Journal Articles
Miss, F. M.; Adriaense, J. E. C.; Burkart, J. M.
Towards integrating joint action research: Developmental and evolutionary perspectives on co-representation Journal Article
In: Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, vol. 143, pp. 104924, 2022, ISSN: 0149-7634.
title = {Towards integrating joint action research: Developmental and evolutionary perspectives on co-representation},
author = {F.M. Miss and J.E.C. Adriaense and J.M. Burkart},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0149763422004134},
doi = {10.1016/j.neubiorev.2022.104924},
issn = {0149-7634},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-10-22},
journal = {Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews},
volume = {143},
pages = {104924},
abstract = {Joint action has increasingly become a key topic to understand the emergence of the human mind. The phenomenon is closely linked to several theoretical concepts, such as shared intentionality, which are difficult to operationalize empirically. We therefore employ a paradigm-driven, bottom-up approach, and as such discuss co-representing the partner’s and one’s own actions as key mechanism for joint action. After embedding co-representation in the broader landscape of related theoretical concepts, we review neurobiological, ontogenetic, and phylogenetic studies, with a focus on whether co-representation and its flexible deployment should be construed as a low- or high-level cognitive process. The empirical findings convergently suggest that co-representation does not require strong inhibitory skills or mentalistic understanding and occurs automatically. Moreover, more cooperative species are better at flexibly suppressing co-representation when required for cooperation success, and frequently rely on cooperation markers, such as mutual gaze. We thus contribute to closing the current gap between theoretical concepts related to joint action research and their empirical investigation, and end by highlighting additional approaches for doing so.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Journal Articles
Zhao, Yi; Liu, Lifan; Zhang, Chengzhi
In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 121344, 2021.
title = {Is coronavirus-related research becoming more interdisciplinary? A perspective of co-occurrence analysis and diversity measure of scientific articles},
author = {Yi Zhao and Lifan Liu and Chengzhi Zhang},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2021.121344},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-11-08},
urldate = {2021-11-08},
journal = {Technological Forecasting and Social Change},
volume = {121344},
abstract = {The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has had a significant repercussion on the health, economy, politics and environment, making coronavirus-related issues more complicated and difficult to adequately address by relying on a single field. Interdisciplinary research can provide an effective solution to complex issues in the related field of coronavirus. However, whether coronavirus-related research becomes more interdisciplinary still needs corroboration. In this study, we investigate interdisciplinary status of the coronavirus-related fields via the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19). To this end, we calculate bibliometric indicators of interdisciplinarity and apply a co-occurrence analysis method. The results show that co-occurrence relationships between cited disciplines have evolved dynamically over time. The two types of co-occurrence relationships, Immunology and Microbiology & Medicine and Chemical Engineering & Chemistry, last for a long time in this field during 1990–2020. Moreover, the number of disciplines cited by coronavirus-related research increases, whereas the distribution of disciplines is uneven, and this field tends to focus on several dominant disciplines such as Medicine, Immunology and Microbiology, Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology. We also measure the disciplinary diversity of COVID-19 related papers published from January to December 2020; the disciplinary variety shows an upward trend, while the degree of disciplinary balance shows a downward trend. Meanwhile, the comprehensive index 2Ds demonstrates that the degree of interdisciplinarity in coronavirus field decreases between 1990 and 2019, but it increases in 2020. The results help to map the interdisciplinarity of coronavirus-related research, gaining insight into the degree and history of interdisciplinary cooperation.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Xu, Xin; Hu, Jiming; Lyu, Xiaoguang; He, Huang; Xingyu, Cheng
Exploring the Interdisciplinary Nature of Precision Medicine:Network Analysis and Visualization Journal Article
In: JMIR Medical Informatics, 2021.
title = {Exploring the Interdisciplinary Nature of Precision Medicine:Network Analysis and Visualization},
author = {Xin Xu and Jiming Hu and Xiaoguang Lyu and Huang He and Cheng Xingyu },
doi = {10.2196/23562 },
year = {2021},
date = {2021-01-11},
urldate = {2021-01-11},
journal = {JMIR Medical Informatics},
abstract = {The aim of this study is to present the nature of interdisciplinary collaboration in precision medicine based on co-occurrences and social network analysis. A total of 7544 studies about precision medicine, published between 2010 and 2019, were collected from the Web of Science database. We analyzed interdisciplinarity with descriptive statistics, co-occurrence analysis, and social network analysis. An evolutionary graph and strategic diagram were created to clarify the development of streams and trends in disciplinary communities. The results indicate that 105 disciplines are involved in precision medicine research and cover a wide range. However, the disciplinary distribution is unbalanced. Current cross-disciplinary collaboration in precision medicine mainly focuses on clinical application and technology-associated disciplines. The characteristics of the disciplinary collaboration network are as follows: (1) disciplinary cooperation in precision medicine is not mature or centralized; (2) the leading disciplines are absent; (3) the pattern of disciplinary cooperation is mostly indirect rather than direct. There are 7 interdisciplinary communities in the precision medicine collaboration network; however, their positions in the network differ. Community 4, with disciplines such as genetics and heredity in the core position, is the most central and cooperative discipline in the interdisciplinary network. This indicates that Community 4 represents a relatively mature direction in interdisciplinary cooperation in precision medicine. Finally, according to the evolution graph, we clearly present the development streams of disciplinary collaborations in precision medicine. We describe the scale and the time frame for development trends and distributions in detail. Importantly, we use evolution graphs to accurately estimate the developmental trend of precision medicine, such as biological big data processing, molecular imaging, and widespread clinical applications.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
PhD Theses
Gourdon, Paul
La coopération entre villes européennes : convergences dans l'action publique urbaine par la circulation transnationale de modèles PhD Thesis
Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I, 2021, (HAL Id : tel-03684225 , version 1).
title = {La coopération entre villes européennes : convergences dans l'action publique urbaine par la circulation transnationale de modèles},
author = {Paul Gourdon},
url = {https://theses.hal.science/tel-03684225
year = {2021},
date = {2021-11-30},
urldate = {2021-11-30},
school = {Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I},
abstract = {Cette thèse examine les relations politiques entre villes européennes depuis 2000. Nous analysons les systèmes de relations formés par les projets de coopération de l’Union Européenne et par les associations transnationales de municipalités, grâce à la construction de deux bases de données. Notre démarche exploratoire fondée sur l’analyse spatiale, l’analyse de réseaux et la statistique textuelle, permet de décrire l’espace européen de coopération, d’étudier les réseaux d’affiliation et d’analyser les modèles urbains qui circulent à travers ces canaux. L’objectif est de repenser le transnational comme processus à travers lequel des politiques locales sont sélectionnées, comparées et érigées en "best practices", renforçant ainsi des normes d’action publique à l’échelle européenne. La coopération entre villes se déploie sur de larges ensembles régionaux et témoigne de niveaux d’internationalisation congruents avec la taille et le statut administratif des villes. Si les plus petites villes sont moins impliquées, leur participation peut s’avérer déterminante pour gagner en visibilité et porter une voix collective. Les politiques locales, telles que médiatisées au sein des réseaux, participent à la circulation de discours sur le pouvoir urbain s’exprimant dans la langue du néolibéralisme. Toutefois, l’étude de la construction de la catégorie des « petites villes » révèle un paysage plus complexe où coexistent la tentation d’entrer dans la compétition interurbaine et des stratégies écologistes et sociales de long terme, contestant alors le tropisme métropolitain des politiques étatiques et de l’UE ainsi que les apories du développement géographique inégal inhérent au capitalisme.},
note = {HAL Id : tel-03684225 , version 1},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Journal Articles
Rikap, Cecilia
Amazon: A story of accumulation through intellectual rentiership and predation Journal Article
In: Competition & Change, 2020.
title = {Amazon: A story of accumulation through intellectual rentiership and predation },
author = {Cecilia Rikap},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1024529420932418},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-06-17},
journal = {Competition & Change},
abstract = {This article elaborates on intellectual monopoly theory as a form of predation and rentiership using Amazon as a case study. By analysing Amazon’s financial statements, scientific publications and patents, we show that Amazon’s economic power heavily relies on its systematic innovations and capacity to centralize and analyse customized data that orients its business and innovations. We demonstrate how Amazon’s innovation activities have evolved over time with growing importance of technologies related to data and machine learning. We also map Amazon’s innovation networks with academic institutions and companies. We show how Amazon appropriates intellectual rents from these networks and from technological cooperation with other intellectual monopolies. We argue that Amazon, as other data-driven monopolies, predates value from suppliers and third-party companies participating in its platform. One striking characteristic of Amazon is the low rate of reported profits. The centrality of innovations leads us to suggest an alternative calculation that shows that Amazon’s profits are not as low as they appear in Annual Reports. We also argue that lower profits are coherent with Amazon’s rentiership and predatory strategy since they contribute to the avoidance of accusations of excessive market power. Finally, the paper offers preliminary observations on: (i) the complementarities between financial and intellectual rentierism and (ii) how data-driven intellectual monopoly expands big corporations’ political power. Going beyond the specific case of Amazon, we thus contribute to a better understanding of the role of lead firms and power dynamics within innovation networks.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Louvel, Séverine
Routledge, 2020, ISBN: 9780429201295.
title = {The policies and politics of interdisciplinary research: Nanomedicine in France and in the United States},
author = {Séverine Louvel},
url = {https://www.routledge.com/The-Policies-and-Politics-of-Interdisciplinary-Research-Nanomedicine-in/Louvel/p/book/9780367192433},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429201295},
isbn = {9780429201295},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-11-30},
urldate = {2020-11-30},
publisher = {Routledge},
abstract = {Interdisciplinary research centers are blooming in almost every university, and interdisciplinary research is expected to be a cure-all for the ills of academic science. Do disciplines still matter? To what extent are interdisciplinary problem-solving approaches driven by socioeconomic stakeholders and policymakers rather than by academics? And how is interdisciplinarity organized? Through an in-depth sociological study of the development of nanomedicine in France and in the United States – an area that combines nanotechnology and biomedical research – this book challenges two conventional views of interdisciplinary research and academic disciplines. First, disciplines do not merely form separate "siloes" which hinder the development of interdisciplinary research: rather, they are flexible entities whose evolution supports the long-term institutionalization of interdisciplinary science in French and US academia. Secondly, interdisciplinary research has no intrinsic virtue: its ability to respond to societal issues and advance knowledge depends on continued political support and long-term cooperation between stakeholders. Interdisciplinarity might also be threatened by oversold promises and struggles for recognition. A study of the many challenges facing the formation of creative and sustainable interdisciplinary scientific communities, The Policies and Politics of Interdisciplinary Research tackles vivid debates among academics and research managers and will appeal to scholars of sociology, science and technology studies and science policy.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Journal Articles
Rikap, Cecilia
Asymmetric Power of the Core: Technological Cooperation and Technological Competition in the Transnational Innovation Networks of Big Pharma Journal Article
In: Review of International Political Economy, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 987-1021, 2019.
title = {Asymmetric Power of the Core: Technological Cooperation and Technological Competition in the Transnational Innovation Networks of Big Pharma},
author = {Cecilia Rikap},
url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09692290.2019.1620309},
doi = {10.1080/09692290.2019.1620309},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-06-26},
urldate = {2019-06-26},
journal = {Review of International Political Economy},
volume = {26},
number = {5},
pages = {987-1021},
abstract = {This article theoretically and empirically analyzes leader corporations’ innovation processes in contemporary capitalism. We highlight three characteristics: their transnational scope, the primacy of power or asymmetric relations exercised by leaders over the participants of their innovation circuits or networks, and the relevance of what we called technological competition and technological cooperation between leaders. Focusing on the latter, our theoretical contribution integrates the concepts of innovation circuit, global innovation network and modularity of knowledge production in order to elaborate a preliminary model for synthesizing leader’s technological competition and collaboration behaviors. This model is the general framework used for studying three big pharma’s innovation networks (Roche, Novartis and Pfizer). In particular, we study those networks by considering two outputs: scientific publications and patents. Network maps are constructed based on institutions’ co-occurrences, thus looking at who is co-authoring their publications and co-owning these corporations’ patents. We find that big pharmaceuticals co-produce together mainly generic knowledge modules, thus develop a strong technological cooperation. Simultaneously, to succeed in their technological competition they outsource stages of their innovation networks to subordinate institutions that, even if they contribute to achieve the innovation, will not be co-owners of the resulting patents, while big pharmaceuticals enjoy associated innovation rents.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Hnatovych, Kazmir Pavlo; Pavlovych, Kazmir Lyubomyr
In: Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine, vol. 138, iss. 4, pp. 62-68, 2019.
author = {Kazmir Pavlo Hnatovych and Kazmir Lyubomyr Pavlovych},
url = {http://ird.gov.ua/sep/doi/sep2019.04.062},
doi = {10.36818/2071-4653-2019-4-10},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-04-01},
urldate = {2019-04-01},
journal = {Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine},
volume = {138},
issue = {4},
pages = {62-68},
abstract = {Інтерес до досліджень змін у землекористуванні (ЗЗК) останніми роками стрімко зріс. Адже для того, щоб сформулювати ефективну земельну політику та розробити адекватні інструменти управління землекористуванням, надзвичайно важливо знати, як ЗЗК можуть вплинути на суспільство та стан природного середовища. Для України, де за роки постсоціалістичної трансформації земельних відносин суттєво змінились структура землекористування та система управління земельними ресурсами, дослідження ЗЗК є особливо актуальними. На основі критичного аналізу публікацій у провідних міжнародних журналах за останні тридцять років виділено ключові напрями досліджень ЗЗК і проаналізовано їхні методичні особливості у загальному контексті теоретичного забезпечення модернізації вітчизняної системи управління землекористуванням і земельної політики. Зокрема, виділено суттєве зростання кількості робіт, що
базуються на результатах метадосліджень та використанні широкого спектру методів моделювання процесів ЗЗК, їхніх причин і можливих наслідків.
Ключові слова: зміни у землекористуванні, соціоприродний підхід, причинно-наслідкові зв’язки, метадослідження, моделювання, земельна політика.
Interest in land-use changes (LUC) research has been growing rapidly in recent years. This topic has already become the subject of a separate scientific discipline – land use science (or land change science). In order to formulate relevant future policy and develop appropriate land-use management tools, it is crucial to know how the LUC шьзфсе the environment and society condition. For Ukraine, where the structure of land use and the system of land resources management have significantly changed during the years of post-socialist transformation of land relations, the study of the LUC on a modern methodological basis is especially actual. The paper, based on a critical analysis of publications in leading international journals over the last thirty years, identifies key directions of LUC studies and analyzes their methodological features. There is a significant increase of the number of works based on the results of meta-studies and the use of a wide range of methods for modeling the LUC processes, their causes and possible consequences. The great "synergistic potential" of integration of the selected directions is noted, which makes it possible to accelerate the development of the general theory of land use and increase its use efficiency in substantiation of management decisions in the sphere of land use and modernization of the mechanisms of state land, spatial and ecological policies with consideration of existing and potential globalizing challenges. In this context, the key role of the land use integrated planning methodology at regional and local levels is emphasized. This methodology would require close cooperation between government, business and the public in developing a common vision for the implementation of specific land use plans and projects based on the principles of subsidiarity, participativity and shared responsibility.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
базуються на результатах метадосліджень та використанні широкого спектру методів моделювання процесів ЗЗК, їхніх причин і можливих наслідків.
Ключові слова: зміни у землекористуванні, соціоприродний підхід, причинно-наслідкові зв’язки, метадослідження, моделювання, земельна політика.
Interest in land-use changes (LUC) research has been growing rapidly in recent years. This topic has already become the subject of a separate scientific discipline – land use science (or land change science). In order to formulate relevant future policy and develop appropriate land-use management tools, it is crucial to know how the LUC шьзфсе the environment and society condition. For Ukraine, where the structure of land use and the system of land resources management have significantly changed during the years of post-socialist transformation of land relations, the study of the LUC on a modern methodological basis is especially actual. The paper, based on a critical analysis of publications in leading international journals over the last thirty years, identifies key directions of LUC studies and analyzes their methodological features. There is a significant increase of the number of works based on the results of meta-studies and the use of a wide range of methods for modeling the LUC processes, their causes and possible consequences. The great "synergistic potential" of integration of the selected directions is noted, which makes it possible to accelerate the development of the general theory of land use and increase its use efficiency in substantiation of management decisions in the sphere of land use and modernization of the mechanisms of state land, spatial and ecological policies with consideration of existing and potential globalizing challenges. In this context, the key role of the land use integrated planning methodology at regional and local levels is emphasized. This methodology would require close cooperation between government, business and the public in developing a common vision for the implementation of specific land use plans and projects based on the principles of subsidiarity, participativity and shared responsibility.
Shen, Lining; Wang, Shimin; Dai, Wei; Zhang, Zhiguo
Detecting the Interdisciplinary Nature and Topic Hotspots of Robotics in Surgery: Social Network Analysis and Bibliometric Study Journal Article
In: Journal of Medical Internet Research, vol. 21, no. 3, 2019.
title = {Detecting the Interdisciplinary Nature and Topic Hotspots of Robotics in Surgery: Social Network Analysis and Bibliometric Study},
author = {Lining Shen and Shimin Wang and Wei Dai and Zhiguo Zhang},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.2196/12625},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-03-19},
urldate = {2019-03-19},
journal = {Journal of Medical Internet Research},
volume = {21},
number = {3},
abstract = {Background: With the widespread application of a robot to surgery, growing literature related to robotics in surgery (RS) documents widespread concerns from scientific researchers worldwide. Although such application is helpful to considerably improve the accuracy of surgery, we still lack the understanding of the multidiscipline-crossing status and topic distribution related to RS. Objective: The aim of this study was to detect the interdisciplinary nature and topic hotspots on RS by analyzing the current publication outputs related to RS. Methods: The authors collected publications related to RS in the last 21 years, indexed by the Web of Science Core Collection. Various bibliometric methods and tools were used, including literature distribution analysis at the country and institution level and interdisciplinary collaboration analysis in the different periods of time. Co-word analysis was performed based on the keywords with high frequency. The temporal visualization bar presented the evolution of topics over time. Results: A total of 7732 bibliographic records related to RS were identified. The United States plays a leading role in the publication output related to RS, followed by Italy and Germany. It should be noted that the Yonsei University in South Korea published the highest number of RS-related publications. Furthermore, the interdisciplinary collaboration is uneven; the number of disciplines involved in each paper dropped from the initial 1.60 to the current 1.31. Surgery; Engineering; Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, and Medical Imaging; and Neurosciences and Neurology are the 4 core disciplines in the field of RS, all of which have extensive cooperation with other disciplines. The distribution of topic hotspots is in imbalanced status, which can be categorized into 7 clusters. Moreover, 3 areas about the evolution of topic were identified, namely (1) the exploration of techniques that make RS implemented, (2) rapid development of robotic systems and related applications in surgery, and (3) application of a robot to excision of tissues or organs targeted at various specific diseases. Conclusions: This study provided important insights into the interdisciplinary nature related to RS, which indicates that the researchers with different disciplinary backgrounds should strengthen cooperation to publish a high-quality output. The research topic hotspots related to RS are relatively scattered, which has begun to turn to the application of RS targeted at specific diseases. Our study is helpful to provide a potential guide to the direction of the field of RS for future research in the field of RS.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Masters Theses
Morales, Manuel
Industrial symbiosis, a model of strong sustainability : an analysis of two case studies, Tampico and Dunkirk Masters Thesis
Université Clermont Auvergne, 2019, (HAL Id : tel-02639298 , version 1).
title = {Industrial symbiosis, a model of strong sustainability : an analysis of two case studies, Tampico and Dunkirk},
author = {Manuel Morales},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-06-21},
school = {Université Clermont Auvergne},
abstract = {Industrial symbiosis (IS) is presented as an inter-firm organizational strategy with the aim of social innovation that targets material and energy flow optimization, but also structural sustainability. In this study, we present systems thinking and geographical proximity as the theoretical framework used to analyze industrial symbiosis through a methodology based on System Dynamics and the underpinning use of Causal Loop Diagrams, aiming to identify the main drivers and hindrances that reinforce or balance the industrial symbiosis’s sustainability. The understanding of industrial symbiosis is embedded in a theoretical framework that conceptualizes industry as a complex ecosystem in which qualitative and quantitative approaches can be integrated, if we use a methodology flexible enough to encompass the complexity of the stakeholder’s values and motivations in the same analysis. Furthermore, the methodology performs a comparative strength over descriptive statistical forecasting, because it is able to integrate social causal rationality when estimating attractiveness in a region or individual firm’s potential. The stakeholders’ influence becomes essential to the complex understanding of this institution, because by shaping individual behavior in a social context, industrial symbiosis provides a degree of cooperation in order to overcome social dilemmas for actors like the tension between efficiency/resilience, who cannot be achieved by their own. The proposed narrative encourages us to draw up scenarios, integrating variables from different motivational value in the industrial symbiosis. We use the Altamira and the Dunkirk case studies to explain the role of geographical systems analysis, identifying loops that reinforce or regulate the sustainability of industrial symbiosis, and three drivers: “Efficiency/Resilience dilemma”, “Industrial symbiosis governance”, and “The role of global recycling networks in the by-product valorization”. The social dimension integration in the analysis of a complex system is indeed applied to enhance the understanding of IS dynamics, but a great potential is foreseen for other micro-level social systems like for example urban metabolism dynamics or bio-economy. },
note = {HAL Id : tel-02639298 , version 1},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
Book Chapters
Bouabid, Hamid; Mrabet, Radouane
Coopération scientifique et co-publications: le cas de l’Université Mohammed VC Souissi Book Chapter
In: La recherche scientifique au Maroc et son internationalisation, Chapter 7, pp. 181-200, Editions universitaires européennes, 2017.
title = {Coopération scientifique et co-publications: le cas de l’Université Mohammed VC Souissi},
author = {Hamid Bouabid and Radouane Mrabet},
url = {http://horizon.documentation.ird.fr/exl-doc/pleins_textes/divers17-04/010069759.pdf#page=187},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
urldate = {2017-01-01},
booktitle = {La recherche scientifique au Maroc et son internationalisation},
pages = {181-200},
publisher = {Editions universitaires européennes},
chapter = {7},
abstract = {Ce chapitre présente une évaluation de la politique de coopération scientifique au niveau de l’Université Mohammed V – Souissi (UM5S) en considérant d’une part les accords de coopération comme intrants et d’autre part les co-publications et leurs citations comme extrants. La cartographie de réseaux de proximité des institutions en fonction des disciplines scientifiques est utilisée pour visualiser les réseaux de coopération, la pluridisciplinarité à travers le croisement des institutions partenaires et les domaines scientifiques traités et enfin la pertinence de ces domaines en les projetant sur les domaines de pointe tels que répertoriés dans Science Watch de Thomson Reuters.
La compilation analytique des résultats à partir des métriques précédents a permis de catégoriser les institutions partenaires en 3 classes. La première, composée d’institutions avec lesquelles l’UM5S dispose d’accords de coopération et co-publie, peut être considérée comme cohérente en soi. La coopération avec ce groupe d’institutions mérite d’être davantage fidélisée et intensifiée. La deuxième catégorie est constituée d’institutions avec lesquelles il y a un volume substantiel de co-publications sans qu’aucun accord formel de coopération n’existe. Il est fortement suggéré que l’UM5S formalise sa coopération scientifique avec ses institutions selon une approche « bottom-up » afin de permettre à ses chercheurs de renforcer leur recherche collaborative. La troisième catégorie regroupe les institutions de pays émergents (en termes économique et scientifique) tels que la Chine, l’Inde, le Brésil et la Turquie, identifiées comme citant largement la production scientifique de l’UM5S. Cette dernière devrait considérer ces institutions comme un réservoir de partenariat potentiel pour une coopération scientifique future.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
La compilation analytique des résultats à partir des métriques précédents a permis de catégoriser les institutions partenaires en 3 classes. La première, composée d’institutions avec lesquelles l’UM5S dispose d’accords de coopération et co-publie, peut être considérée comme cohérente en soi. La coopération avec ce groupe d’institutions mérite d’être davantage fidélisée et intensifiée. La deuxième catégorie est constituée d’institutions avec lesquelles il y a un volume substantiel de co-publications sans qu’aucun accord formel de coopération n’existe. Il est fortement suggéré que l’UM5S formalise sa coopération scientifique avec ses institutions selon une approche « bottom-up » afin de permettre à ses chercheurs de renforcer leur recherche collaborative. La troisième catégorie regroupe les institutions de pays émergents (en termes économique et scientifique) tels que la Chine, l’Inde, le Brésil et la Turquie, identifiées comme citant largement la production scientifique de l’UM5S. Cette dernière devrait considérer ces institutions comme un réservoir de partenariat potentiel pour une coopération scientifique future.
PhD Theses
Gayoso, Emile
Coproduire le nouveau. Sociologie des plateformes de co-innovation PhD Thesis
2015, (Thèse de doctorat dirigée par Flichy, Patrice Sociologie Paris Est 2015).
title = {Coproduire le nouveau. Sociologie des plateformes de co-innovation},
author = {Emile Gayoso},
url = {https://www.theses.fr/2015PESC0055},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-12-04},
abstract = {Les plateformes de co-innovation sont des dispositifs en ligne que les entreprises ont commencé à développer au milieu de la décennie 2000, dans le sillage du Web 2.0, afin d’intégrer les consommateurs au processus d’innovation. Présentées comme de nouveaux espaces ouverts et collaboratifs, entièrement dédiés à la coopération avec les internautes, ces démarches participatives suscitent l’engouement des gestionnaires et des cabinets de conseil spécialisés dans l’innovation. Pourtant, rares sont les études portant sur la co-innovation qui aient consacré une enquête de terrain aux dispositifs mis en place et aux formes de collaborations qu’ils accueillent. La sociologie, en particulier, s’est notablement désintéressée — au profit des sciences de gestion — des initiatives de co-innovation impliquant de grandes entreprises et a fait porter l’essentiel de ses analyses sur des cas d’innovation ascendante, sur le mouvement du logiciel libre ou sur de petites structures de nature entrepreneuriale. Cette thèse, en prenant pour objet six plateformes mises en place par des très grandes entreprises françaises et étasunienne dans les secteurs des télécommunications, du transport de voyageurs et du matériel informatique, vise à combler ce manque.Au-delà de cette ambition qui tente de restituer la légitimité d’un objet de recherche au sein d’un champ disciplinaire, cette thèse tisse une réflexion autour de trois problèmes fondamentaux : pourquoi et comment les entreprises associent-elles les usagers à leur processus d’innovation ? Pourquoi et comment les usagers collaborent-ils, le plus souvent de façon bénévole ? De quelles nouvelles formes de collaboration, voire de relation, entre l’individu et l’entreprise ces dispositifs sociotechniques sont-ils porteurs ?Nous apportons des réponses à ces questions en mobilisant les outils combinés de la théorie du cadre de référence de Flichy, de la théorie des régimes d’engagement développée par Thévenot et poursuivie par Auray, et enfin des concepts standards de l’analyse de réseaux. Sur le plan empirique, cette thèse s’appuie sur une enquête de terrain menée depuis 2010 auprès des acteurs de ces plateformes, au cours de laquelle nous avons adopté une méthode quali-quantitative articulant 44 entretiens semi-directifs auprès des acteurs des plateformes (usagers mais aussi responsables de plateformes, chefs de produits, community managers), observations en ligne et analyse de réseaux des collaborations qui se nouent autour des dispositifs.},
note = {Thèse de doctorat dirigée par Flichy, Patrice Sociologie Paris Est 2015},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Journal Articles
Cambrosio, Alberto; Bourret, Pascale; Rabeharisoa, Vololona; Callon, Michel
Big Data and the Collective Turn in Biomedicine. How Should We Analyze Post-Genomic Practices? Journal Article
In: TECNOSCIENZA: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 11-42, 2014.
title = {Big Data and the Collective Turn in Biomedicine. How Should We Analyze Post-Genomic Practices?},
author = {Alberto Cambrosio and Pascale Bourret and Vololona Rabeharisoa and Michel Callon},
url = {http://www.tecnoscienza.net/index.php/tsj/article/view/178},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
journal = {TECNOSCIENZA: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies},
volume = {5},
number = {1},
pages = {11-42},
abstract = {We presently witness a profound transformation of the configuration of biomedical practices, as characterized by an increasingly collective dimension, and by a growing reliance on disruptive technologies that generate large amounts of data. We also witness a proliferation of biomedical databases, often freely accessible on the Web, which can be easily analyzed thanks to network analysis software. In this position paper we discuss how science and technology studies (S&TS) may cope with these developments. In particular, we examine a number of shortcomings of the notion of networks, namely those concerning: (a) the relation between agency and structural analysis; (b) the distinction between network clusters and collectives; (c) the (ac)counting strategies that fuel the networking approach; and (d) the privileged status ascribed to textual documents. This will lead us to reframe the question of the relations between S&TS and biomedical scientists, as big data offer an interesting opportunity for developing new modes of cooperation between the social and the life sciences, while avoiding the dichotomies – between the social and the cognitive, or between texts and practices – that S&TS has successfully managed to discard.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
(Sources: Google Scholar, HAL, Scopus, WOS and search engines)
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