links with NBaS related concepts. This analysis revealed that the notion of NBaS is far from being mastered. This might be caused by a conceptual misunderstanding of definitions. While text mining revealed that the building blocks of the NBaS framework are present, much still needs to be done for connecting them together. A combined analysis of the findings derived from this study led to recommendations to better introduce NBaS in Masters programs in the future.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Bachelor Theses
Roux, Alexis; Doliget, Michèle; Escribe, Florent; Belamri, Pierre; Blazejczak, Louis; Séailles, Romain; Durand, Matthieu
Drones : surveillance et sécurité - Le drone au service de l’Etat ? Bachelor Thesis
Mines Paris PSL Research University, 2023, (Description de controverses - Mines Paris PSL Research University).
title = {Drones : surveillance et sécurité - Le drone au service de l’Etat ?},
author = {Alexis Roux and Michèle Doliget and Florent Escribe and Pierre Belamri and Louis Blazejczak and Romain Séailles and Matthieu Durand},
url = {https://controverses.minesparis.psl.eu/public/promo22/PC1Drones.pdf},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-01-01},
urldate = {2023-01-01},
school = {Mines Paris PSL Research University},
abstract = {Pour comprendre la controverse autour de l’usage des drones pour la surveillance, il est important d’analyser le juste équilibre à trouver entre sécurité et surveillance d’une part et libertés fondamentales des citoyens d’une autre. Dans quelle mesure l’État peut-il se munir de drones à la pointe de la technologie sans empiéter sur les libertés individuelles de chaque citoyen ?
Cette controverse inhérente au Droit, dépend intrinsèquement de l’État considéré, les États pouvant avoir des rapports variés concernant la surveillance des citoyens. Ici nous analyserons tout particulièrement la situation au sein de la France. Néanmoins, pour prendre du recul, nous comparerons en tant qu’ouverture le point de vue d’autres États au regard de celui de la France.},
note = {Description de controverses - Mines Paris PSL Research University},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {bachelorthesis}
Cette controverse inhérente au Droit, dépend intrinsèquement de l’État considéré, les États pouvant avoir des rapports variés concernant la surveillance des citoyens. Ici nous analyserons tout particulièrement la situation au sein de la France. Néanmoins, pour prendre du recul, nous comparerons en tant qu’ouverture le point de vue d’autres États au regard de celui de la France.
Labarthe, Pierre
Sustainability transitions of agriculture and the transformation of education and advisory services: convergence or divergence? Conference
ESEE Toulouse, 2023, ISBN: 978-2-9589569-0-5.
title = {Sustainability transitions of agriculture and the transformation of education and advisory services: convergence or divergence?},
author = {Pierre Labarthe},
url = {https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-04249095
isbn = {978-2-9589569-0-5},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-10-19},
address = {Toulouse},
edition = {26th European Seminar on Extension & Education},
organization = {ESEE},
abstract = {The European Seminar on Extension & Education (ESEE) is a biennial conference about agricultural advice and education. It has gathered scholars, advisors and educators since 1973.
It aims at supporting discussion between science and practice. Hence, it is open to a diversity of contributions, both academic and practical. ESEE gathers and contrast experiences and findings from all European countries, but also between Europe and other contexts in the global North and global South. The seminar has lead to the publication of several special issues in the Journal of Agricultural Extension and Education and other academic publications.
The 2023 conference was organised in Toulouse (France), from July 10th to July 13th. The overall theme of the 26th conference is: “Sustainability transitions of agriculture and the transformation of education and advisory services: convergence or divergence?”
Sustainable transition of agriculture is at the forefront of both academic and political agenda, especially in the frame of the next European Common Agricultural Policy. Education and Advisory services are expected to be major drivers of these transitions, by co-producing knowledge with farmers and farm workers, enhancing their competences and supporting their innovation processes. At the same time, advisory services and education face major transformations (digitalisation, privatisation, new governance models, etc.). The relations between these two dynamics - sustainable transition of agriculture and the transformations of advice and education are the matter of debates and controversies. The aim of this conference will be to discuss about concepts, empirical evidence and new methods to support the contribution of advice & education to the various dimensions of sustainability, including social dimensions (inequalities and labour & work conditions) and environmental ones (climate change, biodiversity, water).},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
It aims at supporting discussion between science and practice. Hence, it is open to a diversity of contributions, both academic and practical. ESEE gathers and contrast experiences and findings from all European countries, but also between Europe and other contexts in the global North and global South. The seminar has lead to the publication of several special issues in the Journal of Agricultural Extension and Education and other academic publications.
The 2023 conference was organised in Toulouse (France), from July 10th to July 13th. The overall theme of the 26th conference is: “Sustainability transitions of agriculture and the transformation of education and advisory services: convergence or divergence?”
Sustainable transition of agriculture is at the forefront of both academic and political agenda, especially in the frame of the next European Common Agricultural Policy. Education and Advisory services are expected to be major drivers of these transitions, by co-producing knowledge with farmers and farm workers, enhancing their competences and supporting their innovation processes. At the same time, advisory services and education face major transformations (digitalisation, privatisation, new governance models, etc.). The relations between these two dynamics - sustainable transition of agriculture and the transformations of advice and education are the matter of debates and controversies. The aim of this conference will be to discuss about concepts, empirical evidence and new methods to support the contribution of advice & education to the various dimensions of sustainability, including social dimensions (inequalities and labour & work conditions) and environmental ones (climate change, biodiversity, water).
Abdo, Alexandre Hannud; Benbouzid, Bilel; Turnheim, Bruno; Raimbault, Benjamin; Barbier, Marc
SASHIMI and new frontiers in the study of socio-semantic networks with mixed-methods on the Cortext Platform Conference
Sunbelt 2023 Portland, OR, United States, 2023, (INSNA).
title = {SASHIMI and new frontiers in the study of socio-semantic networks with mixed-methods on the Cortext Platform},
author = { Alexandre Hannud Abdo and Bilel Benbouzid and Bruno Turnheim and Benjamin Raimbault and Marc Barbier},
url = {https://hal.science/hal-04488978/
year = {2023},
date = {2023-06-28},
address = {Portland, OR, United States},
organization = {Sunbelt 2023 },
abstract = {Since 2008, the Cortext Platform contributes expertise, infrastructure and computing power for the analysis of "socio-semantic networks", benefiting a global community engaged primarily in original research in the social sciences and humanities, but also assisting literature reviews in a host of others fields, as well as policy and business applications. In 2022, at least 60 peer-reviewed academic publications made direct use of our services, adding to a total of over 300. This presentation will focus on SASHIMI (Hannud Abdo, 2021), a network based, mixed-methods approach recently developed in addition to our earlier Network Mapping methods (Cointet 2012, Cointet 2017), available as both a suite of no-code methods in the free-to-use Cortext Manager cloud service, and a free-and-open-source software library. We will present SASHIMI through some examples of socio-semantic analyses: (a) from the field of Transition Studies, an inquiry into the variety of disciplinary manifestations throughout the social sciences of the "research problem of destabilisation of socio-technical systems", that seeks to inform current destabilisation/discontinuation/phase-out studies with a wider understanding of the problem. (b) from the field of Science and Technology Studies, an analysis of policy documents pertaining to the regulation of artificial intelligence, identifying the interplay between major actors associated with different themes, sectors and perspectives (solutionism, contestation, regulation) on the issue; (c) still in STS, an analysis of social media interactions concerning environmental controversies, focusing on the debate around pesticides in France. SASHIMI is based on domain-topic models, an application of network clustering that synthesizes document clustering (or clustering of any kind of hypernode) and topic modeling. It is also based on a suite of human interfaces — block maps, network maps, and hyperlinked tables — that afford interactive exploration and visualization of the different types of clusters, and their relationships, at discrete levels of granularity ranging from the entire corpus to the individual document, from the entire vocabulary to the individual word. The clustering aspect is based on modern community detection methods, namely the Nested Stochastic Block Model (Peixoto, 2015), while introducing a twist to allow further clustering of dimensions attributed to hypernodes (documents), such as people, time, venue or other categorical metadata, that did not participate in the initial clustering — excluded, for example, in order to produce "semantic" document clusters based exclusively on textual contents. To this particular procedure we give the name "chaining". In the context of the three aforementioned examples, we'll explain a set of concepts and practices, emerging from our usage, to productively co-construct meaning between the representations afforded by the models and interfaces, and the goals, inputs and choices of a researcher with field and experiential knowledge. Particularly, how to interpret the clusters and the specificity and commonality scores of inter-cluster relationships employed in the maps, how to build sequences of corpus delimitation and dimension chaining operations and interpret them, and finally how to construct coherent domain groups we call "constellations", and identify attribute flows in their cores and frontiers. },
note = {INSNA},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
PhD Theses
Afresne, Laurent
Recevoir le Sud PhD Thesis
Université Paris Nanterre, 2023, (École doctorale 396 : Économie, organisation, société - Sophiapol (EA3932) ).
title = {Recevoir le Sud},
author = {Laurent Afresne},
url = {https://bdr.parisnanterre.fr/theses/internet/2023/2023PA100034/2023PA100034.pdf},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-05-22},
urldate = {2023-05-22},
school = {Université Paris Nanterre},
abstract = {La circulation et la réception de concepts, d’idées, de textes, etc., font depuis plusieurs décennies l’objet de recherches nombreuses et variées. À l’examen des principales études portant sur la circulation et la réception de concepts, d’idées, de textes, etc. en sciences humaines et sociales, il apparaît que les Classiques des disciplines monopolisent l’attention de ces études. Ces études de la réception et de la circulation sont structurées par trois biais : eurocentrisme, androcentrisme et thanatocentrisme. En sus, le Sud Global n’y est considéré que comme une destination ou une étape de la circulation et de la réception, rarement comme un point de départ. Enfin, les études de la réception possèdent un pouvoir de légitimation et de structuration des Classiques, dont il faut prendre acte.
Ce constat établi, il devient possible, à la suite de quelques textes récents partageant le même constat, de viser un au-delà. La tâche devient alors de prendre en compte les transformations contemporaines du champ mondial des sciences humaines et sociales et de mobiliser les études de la réception et de la circulation comme moyen de saisir ces recompositions globales.
Par l’étude des trajectoires de trois chercheur·ses mondialement connu·es - Raewyn Connell, Achille Mbembe et Walter D. Mignolo – et par le recours à une méthodologie mixte, le présent travail vise à saisir : la manière dont les trajectoires individuelles de ces chercheur·ses ont croisé l’espace français, ainsi que les manières dont les trajectoires individuelles des indvidu·es mobilisé·es dans ces diverses réceptions ont croisé les projets intellectuels que développe chacun·e de ces chercheur·ses.
Dans un effort véritablement comparatif s’agit-il de saisir simultanément ces trois trajectoires, depuis la fin des années 1960 jusqu’à l’orée des années 2020, et de mettre en lumière les facteurs externes et internes qui peuvent expliquer leurs réceptions en France, de leur point de vue comme de celui des récepteur·rices.},
note = {École doctorale 396 : Économie, organisation, société - Sophiapol (EA3932)
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Ce constat établi, il devient possible, à la suite de quelques textes récents partageant le même constat, de viser un au-delà. La tâche devient alors de prendre en compte les transformations contemporaines du champ mondial des sciences humaines et sociales et de mobiliser les études de la réception et de la circulation comme moyen de saisir ces recompositions globales.
Par l’étude des trajectoires de trois chercheur·ses mondialement connu·es - Raewyn Connell, Achille Mbembe et Walter D. Mignolo – et par le recours à une méthodologie mixte, le présent travail vise à saisir : la manière dont les trajectoires individuelles de ces chercheur·ses ont croisé l’espace français, ainsi que les manières dont les trajectoires individuelles des indvidu·es mobilisé·es dans ces diverses réceptions ont croisé les projets intellectuels que développe chacun·e de ces chercheur·ses.
Dans un effort véritablement comparatif s’agit-il de saisir simultanément ces trois trajectoires, depuis la fin des années 1960 jusqu’à l’orée des années 2020, et de mettre en lumière les facteurs externes et internes qui peuvent expliquer leurs réceptions en France, de leur point de vue comme de celui des récepteur·rices.
Journal Articles
Stephens, Raphaël
Étudier les circuits courts par les traces numériques de leurs réseaux. Le cas de la plateforme La Ruche qui dit Oui ! en Île-de-France. Journal Article
In: EchoGéo, 2022.
title = {Étudier les circuits courts par les traces numériques de leurs réseaux. Le cas de la plateforme La Ruche qui dit Oui ! en Île-de-France.},
author = {Raphaël Stephens},
url = {http://journals.openedition.org/echogeo/23542},
doi = {10.4000/echogeo.23542},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-06-30},
urldate = {2022-06-30},
journal = {EchoGéo},
abstract = {Les plateformes et traces numériques qui reconfigurent les circuits courts et autres Alternative Food Networks (AFN) génèrent d’importantes possibilités d’analyse structurelle de leurs réseaux. Cet article étudie la structure du réseau de la plateforme de produits locaux La Ruche qui dit Oui ! à travers les données numériques sur les interactions entre ses fournisseurs et ses points de distribution. Une méthode d’analyse de graphe mobilisant les outils de la Plateforme CorText permet l’identification de résultats exploratoires caractérisés par des rapports inégalitaires au sein du réseau. Des liens sont ainsi révélés entre (i) degré d’intégration au réseau des distributeurs et leur centralité-périphérie géographique et socio-économie territoriale, et (ii) degré d’intégration au réseau des fournisseurs selon la nature brute ou transformée des aliments qu’ils commercialisent.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Milia, Matias Federico; Giralt, Ariadna Nebot; Arvanitis, Rigas
Local emergence, global expansion: understanding the structural evolution of a bi-lingual national research landscape Journal Article
In: Scientometrics, 2022.
title = {Local emergence, global expansion: understanding the structural evolution of a bi-lingual national research landscape},
author = {Matias Federico Milia and Ariadna Nebot Giralt and Rigas Arvanitis},
url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11192-022-04403-9},
doi = {10.1007/s11192-022-04403-9},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-06-21},
urldate = {2022-06-21},
journal = {Scientometrics},
abstract = {Research institutions organize their scientific activities in an increasingly diverse landscape. In matters of global interest, research relies on an ever-more cross-disciplinary background, which reveals intriguing questions concerning the local dynamics vs. global audiences. This paper proposes new methodological tools to assess, from a strategic perspective, the evolution of a given research landscape. It relies on the Global Research Institute of Paris’ recent experience, a new interdisciplinary Institute focusing on globalization topics beyond the usual economic meaning. The Institute leans on a broad and diverse set of research units of the Université de Paris and relates to the broad landscape of social sciences in France. This article charts the evolution of French authors’ scientific publications on the Institute’s thematic interests in French and English. It focuses on the structural features of the debate, namely the volume, the underlying historical semantic structure, and its main thematic domains. The paper offers significant evidence to understand knowledge circulation dynamics and links that non-speaking countries’ scientific literature builds with the English one.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Rizzo, Davide; Combaud, Anne; Schnuriger, Nathalie; Fourati-Jamoussi, Fatma; Ritz, Simon; Leroux, Valérie
Is farming technology innovation locus dependent? Making-of an agricultural Fablab Conference
Digital book of proceedings, 14th European IFSA symposium, 14th European IFSA symposium 2022.
title = {Is farming technology innovation locus dependent? Making-of an agricultural Fablab},
author = {Davide Rizzo and Anne Combaud and Nathalie Schnuriger and Fatma Fourati-Jamoussi and Simon Ritz and Valérie Leroux},
url = {http://ifsa.boku.ac.at/cms/fileadmin/IFSA2022/IFSA2022_Proceedings_Th5.pdf},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-04-08},
urldate = {2022-04-08},
booktitle = {Digital book of proceedings, 14th European IFSA symposium},
issuetitle = {Farming systems facing climate change and resource challenges},
organization = {14th European IFSA symposium},
school = {University of ÉVORA, Portugal},
abstract = {Innovation has multiple targets – products, production processes, marketing, stakeholders’ organizations, etc. – whose nature depends upon the socio-technical framework that orients the match between inventions and market. Amid the wealth of options to facilitate innovation, fablabs are a specific example of the digitalisation era. Originally, a fablab is “the educational outreach component of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms” whose identity is defined by a charter that connects local labs to the
global network. Fablabs’ goal is to provide stimulus for local entrepreneurship as well as for learning and innovation by providing access to tools for digital fabrication. This paper aims at understanding the role of fablabs and other third places in the specific context of farming technology innovation. To this end, we propose a genetic-like analysis (i.e. genotype x environment x management practices), by addressing the historical identity and traits of FTI actors, the description of the main characteristics and dynamics of the place where they are based and the innovation governance put in practice to enhance
their interactions. The approach was applied at two levels: first, the main actors of the farming technology innovation in Europe, ending with a bibliometric analysis of the available literature about fablabs, makerspaces and living labs, with a focus on agriculture. Then, a case study from northern France to describe the making of AgriLab, a fablab dedicated to open innovation towards sustainable agriculture, spanning from equipment to digital tools. AgriLab is based in Beauvais (Hauts-de-France region), together with several other local and international actors of farming technology innovation. In conclusion, we question the role of third places and AgriLab as catalysts for the emergence of relevant farming technology innovations considering the influence from the local and wider context.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
global network. Fablabs’ goal is to provide stimulus for local entrepreneurship as well as for learning and innovation by providing access to tools for digital fabrication. This paper aims at understanding the role of fablabs and other third places in the specific context of farming technology innovation. To this end, we propose a genetic-like analysis (i.e. genotype x environment x management practices), by addressing the historical identity and traits of FTI actors, the description of the main characteristics and dynamics of the place where they are based and the innovation governance put in practice to enhance
their interactions. The approach was applied at two levels: first, the main actors of the farming technology innovation in Europe, ending with a bibliometric analysis of the available literature about fablabs, makerspaces and living labs, with a focus on agriculture. Then, a case study from northern France to describe the making of AgriLab, a fablab dedicated to open innovation towards sustainable agriculture, spanning from equipment to digital tools. AgriLab is based in Beauvais (Hauts-de-France region), together with several other local and international actors of farming technology innovation. In conclusion, we question the role of third places and AgriLab as catalysts for the emergence of relevant farming technology innovations considering the influence from the local and wider context.
Journal Articles
Tancoigne, Elise
Régimes de sélection microbienne : le cas du microbe laitier (France, 1970-1999) Journal Article
In: Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances, vol. 15-3, 2021, ISSN: 1760-5393.
title = {Régimes de sélection microbienne : le cas du microbe laitier (France, 1970-1999)},
author = {Elise Tancoigne},
url = {https://serval.unil.ch/resource/serval:BIB_298D4DC1463F.P001/REF
issn = {1760-5393},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-09-01},
urldate = {2021-09-01},
journal = {Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances},
volume = {15-3},
school = {UNIL},
abstract = {La reconnaissance de la perte de biodiversité « sauvage » comme un problème public, c’est-à-dire un problème relevant du champ de l’action publique, relève d’une histoire décrite comme principalement internationale et scientifique (Mauz & Granjou, 2010).
Cette histoire met en scène des lanceurs d’alerte académiques actifs dans les années 1970 et 1980, qui parviennent à transformer ce problème initialement scientifique en un problème politique pris en charge dans des espaces de négociation internationaux. À contrario, la reconnaissance de la perte de biodiversité spécifiquement agricole est généralement décrite comme prenant naissance beaucoup plus tôt, au début du XXe siècle, en lien étroit non pas avec l’activité de scientifiques entrepreneurs mais avec des changements importants de régimes de sélection des espèces végétales et animales (Allaire et al., 2018 ; Bonneuil, 2019), qui définissent les modalités de gestion, d’accès et de transformation de ces ressources.
Ces récits ont tous pour point commun de s’intéresser à la mise en politique d’une partie seulement de la biodiversité, à savoir la biodiversité animale ou végétale. Ils laissent ainsi dans l’ombre la mise en politique de la biodiversité des microorganismes, qui représentent pourtant la biomasse la plus importante après les plantes (Bar-Onet al., 2018) et sont tout autant insérés que plantes ou animaux domestiques dans de multiples économies marchandes. Bactéries, levures et moisissures domestiques jouent en effet un rôle important dans toutes les sphères de la vie humaine, que ce soit dans la production d’aliments fermentés comme le pain, le vin ou le fromage, dans la production de composés pharmaceutiques et industriels ou encore dans la restauration des sols. Jusqu’à présent, ce sont principalement les régimes de régulation des microbes pathogènes qui ont été étudiés, par exemple à travers l’histoire de la microbiologie médicale (Löwy, 2015), l’analyse de dispositifs de contrôle des maladies infectieuses (Newsom Kerr, 2017) ou de réseaux de surveillance épidémiologique (Fortané, 2015).},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Cette histoire met en scène des lanceurs d’alerte académiques actifs dans les années 1970 et 1980, qui parviennent à transformer ce problème initialement scientifique en un problème politique pris en charge dans des espaces de négociation internationaux. À contrario, la reconnaissance de la perte de biodiversité spécifiquement agricole est généralement décrite comme prenant naissance beaucoup plus tôt, au début du XXe siècle, en lien étroit non pas avec l’activité de scientifiques entrepreneurs mais avec des changements importants de régimes de sélection des espèces végétales et animales (Allaire et al., 2018 ; Bonneuil, 2019), qui définissent les modalités de gestion, d’accès et de transformation de ces ressources.
Ces récits ont tous pour point commun de s’intéresser à la mise en politique d’une partie seulement de la biodiversité, à savoir la biodiversité animale ou végétale. Ils laissent ainsi dans l’ombre la mise en politique de la biodiversité des microorganismes, qui représentent pourtant la biomasse la plus importante après les plantes (Bar-Onet al., 2018) et sont tout autant insérés que plantes ou animaux domestiques dans de multiples économies marchandes. Bactéries, levures et moisissures domestiques jouent en effet un rôle important dans toutes les sphères de la vie humaine, que ce soit dans la production d’aliments fermentés comme le pain, le vin ou le fromage, dans la production de composés pharmaceutiques et industriels ou encore dans la restauration des sols. Jusqu’à présent, ce sont principalement les régimes de régulation des microbes pathogènes qui ont été étudiés, par exemple à travers l’histoire de la microbiologie médicale (Löwy, 2015), l’analyse de dispositifs de contrôle des maladies infectieuses (Newsom Kerr, 2017) ou de réseaux de surveillance épidémiologique (Fortané, 2015).
Book Chapters
Noël, Marianne
In: Kastenhofer, Karen; Molyneux-Hodgson, Susan (Ed.): Community and Identity in Contemporary Technosciences, vol. 31, pp. 41-64, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2021, ISBN: 978-3-030-61728-8.
title = {Remaining Central and Interdisciplinary: Conditions for Success of a Research Speciality at the University of Strasbourg (1961-2011)},
author = {Marianne Noël},
editor = {Karen Kastenhofer and Susan Molyneux-Hodgson},
url = {https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-030-61728-8_2.pdf},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-61728-8_2},
isbn = {978-3-030-61728-8},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-03-23},
urldate = {2021-03-23},
booktitle = {Community and Identity in Contemporary Technosciences},
volume = {31},
pages = {41-64},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
address = {Cham},
abstract = {Supramolecular chemistry (SMC), at the interface between chemistry, physics and biology, is a research domain which has grown considerably in the last 40 years. Jean-Marie Lehn was the first to lay its foundations and formalise its concepts, in a seminal article published in 1978. This work earned him the 1987 Nobel Prize for Chemistry, which he shared with Charles J. Pedersen (DuPont) and Donald J. Cram (UCLA). The development of SMC has led to the creation of a dedicated institute and a new building on the university campus. In this chapter, the emergence of supramolecular chemistry as a paradigm and research speciality at the University of Strasbourg (France) is reconstructed with a focus on Lehn's central role in this process, proposing a three-period chronology based on Mullins' sequential model (1972). It is furthermore argued that the creation of a physical space, with particular architecture and functions, has also played a key role in consolidating what is now called the ``Strasbourg's chemistry''. The (multi)disciplinary character of SMC is discussed in reference to the concept of ``new disciplinarity'' put forward by Marcovich and Shinn (Soc Sci Inf 50(3--4):582--6062011, Toward a new dimension: exploring the nanoscale. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014).},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Masters Theses
Béchet, Nathalie
title = {#IamNotaVirus: text mining analysis of the blame phenomenon and anti-asian racism on Twitter amid the Covid-19 pandemic Observation of the narrative diversity generated by hashtag activism in France},
author = {Nathalie Béchet},
url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/349883313_IamNotaVirus_text_mining_analysis_of_the_blame_phenomenon_and_anti-asian_racism_on_Twitter_amid_the_Covid-19_pandemic_Observation_of_the_narrative_diversity_generated_by_hashtag_activism_in_France},
doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.14680.21761},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-05-01},
urldate = {2021-05-01},
abstract = {The hashtag #JeNeSuisPasUnVirus (#IamNotAVirus) was coined in January 2020 during the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) in China as anti-Asian racist incidents gained visibility nourished by the idea that if the pandemic originated in Asia, Asian people were infected and responsible for the spread of the virus. This hashtag reached a peak on January 28th before decreasing, following the shifting curve of the blame phenomenon (Atlani-Duault et al., 2020). Certainly anti-Asian racism is not a new phenomenon, but the Covid-19 pandemic came as an enhancer for xenophobic acts and hate speeches. As Asian communities informally got together online via hashtag activism to denounce persecutions they face, we could observe how the recurring blame process amid health crises, has been worded around ethnic and cultural stigmata. The many comparisons Twitter users from our corpus tended to make with anti-Muslim sentiments in France showed just how the phenomenon at stake here is the one of using a nation's minorities as a scapegoat for local issues. This 2020 epidemic and its associated Twitter hashtag #JeNeSuisPasUnVirus, are just a salience that ought to be grasped by researchers to scrutinize the plurality of narratives around anti-Asian racism and observe how the blame phenomenon works. The present study aims to do so by applying text mining methods to thousands of tweets containing this precise hashtag from the end of January to the end of March 2020.
The present article stands for a Master Thesis presented in order to obtain a M.A. in Data Sciences and Digital Sociology from Gustave Eiffel University under the supervision of Digital Sociology associate professor Bilel Benbouzid. It hasn't been published.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
The present article stands for a Master Thesis presented in order to obtain a M.A. in Data Sciences and Digital Sociology from Gustave Eiffel University under the supervision of Digital Sociology associate professor Bilel Benbouzid. It hasn't been published.
Bernard, Alexander; Bartelds, Michiel; Rojas, Cristobal Marin; Moss, Christin; Ucar, Ece
Conspiracy theories in the age of Covid-19. A comparative analysis of France and the UK. Online
Science Po 2021.
title = {Conspiracy theories in the age of Covid-19. A comparative analysis of France and the UK.},
author = {Alexander Bernard and Michiel Bartelds and Cristobal Marin Rojas and Christin Moss and Ece Ucar},
url = {https://fonio.medialab.sciences-po.fr/alaris/read/99fd5a0c-42e3-483a-991c-15de519db3db?lang=en},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-05-01},
organization = {Science Po},
abstract = {Since its beginning, the Covid-19 crisis has disrupted the world order. Other than showing the flaws in health care systems worldwide, the crisis also unveiled a number of deeply rooted conspiracy theories that either linked the Covid-19 pandemic to existing conspiratory frames or designed new theories around the pandemic.
Although online conspiracy-spreading communities are certainly not a new phenomenon, they proliferated on social media more than ever before during the Covid-19 pandemic . This happened as social media, as a source of knowledge and information about current affairs, became even more important due to the unknown nature of the virus .
Different types of Covid-19 conspiracy theories can be distinguished. Some adherents believe in conspiracy theories related to vaccine safety whereas others believe that reported Covid-19 death rates are deliberately greatly exaggerated. Moreover, even 5G technology has been accused for activating the virus inside the human body. Similarly, there is a tendency to believe in the powerful countries' and organisations' role in the "creation" of the virus. For example, a YouGov survey found
that 28% of Britons and 36% of French think that the pandemic's emergence is connected to a single group of people who "control the events and rule the world together." This is further supported by a study
conducted in 2021 by the Cevipof political research center indicating a high rate of government suspicion among the population.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {online}
Although online conspiracy-spreading communities are certainly not a new phenomenon, they proliferated on social media more than ever before during the Covid-19 pandemic . This happened as social media, as a source of knowledge and information about current affairs, became even more important due to the unknown nature of the virus .
Different types of Covid-19 conspiracy theories can be distinguished. Some adherents believe in conspiracy theories related to vaccine safety whereas others believe that reported Covid-19 death rates are deliberately greatly exaggerated. Moreover, even 5G technology has been accused for activating the virus inside the human body. Similarly, there is a tendency to believe in the powerful countries' and organisations' role in the "creation" of the virus. For example, a YouGov survey found
that 28% of Britons and 36% of French think that the pandemic's emergence is connected to a single group of people who "control the events and rule the world together." This is further supported by a study
conducted in 2021 by the Cevipof political research center indicating a high rate of government suspicion among the population.
Technical Reports
van der Pol, Johannes; Rameshkoumar, Jean Paul; Dhuit, Ines
L’Impact du financement de la recherche : La 5G Technical Report
2021, (hal-03523279).
title = {L’Impact du financement de la recherche : La 5G},
author = {Johannes van der Pol and Jean Paul Rameshkoumar and Ines Dhuit},
url = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03523279v1},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-12-22},
abstract = {L’objectif de ce rapport est d’analyser l’impact du financement de la recherche dans le domaine de la 5G. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous commençons par identifier les sources de financements des acteurs français à partir des communications scientifiques. Par une étude comparative des communications financées et non-financées nous analysons l’impact des financements sur l’excellence de la recherche, sur les écosystèmes et sur les thématiques traitées.
Nous procédons ensuite à une analyse de la place de la France dans les projets européens (montants reçus, écosystème et thématiques). La même approche est mise en œuvre sur les projets financés par l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche.
Pour faire un lien entre le monde de la recherche et le monde industriel, nous focalisons ensuite sur les brevets essentiels à la norme 5G. Cette analyse a pour objectif de mesurer la capacité de la France à transformer sa recherche en actifs industriels et valoriser la recherche financée.
Le dernier chapitre conclura et proposera des recommandations pour le développement de la 6G.},
note = {hal-03523279},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
Nous procédons ensuite à une analyse de la place de la France dans les projets européens (montants reçus, écosystème et thématiques). La même approche est mise en œuvre sur les projets financés par l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche.
Pour faire un lien entre le monde de la recherche et le monde industriel, nous focalisons ensuite sur les brevets essentiels à la norme 5G. Cette analyse a pour objectif de mesurer la capacité de la France à transformer sa recherche en actifs industriels et valoriser la recherche financée.
Le dernier chapitre conclura et proposera des recommandations pour le développement de la 6G.
Dashkina, Regina; Barbier, Marc; Richard, Guy; Bethinger, Audrey; Caillaud, Marc Antoine; Donnars, Catherine; Girard, Agnès; Girard, Kim; Mouël, Chantal Le; Perchec, Sophie Le; Leenhardt, Sophie; Lelievre, Virginie; Leiser, Hugues; Mora, Olivier; Raulet, Mégane; Réchauchère, Olivier; Savini, Isabelle; Tibi, Anaïs
Analyse des 44 opérations d’expertise scientifique collective, d’étude et de prospective réalisées par l’Inra de 2000 à 2020. Résumé du volume 1: analyse textuelle des résumés, INRAE (France): 20 ans d’expertise scientifique collective, de prospective et d’étude à l ’INRA. Technical Report
title = {Analyse des 44 opérations d’expertise scientifique collective, d’étude et de prospective réalisées par l’Inra de 2000 à 2020. Résumé du volume 1: analyse textuelle des résumés, INRAE (France): 20 ans d’expertise scientifique collective, de prospective et d’étude à l ’INRA.},
author = {Regina Dashkina and Marc Barbier and Guy Richard and Audrey Bethinger and Marc Antoine Caillaud and Catherine Donnars and Agnès Girard and Kim Girard and Chantal Le Mouël and Sophie Le Perchec and Sophie Leenhardt and Virginie Lelievre and Hugues Leiser and Olivier Mora and Mégane Raulet and Olivier Réchauchère and Isabelle Savini and Anaïs Tibi},
url = {https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-03250597},
doi = {https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-03250597},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-06-25},
urldate = {2021-06-25},
abstract = {Depuis le début des années 2000, l’Inra, devenu INRAE le 1er janvier 2020, a conduit 44 opérations d’expertise scientifique collective, d’étude et de prospective sur des thématiques relevant de l’agriculture, de l’alimentation et de l’environnement. C’est une activité très importante pour l’institut, inscrite dans les missions d’un Établissement Public à caractère Scientifique et Technique (EPST), à une période où l’expertise scientifique est à la fois fortement sollicitée et controversée au sein de la société. En revenant sur les productions issues de cette activité d’expertise au sens large, il est possible d’analyser les contenus thématiques déployés sur une vingtaine d’années pour caractériser et s’interroger sur la nature des questions et des sujets confiés à l’Inra en vue d’éclairer la décision publique et les débats publics dans leur ensemble. Pour conduire une telle analyse réflexive, nous avons mobilisé des outils et des compétences venant des « data sciences », plus particulièrement le logiciel d’analyse textuelle Iramuteq1 et les outils en ligne de la plateforme CorTexT2. La mise en œuvre de ces instruments a été accompagnée par une Master Class à destination des agents de la Direction de l’Expertise scientifique collective, de la prospective et des études (DEPE) d’INRAE de façon à développer les compétences individuelles et collectives en analyse textuelle et à mobiliser les savoir-faire dans la constitution des corpus analysés. La synthèse ci-après présente les résultats d’une partie des analyses réalisées sur le corpus constitué des résumés (d’une dizaine de pages) des trois types d’opérations conduites depuis 2000 : 17 expertises scientifiques collectives, 11 études et 16 prospectives. },
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
Demortain, David
La couverture médiatique du problème de la 5G en France - Une analyse quantitative Technical Report
2021, (ANSES - n° 2017-CRD-11).
title = {La couverture médiatique du problème de la 5G en France - Une analyse quantitative},
author = {David Demortain},
url = {https://www.anses.fr/fr/content/la-couverture-m%C3%A9diatique-du-probl%C3%A8me-de-la-5g-en-france-une-analyse-quantitative
year = {2021},
date = {2021-04-19},
urldate = {2021-04-19},
abstract = {Cette note d’analyse porte sur la couverture médiatique de la controverse de la 5G en France en 2019 et 2020. La 5G est l’objet de ce qu’on peut appeler une controverse sociotechnique, c’est-à-dire une situation de désaccord public, engageant des acteurs hétérogènes – associations, groupes d’intérêts, médias, diverses institutions, experts... — sur les qualités d’une technologie et sa régulation. Une controverse implique des expressions et prises de position publiques multiples, publiques, à travers des médias professionnels hors ligne et en ligne, ou les réseaux sociaux. Il est possible de collecter les traces de ces expressions, pour en produire une analyse à plus grande échelle, apte à cartographier l’espace des positions, et leur évolution dans le temps. C’est ce qui est engagé ici.},
note = {ANSES - n° 2017-CRD-11},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
Loconto, Allison; Garrido-Garza, Francisco
Formal and informal European quality assurance initiatives offering a connection between local gastronomy and small-scale farmers Technical Report
title = {Formal and informal European quality assurance initiatives offering a connection between local gastronomy and small-scale farmers},
author = {Allison Loconto and Francisco Garrido-Garza},
url = {https://www.cortext.net/wp-content/uploads/agrikulti_final-report_25-01-2021.pdf},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-01-25},
abstract = {Since the turn of the 21st century, short food supply chains (SFSC) (Renting et al., 2003; Marsden et al., 2000) and values-based food chains (Ostrom et al., 2017) have emerged across Europe as an increasingly popular means to create closer linkages between producers and consumers. While the European Union (EU) average for farms selling more than half of their production direction to consumers is near 15 %, this is distributed unevenly among member nations and is largely restricted to small farms (Augére-Granier, 2016). This report argues that direct sales had minor importance in Malta, Austria and Spain, where supermarkets dominate food retail with more than 90% market share. However, direct sales, traditional specialty shops and food markets are very important in other countries. Direct sales account for 25% in Greece, 21% in France, 19% in Slovakia and around 18% in Hungary, Romania and Estonia (Augére-Granier, 2016). In addition, a nationally representative survey in France found that 42% of consumers had purchased food through a SFSC during the month prior to the study (Loisel et al., 2016).
SFSCs are considered to be short based on criteria of social and geographic proximity.
Kneafsey et al. (2013) put forward the following definition – based on French ministerial and the European Commission (EC) definitions – in order to separate these initiatives from conventional food chains.
“The foods involved are identified by, and traceable to a farmer. The number of intermediaries between farmer and consumer should be ‘minimal’ or ideally nil.” (p. 42).
Recent consumer research demonstrates that trust-worthiness of food chain actors and the openness of food manufacturers are strongly related to consumer confidence in food (Macready et al., 2020). Thus, the assumption of SFSC promoters is that this greater transparency translates into greater consumer confidence in producers and as a result more social, equitable and fairer trading practices between producers and consumers.
Quality assurance and certification are the most common means used to communicate transparency and openness in both conventional and sustainable supply chains (UN environment, 2017). Prior research demonstrates that there are a variety of ways in which assurance and certification can be organized in order to credibly guarantee quality (Loconto, 2017a).
Within this context, the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture has commissioned AGRI KULTI to develop an information and quality assurance system, that identifies management patterns across the connection of local production and gastronomy, both in Hungary and in the European Union (Food Track project). For this reason, a comprehensive and comparative data analysis is required. Thus, this study consisted of exploring and analysing initiatives, businesses or organizations in the EU that can be classified as SFSCs and that communicate their sustainability quality attributions (e.g., organic, local, healthy, agro-ecological, traditional, etc.) through a variety of forms of certification.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
SFSCs are considered to be short based on criteria of social and geographic proximity.
Kneafsey et al. (2013) put forward the following definition – based on French ministerial and the European Commission (EC) definitions – in order to separate these initiatives from conventional food chains.
“The foods involved are identified by, and traceable to a farmer. The number of intermediaries between farmer and consumer should be ‘minimal’ or ideally nil.” (p. 42).
Recent consumer research demonstrates that trust-worthiness of food chain actors and the openness of food manufacturers are strongly related to consumer confidence in food (Macready et al., 2020). Thus, the assumption of SFSC promoters is that this greater transparency translates into greater consumer confidence in producers and as a result more social, equitable and fairer trading practices between producers and consumers.
Quality assurance and certification are the most common means used to communicate transparency and openness in both conventional and sustainable supply chains (UN environment, 2017). Prior research demonstrates that there are a variety of ways in which assurance and certification can be organized in order to credibly guarantee quality (Loconto, 2017a).
Within this context, the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture has commissioned AGRI KULTI to develop an information and quality assurance system, that identifies management patterns across the connection of local production and gastronomy, both in Hungary and in the European Union (Food Track project). For this reason, a comprehensive and comparative data analysis is required. Thus, this study consisted of exploring and analysing initiatives, businesses or organizations in the EU that can be classified as SFSCs and that communicate their sustainability quality attributions (e.g., organic, local, healthy, agro-ecological, traditional, etc.) through a variety of forms of certification.
Journal Articles
Malanski, Priscila Duarte; Dedieu, Benoît; de Alencar Schiavi, Sandra Mara
Mapping the research domains on work in agriculture. A bibliometric review from Scopus database Journal Article
In: Journal of Rural Studies, 2020, ISSN: 0743-0167.
title = {Mapping the research domains on work in agriculture. A bibliometric review from Scopus database},
author = {Priscila Duarte Malanski and Benoît Dedieu and Sandra Mara de Alencar Schiavi},
url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0743016720311864},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2020.10.050},
issn = {0743-0167},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-10-27},
urldate = {2020-10-27},
journal = {Journal of Rural Studies},
abstract = {Near to half of world population lives in rural areas, and agriculture is responsible for 28% of global employment. Structural changes in agriculture impacting labor and the low attractivity of employment and working conditions in this sector are the major issues for the permanence and renewal of the rural workforce. Promoting decent work is essential to reach sustainable development. According to the ILO definition, decent work involves a wide range of conditions linked between them that include and go beyond farming work (e.g. gender equity, workplace security, fair income, among others). This complex situation requires for scientists the analysis of the diverse topics, as well as the development of interdisciplinary approaches to deal with this diversity. A review of the scientific literature is necessary to summarize the knowledge that has been produced and identify the current trends related to work in agriculture. In order to provide a background in this topic, the aim of this study was to review the state of the international literature related to work in agriculture, through a bibliometric analysis of scientific articles indexed in Scopus bibliographical database. Our findings show that USA, UK, France and China are the leaders in the scientific landscape according to: geographical production of knowledge, main journals and authors, and most-cited articles. The analysis of work in agriculture is declined in five main research domains: 1) social issues in rural areas; 2) labor market; 3) household strategies of labor allocation, 4) work organization in livestock farms; and 5) occupational health in farms. These research domains are investigated by four main scientific communities that prevail in the international literature: 1) agricultural economics; 2) ergonomics; 3) social issues for rural development; and 5) livestock farming systems. Besides those mainstream research, three major research trends emerged: 1) migration and precarious employment condition; 2) work issues in advisory services; and 3) labor governance in global value chains. These trends reflect ongoing transformations in agriculture that are important to think about the future of the work in this sector and its impacts on sustainable development. We show for the first time the characteristics of the main scientific communities that have performed the most relevant research indexed in Scopus database related to work in agriculture over the past 10 years. This review offers an overview in an interdisciplinary topic, and provides a benchmark for future cutting-edge research. The ILO definition of decent work can be a guideline for focus and deepen specific topics, since our findings indicate that several of them are linked to work-related issues in agriculture, which could support sustainable development on this sector.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Louvel, Séverine
Routledge, 2020, ISBN: 9780429201295.
title = {The policies and politics of interdisciplinary research: Nanomedicine in France and in the United States},
author = {Séverine Louvel},
url = {https://www.routledge.com/The-Policies-and-Politics-of-Interdisciplinary-Research-Nanomedicine-in/Louvel/p/book/9780367192433},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429201295},
isbn = {9780429201295},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-11-30},
urldate = {2020-11-30},
publisher = {Routledge},
abstract = {Interdisciplinary research centers are blooming in almost every university, and interdisciplinary research is expected to be a cure-all for the ills of academic science. Do disciplines still matter? To what extent are interdisciplinary problem-solving approaches driven by socioeconomic stakeholders and policymakers rather than by academics? And how is interdisciplinarity organized? Through an in-depth sociological study of the development of nanomedicine in France and in the United States – an area that combines nanotechnology and biomedical research – this book challenges two conventional views of interdisciplinary research and academic disciplines. First, disciplines do not merely form separate "siloes" which hinder the development of interdisciplinary research: rather, they are flexible entities whose evolution supports the long-term institutionalization of interdisciplinary science in French and US academia. Secondly, interdisciplinary research has no intrinsic virtue: its ability to respond to societal issues and advance knowledge depends on continued political support and long-term cooperation between stakeholders. Interdisciplinarity might also be threatened by oversold promises and struggles for recognition. A study of the many challenges facing the formation of creative and sustainable interdisciplinary scientific communities, The Policies and Politics of Interdisciplinary Research tackles vivid debates among academics and research managers and will appeal to scholars of sociology, science and technology studies and science policy.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Technical Reports
Pellerin, Sylvain; Bamière, Laure; Launay, Camille; Martin, Raphaël; Schiavo, Michele; Angers, Denis; Augusto, Laurent; Balesdent, Jérôme; Basile-Doelsch, Isabelle; Bellassen, Valentin; Cardinael, Rémi; Cécillon, Lauric; Ceschia, Eric; Chenu, Claire; Constantin, Julie; Darroussin, Joël; Delacote, Philippe; Delame, Nathalie; Gastal, François; Gilbert, Daniel; Graux, Anne-Isabelle; Guenet, Bertrand; Houot, Sabine; Klumpp, Katja; Letort, Elodie; Litrico, Isabelle; Martin, Manuel; Menasseri, Safya; Mézière, Delphine; Morvan, Thierry; Mosnier, Claire; Roger-Estrade, Jean; Saint-André, Laurent; Sierra, Jorge; Thérond, Olivier; Viaud, Valérie; Grateau, Régis; Perchec, Sophie Le; Réchauchère, Olivier
Stocker du carbone dans les sols français : Quel potentiel au regard de l’objectif 4 pour 1000 et à quel coût ? Technical Report
INRAE 2020.
title = {Stocker du carbone dans les sols français : Quel potentiel au regard de l’objectif 4 pour 1000 et à quel coût ?},
author = {Sylvain Pellerin and Laure Bamière and Camille Launay and Raphaël Martin and Michele Schiavo and Denis Angers and Laurent Augusto and Jérôme Balesdent and Isabelle Basile-Doelsch and Valentin Bellassen and Rémi Cardinael and Lauric Cécillon and Eric Ceschia and Claire Chenu and Julie Constantin and Joël Darroussin and Philippe Delacote and Nathalie Delame and François Gastal and Daniel Gilbert and Anne-Isabelle Graux and Bertrand Guenet and Sabine Houot and Katja Klumpp and Elodie Letort and Isabelle Litrico and Manuel Martin and Safya Menasseri and Delphine Mézière and Thierry Morvan and Claire Mosnier and Jean Roger-Estrade and Laurent Saint-André and Jorge Sierra and Olivier Thérond and Valérie Viaud and Régis Grateau and Sophie Le Perchec and Olivier Réchauchère},
url = {https://agritrop.cirad.fr/597691/1/Pellerin2020%20Stocker%20du%20carbone%20dans%20les%20sols%20fran%C3%A7ais.pdf},
doi = {10.35690/978-2-7592-3149-2},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-12-30},
urldate = {2020-12-30},
institution = {INRAE},
abstract = {L’étude «4 pour mille France» dont les résultats sont présentés dans ce rapport a été conduite par l’INRA, à la demande de l’Agence de l'environnement et de la maîtrise de l'énergie (ADEME) et du Ministère chargé de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation (MAA). Les objectifs étaient (i)d’identifier des pratiques agricoles et sylvicoles plus «stockantes » que les pratiques actuellement mises en œuvre, (ii)de chiffrer le potentiel de stockage additionnel associé, de le cartographier, de quantifier les autres effets induits liés à l’adoption de ces pratiques stockantes (pertes ou gains de rendement, émissions de N2O, lessivage de nitrate, utilisation de produits phytosanitaires...), (iii)de chiffrer leur coût de mise en œuvre, d’identifier les freins à l’adoption et de proposer une stratégie coût-efficace de stockage.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
Journal Articles
Malanski, Priscila Duarte; de Alencar Schiavi, Sandra Mara; Dedieu, Benoît
Characteristics of “work in agriculture” scientific communities. A bibliometric review Journal Article
In: Agronomy for Sustainable Development, vol. 39, no. 36, 2019.
title = {Characteristics of “work in agriculture” scientific communities. A bibliometric review},
author = {Priscila Duarte Malanski and Sandra Mara de Alencar Schiavi and Benoît Dedieu },
url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13593-019-0582-2},
doi = {10.1007/s13593-019-0582-2},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-06-19},
urldate = {2019-06-19},
journal = {Agronomy for Sustainable Development},
volume = {39},
number = {36},
abstract = {Work is a central concern for sustainable farming systems and rural communities, especially regarding specific issues of the agricultural sector, as the strong decrease in rural employment and the less attractive working conditions. Many articles covering diverse related topics have been published. However, the few studies analyzing the state of worldwide scientific research on work in agriculture give only a fragmented view, since they focus on specialized topics and disciplines. To fill this knowledge gap, the aim of this study was to review the state of research on work in agriculture addressed by the scientific literature, through a bibliometric analysis by country, institution, journal, author, and keywords. Our main finds are that (1) work in agriculture issues is divided into six main research domains: occupational health and safety, labor market and rural employment, labor and farm sustainability, work organization, agricultural policy and agrarian changes, and labor and family farms; (2) these research domains are analyzed by five scientific communities: ergonomics, agricultural economics, livestock farming systems, rural sociology, and agricultural policy; (3) the reference authors, most-cited articles, and main journals were identified for each scientific community; (4) USA, France, and China arise as leaders in the scientific landscape. We show for the first time the characteristics of the main scientific communities worldwide that have performed the most relevant research related to work in agriculture over the past 10 years. This review provides a benchmark for future research on agricultural work-related topics and encourages collaborations between researchers from different scientific communities for interdisciplinary innovation, which support sustainable working conditions in agriculture.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Journal Articles
Wezel, Alexander; Goette, Julia; Lagneaux, Elisabeth; Passuello, Gloria; Reisman, Erica; Rodier, Christophe; Turpin, Grégoire
Agroecology in Europe: Research, Education, Collective Action Networks, and Alternative Food Systems Journal Article
In: Sustainability, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 1214, 2018.
title = {Agroecology in Europe: Research, Education, Collective Action Networks, and Alternative Food Systems},
author = {Alexander Wezel and Julia Goette and Elisabeth Lagneaux and Gloria Passuello and Erica Reisman and Christophe Rodier and Grégoire Turpin},
url = {https://doi.org/10.3390/su10041214},
doi = {10.3390/su10041214},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-04-17},
urldate = {2018-04-17},
journal = {Sustainability},
volume = {10},
number = {4},
pages = {1214},
abstract = {Agroecology is considered with different focus and weight in different parts of the world as a social and political movement, as science, and as practice. Despite its multitude of definitions, agroecology has begun in Europe to develop in different regional, national and continental networks of researchers, practitioners, advocates and movements. However, there is a lack of a comprehensive overview about these different developments and networks. Therefore, this paper attempts to document and provide a mapping of the development of European agroecology in its diverse forms. Through a literature review, interviews, active conference participation, and an extensive internet search we have collected information about the current state and development of agroecology in Europe. Agroecological research and higher education exist more in western and northern Europe, but farm schools and farmer-to-farmer training are also present in other regions. Today a large variety of topics are studied at research institutions. There is an increasing number of bottom-up agroecological initiatives and national or continental networks and movements. Important movements are around food sovereignty, access to land and seeds. Except for France, there are very few concrete policies for agroecology in Europe. Agroecology is increasingly linked to different fields of agri-food systems. This includes Community Supported Agriculture systems, but also agroecological territories, and some examples of labelling products. To amplify agroecology in Europe in the coming years, policy development will be crucial and proponents of agroecology must join forces and work hand-in-hand with the many stakeholders engaged in initiatives to develop more sustainable agriculture and food systems. View Full-Text},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Proceedings Articles
Brossard, Ludovic; Dourmad, Jean-Yves; Bernard, Emilie
Analyse rétrospective sur 50 ans de publications aux Journées de la Recherche Porcine Proceedings Article
In: 50. Journées de la Recherche Porcine, Paris, France, 2018.
title = {Analyse rétrospective sur 50 ans de publications aux Journées de la Recherche Porcine},
author = {Ludovic Brossard and Jean-Yves Dourmad and Emilie Bernard},
url = {https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-02736979
year = {2018},
date = {2018-02-01},
booktitle = {50. Journées de la Recherche Porcine},
address = {Paris, France},
series = {Journées de la Recherche Porcine},
abstract = {Organisées conjointement par l'lfip et l'Inra, les Journées de la Recherche Porcine (JRP) ont été créées en 1969. Leur objectif est de fournir une tribune pour la diffusion rapide et rigoureuse des résultats des recherches en cours auprès des acteurs de la filière porcine. Ce congrès annuel permet aux acteurs de la recherche publique et privée, française, européenne, voire mondiale, de présenter leurs résultats sur des sujets traitant d'économie, santé animale, conduite d'élevage, bien-être animal, alimentation, environnement, logement, reproduction, génétique, qualité des produits, etc. Nous présentons ici une analyse bibliographique fondée sur les titres et les noms des auteurs des publications présentées lors de ces journées de 1969 à 2017. L'objectif est de dresser un panorama des sujets ayant animé la recherche porcine durant ces 50 années, ainsi que des acteurs de cette recherche. Une base de données (corpus) de ces communications a été créée. Ce corpus contient les informations des champs année, titre, session, auteur. L'affiliation est également disponible pour une partie d'entre eux. Cet article illustre l' évolution de ce corpus sur le nombre de communications, leur session, leur type et le nombre d'auteurs. Des outils d'analyse textuelle et de visualisation de réseaux ont été utilisés pour identifier de façon automatique des groupes thématiques. Ils ont été appliqués sur les données des champs titre et auteur du corpus. Entre 1969 et 2017, les JRP ont rassemblé 2 689 publications, avec une moyenne de 55 communications par an. Ces publications se répartissent ainsi : 1 902 textes standards (associées à une communication orale de 10 minutes), 279 synthèses (associées à une communication orale de 20 minutes) et 508 communications affichées (les posters ayant fait leur apparition en 2007). Un réseau de co-publication sur le champ auteur éclaire les liens entre affiliations des auteurs et leurs thématiques principales. Les cartes thématiques des mots du titre mettent en évidence l'évolution des sujets qui ont animé la recherche porcine au cours de ces cinquante dernières années. La variété des sujets, en phase avec les attentes de la filière, et la rigueur scientifique pour les traiter, font des JRP un rendez -vous reconnu, considéré comme une référence en France et en Europe. Les JRP vont continuer à évoluer dans la lignée des précédentes éditions, en veillant à se faire le témoin des attentes et des questionnements de la filière, mais aussi en apportant un éclairage scientifique rigoureux sur les évolutions à venir.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
Plancq, Clément; Després, Zakarya; Longhi, Julien
"L'avenir en commun" des Insoumis. Analyse des forums de discussion des militants de la France Insoumise Proceedings Article
In: Atelier Fouille de Données Complexes, EGC 2018, 2018.
title = {"L'avenir en commun" des Insoumis. Analyse des forums de discussion des militants de la France Insoumise},
author = {Clément Plancq and Zakarya Després and Julien Longhi},
url = {https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-01719374},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-01-01},
urldate = {2018-01-01},
booktitle = {Atelier Fouille de Données Complexes, EGC 2018},
abstract = {Les discours politiques ont fait l’objet de travaux marquants en analyse du discours et en TAL mais les études sur les discussions de militants sont plus rares. Pourtant ces communautés sont le lieu d’échanges idéologiques sur le programme d’un candidat. L’étude de ces discussions peut se révéler intéressante pour étudier la circulation des idéologies de l’appareil politique vers une communauté de citoyens et vice-versa. Dans l’article nous présentons les travaux menés pour recueillir un corpus de messages émanant de forums de discussion des militants de la France Insoumise puis les analyses conduites sur ce corpus à l’aide des outils de la plateforme Cortext.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
PhD Theses
Vigni, Guido Fabrizio Li
Les systèmes complexes et la digitalisation des sciences. Histoire et sociologie des instituts de la complexité aux États-Unis et en France PhD Thesis
2018, (Thèse de doctorat dirigée par Chateauraynaud, Francis Sociologie Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE) 2018 2018PSLEH134).
title = {Les systèmes complexes et la digitalisation des sciences. Histoire et sociologie des instituts de la complexité aux États-Unis et en France},
author = {Guido Fabrizio Li Vigni},
url = {http://www.theses.fr/2018PSLEH134},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-11-26},
urldate = {2018-11-26},
abstract = {Comment penser la relation entre les cultures scientifiques contemporaines et l’usage grandissant de l’ordinateur dans la production des savoirs ? Cette thèse se propose de donner une réponse à telle question à partir de l’analyse historique et sociologique d’un domaine scientifique fondé par le Santa Fe Institute (SFI) dans les années 1980 aux États-Unis : les « sciences des systèmes complexes » (SSC). Rendues célèbres par des publications grand-public, les SSC se répandent au cours des années 1990 et 2000 en Europe et dans d’autres pays du monde. Ce travail propose une histoire de la fondation de ce domaine en se concentrant sur le SFI et sur le Réseau National des Systèmes Complexes français. Avec un regard sociologique ancré dans les Science & Technology Studies et dans le courant pragmatiste, elle pose ensuite des questions sur le statut socio-épistémique de ce domaine, sur les modalités de l’administration de la preuve dans des savoirs fondés sur la simulation numérique et enfin sur les engagements épistémiques tenus par les spécialistes des systèmes complexes. Le matériau empirique – composé d’environ 200 entretiens, plusieurs milliers de pages d’archives et quelques visites de laboratoire – nous amène non seulement à mieux connaître ce champ de recherche – dont le langage est très répandu aujourd’hui, mais peu étudié par les historiens et les sociologues ; il nous porte aussi à questionner trois opinions courantes dans la littérature humaniste à propos des sciences numériques. À savoir : 1) l’ordinateur produit des connaissances de plus en plus interdisciplinaires, 2) il donne vie à des savoirs de type nouveau qui nécessitent une toute autre épistémologie pour être pensés et 3) il fait inévitablement advenir des visions du monde néolibérales. Or, cette thèse déconstruit ces trois formes de déterminisme technologique concernant les effets de l’ordinateur sur les pratiques scientifiques, en montrant d’abord que, dans les sciences computationnelles, les rapports interdisciplinaires ne se font pas sans effort ni pacifiquement ou sur pied d’égalité ; ensuite que les chercheurs et les chercheuses des SSC mobilisent des formes d’administration de la preuve déjà mises au point dans d’autres disciplines ; et enfin que les engagements épistémiques des scientifiques peuvent prendre une forme proche de la vision (néo)libérale, mais aussi des formes qui s’en éloignent ou qui s’y opposent.},
note = {Thèse de doctorat dirigée par Chateauraynaud, Francis Sociologie Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE) 2018
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Book Chapters
Bouabid, Hamid; Rossi, Pier Luigi; Gaillard, Jacques
Les partenaires internationaux du Maroc: analyse et cartographie des co-signatures avec les chercheurs étrangers Book Chapter
In: Gaillard, Jacques; Bouabid, Hamid (Ed.): La recherche scientifique au Maroc et son internationalisation, Chapter 3, pp. 67-93, 2017.
title = {Les partenaires internationaux du Maroc: analyse et cartographie des co-signatures avec les chercheurs étrangers},
author = {Hamid Bouabid and Pier Luigi Rossi and Jacques Gaillard},
editor = {Jacques Gaillard and Hamid Bouabid},
url = {http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069762
year = {2017},
date = {2017-03-01},
urldate = {2017-03-01},
booktitle = {La recherche scientifique au Maroc et son internationalisation},
pages = {67-93},
chapter = {3},
abstract = {Ce chapitre propose une analyse rétrospective de l’internationalisation de la recherche marocaine et de son positionnement dans les clusters scientifiques régionaux à travers le prisme des publications du Maroc co-signées avec le reste du monde. Cette approche bilatérale est complétée dans une deuxième partie par une l’analyse des collaborations internationales du Maroc au sein des cluster (réseaux) arabes, africains et méditerranéens. Au cours des trente dernières années, la production scientifique marocaine se caractérise par une internationalisation marquée avec un niveau de publications signées avec des auteurs étrangers toujours supérieur à 50% en dépit du caractère fortement endogène des sciences médicales, lesquelles représente près de 40% de la production totale du Maroc. Ce niveau d’internationalisation varie en fonction des disciplines et des institutions. Il est comparable à celui de la plupart des « petits » pays scientifiques européens et assez proche de celui de la plupart des pays arabes. En dépit d’un recul en valeur relative depuis la fin des années 1990, la France, qui co-signe aujourd’hui environ 30% de la production scientifique marocaine, reste de loin le principal partenaire scientifique du Maroc et ceci pour l’ensemble des domaines scientifiques. L’Espagne, partenaire de 8,5% des co-publications, lesquelles sont en progression constante depuis les trente dernières années, s’affirme aujourd’hui comme le deuxième partenaire scientifique, suivi de l’Allemagne et des Etats-Unis, lesquels, jadis en deuxième position après la France, sont aujourd’hui le cinquième partenaire juste après l’Italie. L’Arabie saoudite, quasi inexistante dans les co-publications internationales marocaines jusqu’à la fin du siècle dernier, se classe en sixième position à quasi égalité avec les Etats-Unis et dépasse légèrement la Tunisie. Les autres pays appartenant aux douze principaux partenaires du Maroc (Canada, Algérie, Royaume uni, Portugal, Belgique) présentent des taux de co-publications autour de 2,5 % de la production scientifique marocaine avec, généralement, des progressions sur la dernière période. L’analyse des clusters scientifiques régionaux montre que le positionnement du Maroc demeure excentré dans le cluster scientifique arabe et africain et donc en décalage avec les ambitions partenariales du Maroc avec l’Afrique. En revanche, le Maroc est mieux positionné dans le cluster méditerranéen avec une bonne proximité avec le tryptique France-Italie-Espagne qui domine le paysage des collaborations scientifiques internationales dans cette région.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Salatino, Angelo A; Osborne, Francesco; Motta, Enrico
How are topics born? Understanding the research dynamics preceding the emergence of new areas Online
2017, visited: 01.01.2017.
title = {How are topics born? Understanding the research dynamics preceding the emergence of new areas},
author = {Angelo A Salatino and Francesco Osborne and Enrico Motta},
url = {https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.119},
doi = {10.7717/peerj-cs.119},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
urldate = {2017-01-01},
journal = {PeerJ Computer Science},
abstract = {The ability to promptly recognise new research trends is strategic for many stakeholders, including universities, institutional funding bodies, academic publishers and companies. While the literature describes several approaches which aim to identify the emergence of new research topics early in their lifecycle, these rely on the assumption that the topic in question is already associated with a number of publications and consistently referred to by a community of researchers. Hence, detecting the emergence of a new research area at an embryonic stage, i.e., before the topic has been consistently labelled by a community of researchers and associated with a number of publications, is still an open challenge. In this paper, we begin to address this challenge by performing a study of the dynamics preceding the creation of new topics. This study indicates that the emergence of a new topic is anticipated by a significant increase in the pace of collaboration between relevant research areas, which can be seen as the ‘parents’ of the new topic. These initial findings (i) confirm our hypothesis that it is possible in principle to detect the emergence of a new topic at the embryonic stage, (ii) provide new empirical evidence supporting relevant theories in Philosophy of Science, and also (iii) suggest that new topics tend to emerge in an environment in which weakly interconnected research areas begin to cross-fertilise.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {online}
Proceedings Articles
Ruiz, Pablo; Plancq, Clément; Poibeau, Thierry
Climate Negotiation Analysis Proceedings Article
In: Digital Humanities 2016, pp. 663-666, 2016.
title = {Climate Negotiation Analysis},
author = {Pablo Ruiz and Clément Plancq and Thierry Poibeau},
url = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01423299},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
urldate = {2016-01-01},
booktitle = {Digital Humanities 2016},
pages = {663-666},
abstract = {Text analysis methods based on word co-occurrence have yielded useful results in humanities and social sciences research. Whereas these methods provide a useful overview of a corpus, they cannot determine the predicates relating co-occurring elements with each other. For instance, if France and the phrase "binding commitments" co-occur within a sentence, how are both elements related? Is France in favour of, or against binding commitments? Different natural language processing (NLP) technologies can identify related elements in text, and the predicates relating them. We are developing a workflow to analyze the Earth Negotiations Bulletin, which summarizes international climate negotiations. A sentence in this corpus can contain several verbal or nominal predicates indicating support and opposition. Results were uneven when applying Open Relation Extraction tools to this corpus. To address these challenges, we developed a workflow with a domain model, and analysis rules that exploit annotations for semantic roles and pronominal anaphora, provided by an NLP pipeline. },
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
Book Chapters
Bourret, Pascale; Keating, Peter; Cambrosio, Alberto
From BRCA to BRCAness: tales of translational research Book Chapter
In: Breast Cancer Gene Research and Medical Practices: Transnational Perspectives in the time of BRCA, pp. 175-193, Routledge, 2014.
title = {From BRCA to BRCAness: tales of translational research},
author = {Pascale Bourret and Peter Keating and Alberto Cambrosio},
url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264556063_From_BRCA_to_BRCAness_tales_of_translational_research},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
booktitle = {Breast Cancer Gene Research and Medical Practices: Transnational Perspectives in the time of BRCA},
pages = {175-193},
publisher = {Routledge},
abstract = {The discovery of the two inherited susceptibility genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 in the mid-1990s created the possibility of predictive genetic testing and led to the establishment of specific medical programmes for those at high risk of developing breast cancer in the UK, US and Europe. In the intervening fifteen years, the medical institutionalisation of these knowledge-practices and accompanying medical techniques for assessing and managing risk have advanced at a rapid pace across multiple national and transnational arenas, whilst also themselves constituting a highly mobile and shifting terrain.
This unique edited collection brings together cross-disciplinary social science research to present a broad global comparative understanding of the implications of BRCA gene research and medical practices. With a focus on time-economies that unfold locally, nationally and transnationally (including in Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, the UK and the USA), the essays in this volume facilitate a re-reading of concepts such as prevention, kinship and heredity, and together offer a unique, timely and comparative perspective on these developments.
The book provides a coherent structure for examining the diversity of practices and discourses that surround developments linked to BRCA genetics, and to the evolving field of genetics more broadly. It will be of interest to students and scholars of anthropology, sociology, history of science, STS, public health and bioethics.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
This unique edited collection brings together cross-disciplinary social science research to present a broad global comparative understanding of the implications of BRCA gene research and medical practices. With a focus on time-economies that unfold locally, nationally and transnationally (including in Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, the UK and the USA), the essays in this volume facilitate a re-reading of concepts such as prevention, kinship and heredity, and together offer a unique, timely and comparative perspective on these developments.
The book provides a coherent structure for examining the diversity of practices and discourses that surround developments linked to BRCA genetics, and to the evolving field of genetics more broadly. It will be of interest to students and scholars of anthropology, sociology, history of science, STS, public health and bioethics.
(Sources: Google Scholar, HAL, Scopus, WOS and search engines)
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