Technical Reports
Mason, Eloïse; Löbmann, Michael; Matt, Mireille; Sharif, Ibrat; Maring, Linda; Ittner, Sophie; Bispo, Antonio
Knowedge needs and gaps on soil and land management Technical Report
title = {Knowedge needs and gaps on soil and land management},
author = {Eloïse Mason and Michael Löbmann and Mireille Matt and Ibrat Sharif and Linda Maring and Sophie Ittner and Antonio Bispo},
url = {https://zenodo.org/records/7695462
doi = {/10.5281/zenodo.7695461},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-02-17},
urldate = {2023-02-17},
abstract = {Soil health is vital for many ecosystem services. The Horizon Europe (HE) Mission “A Soil Deal for Europe” aims to accelerate the transition to sustainable soil and land management and healthy soils through an am-bitious transdisciplinary research and innovation (R&I) programme, largely based on actor engagement, Liv-ing Labs and Lighthouses. The H2020 Soil Mission Support (SMS) project supported the implementation of the HE Mission, and aimed to improve the coordination of R&I on sustainable soil and land management. Through a co-creation process together with actors, SMS collated available knowledge, actors R&I needs and identified R&I gaps that need to be addressed for successful transition towards sustainable soil and land management.
The first step was to identify existing R&I knowledge through a keyword-based analysis of scientific literature published and peer reviewed, related to sustainable soil and land management. The literature analysis ad-dressed the full range of societal challenges, soil health objectives, land use types and knowledge domains necessary to capture the socio-ecological complexity of soil health. Covering some 15,700 scientific articles, this literature analysis represents the current peer reviewed knowledge stock on sustainable soil and land management. A textual analysis using the digital platform CorTexT was undertaken to explore the identified literature and submitted to project consortium internal experts, who analysed and processed the collected information of their respective area of expertise (Annex III). The literature analysis revealed that the societal challenges “reduce soil degradation” and “improve disaster control” have been studied extensively. Con-versely, the societal challenges “mitigate land take” and “increase biodiversity” and the knowledge domains “science-based policy support” and “awareness, training & education” are less discussed. Factsheets present-ing the results of the literature analysis per societal challenge were developed and can be found in Annex VIII. Note that as the key-word based literature search was limited to Scopus-indexed scientific journals, other publishing formats such as conference papers, books, book chapters, non-digitalized articles, grey literature, reports, patents, etc., may be underrepresented or not included in the used data base. The exclusive use of Scopus-indexed scientific articles provided quality insurance of the material through the publication peer-review system. Nonetheless, important documents and knowledge have been incorporated by the consor-tium experts when analysing the collected literature.
The second step was to consult actors through online workshops and surveys in order to gain a practice-oriented ‘real-life’ picture of current knowledge and R&I needs for swift implementation of sustainable soil and land management. This step was seen as complementary of the published and peer-reviewed literature.
Finally, after exploring our stocktaking of R&I from existing knowledge evidenced by literature review and the actor’s knowledge needs identified from actor consultations, we identified R&I gaps. The main knowledge gaps across all Mission Objectives were of socio-economic nature: drivers and causes of land degradation, knowledge management, governance and policies for inciting improved management, and interaction with other sectors are not sufficiently understood. Second, the HE Missions’ focus on improving soil literacy was supported by the literature analysis and by the actor consultation, which both revealed knowledge gaps re-lated to education and capacity building in all land use types and domains affecting soil health: production, consumption, trade, policy and governance. Thirdly, there is a gap in the long-term implementation of a new mode of knowledge co-design, where researchers and practitioners together develop solutions for sustaina-ble soil and land management in a real-world context. The HE Missions’ focus on Living Labs and Lighthouses has the potential to close this gap. Finally, there is a need to define several concepts (e.g. soil health, soil degradation, footprint). Such definitions should be shared and will be a basis to identify relevant indicators and respective thresholds, and to develop guidelines to support monitoring programmes in order to translate knowledge into evidence for decision making.
The outcome of the deliverable is a list of validated R&I gaps across all Mission Objectives which will feed into the SMS roadmap and the HE Mission.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
The first step was to identify existing R&I knowledge through a keyword-based analysis of scientific literature published and peer reviewed, related to sustainable soil and land management. The literature analysis ad-dressed the full range of societal challenges, soil health objectives, land use types and knowledge domains necessary to capture the socio-ecological complexity of soil health. Covering some 15,700 scientific articles, this literature analysis represents the current peer reviewed knowledge stock on sustainable soil and land management. A textual analysis using the digital platform CorTexT was undertaken to explore the identified literature and submitted to project consortium internal experts, who analysed and processed the collected information of their respective area of expertise (Annex III). The literature analysis revealed that the societal challenges “reduce soil degradation” and “improve disaster control” have been studied extensively. Con-versely, the societal challenges “mitigate land take” and “increase biodiversity” and the knowledge domains “science-based policy support” and “awareness, training & education” are less discussed. Factsheets present-ing the results of the literature analysis per societal challenge were developed and can be found in Annex VIII. Note that as the key-word based literature search was limited to Scopus-indexed scientific journals, other publishing formats such as conference papers, books, book chapters, non-digitalized articles, grey literature, reports, patents, etc., may be underrepresented or not included in the used data base. The exclusive use of Scopus-indexed scientific articles provided quality insurance of the material through the publication peer-review system. Nonetheless, important documents and knowledge have been incorporated by the consor-tium experts when analysing the collected literature.
The second step was to consult actors through online workshops and surveys in order to gain a practice-oriented ‘real-life’ picture of current knowledge and R&I needs for swift implementation of sustainable soil and land management. This step was seen as complementary of the published and peer-reviewed literature.
Finally, after exploring our stocktaking of R&I from existing knowledge evidenced by literature review and the actor’s knowledge needs identified from actor consultations, we identified R&I gaps. The main knowledge gaps across all Mission Objectives were of socio-economic nature: drivers and causes of land degradation, knowledge management, governance and policies for inciting improved management, and interaction with other sectors are not sufficiently understood. Second, the HE Missions’ focus on improving soil literacy was supported by the literature analysis and by the actor consultation, which both revealed knowledge gaps re-lated to education and capacity building in all land use types and domains affecting soil health: production, consumption, trade, policy and governance. Thirdly, there is a gap in the long-term implementation of a new mode of knowledge co-design, where researchers and practitioners together develop solutions for sustaina-ble soil and land management in a real-world context. The HE Missions’ focus on Living Labs and Lighthouses has the potential to close this gap. Finally, there is a need to define several concepts (e.g. soil health, soil degradation, footprint). Such definitions should be shared and will be a basis to identify relevant indicators and respective thresholds, and to develop guidelines to support monitoring programmes in order to translate knowledge into evidence for decision making.
The outcome of the deliverable is a list of validated R&I gaps across all Mission Objectives which will feed into the SMS roadmap and the HE Mission.
Journal Articles
Barrella, Walter; R, Deborah Ferraz
Scient metrics analysis of mangrove studies from 1980 to 2020 Journal Article
In: Journal of Aquaculture & Marine Biology, vol. 10, iss. 4, pp. 188-192, 2021, ISSN: 2378-3184.
title = {Scient metrics analysis of mangrove studies from 1980 to 2020 },
author = {Walter Barrella and Deborah Ferraz R},
url = {https://medcraveonline.com/JAMB/scient-metrics-analysis-of-mangrove-studies-from-1980-to-2020.html},
doi = {10.15406/jamb.2021.10.00320},
issn = {2378-3184},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-09-28},
urldate = {2021-09-28},
journal = {Journal of Aquaculture & Marine Biology},
volume = {10},
issue = {4},
pages = {188-192},
abstract = {Mangroves are complex transition ecosystems studied and affected by human activities.. This work sought information on articles in scientific journals related to environmental impacts and their forms of management and restoration and those focused on biodiversity conservation. To answer this question, we developed this work based on a scient metric survey of production with a focus on impacts and environmental and Biodiversity responses on mangroves in the last forty years (1980 to 2020), comparing mainly the global scientific production and the production in America, listing areas of research concentration, and journal, period, country and region of publication of papers. With this survey, we could observe a standardization of the research classification area and publication periods, although checking the journals found a great variety of these. As for the regionalization of studies, we could observe that, globally, the region that most contributes to the advancement in this theme is Asia; however, the country that collaborates the most, in isolation, is the United States. Although there is a diversification regarding the specific theme, the scientific production on mangroves with an environmental focus and in Biodiversity followed a global pattern in the studied period.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Journal Articles
Ubando, Aristotle T.; Rosario, Aaron Jules R. Del; Chen, Wei-Hsin; Culaba, Alvin B.
A state-of-the-art review of biowaste biorefinery Journal Article
In: Environmental Pollution, 2020.
title = {A state-of-the-art review of biowaste biorefinery},
author = {Aristotle T. Ubando and Aaron Jules R. Del Rosario and Wei-Hsin Chen and Alvin B. Culaba},
url = {https://www-sciencedirect-com.inshs.bib.cnrs.fr/science/article/pii/S026974912036838X},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.116149},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-11-20},
urldate = {2020-11-20},
journal = {Environmental Pollution},
abstract = {Biorefineries provide a platform for different industries to produce multiple bio-products enhancing the economic value of the system. The production of these biorefineries has led to an increase in the gen- eration of biowaste. To minimize the risk of environmental pollution, numerous studies have focused on a variety of strategies to mitigate these concerns reflected in the vast amount of literature written on this topic. This paper aims to systematically analyze and review the enormous body of scientific literature in the biowaste and biorefinery field for establishing an understanding and providing a direction for future works. A bibliometric analysis is first performed using the CorTexT Manager platform on a corpus of 1488 articles written on the topic of biowaste. Popular and emerging topics are determined using a terms extraction algorithm. A contingency matrix is then created to study the correlation of scientific journals and key topics from this field. Then, the connection and evolution of these terms were analyzed using network mapping, to determine relationships among key terms and analyze notable trends in this research field. Finally, a critical review of articles was presented across three main categories of biowaste management such as mitigation, sustainable utilization, and cleaner disposal from the perspective of the biorefinery concept. Operational and technological challenges are identified for the integration of anaerobic digestion in biorefineries, especially in developing nations. Moreover, logistical challenges in the biorefinery supply-chain are established based on the economics and collection aspect of handling biowaste.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Marvuglia, Antonino; Havinga, Lisanne; Heidrich, Oliver; Fonseca, Jimeno; Gaitanie, Niki; Reckien, Diana
Advances and challenges in assessing urban sustainability: an advanced bibliometric review Journal Article
In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020.
title = {Advances and challenges in assessing urban sustainability: an advanced bibliometric review},
author = {Antonino Marvuglia and Lisanne Havinga and Oliver Heidrich and Jimeno Fonseca and Niki Gaitanie and Diana Reckien},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2020.109788},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-03-06},
urldate = {2020-03-06},
journal = {Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews},
abstract = {With nearly 70% of the world population expected to live in cities by 2050, assessing the sustainability of urban systems, both existing and future ones, is becoming increasingly relevant. Making cities more sustainable is a global priority, which is highlighted by ‘Sustainable Cities and Communities’ being listed as one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) adopted by United Nations Member States in 2015. This Virtual Special Issue (VSI) explores the implementation and assessment of policies and technologies that contribute to the transition to a sustainable, energy efficient and regenerative society. We organized the issue according to four main research themes: 1) Renewable Energy Systems (i.e., different types of systems, qualitative assessments and public acceptance); 2) Sustainable Built Environment (which includes construction, operation and refurbishment); 3) Multi-Scale Models (considering urban sustainability transition from building to districts, or cities and regions to multi-country comparisons and their scaling across different countries); and 4) Governance and Policy (climate change mitigation and adaptation plans/policies that are reported across countries, urban services and infrastructures).
This paper serves two purposes. The first is to provide an analysis about patterns, correlations and synergies found across the different topics that have been addressed over the last 20 years in the literature about cities’ sustainability paths. A bibliometric analysis and a contingency matrix show the degree of correlation between scientific journals and main topics addressed by published articles. Secondly, the paper acts as an Editorial to the VSI, introducing the wealth of research articles and topics included in it. Both the bibliometric analysis and the papers published in this VSI demonstrate the interconnectedness of energy consumption, pollutant emissions and the competition for finite resources. The aim is to present advances and challenges of this exciting and ever-evolving research field to inform and guide future studies of urban sustainability.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
This paper serves two purposes. The first is to provide an analysis about patterns, correlations and synergies found across the different topics that have been addressed over the last 20 years in the literature about cities’ sustainability paths. A bibliometric analysis and a contingency matrix show the degree of correlation between scientific journals and main topics addressed by published articles. Secondly, the paper acts as an Editorial to the VSI, introducing the wealth of research articles and topics included in it. Both the bibliometric analysis and the papers published in this VSI demonstrate the interconnectedness of energy consumption, pollutant emissions and the competition for finite resources. The aim is to present advances and challenges of this exciting and ever-evolving research field to inform and guide future studies of urban sustainability.
Proceedings Articles
Khan, Sana; Laurens, Patricia; Bas, Christian Le
Frugal Innovation, Sustainability, and Sustainable Frugal Innovation: A conceptual clarification and empirical evidence Proceedings Article
In: AIMs conference, Dakar, 2019.
title = {Frugal Innovation, Sustainability, and Sustainable Frugal Innovation: A conceptual clarification and empirical evidence},
author = {Sana Khan and Patricia Laurens and Christian Le Bas},
url = {https://www.strategie-aims.com/conferences/30/themes?themes_selected=ST-AIMS+02+%3A#communication_5212
year = {2019},
date = {2019-06-01},
urldate = {2019-06-01},
booktitle = {AIMs conference},
volume = {30},
address = {Dakar},
abstract = {Sustainable development sets up a major challenge for economic activity, climate change, management of organization and society. It follows that the drivers and impacts of frugal innovations (FI) should be analyzed in relation to sustainability as a new socio-economic paradigm. In this study, we note that FI and sustainability are related to two sets of literature mainly studied in isolation until now (with some notable exceptions like Brem and Yven, 2013 and Rosca et al., 2017). Our objective is to realize a necessary conciliation between the two. In others words, our research question is to explore how and to what extent FI is linked to sustainability. We contribute to the literature dealing with FI in three ways. First, we show how FI can generate more sustainable development while FI is not inherently sustainable. Secondly, we draw conclusions regarding a possible taxonomy of FI which is based on two extreme poles i.e., FIs have no marked sustainable effects vs. FIs are fully sustainable. Finally, we carry out an empirical analysis of a sample studies of FIs published in different academic or scientific journals to discover the different between the two forms of FI.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
Journal Articles
Réchauchère, Olivier; Akkari, Monia El; Perchec, Sophie Le; Makowski, David; Gabrielle, Benoît; Bispo, Antonio
An Innovative Methodological Framework for Analyzing Existing Scientific Research on Land-Use Change and Associated Environmental Impacts Journal Article
In: Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, vol. 30, pp. 1-13, 2018.
title = {An Innovative Methodological Framework for Analyzing Existing Scientific Research on Land-Use Change and Associated Environmental Impacts},
author = {Olivier Réchauchère and Monia El Akkari and Sophie Le Perchec and David Makowski and Benoît Gabrielle and Antonio Bispo},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-96289-4_1},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-96289-4_1},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-12-04},
urldate = {2018-12-04},
journal = {Sustainable Agriculture Reviews},
volume = { 30},
pages = {1-13},
abstract = {This article describes an original approach to surveying and analyzing the existing body of scientific research on (1) the effects of various forms of reorganization in agriculture, forestry, and spatial planning on land-use change (LUC) and (2) the impacts of that LUC on the environment. Our approach consisted of four principal steps: (i) identification of references using a bibliographic search process; (ii) description of the references’ key features (publication date, journal of publication, etc.); (iii) textual analysis of the articles and identification of thematic sub-groups; (iv) systematic examination of a subset of the corpus using an reading grid followed by an analysis of the results. Our findings show that the majority of publications relating to the environmental impacts of LUC were published after 2000, and amount to a corpus of more than 5700 articles. The scientific journals involved are diverse in nature, with some being general in focus and others more specialized and technical. A lexical analysis performed using the digital platform CorTexT, developed by IFRIS (Institute for Research and Innovation in Society, a research consortium based in the Paris region. http://ifris.org/), enabled us to identify several themes within this corpus, in terms of both the types of reorganizations considered and the types of impacts examined. A more detailed analysis was conducted on a subset of articles dealing with the production of non-food biomass. The results show that, within this sub-group, the environmental impacts most often studied are those relating to climate, soil, and water. Our approach demonstrates the utility of textual analysis as a partially automated method for identifying, in broad outline, the topics addressed within a large-scale corpus. As with a search by keywords, however, this type of textual analysis cannot guarantee that all the articles classed within a category genuinely address the corresponding topic. Among those articles assigned by CorTexT to the sub-group on non-food biomass (1785 articles), the majority proved not relevant to our chosen topic, and only 241 articles were ultimately selected. This selection phase could not be fully automated and required a close reading of titles, abstracts, and often main texts by human experts. The use of precise criteria for selection and a formal reading grid are helpful in limiting the risk of bias and ensuring a level of transparence in the analytical process. Implementation of such an approach is time-consumptive, however, and requires considerable human effort.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
(Sources: Google Scholar, HAL, Scopus, WOS and search engines)
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