Journal Articles
Chiffoleau, Yuna; Dourian, Tara; Enderli, Géraldine; Mattioni, Dalia; Akermann, Grégori; Loconto, Allison; Galli, Francesca; Emese, Gulyás; Perényi, Zsófia; Colombo, Luca; Massari, Sonia; Desclaux, Dominique
Reversing the trend of agrobiodiversity decline by co-developing food chains with consumers: A European survey for change Journal Article
In: 2024.
title = {Reversing the trend of agrobiodiversity decline by co-developing food chains with consumers: A European survey for change},
author = {Yuna Chiffoleau and Tara Dourian and Géraldine Enderli and Dalia Mattioni and Grégori Akermann and Allison Loconto and Francesca Galli and Gulyás Emese and Zsófia Perényi and Luca Colombo and Sonia Massari and Dominique Desclaux},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352550924000575},
doi = {/10.1016/j.spc.2024.02.032},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-02-22},
abstract = {Agrobiodiversity is in rapid decline, due to the intensification of agriculture and the development of food value chains based on industrial processing techniques. However, consumers are not generally involved in developing solutions to reverse this trend and their relation to agrobiodiversity remains largely unknown. As part of a European project, and with the aim of involving consumers in guiding research, innovation and policies, a large online survey (n=2,397) and focus groups (n= 82) were carried out in seven countries to gather consumers’ preferences and aversions regarding the use of agrobiodiversity in food chains in relation to their environmental concerns, food consumption practices and knowledge. Using the majority judgment approach typically used to improve political votes, different options for using of agrobiodiversity in food chains were proposed to citizen-consumers. Results first showed that the decline of agrobiodiversity is a concern for consumers, but does not guide food choices. Then, the alternative options for using agrobiodiversity in food chains, previously documented as favourable to its conservation and development, received positive votes from a large majority of respondents, regardless of their socio-economic category. However, the research showed that respondents seem to have limited knowledge on the subject. This study calls for more research and policies to support alternative options for using agrobiodiversity in food chains. It also encourages the co-development of agrobiodiversity-based markets with citizen-consumers as well as the creation of food environments conducive to learning on agrobiodiversity.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Kyriakoglou, Revekka; Pappa, Anna; He, Jilin; Schoen, Antoine; Laurens, Patricia; Vartampetian, Markarit; Laredo, Philippe; Kyriacopoulou, Tita
Développement automatique de lexiques pour les concepts émergents : une exploration méthodologique Conference
JADT 2024 : 17th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data Bruxelles, Belgique, 2024.
title = {Développement automatique de lexiques pour les concepts émergents : une exploration méthodologique},
author = {Revekka Kyriakoglou and Anna Pappa and Jilin He and Antoine Schoen and Patricia Laurens and Markarit Vartampetian and Philippe Laredo and Tita Kyriacopoulou},
url = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2406.10253},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-06-27},
address = {Bruxelles, Belgique},
organization = {JADT 2024 : 17th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data},
abstract = {This paper presents the development of a lexicon centered on emerging concepts, focusing on non-technological innovation. It introduces a four-step methodology that combines human expertise, statistical analysis, and machine learning techniques to establish a model that can be generalized across multiple domains. This process includes the creation of a thematic corpus, the development of a Gold Standard Lexicon, annotation and preparation of a training corpus, and finally, the implementation of learning models to identify new terms. The results demonstrate the robustness and relevance of our approach, highlighting its adaptability to various contexts and its contribution to lexical research. The developed methodology promises applicability in conceptual fields.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Technical Reports
Mason, Eloïse; Löbmann, Michael; Matt, Mireille; Sharif, Ibrat; Maring, Linda; Ittner, Sophie; Bispo, Antonio
Knowedge needs and gaps on soil and land management Technical Report
title = {Knowedge needs and gaps on soil and land management},
author = {Eloïse Mason and Michael Löbmann and Mireille Matt and Ibrat Sharif and Linda Maring and Sophie Ittner and Antonio Bispo},
url = {https://zenodo.org/records/7695462
doi = {/10.5281/zenodo.7695461},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-02-17},
urldate = {2023-02-17},
abstract = {Soil health is vital for many ecosystem services. The Horizon Europe (HE) Mission “A Soil Deal for Europe” aims to accelerate the transition to sustainable soil and land management and healthy soils through an am-bitious transdisciplinary research and innovation (R&I) programme, largely based on actor engagement, Liv-ing Labs and Lighthouses. The H2020 Soil Mission Support (SMS) project supported the implementation of the HE Mission, and aimed to improve the coordination of R&I on sustainable soil and land management. Through a co-creation process together with actors, SMS collated available knowledge, actors R&I needs and identified R&I gaps that need to be addressed for successful transition towards sustainable soil and land management.
The first step was to identify existing R&I knowledge through a keyword-based analysis of scientific literature published and peer reviewed, related to sustainable soil and land management. The literature analysis ad-dressed the full range of societal challenges, soil health objectives, land use types and knowledge domains necessary to capture the socio-ecological complexity of soil health. Covering some 15,700 scientific articles, this literature analysis represents the current peer reviewed knowledge stock on sustainable soil and land management. A textual analysis using the digital platform CorTexT was undertaken to explore the identified literature and submitted to project consortium internal experts, who analysed and processed the collected information of their respective area of expertise (Annex III). The literature analysis revealed that the societal challenges “reduce soil degradation” and “improve disaster control” have been studied extensively. Con-versely, the societal challenges “mitigate land take” and “increase biodiversity” and the knowledge domains “science-based policy support” and “awareness, training & education” are less discussed. Factsheets present-ing the results of the literature analysis per societal challenge were developed and can be found in Annex VIII. Note that as the key-word based literature search was limited to Scopus-indexed scientific journals, other publishing formats such as conference papers, books, book chapters, non-digitalized articles, grey literature, reports, patents, etc., may be underrepresented or not included in the used data base. The exclusive use of Scopus-indexed scientific articles provided quality insurance of the material through the publication peer-review system. Nonetheless, important documents and knowledge have been incorporated by the consor-tium experts when analysing the collected literature.
The second step was to consult actors through online workshops and surveys in order to gain a practice-oriented ‘real-life’ picture of current knowledge and R&I needs for swift implementation of sustainable soil and land management. This step was seen as complementary of the published and peer-reviewed literature.
Finally, after exploring our stocktaking of R&I from existing knowledge evidenced by literature review and the actor’s knowledge needs identified from actor consultations, we identified R&I gaps. The main knowledge gaps across all Mission Objectives were of socio-economic nature: drivers and causes of land degradation, knowledge management, governance and policies for inciting improved management, and interaction with other sectors are not sufficiently understood. Second, the HE Missions’ focus on improving soil literacy was supported by the literature analysis and by the actor consultation, which both revealed knowledge gaps re-lated to education and capacity building in all land use types and domains affecting soil health: production, consumption, trade, policy and governance. Thirdly, there is a gap in the long-term implementation of a new mode of knowledge co-design, where researchers and practitioners together develop solutions for sustaina-ble soil and land management in a real-world context. The HE Missions’ focus on Living Labs and Lighthouses has the potential to close this gap. Finally, there is a need to define several concepts (e.g. soil health, soil degradation, footprint). Such definitions should be shared and will be a basis to identify relevant indicators and respective thresholds, and to develop guidelines to support monitoring programmes in order to translate knowledge into evidence for decision making.
The outcome of the deliverable is a list of validated R&I gaps across all Mission Objectives which will feed into the SMS roadmap and the HE Mission.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
The first step was to identify existing R&I knowledge through a keyword-based analysis of scientific literature published and peer reviewed, related to sustainable soil and land management. The literature analysis ad-dressed the full range of societal challenges, soil health objectives, land use types and knowledge domains necessary to capture the socio-ecological complexity of soil health. Covering some 15,700 scientific articles, this literature analysis represents the current peer reviewed knowledge stock on sustainable soil and land management. A textual analysis using the digital platform CorTexT was undertaken to explore the identified literature and submitted to project consortium internal experts, who analysed and processed the collected information of their respective area of expertise (Annex III). The literature analysis revealed that the societal challenges “reduce soil degradation” and “improve disaster control” have been studied extensively. Con-versely, the societal challenges “mitigate land take” and “increase biodiversity” and the knowledge domains “science-based policy support” and “awareness, training & education” are less discussed. Factsheets present-ing the results of the literature analysis per societal challenge were developed and can be found in Annex VIII. Note that as the key-word based literature search was limited to Scopus-indexed scientific journals, other publishing formats such as conference papers, books, book chapters, non-digitalized articles, grey literature, reports, patents, etc., may be underrepresented or not included in the used data base. The exclusive use of Scopus-indexed scientific articles provided quality insurance of the material through the publication peer-review system. Nonetheless, important documents and knowledge have been incorporated by the consor-tium experts when analysing the collected literature.
The second step was to consult actors through online workshops and surveys in order to gain a practice-oriented ‘real-life’ picture of current knowledge and R&I needs for swift implementation of sustainable soil and land management. This step was seen as complementary of the published and peer-reviewed literature.
Finally, after exploring our stocktaking of R&I from existing knowledge evidenced by literature review and the actor’s knowledge needs identified from actor consultations, we identified R&I gaps. The main knowledge gaps across all Mission Objectives were of socio-economic nature: drivers and causes of land degradation, knowledge management, governance and policies for inciting improved management, and interaction with other sectors are not sufficiently understood. Second, the HE Missions’ focus on improving soil literacy was supported by the literature analysis and by the actor consultation, which both revealed knowledge gaps re-lated to education and capacity building in all land use types and domains affecting soil health: production, consumption, trade, policy and governance. Thirdly, there is a gap in the long-term implementation of a new mode of knowledge co-design, where researchers and practitioners together develop solutions for sustaina-ble soil and land management in a real-world context. The HE Missions’ focus on Living Labs and Lighthouses has the potential to close this gap. Finally, there is a need to define several concepts (e.g. soil health, soil degradation, footprint). Such definitions should be shared and will be a basis to identify relevant indicators and respective thresholds, and to develop guidelines to support monitoring programmes in order to translate knowledge into evidence for decision making.
The outcome of the deliverable is a list of validated R&I gaps across all Mission Objectives which will feed into the SMS roadmap and the HE Mission.
Journal Articles
Herrera-Pavo, Miguel Ángel; Navarrete, Verónica Orellana; Rodríguez, José Daniel Espinosa; Espinoza-Weaver, Yadhira
Participatory design of a Pedagogical Model for the Ecuadorian Educational System Journal Article
In: Podium, vol. 42, pp. 93–116, 2022, ISSN: 1390-5473.
title = {Participatory design of a Pedagogical Model for the Ecuadorian Educational System},
author = {Miguel Ángel Herrera-Pavo and Verónica Orellana Navarrete and José Daniel Espinosa Rodríguez and Yadhira Espinoza-Weaver},
url = {http://scielo.senescyt.gob.ec/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S2588-09692022000200093&nrm=iso},
doi = {10.31095/podium.2022.42.6},
issn = {1390-5473},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-11-15},
urldate = {2022-11-15},
journal = {Podium},
volume = {42},
pages = {93–116},
publisher = {scielo},
abstract = {The need for a pedagogical model consistent with the foundations of the latest educational reforms and the public policy developed by the Ministry of Education in Ecuador prompted the reflection and collaborative construction included in this work. As a result, between June 2020 and January 2021, with the participation of teachers, critical actors in the education system, and decision-makers, a virtual co-design process was developed that began with a reflective dialogue and allowed the creation and subsequent discussion of a prototype, as well as the design of a set of strategies for its implementation. Based on the development of the joint activity, the resulting pedagogical model merged public policy's interests with teachers' contextualized vision and proved to be open and flexible enough to guide the teaching and learning processes in public educational institutions throughout the country.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Ruhua, Huang; Yuting, Huang; Ya, Li
Research on Open Government Data Utilizationat Home and Abroad: Progress and Trends Journal Article
In: vol. 43, iss. 4, no. 5-15, 2022.
title = {Research on Open Government Data Utilizationat Home and Abroad: Progress and Trends},
author = {Huang Ruhua and Huang Yuting and Li Ya},
url = {http://qbzl.ruc.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract1543.shtml},
doi = {/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2022.04.001},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-07-01},
urldate = {2022-07-01},
volume = {43},
number = {5-15},
issue = {4},
school = {Huang Ruhua Huang Yuting (Wuhan University) and Li Ya (Soochow University)},
abstract = {[Purpose/significance] The Open Government Data (OGD) movement has stimulated the opening and sharing of government data significantly. Data use, reuse, distribution, and value creation, is the next vital step in the global OGD movement. Summarizing current research progress in OGD utilization would lay a foundation for follow-up re? search and provide theoretical support for future practice.
[Method/process] This paper intends to explore the development trends and future perspectives of OGD utilization research mainly based on research articles from both China and abroad. Grey literature (i.e., related government documents, meeting minutes, important institution/project reports)are also analyzed to demonstrate a more holistic scenario. First, the development trend and topic distribution of OGD utilization research are discussed. Then, this article clarifies Chinese and international research progress from three aspects of data value, data user and promotion method. Finally, recent research trend of OGD utilization is summarized and future research directions are prospected based on research results.
[Result/conclusion] This paper reveals three research tendencies in OGD utilization studies. First, previous OGD utilization study was driven by the supply side, while current study tends to motivated more by the demand side. Second, previous OGD utilization study was usually conducted from a macro viewpoint, while fine-grained research angle is more preferred currently. Third, research paid more attention on data usage in government departments in former studies, while research on the use of OGD by the public is increasing. Several research topics are worth researching in the future, namely OGD utilization value, diverse OGD users and solid support measures for OGD utilization. From China’s perspective, the angle and depth in OGD utilization research need to be further enhanced. Moreover, studies that reflect Chinese characteristics are essential for the improvement of the international level of China's OGD utilization research. },
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
[Method/process] This paper intends to explore the development trends and future perspectives of OGD utilization research mainly based on research articles from both China and abroad. Grey literature (i.e., related government documents, meeting minutes, important institution/project reports)are also analyzed to demonstrate a more holistic scenario. First, the development trend and topic distribution of OGD utilization research are discussed. Then, this article clarifies Chinese and international research progress from three aspects of data value, data user and promotion method. Finally, recent research trend of OGD utilization is summarized and future research directions are prospected based on research results.
[Result/conclusion] This paper reveals three research tendencies in OGD utilization studies. First, previous OGD utilization study was driven by the supply side, while current study tends to motivated more by the demand side. Second, previous OGD utilization study was usually conducted from a macro viewpoint, while fine-grained research angle is more preferred currently. Third, research paid more attention on data usage in government departments in former studies, while research on the use of OGD by the public is increasing. Several research topics are worth researching in the future, namely OGD utilization value, diverse OGD users and solid support measures for OGD utilization. From China’s perspective, the angle and depth in OGD utilization research need to be further enhanced. Moreover, studies that reflect Chinese characteristics are essential for the improvement of the international level of China's OGD utilization research.
Huang, Ruhua; Huang, Yuting
The research trend of open government data utilization: A systematic review Conference
Wuhan University University of Illinois, China, 2022.
title = {The research trend of open government data utilization: A systematic review},
author = {Ruhua Huang and Yuting Huang},
url = {https://hdl.handle.net/2142/113752
year = {2022},
date = {2022-06-06},
urldate = {2022-06-06},
publisher = {University of Illinois},
address = {China},
organization = {Wuhan University},
abstract = {The open government data (OGD) movement has stimulated the opening and sharing of government data significantly. Data use, reuse and distribution, as well as value creation, is the next vital step in the global OGD movement. Summarizing current research progress of OGD utilization (OGDU) would lay a foundation for follow-up research and provide theoretical support for future practice. This poster conducted a systematic review on OGDU research mainly based on research articles, while other document types (e.g., important scientific reports) were also considered to demonstrate a more holistic scenario. The research trends of OGDU were summarized and future research directions were proposed based on research results. This poster revealed three research tendencies in OGDU studies. First, previous OGDU study was driven by the supply side, while current study tends to motivated by the demand side. Second, previous OGDU study was normally conducted from a macro viewpoint, while fine-grained research is more preferred currently. Third, previous research paid more attention on data usage by government departments, while data usage by the public attracts an increasing amount of attention currently. Several research topics are worth researching in the further, i.e., the value of OGDU, diverse contexts for OGDU and solid support measures for OGDU.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Book Chapters
Noël, Marianne
In: Kastenhofer, Karen; Molyneux-Hodgson, Susan (Ed.): Community and Identity in Contemporary Technosciences, vol. 31, pp. 41-64, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2021, ISBN: 978-3-030-61728-8.
title = {Remaining Central and Interdisciplinary: Conditions for Success of a Research Speciality at the University of Strasbourg (1961-2011)},
author = {Marianne Noël},
editor = {Karen Kastenhofer and Susan Molyneux-Hodgson},
url = {https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-030-61728-8_2.pdf},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-61728-8_2},
isbn = {978-3-030-61728-8},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-03-23},
urldate = {2021-03-23},
booktitle = {Community and Identity in Contemporary Technosciences},
volume = {31},
pages = {41-64},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
address = {Cham},
abstract = {Supramolecular chemistry (SMC), at the interface between chemistry, physics and biology, is a research domain which has grown considerably in the last 40 years. Jean-Marie Lehn was the first to lay its foundations and formalise its concepts, in a seminal article published in 1978. This work earned him the 1987 Nobel Prize for Chemistry, which he shared with Charles J. Pedersen (DuPont) and Donald J. Cram (UCLA). The development of SMC has led to the creation of a dedicated institute and a new building on the university campus. In this chapter, the emergence of supramolecular chemistry as a paradigm and research speciality at the University of Strasbourg (France) is reconstructed with a focus on Lehn's central role in this process, proposing a three-period chronology based on Mullins' sequential model (1972). It is furthermore argued that the creation of a physical space, with particular architecture and functions, has also played a key role in consolidating what is now called the ``Strasbourg's chemistry''. The (multi)disciplinary character of SMC is discussed in reference to the concept of ``new disciplinarity'' put forward by Marcovich and Shinn (Soc Sci Inf 50(3--4):582--6062011, Toward a new dimension: exploring the nanoscale. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014).},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Masters Theses
González, Yuri Shirley Saldarriaga
The co-creation of antagonism : a lexical analysis of legal mobilizations over abortion in Colombia Masters Thesis
SÉNECA - Universidad de los Andes, 2021.
title = {The co-creation of antagonism : a lexical analysis of legal mobilizations over abortion in Colombia},
author = {Yuri Shirley Saldarriaga González},
url = {http://hdl.handle.net/1992/53535
year = {2021},
date = {2021-11-03},
pages = {202143},
school = {SÉNECA - Universidad de los Andes},
abstract = {Pro-life and pro-choice movements seemingly pursue drastically different objectives in the debate over abortion. Using the case of the legal mobilization before the Colombian Constitutional Court, I ask what happens when these two movements meet in the same institutional arena. To answer this question, I use an original dataset of legal files and apply to it distant reading techniques. Content and temporal analysis of judicial arguments over abortion reveals several counter-intuitive results. Contrary to a common assumption in the literature on antagonistic social movements, I show that the interaction between the two movements was not simply reactive. Instead, it led to the accidental co-creation of a common set of concepts, which gradually allowed each movement to position itself more clearly with respect to its rival.
Los movimientos pro-vida y pro-elección aparentemente persiguen objetivos drásticamente diferentes en el debate sobre el aborto. Utilizando el caso de la movilización judicial ante la Corte Constitucional de Colombia, pregunto qué sucede cuando estos dos movimientos se encuentran en un mismo escenario institucional. Para responder a esta pregunta, utilizo un conjunto de datos original de archivos legales y le aplico técnicas de lectura a distancia. El análisis temporal y de contenido de los argumentos judiciales sobre el aborto revela varios resultados contrarios a la intuición. Contrariamente a una suposición común en la literatura sobre movimientos sociales antagónicos, muestro que la interacción entre los dos movimientos no fue simplemente reactiva. En cambio, condujo a la co-creación accidental de un conjunto común de conceptos, lo que gradualmente permitió que cada movimiento se posicionara más claramente con respecto a su rival.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
Los movimientos pro-vida y pro-elección aparentemente persiguen objetivos drásticamente diferentes en el debate sobre el aborto. Utilizando el caso de la movilización judicial ante la Corte Constitucional de Colombia, pregunto qué sucede cuando estos dos movimientos se encuentran en un mismo escenario institucional. Para responder a esta pregunta, utilizo un conjunto de datos original de archivos legales y le aplico técnicas de lectura a distancia. El análisis temporal y de contenido de los argumentos judiciales sobre el aborto revela varios resultados contrarios a la intuición. Contrariamente a una suposición común en la literatura sobre movimientos sociales antagónicos, muestro que la interacción entre los dos movimientos no fue simplemente reactiva. En cambio, condujo a la co-creación accidental de un conjunto común de conceptos, lo que gradualmente permitió que cada movimiento se posicionara más claramente con respecto a su rival.
Bernard, Alexander; Bartelds, Michiel; Rojas, Cristobal Marin; Moss, Christin; Ucar, Ece
Conspiracy theories in the age of Covid-19. A comparative analysis of France and the UK. Online
Science Po 2021.
title = {Conspiracy theories in the age of Covid-19. A comparative analysis of France and the UK.},
author = {Alexander Bernard and Michiel Bartelds and Cristobal Marin Rojas and Christin Moss and Ece Ucar},
url = {https://fonio.medialab.sciences-po.fr/alaris/read/99fd5a0c-42e3-483a-991c-15de519db3db?lang=en},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-05-01},
organization = {Science Po},
abstract = {Since its beginning, the Covid-19 crisis has disrupted the world order. Other than showing the flaws in health care systems worldwide, the crisis also unveiled a number of deeply rooted conspiracy theories that either linked the Covid-19 pandemic to existing conspiratory frames or designed new theories around the pandemic.
Although online conspiracy-spreading communities are certainly not a new phenomenon, they proliferated on social media more than ever before during the Covid-19 pandemic . This happened as social media, as a source of knowledge and information about current affairs, became even more important due to the unknown nature of the virus .
Different types of Covid-19 conspiracy theories can be distinguished. Some adherents believe in conspiracy theories related to vaccine safety whereas others believe that reported Covid-19 death rates are deliberately greatly exaggerated. Moreover, even 5G technology has been accused for activating the virus inside the human body. Similarly, there is a tendency to believe in the powerful countries' and organisations' role in the "creation" of the virus. For example, a YouGov survey found
that 28% of Britons and 36% of French think that the pandemic's emergence is connected to a single group of people who "control the events and rule the world together." This is further supported by a study
conducted in 2021 by the Cevipof political research center indicating a high rate of government suspicion among the population.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {online}
Although online conspiracy-spreading communities are certainly not a new phenomenon, they proliferated on social media more than ever before during the Covid-19 pandemic . This happened as social media, as a source of knowledge and information about current affairs, became even more important due to the unknown nature of the virus .
Different types of Covid-19 conspiracy theories can be distinguished. Some adherents believe in conspiracy theories related to vaccine safety whereas others believe that reported Covid-19 death rates are deliberately greatly exaggerated. Moreover, even 5G technology has been accused for activating the virus inside the human body. Similarly, there is a tendency to believe in the powerful countries' and organisations' role in the "creation" of the virus. For example, a YouGov survey found
that 28% of Britons and 36% of French think that the pandemic's emergence is connected to a single group of people who "control the events and rule the world together." This is further supported by a study
conducted in 2021 by the Cevipof political research center indicating a high rate of government suspicion among the population.
Technical Reports
Toffolini, Quentin
Analyse quantitative et sémantique de la littérature scientifique liée à l'« innovation ouverte » : Rapport d’étude dans le cadre du « chantier Innovation Ouverte INRAE ». Technical Report
INRAE UMR Agronomie 2021.
title = { Analyse quantitative et sémantique de la littérature scientifique liée à l'« innovation ouverte » : Rapport d’étude dans le cadre du « chantier Innovation Ouverte INRAE ».},
author = {Quentin Toffolini},
url = {https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-03262527/file/2021-05-11-analyse-semantique-IO-rapport-diff.pdf},
doi = {https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-03262527},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-06-16},
institution = {INRAE UMR Agronomie},
abstract = {Objectifs de l’étude et méthodes
L’analyse quantitative et sémantique des articles traitant d’innovation ouverte vise :
- d’une part, à rendre intelligible et analyser ce que l’« innovation ouverte » (IO) recouvre et signifie pour le monde de la recherche, pour équiper une réflexion sur ce qu’elle implique spécifiquement pour les recherches dans les domaines de l’agriculture, de l’environnement et de l’alimentation avec leurs variétés d’objets (pratiques agricoles, biens communs environnementaux, technologies agroalimentaires...)
- de compléter éventuellement les dimensions à analyser au sein des dispositifs qui relèvent de l’IO dans les activités de l’institut INRAE, et ce qu’ils transforment (ex. les relations partenariales, le rôle de la recherche, les questions scientifiques traitées, les créations et partages de valeurs).
L’analyse du corpus de publications scientifiques répond alors à différentes questions : quels sont les thèmes, objets, et questions qui animent les communautés mobilisant le concept d’IO ? Est-ce que les apports de la littérature IO peuvent aider à appréhender, décrire, développer ou s’engager dans des dispositifs relevant d’une ouverture des recherches ou de l’innovation à des acteurs de la société ? L’analyse se base sur un corpus de 5413 références issues de la base de données Scopus, interrogée
avec une requête simple sur les termes liés à « open innovation » recherchés dans les titres, résumés et mots clés, entre 2003 et 20191. Ce corpus n’a pas été retravaillé, l’objectif n’étant pas de cibler au mieux les références qui seraient au cœur des travaux le plus directement associés au concept d’IO, mais bien d’analyser l’ensemble des travaux que le concept et sa mobilisation recouvrent.
Une diversification récente des domaines disciplinaires, malgré la prépondérance du management. Des recoupements encore rares avec les domaines d’INRAE (agriculture, environnement, alimentation) },
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
L’analyse quantitative et sémantique des articles traitant d’innovation ouverte vise :
- d’une part, à rendre intelligible et analyser ce que l’« innovation ouverte » (IO) recouvre et signifie pour le monde de la recherche, pour équiper une réflexion sur ce qu’elle implique spécifiquement pour les recherches dans les domaines de l’agriculture, de l’environnement et de l’alimentation avec leurs variétés d’objets (pratiques agricoles, biens communs environnementaux, technologies agroalimentaires...)
- de compléter éventuellement les dimensions à analyser au sein des dispositifs qui relèvent de l’IO dans les activités de l’institut INRAE, et ce qu’ils transforment (ex. les relations partenariales, le rôle de la recherche, les questions scientifiques traitées, les créations et partages de valeurs).
L’analyse du corpus de publications scientifiques répond alors à différentes questions : quels sont les thèmes, objets, et questions qui animent les communautés mobilisant le concept d’IO ? Est-ce que les apports de la littérature IO peuvent aider à appréhender, décrire, développer ou s’engager dans des dispositifs relevant d’une ouverture des recherches ou de l’innovation à des acteurs de la société ? L’analyse se base sur un corpus de 5413 références issues de la base de données Scopus, interrogée
avec une requête simple sur les termes liés à « open innovation » recherchés dans les titres, résumés et mots clés, entre 2003 et 20191. Ce corpus n’a pas été retravaillé, l’objectif n’étant pas de cibler au mieux les références qui seraient au cœur des travaux le plus directement associés au concept d’IO, mais bien d’analyser l’ensemble des travaux que le concept et sa mobilisation recouvrent.
Une diversification récente des domaines disciplinaires, malgré la prépondérance du management. Des recoupements encore rares avec les domaines d’INRAE (agriculture, environnement, alimentation)
Journal Articles
Semaan, Marleine
Effectuation et innovation dans des contextes contraints en ressources : une revue de littérature Journal Article
In: Innovations, vol. 2020/3, no. 63, pp. 153 à 178, 2020, ISBN: 9782807394209.
title = {Effectuation et innovation dans des contextes contraints en ressources : une revue de littérature},
author = {Marleine Semaan},
url = {https://www.cairn.info/revue-innovations-2020-3-page-153.htm},
doi = {10.3917/inno.063.0153},
isbn = {9782807394209},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-09-09},
urldate = {2020-09-09},
journal = {Innovations},
volume = {2020/3},
number = {63},
pages = {153 à 178},
abstract = {Ce travail a pour objectif d’identifier à quel(s) type(s) d’innovations contraintes par les ressources, la théorie de l’effectuation est reliée et quelles sont les problématiques pour lesquelles ces deux littératures sont mobilisées conjointement. Pour ce faire, nous avons réalisé une revue systématique de littérature basée sur une analyse bibliométrique (co-citations des références) et une analyse sémantique (co-citations des mots clés). Les résultats de ces analyses effectuées sur 55 documents, à l’aide de la plateforme d’analyse textuelle et bibliométrique, CORTEXT Manager, montrent que la théorie de l’effectuation est fortement liée au bricolage par le biais de différentes thématiques liées à l’entrepreneuriat telles que l’éducation entrepreneuriale, l’internationalisation, les approches d’exploration et de création d’opportunités et l’entrepreneuriat social. },
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Macq, Hadrien; Tancoigne, Elise; Strasser, Bruno
From Deliberation to Production: Public Participation in Science and Technology Policies of the European Commission (1998–2019) Journal Article
In: Minerva: A Review of Science, Learning and Policy, 2020.
title = {From Deliberation to Production: Public Participation in Science and Technology Policies of the European Commission (1998–2019)},
author = {Hadrien Macq and Elise Tancoigne and Bruno Strasser},
url = {http://hdl.handle.net/2268/246902},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s11024-020-09405-6},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-04-22},
urldate = {2020-04-22},
journal = {Minerva: A Review of Science, Learning and Policy},
abstract = {This article investigates how a discourse about the role and value of public participation in science, technology, and innovation emerged and evolved in the research policies of the European Commission. At the beginning of the twenty- first century, two main discourses have been successively institutionalized: the first focused on participation in policy-making, while the second aimed at participation in the production of knowledge and innovation. This paper distinguishes three main institutional phases: (i) a phase dedicated to public participation in the governance of science and technology (2000–2010); (ii) a reframing period of science and tech- nology policies by the Commission to integrate the growing emphasis on innova- tion (2010–2014); (iii) a period focusing on co-creation and citizen science as new ways to involve the public in science and technology (2014-today). Factors such as individual commitments of key policy actors, specific epistemic communities and institutional dynamics within the Commission played a crucial role in shaping the policies of participation. But broader factors are also essential to account for these changes. In this respect, the economic crisis of the late 2000s appears fundamental to understanding how the conception and promotion of public participation in the European science and technology policies have evolved over time. This paper thus offers new insights to the analysis of the political economy of public participation.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Dagiral, Éric; Peerbaye, Ashveen; Vincensini, Caroline
Terrains & travaux, 2000-2019, une analyse de vingt années de production Journal Article
In: Terrains & travaux, vol. 1-2, no. 36-37, pp. 29-58, 2020.
title = {Terrains & travaux, 2000-2019, une analyse de vingt années de production},
author = {Éric Dagiral and Ashveen Peerbaye and Caroline Vincensini},
url = {https://www.cairn.info/revue-terrains-et-travaux-2020-1-page-29.htm},
doi = {10.3917/tt.036.0029},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-04-01},
urldate = {2020-04-01},
journal = {Terrains & travaux},
volume = {1-2},
number = {36-37},
pages = {29-58},
abstract = {Cet article propose une analyse à la fois quantitative et qualitative des vingt premières années de production de terrains & travaux. Dans le cadre de ce numéro anniversaire, il revient d’abord sur le projet éditorial de la revue et en précise le fonctionnement concret à travers les évolutions simultanées de son comité de rédaction, de ses rubriques, ainsi que des thématiques choisies au fil des ans. Il analyse ensuite en détail une série de caractéristiques des auteur·e·s des 359 articles publiés depuis 2000, puis esquisse la façon dont la revue se positionne dans l’espace plus large des revues de sciences sociales, ainsi que le paysage des auteur·e·s les plus cité·e·s que la revue donne à voir. Ces coups de projecteur mettent en évidence la relative professionnalisation de la revue depuis sa création comme « Cahiers du département de sciences sociales de l’ENS de Cachan ». Ils révèlent aussi la centralité de la sociologie dans la trajectoire de cette « revue de sciences sociales », centralité qui n’équivaut cependant pas à une exclusivité, la revue laissant une place non négligeable depuis sa création à d’autres sciences sociales à travers le comité de rédaction, les auteur·e·s publié·e·s et les références citées.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Journal Articles
Noël, Marianne
In: Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, vol. Volume LIII 1 - 2019, pp. 141-180, 2019, ISSN: 2532-4969, (Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi : an Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics, History and Political Science).
title = {'Made in Europe for the World': Making a Claim for a European Chemistry in Publication Programs. The Case of the Supramolecular Chemistry (1987-2005)},
author = {Marianne Noël},
url = {http://www.annalsfondazioneluigieinaudi.it/en/browse/current-issue/6-volume-liii-1/87-made-in-europe-for-the-world-making-a-claim-for-a-european-chemistry-in-publication-programs.-the-case-of-the-supramolecular-chemistry-1987-2005
doi = {10.26331/1075},
issn = {2532-4969},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-06-01},
urldate = {2019-06-01},
journal = {Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi},
volume = {Volume LIII 1 - 2019},
pages = {141-180},
abstract = {The University of Strasbourg is the birthplace of a research specialty (supramolecular chemistry or SMC) which has grown considerably in the last 40 years and has had a significant scientific impact. The emergence of SMC was orchestrated to a large extent by Nobel laureate Jean-Marie Lehn, but a network of scientists, as well as the University and the Alsace Region, were also key players in this regard. Lehn was instrumental in the creation of a series of European chemistry journals in the late 1990s, whose genealogy I trace. My purpose is to examine the conditions of the success of a case of European integration that is not a major technological program but simply a “publication infrastructure”. Based on an historical analysis completed with a fieldwork study, I argue that the circulation and appropriation of concepts and languages of the SMC were central in the development of a European “publication program”. I show that this program created a sense of Europeanness that was also shaped in relation to the extra-European world, both in opposition (standing against the USA) and yet open to the world, as illustrated in the motto “Made in Europe for the world”.},
note = {Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi : an Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics, History and Political Science},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Technical Reports
Moore, Vanessa; Horgan, Gerard; Moore, Rebecca
Understanding the role of culture, gender and communication traditions, and their implications for engagement methodologies, communication and dissemination Technical Report
GoNano, Horizon 2020, European Institute of Women’s Health 2018.
title = {Understanding the role of culture, gender and communication traditions, and their implications for engagement methodologies, communication and dissemination},
author = {Vanessa Moore and Gerard Horgan and Rebecca Moore},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-05-31},
institution = {GoNano, Horizon 2020, European Institute of Women’s Health },
abstract = {The GoNano -Governing Nanotechnologies though societal engagement-project is a 36-month long project which aims to improve the responsiveness of research and innovation processes to public values and concerns. Part of the GoNano objectives are to create an engagement process which is cognisant of gender, diversity, culture and communication traditions across Europe. This engagement process will inform future nanotechnology development, by ways of public discourse and methodology development, as well as co-creation. In order to adequately align nanotechnology Research and Innovation (R&I) with societal needs, it is important to look at societal issues such as gender, culture, and diversity. These areas of focus present us with an opportunity to get a deeper insight into what motivates opinions, thoughts, needs, values and concerns --are these the same, or are there differences between or within various groups? Does gender have any impact on how values, needs and concerns around nanotechnology are shaped; does demographic diversity influence such concerns? What information and knowledge can we glean from looking into divergences of opinions and differences in discourse? What can we gain from increased awareness and focus on these issues?},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
Salatino, Angelo A; Osborne, Francesco; Motta, Enrico
How are topics born? Understanding the research dynamics preceding the emergence of new areas Online
2017, visited: 01.01.2017.
title = {How are topics born? Understanding the research dynamics preceding the emergence of new areas},
author = {Angelo A Salatino and Francesco Osborne and Enrico Motta},
url = {https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.119},
doi = {10.7717/peerj-cs.119},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
urldate = {2017-01-01},
journal = {PeerJ Computer Science},
abstract = {The ability to promptly recognise new research trends is strategic for many stakeholders, including universities, institutional funding bodies, academic publishers and companies. While the literature describes several approaches which aim to identify the emergence of new research topics early in their lifecycle, these rely on the assumption that the topic in question is already associated with a number of publications and consistently referred to by a community of researchers. Hence, detecting the emergence of a new research area at an embryonic stage, i.e., before the topic has been consistently labelled by a community of researchers and associated with a number of publications, is still an open challenge. In this paper, we begin to address this challenge by performing a study of the dynamics preceding the creation of new topics. This study indicates that the emergence of a new topic is anticipated by a significant increase in the pace of collaboration between relevant research areas, which can be seen as the ‘parents’ of the new topic. These initial findings (i) confirm our hypothesis that it is possible in principle to detect the emergence of a new topic at the embryonic stage, (ii) provide new empirical evidence supporting relevant theories in Philosophy of Science, and also (iii) suggest that new topics tend to emerge in an environment in which weakly interconnected research areas begin to cross-fertilise.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {online}
Journal Articles
Raimbault, Benjamin; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Joly, Pierre-Benoît
Mapping the emergence of synthetic biology Journal Article
In: PloS one, vol. 11, no. 9, pp. e0161522, 2016.
title = {Mapping the emergence of synthetic biology},
author = {Benjamin Raimbault and Jean-Philippe Cointet and Pierre-Benoît Joly},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0161522},
doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0161522},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
urldate = {2016-01-01},
journal = {PloS one},
volume = {11},
number = {9},
pages = {e0161522},
publisher = {Public Library of Science},
abstract = {In this paper, we apply an original scientometric analyses to a corpus comprising synthetic biology (SynBio) publications in Thomson Reuters Web of Science to characterize the emergence of this new scientific field. Three results were drawn from this empirical investigation. First, despite the exponential growth of publications, the study of population level statistics (newcomers proportion, collaboration network structure) shows that SynBio has entered a stabilization process since 2010. Second, the mapping of textual and citational networks shows that SynBio is characterized by high heterogeneity and four different approaches: the central approach, where biobrick engineering is the most widespread; genome engineering; protocell creation; and metabolic engineering. We suggest that synthetic biology acts as an umbrella term allowing for the mobilization of resources, and also serves to relate scientific content and promises of applications. Third, we observed a strong intertwinement between epistemic and socio-economic dynamics. Measuring scientific production and impact and using structural analysis data, we identified a core set of mostly American scientists. Biographical analysis shows that these central and influential scientists act as “boundary spanners,” meaning that their importance to the field lies not only in their academic contributions, but also in their capacity to interact with other social spaces that are outside the academic sphere.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Journal Articles
Raimbault, Benjamin; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Joly, Pierre-Benoît
Caractérisation du processus d’émergence de la biologie synthétique à partir d’une approche scientomiétrique Journal Article
In: médecine/sciences, vol. 29, pp. 47-55, 2013.
title = {Caractérisation du processus d’émergence de la biologie synthétique à partir d’une approche scientomiétrique},
author = {Benjamin Raimbault and Jean-Philippe Cointet and Pierre-Benoît Joly},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1051/medsci/201329s213},
doi = {10.1051/medsci/201329s213},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-01-01},
urldate = {2013-01-01},
journal = {médecine/sciences},
volume = {29},
pages = {47-55},
publisher = {Éditions EDK, Groupe EDP Sciences},
abstract = {La biologie de synthèse est un espace hétérogène dont la définition n’est pas stabilisée. Elle se situe à l’intersection de différents champs disciplinaires : chimie, biologie moléculaire, bio-informatique, et est classiquement abordée par la littérature selon trois angles [1–3] : 1 une approche « DNA based device construction » (biobrick), ou approche bottom-up, focalisée sur l’ingénierie de circuits de gènes synthétiques ; 2 une approche « genome-driven cell engineering », ou approche top-down, focalisée sur la synthèse d’un génome dans son intégralité ; 3 une approche « proto-cell creation » qui vise à recréer des systèmes cellulaires minimaux, et en vertu de laquelle les recherches sont focalisées sur le principe de l’émergence, ouvertement présenté comme un obstacle par les tenants de la première approche.
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
(Sources: Google Scholar, HAL, Scopus, WOS and search engines)
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