Technical Reports
Laur, Lina; Bouleau, Gabrielle; Leiser, Hugues; Tatry, Marie-Violaine; Lacor, Barbara
Analyse scientométrique du champ de CLIMAE Technical Report
title = {Analyse scientométrique du champ de CLIMAE},
author = {Lina Laur and Gabrielle Bouleau and Hugues Leiser and Marie-Violaine Tatry and Barbara Lacor},
url = {https://hal.science/hal-04762738/document
year = {2024},
date = {2024-10-31},
journal = {INRAE},
abstract = {Ce travail scientométrique a été mené de 2022 à 2024 par le COPIL de CLIMAE avec l’aide de l’IST avec les objectifs suivants :
• identifier les dynamismes et les angles morts de la recherche sur l’atténuation des émissions et l’adaptation au changement climatique de la forêt, des ressources en eau, de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation,
• créer un langage commun au sein du métaprogramme (aide au pilotage),
• cartographier dans quel champ de la recherche se situe CLIMAE,
• constituer un projet pilote pour une méthodologie transferable à d’autres métaprogrammes.
Il a consisté à rassembler un ensemble d’articles scientifiques pour une analyse bibliométrique combinée à des entretiens avec des chercheurs sur la base de cartographies du réseau Cortext (Breucker et al., 2016). Cet ensemble se concentre spécifiquement sur les domaines de l'agroécologie, de l'alimentation et de la santé globale, de la biodiversité, de la bioéconomie, du changement climatique et des risques, des sociétés et des territoires. Ces domaines correspondent aux champs de recherche de l'Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE).},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
• identifier les dynamismes et les angles morts de la recherche sur l’atténuation des émissions et l’adaptation au changement climatique de la forêt, des ressources en eau, de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation,
• créer un langage commun au sein du métaprogramme (aide au pilotage),
• cartographier dans quel champ de la recherche se situe CLIMAE,
• constituer un projet pilote pour une méthodologie transferable à d’autres métaprogrammes.
Il a consisté à rassembler un ensemble d’articles scientifiques pour une analyse bibliométrique combinée à des entretiens avec des chercheurs sur la base de cartographies du réseau Cortext (Breucker et al., 2016). Cet ensemble se concentre spécifiquement sur les domaines de l'agroécologie, de l'alimentation et de la santé globale, de la biodiversité, de la bioéconomie, du changement climatique et des risques, des sociétés et des territoires. Ces domaines correspondent aux champs de recherche de l'Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE).
Journal Articles
Duan, Chensong; Liao, Hu; Wang, Kaide; Ren, Yin
The research hotspots and trends of volatile organic compound emissions from anthropogenic and natural sources: A systematic quantitative review Journal Article
In: Environmental Research, vol. 216, pp. 114964, 2023.
title = {The research hotspots and trends of volatile organic compound emissions from anthropogenic and natural sources: A systematic quantitative review},
author = {Chensong Duan and Hu Liao and Kaide Wang and Yin Ren},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0013935122017133?via%3Dihub
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2022.114386},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-02-01},
urldate = {2023-02-01},
journal = {Environmental Research},
volume = {216},
pages = {114964},
abstract = {Volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions have attracted wide attention due to their impacts on atmospheric quality and public health. However, most studies reviewed certain aspects of natural VOCs (NVOCs) or anthropogenic VOCs (AVOCs) rather than comprehensively quantifying the hotspots and evolution trends of AVOCs and NVOCs. We combined the bibliometric method with the evolution tree and Markov chain to identify research focus and uncover the trends in VOC emission sources. This study found that research mainly focused on VOC emission characteristics, effects on air quality and health, and VOC emissions under climate change. More studies concerned on AVOCs than on NVOCs, and AVOC emissions have shifted with a decreasing proportion of transport emissions and an increasing share of solvent utilization in countries with high emissions and publications (China and the USA). Research on AVOCs is imperative to develop efficient and economical abatement techniques specific to solvent sources or BTEX species to mitigate the detrimental effects. Research on NVOCs originating from human sources risen due to their application in medicine, while studies on sources sensitive to climate change grew slowly, including plants, biomass burning, microbes, soil and oceans. Research on the long-term responses of NVOCs derived from various sources to climate warming is warranted to explore the evolution of emissions and the feedback on global climate. It is worthwhile to establish an emission inventory with all kinds of sources, accurate estimation, high spatial and temporal resolution to capture the emission trends in the synergy of industrialization and climate change as well as to simulate the effects on air quality. We review VOC emissions from both anthropogenic and natural sources under climate change and their effects on atmospheric quality and health to point out the research directions for the comprehensive control of global VOCs and mitigation of O3 pollution.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Bachelor Theses
ALLOIS, Clara; COSTA, Elise; DESROCHES, Clément; DHALLUIN, Paul; HENNION, Louis; LETELLIER, Evan; RAMOS, Guillaume; ZHANG, Yinuo
La Capture et le Stockage / Utilisation du CO2 : s’agit-il d’une solution déterminante pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique ? Bachelor Thesis
Mines Paris PSL Research University, 2023, (Description de controverses - Mines Paris PSL Research University).
title = {La Capture et le Stockage / Utilisation du CO2 : s’agit-il d’une solution déterminante pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique ?},
author = {Clara ALLOIS and Elise COSTA and Clément DESROCHES and Paul DHALLUIN and Louis HENNION and Evan LETELLIER and Guillaume RAMOS and Yinuo ZHANG},
url = {https://controverses.minesparis.psl.eu/public/promo22/PC6Captage%20et%20stockage%20du%20CO2.pdf},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-01-01},
urldate = {2023-01-01},
school = {Mines Paris PSL Research University},
abstract = {Début 2021, Elon Musk a promis de récompenser à hauteur de 100 millions de dollars la meilleure technologie de captage du carbone. Imaginée par la fondation Xprize, cette initiative vise à stimuler l’industrie et à inciter au développement de technologies de rupture, pour capter et stocker le CO21. Un an après, le groupe III du GIEC publie son dernier volet, étudiant les scénarios de réduction d’émissions de gaz à effet de serre pour limiter le changement climatique en exhibant des moyens d’action. Parmi ceux-ci est évoqué le CSC (Capture et Stockage du Carbone, CCS en anglais pour Carbon Capture and Storage). «Le CSC est une option pour réduire les émissions provenant de sources d'énergie et d'industries fossiles à grande échelle, à condition que le stockage géologique soit disponible.»2 lit-on. Le stockage de carbone, présenté comme une solution majeure dans la lutte contre le changement climatique, est en fait une technologie issue de l'industrie des hydrocarbures.
Celle-ci a émergé dans les années 70 aux Etats Unis, portée par les développements de la technologie de l’Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) qui vise à déloger les 40 à 60% d’hydrocarbures restants dans les réservoirs déjà utilisés en injectant du CO2 dans les puits. Les acteurs industriels historiques ayant développé cette technologie sont donc à l’origine des entreprises pétrolières comme la compagnie norvégienne Equinor. C’est à partir de la publication du rapport spécial du GIEC de 20183 sur le réchauffement climatique qu’émerge une deuxième vague de projets avec un objectif de réduction des quantités de CO2 dans l’atmosphère. En effet, du côté industriel, ce rapport a été un rebond pour le CSC et de nouveaux projets ont été alors développés comme celui de Northern Lights en Norvège par TotalÉnergies. Néanmoins, il est également montré dans le 6ème rapport du GIEC qu'à l'heure actuelle les taux de déploiement du CSC dans le monde sont bien inférieurs à ceux correspondants aux scénarios modélisés limitant le réchauffement de la planète à 1,5°C ou 2°C.”4 Aujourd’hui, au niveau français, c’est TotalÉnergies qui favorise le plus le développement du secteur avec le projet Northern Lights en Norvège.
Le CSC peut-il être considéré comme une solution déterminante pour limiter le changement climatique ?},
note = {Description de controverses - Mines Paris PSL Research University},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {bachelorthesis}
Celle-ci a émergé dans les années 70 aux Etats Unis, portée par les développements de la technologie de l’Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) qui vise à déloger les 40 à 60% d’hydrocarbures restants dans les réservoirs déjà utilisés en injectant du CO2 dans les puits. Les acteurs industriels historiques ayant développé cette technologie sont donc à l’origine des entreprises pétrolières comme la compagnie norvégienne Equinor. C’est à partir de la publication du rapport spécial du GIEC de 20183 sur le réchauffement climatique qu’émerge une deuxième vague de projets avec un objectif de réduction des quantités de CO2 dans l’atmosphère. En effet, du côté industriel, ce rapport a été un rebond pour le CSC et de nouveaux projets ont été alors développés comme celui de Northern Lights en Norvège par TotalÉnergies. Néanmoins, il est également montré dans le 6ème rapport du GIEC qu'à l'heure actuelle les taux de déploiement du CSC dans le monde sont bien inférieurs à ceux correspondants aux scénarios modélisés limitant le réchauffement de la planète à 1,5°C ou 2°C.”4 Aujourd’hui, au niveau français, c’est TotalÉnergies qui favorise le plus le développement du secteur avec le projet Northern Lights en Norvège.
Le CSC peut-il être considéré comme une solution déterminante pour limiter le changement climatique ?
Masters Theses
Virta, Vera
Performance indicators in sustainability reporting: Evidence from Finland Masters Thesis
Utrecht University, 2023.
title = {Performance indicators in sustainability reporting: Evidence from Finland},
author = {Vera Virta},
url = {https://studenttheses.uu.nl/bitstream/handle/20.500.12932/44680/MASTER%20THESIS%20Vera%20Virta%202196433.pdf?sequence=1},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-06-30},
school = {Utrecht University},
abstract = {Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is increasingly gaining attention both among academia and the business world, as environmental concerns continue to take more critical turns. Legislation is tightening around the topic and sustainability reporting is becoming more mandatory. Disclosure requirements are extending to reach smaller corporations as well. Hence, many companies are in a situation where they need to start reporting about their sustainability for the first time. One significant aspect of these CSR reports is Sustainability Performance Indicators (SPI), which are also part of several reporting frameworks. SPIs are useful tools to transform qualitative information into quantitative. They are considered effective in communicating non-financial information, providing reliable and accurate results for stakeholders.
This thesis investigates the sustainability performance indicators disclosed in the Finnish context, solely focusing on indicators defined by Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). It aims to examine what indicators are companies currently including in their reports, whether there can be differences detected regarding company characteristics, and whether it is possible to assess the level of disclosure quality and completeness. The sample consists of 29 large listed companies with origins in Finland.
Text mining and content analysis are performed on the sample reports to examine the disclosed indicators and disclosure quality.
The results show that on average, companies include 40 out of the total 88 GRI indicators in their reports. Environmental and social indicators are highlighted over economic ones, and the most used indicators relate to emissions and energy usage. Larger companies, both in the sense of revenue and number of employees, use more indicators than smaller ones. Differences are detected between industries, suggesting that air transport uses the most indicators, while companies in finance, insurance,
programming, and consultancy use the least indicators. Regarding the indicator preferences, results show that manufacturing companies focus on material and water, while wholesale and retail companies find procurement practices, waste, and suppliers important. Finance etc. companies then highlight customer privacy over other indicators. Findings suggest that there is room for improvement regarding both completeness of the disclosures and their quality, referring to both report content such as completeness, as well as external qualifications such as clarity. Based on the results it can be stated that companies are under external pressure to disclose sustainability information and use multiple performance indicators, but the pressure does not impact the report quality.
This thesis adds to the literature on sustainability reporting and sustainability performance indicators. It provides new insights into the rather scarce literature on the topic by providing results in the context of Finland. The thesis contributes to the stakeholder theory, legitimacy theory, and institutional theory. The results have practical value as well, as can be used by other companies who are starting their sustainability reporting journey, as they can adopt the reporting manners of the larger companies and on the other hand learn from their aberrations.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}
This thesis investigates the sustainability performance indicators disclosed in the Finnish context, solely focusing on indicators defined by Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). It aims to examine what indicators are companies currently including in their reports, whether there can be differences detected regarding company characteristics, and whether it is possible to assess the level of disclosure quality and completeness. The sample consists of 29 large listed companies with origins in Finland.
Text mining and content analysis are performed on the sample reports to examine the disclosed indicators and disclosure quality.
The results show that on average, companies include 40 out of the total 88 GRI indicators in their reports. Environmental and social indicators are highlighted over economic ones, and the most used indicators relate to emissions and energy usage. Larger companies, both in the sense of revenue and number of employees, use more indicators than smaller ones. Differences are detected between industries, suggesting that air transport uses the most indicators, while companies in finance, insurance,
programming, and consultancy use the least indicators. Regarding the indicator preferences, results show that manufacturing companies focus on material and water, while wholesale and retail companies find procurement practices, waste, and suppliers important. Finance etc. companies then highlight customer privacy over other indicators. Findings suggest that there is room for improvement regarding both completeness of the disclosures and their quality, referring to both report content such as completeness, as well as external qualifications such as clarity. Based on the results it can be stated that companies are under external pressure to disclose sustainability information and use multiple performance indicators, but the pressure does not impact the report quality.
This thesis adds to the literature on sustainability reporting and sustainability performance indicators. It provides new insights into the rather scarce literature on the topic by providing results in the context of Finland. The thesis contributes to the stakeholder theory, legitimacy theory, and institutional theory. The results have practical value as well, as can be used by other companies who are starting their sustainability reporting journey, as they can adopt the reporting manners of the larger companies and on the other hand learn from their aberrations.
Journal Articles
Boudalia, Sofiane; Okoth, Sheila A.; Zebsa, Rabah
The exploration and exploitation of shale gas in Algeria: Surveying key developments in the context of climate uncertainty Journal Article
In: The Extractive Industries and Society, vol. 11, pp. 101115, 2022, ISSN: 2214-790X.
title = {The exploration and exploitation of shale gas in Algeria: Surveying key developments in the context of climate uncertainty},
author = {Sofiane Boudalia and Sheila A. Okoth and Rabah Zebsa},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214790X22000806},
doi = {/10.1016/j.exis.2022.101115},
issn = {2214-790X},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-09-01},
journal = {The Extractive Industries and Society},
volume = {11},
pages = {101115},
abstract = {Algeria ratified the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change which is committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through renewable energy promotion, expanding forest areas and improving water resources. However, the exploration and the exploitation of shale gas are authorized in Algeria. Here, we discuss the socioeconomic factors that have led Algeria to authorize shale gas exploitation regardless of the potential effects of hydraulic fracturing on biodiversity loss and human health under climate change uncertainty context. Data reported show the difficulty to understand the multifaceted aspect of shale gas impacts. Indeed, without a comprehensive environmental assessment (air, soil, water and biodiversity) and human health impacts under climate change context, there is no clear evidence regarding the real costs, on the one hand, and the palpable benefits, on the other, of shale gas exploitation. Scientific data actualization and fully recognizing evidence in the literature are recommended when evaluating the potential adverse effects of unconventional gas on human and animal health, and also when creating hydraulic fracturing legislation. The development of alternative ecofriendly tools and methods to fossil energy sources (e.g., solar photovoltaics, wind, and geothermal energy) has become an emergency to help diversify the economy and safeguard natural resources for future generations.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Proceedings Articles
Copty, Nadim; Kazezyılmaz-Alhan, Cevza Melek
IWA 4th Regional Conference on Diffuse Pollution & Eutrophication Proceedings Article
In: International Water Association İstanbul, Türkiye, 2022, ISBN: 978-605-7880-13-0.
title = {IWA 4th Regional Conference on Diffuse Pollution & Eutrophication},
author = {Nadim Copty and Cevza Melek Kazezyılmaz-Alhan},
url = {https://iwadipcon2022.org/},
isbn = {978-605-7880-13-0},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-10-24},
address = {İstanbul, Türkiye},
organization = {International Water Association},
abstract = {We are pleased to present the Proceeding book of the 4th IWA Regional Conference on Diffuse Pollution & Eutrophication (DIPCON) that was held in Istanbul, Türkiye from October 24-28, 2022. From widespread pesticide use to heavy metal emissions from vehicular transport to microplastic release into the environment, diffuse pollution has become a major threat to the environment. Widespread soil pollution and eutrophication of water bodies across all continents and their impacts on living organisms and human health are a stark manifestation of the challenges we face. Anticipated climate change is likely to exacerbate the risk to the water resources of numerous regions of the world. Addressing these challenges requires a concerted holistic approach by stakeholders including scientists, engineers, hydrologists, policy makers, NGOs, and water regulators, and awareness and participation on the part of the general public. The purpose of this conference was to bring together these various perspectives thereby contributing to the scientific debate towards alleviating these adverse environmental effects.
DIPCON 2022 was held in Istanbul, Türkiye with more than 120 participants from more than 21 countries. The city of Istanbul, a welcoming vibrant megacity with a magnificent history and natural beauty, is the ideal place to host this meeting. Joining two continents with shores on three different seas, the city underscores the need to protect the environment we live in for the benefit of all.
The conference papers are organized into 13 sessions designed to address the latest technologies and approaches to alleviate the impacts of diffusion pollution on the Environment:
- Reservoir and Surface Water Bodies
- Soil Contamination
- Groundwater Hydrology and Quality
- Emerging Pollutants
- Urban/Industrial Water
- Ecological Protection and Restoration
- Extreme Hydrological Events
- Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
- Nexus Approach
- Integrated Watershed Management
- Nature-Based Solutions and Implementation
- Wetland Construction and Managements
- Monitoring and Modeling
Participants at the DIPCON 2022 conference elucidated on the threat of diffuse pollution to surface water bodies, groundwater and soil environments and the latest strategies and technologies for environmental protection and restoration to address these threats. The adverse effects of extreme hydrological effects and projected climate change and the need to develop adaptation and mitigation strategies were highlighted. Recognizing the confluence of water, food and energy needs, along with the imperative to maintain ecological services, participants underlined the necessity to implement a Nexus approach and integrated water management plans that involve the active participation of all stakeholders. It is evident that societies need to resort to nature based solutions that balance the need for economic growth and food security with ecological protection. Speakers highlighted the need to utilize the latest technologies to develop models and monitoring tools at all scales for the sustainable use of available resources and the development of informed science-based policies.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
DIPCON 2022 was held in Istanbul, Türkiye with more than 120 participants from more than 21 countries. The city of Istanbul, a welcoming vibrant megacity with a magnificent history and natural beauty, is the ideal place to host this meeting. Joining two continents with shores on three different seas, the city underscores the need to protect the environment we live in for the benefit of all.
The conference papers are organized into 13 sessions designed to address the latest technologies and approaches to alleviate the impacts of diffusion pollution on the Environment:
- Reservoir and Surface Water Bodies
- Soil Contamination
- Groundwater Hydrology and Quality
- Emerging Pollutants
- Urban/Industrial Water
- Ecological Protection and Restoration
- Extreme Hydrological Events
- Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
- Nexus Approach
- Integrated Watershed Management
- Nature-Based Solutions and Implementation
- Wetland Construction and Managements
- Monitoring and Modeling
Participants at the DIPCON 2022 conference elucidated on the threat of diffuse pollution to surface water bodies, groundwater and soil environments and the latest strategies and technologies for environmental protection and restoration to address these threats. The adverse effects of extreme hydrological effects and projected climate change and the need to develop adaptation and mitigation strategies were highlighted. Recognizing the confluence of water, food and energy needs, along with the imperative to maintain ecological services, participants underlined the necessity to implement a Nexus approach and integrated water management plans that involve the active participation of all stakeholders. It is evident that societies need to resort to nature based solutions that balance the need for economic growth and food security with ecological protection. Speakers highlighted the need to utilize the latest technologies to develop models and monitoring tools at all scales for the sustainable use of available resources and the development of informed science-based policies.
Journal Articles
Shen, Yuanfei; Ji, Ling; Xie, Yulei; Huang, Guohe; Li, Xin; Huang, Lucheng
Research landscape and hot topics of rooftop PV: A bibliometric and network analysis Journal Article
In: Energy and Buildings, vol. 251, pp. 111333, 2021, ISSN: 0378-7788.
title = {Research landscape and hot topics of rooftop PV: A bibliometric and network analysis},
author = {Yuanfei Shen and Ling Ji and Yulei Xie and Guohe Huang and Xin Li and Lucheng Huang},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378778821006174},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111333},
issn = {0378-7788},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-11-15},
urldate = {2021-11-15},
journal = {Energy and Buildings},
volume = {251},
pages = {111333},
abstract = {Rooftop photovoltaic (PV) system, as part of the renewable energy development strategy to guarantee energy security and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in urban areas, has received a lot of attention during the last decade. To provide an up-to-date and systematic research landscape of the rooftop PV field, this study conducted the bibliometric analysis, collaboration network analysis, co-citation analysis, and hotspots detection based on 595 articles collected from the core collection database of Web of Science. The results showed that the number of publications per year in this field has increased steadily since 2015. The USA was the most important contributor in this research field in terms of quantity (number of publications) and impact (number of citations). The co-authorship communities were obtained by collaboration network analysis, and the international collaboration is expected to be further strengthened according to the research focuses of each community. The key knowledge base and the main hot topics of the rooftop PV research field were identified from co-citation analysis and keywords co-occurrence network. Furthermore, based on the literature review, a detailed analysis of the main topics was provided for a better understanding of the current research trends and opportunities. This study can be served as a strategic review of the rooftop PV field to help relevant researchers carry out in-depth research in the future.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
McIlwaine, Neil; Foley, Aoife M.; Morrow, D. John; Kez, Dlzar Al; Zhang, Chongyu; Lu, Xi; Best, Robert J.
A state-of-the-art techno-economic review of distributed and embedded energy storage for energy systems Journal Article
In: Energy, vol. 229, pp. 120461, 2021, ISSN: 0360-5442.
title = {A state-of-the-art techno-economic review of distributed and embedded energy storage for energy systems},
author = {Neil McIlwaine and Aoife M. Foley and D. John Morrow and Dlzar Al Kez and Chongyu Zhang and Xi Lu and Robert J. Best},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360544221007106},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2021.120461},
issn = {0360-5442},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-08-15},
urldate = {2021-08-15},
journal = {Energy},
volume = {229},
pages = {120461},
abstract = {Renewable energy is projected to play an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and in realising the climate change goals. Large scale development of variable renewable energy, which is regarded as non-dispatchable, requires additional power system quality services such as voltage regulation, frequency regulation and inertial response. Energy storage provides an important means to supply these services but there are many uncertainties in terms of technology, market readiness, economics, and regulatory requirements. The aim of this study is to undertake a global state-of-the-art review of the techno-economic and regulatory status of energy storage and power quality services at the distribution level. The review will establish the global trends in electricity markets that have seen high levels of renewable energy penetration. The results of the investigation indicate that further research is required to qualify, quantify, and value the installation of mass energy storage particularly at the distribution level.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Ubando, Aristotle T.; Africa, Aaron Don M.; Maniquiz-Redillas, Marla C.; Culaba, Alvin B.; Chen, Wei-Hsin
Reduction of particulate matter and volatile organic compounds in biorefineries: A state-of-the-art review Journal Article
In: Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. 403, pp. 123955, 2021, ISSN: 0304-3894.
title = {Reduction of particulate matter and volatile organic compounds in biorefineries: A state-of-the-art review},
author = {Aristotle T. Ubando and Aaron Don M. Africa and Marla C. Maniquiz-Redillas and Alvin B. Culaba and Wei-Hsin Chen},
url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304389420319452},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.123955},
issn = {0304-3894},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-02-05},
urldate = {2021-02-05},
journal = {Journal of Hazardous Materials},
volume = {403},
pages = {123955},
abstract = {A biorefinery is an efficient approach to generate multiple bio-products from biomass. With the increasing de- mand for bioenergy and bio-products, biorefineries are essential industrial platforms that provide needed de- mand while significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. A biorefinery consists of various conversion technologies where particulate matter (PM) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted. The released PM and VOCs pose detrimental health and environmental risks for society. Moreover, the projected rise of global bioenergy demand may lead to an increase in PM and VOCs from biorefineries. With the use of cleaner tech- nologies and approaches, PM and VOCs can be avoided in biorefineries. The study presents the landscape of the research field through a bibliometric review of emissions from a biorefinery. A comprehensive review of works on the reduction of PM and VOCs in a biorefinery is outlined. The study includes a perspective of cleaner technologies and approaches utilized in biorefineries to mitigate these hazardous materials. The results reveal that the employment of life cycle assessment, safety assessment, and green chemistry processes can significantly reduce PM and VOC emissions as well as the consumption of hazardous substances in the biorefinery.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Technical Reports
Snapp, Sieglinde; Kebede, Yodit; Wollenberg, Lini; Dittmer, Kyle M.; Brickman, Sarah; Egler, Cecelia; Shelton, Sadie
Agroecology & climate change rapid evidence review: Performance of agroecological approaches in low- and middle- income countries. Technical Report
CGIAR 2021.
title = {Agroecology & climate change rapid evidence review: Performance of agroecological approaches in low- and middle- income countries. },
author = {Sieglinde Snapp and Yodit Kebede and Lini Wollenberg and Kyle M. Dittmer and Sarah Brickman and Cecelia Egler and Sadie Shelton},
editor = {Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)},
url = {https://cgspace.cgiar.org/bitstream/handle/10568/113487/CCAFS%20FCDO%20AE%20Review%202021.pdf?sequence=5},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-04-01},
urldate = {2021-04-01},
institution = {CGIAR},
abstract = {The agroecological approach with the strongest body of evidence for impacts on climate change adaptation was farm diversification (strong evidence and high agreement ). This included positive impacts of diversification on pollination, pest control, nutrient cycling, water regulation and soil fertility. The agroecological approach with the strongest body of evidence for impacts on climate change mitigation was tropical agroforestry, which had associated sequestration of carbon in biomass and soil. In general, agroecology impacts on climate change mitigation were primarily substantial carbon sequestration benefits (medium evidence, high agreement). There was also evidence – primarily from the Global North – that mitigation of nitrous oxide (N2O) is often associated with organic farming and ecological management of nutrients (medium evidence, medium agreement). However, a large data gap was found for agricultural greenhouse gas emissions, with almost no evidence from the Global South. There were also evidence gaps for agroecology approaches involving livestock integration, landscape-scale redesign and for multi-scalar analysis.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
Journal Articles
Aviso, K. B.; Sy, C. L.; Tan, R. R.; Ubando, Aristotle T.
Fuzzy optimization of carbon management networks based on direct and indirect biomass co-firing Journal Article
In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 132, pp. 110035, 2020, ISSN: 1364-0321.
title = {Fuzzy optimization of carbon management networks based on direct and indirect biomass co-firing},
author = {K.B. Aviso and C.L. Sy and R.R. Tan and Aristotle T. Ubando},
url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364032120303269},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2020.110035},
issn = {1364-0321},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-10-01},
urldate = {2020-10-01},
journal = {Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews},
volume = {132},
pages = {110035},
abstract = {A drastic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation will be needed to mitigate climate change to a safe level. Residual biomass from agriculture is an underutilized energy source that can contribute to the needed emissions cut, but its geographic dispersion presents logistical problems. Direct and indirect co-firing of biomass in existing power plants presents a flexible means of utilizing this resource. Indirect co-firing of biomass with biochar co-production can even give greater reduction in greenhouse gas emissions if the biochar is applied to soil as a form of carbon sequestration. In this paper, a fuzzy linear programming model is developed for optimizing a carbon management network based on direct and indirect biomass co-firing, coupled with biochar application to soil for the latter case. The model can match biomass sources to power plants; the power plants that use indirect co-firing are also matched to biochar application sites. The model is illustrated using a case study representative of a developing country with an agriculture-intensive economy. Results show that not all powerplants need to implement co-firing to reach a balance between reducing GHG emissions and the risk of introducing contaminants in soil. The model provides effective decision support for decarbonizing power generation, particularly in developing countries that still make use of coal-fired power plants and which have abundant biomass resources in the form of agricultural waste.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Marvuglia, Antonino; Havinga, Lisanne; Heidrich, Oliver; Fonseca, Jimeno; Gaitanie, Niki; Reckien, Diana
Advances and challenges in assessing urban sustainability: an advanced bibliometric review Journal Article
In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020.
title = {Advances and challenges in assessing urban sustainability: an advanced bibliometric review},
author = {Antonino Marvuglia and Lisanne Havinga and Oliver Heidrich and Jimeno Fonseca and Niki Gaitanie and Diana Reckien},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2020.109788},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-03-06},
urldate = {2020-03-06},
journal = {Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews},
abstract = {With nearly 70% of the world population expected to live in cities by 2050, assessing the sustainability of urban systems, both existing and future ones, is becoming increasingly relevant. Making cities more sustainable is a global priority, which is highlighted by ‘Sustainable Cities and Communities’ being listed as one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) adopted by United Nations Member States in 2015. This Virtual Special Issue (VSI) explores the implementation and assessment of policies and technologies that contribute to the transition to a sustainable, energy efficient and regenerative society. We organized the issue according to four main research themes: 1) Renewable Energy Systems (i.e., different types of systems, qualitative assessments and public acceptance); 2) Sustainable Built Environment (which includes construction, operation and refurbishment); 3) Multi-Scale Models (considering urban sustainability transition from building to districts, or cities and regions to multi-country comparisons and their scaling across different countries); and 4) Governance and Policy (climate change mitigation and adaptation plans/policies that are reported across countries, urban services and infrastructures).
This paper serves two purposes. The first is to provide an analysis about patterns, correlations and synergies found across the different topics that have been addressed over the last 20 years in the literature about cities’ sustainability paths. A bibliometric analysis and a contingency matrix show the degree of correlation between scientific journals and main topics addressed by published articles. Secondly, the paper acts as an Editorial to the VSI, introducing the wealth of research articles and topics included in it. Both the bibliometric analysis and the papers published in this VSI demonstrate the interconnectedness of energy consumption, pollutant emissions and the competition for finite resources. The aim is to present advances and challenges of this exciting and ever-evolving research field to inform and guide future studies of urban sustainability.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
This paper serves two purposes. The first is to provide an analysis about patterns, correlations and synergies found across the different topics that have been addressed over the last 20 years in the literature about cities’ sustainability paths. A bibliometric analysis and a contingency matrix show the degree of correlation between scientific journals and main topics addressed by published articles. Secondly, the paper acts as an Editorial to the VSI, introducing the wealth of research articles and topics included in it. Both the bibliometric analysis and the papers published in this VSI demonstrate the interconnectedness of energy consumption, pollutant emissions and the competition for finite resources. The aim is to present advances and challenges of this exciting and ever-evolving research field to inform and guide future studies of urban sustainability.
Technical Reports
Pellerin, Sylvain; Bamière, Laure; Launay, Camille; Martin, Raphaël; Schiavo, Michele; Angers, Denis; Augusto, Laurent; Balesdent, Jérôme; Basile-Doelsch, Isabelle; Bellassen, Valentin; Cardinael, Rémi; Cécillon, Lauric; Ceschia, Eric; Chenu, Claire; Constantin, Julie; Darroussin, Joël; Delacote, Philippe; Delame, Nathalie; Gastal, François; Gilbert, Daniel; Graux, Anne-Isabelle; Guenet, Bertrand; Houot, Sabine; Klumpp, Katja; Letort, Elodie; Litrico, Isabelle; Martin, Manuel; Menasseri, Safya; Mézière, Delphine; Morvan, Thierry; Mosnier, Claire; Roger-Estrade, Jean; Saint-André, Laurent; Sierra, Jorge; Thérond, Olivier; Viaud, Valérie; Grateau, Régis; Perchec, Sophie Le; Réchauchère, Olivier
Stocker du carbone dans les sols français : Quel potentiel au regard de l’objectif 4 pour 1000 et à quel coût ? Technical Report
INRAE 2020.
title = {Stocker du carbone dans les sols français : Quel potentiel au regard de l’objectif 4 pour 1000 et à quel coût ?},
author = {Sylvain Pellerin and Laure Bamière and Camille Launay and Raphaël Martin and Michele Schiavo and Denis Angers and Laurent Augusto and Jérôme Balesdent and Isabelle Basile-Doelsch and Valentin Bellassen and Rémi Cardinael and Lauric Cécillon and Eric Ceschia and Claire Chenu and Julie Constantin and Joël Darroussin and Philippe Delacote and Nathalie Delame and François Gastal and Daniel Gilbert and Anne-Isabelle Graux and Bertrand Guenet and Sabine Houot and Katja Klumpp and Elodie Letort and Isabelle Litrico and Manuel Martin and Safya Menasseri and Delphine Mézière and Thierry Morvan and Claire Mosnier and Jean Roger-Estrade and Laurent Saint-André and Jorge Sierra and Olivier Thérond and Valérie Viaud and Régis Grateau and Sophie Le Perchec and Olivier Réchauchère},
url = {https://agritrop.cirad.fr/597691/1/Pellerin2020%20Stocker%20du%20carbone%20dans%20les%20sols%20fran%C3%A7ais.pdf},
doi = {10.35690/978-2-7592-3149-2},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-12-30},
urldate = {2020-12-30},
institution = {INRAE},
abstract = {L’étude «4 pour mille France» dont les résultats sont présentés dans ce rapport a été conduite par l’INRA, à la demande de l’Agence de l'environnement et de la maîtrise de l'énergie (ADEME) et du Ministère chargé de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation (MAA). Les objectifs étaient (i)d’identifier des pratiques agricoles et sylvicoles plus «stockantes » que les pratiques actuellement mises en œuvre, (ii)de chiffrer le potentiel de stockage additionnel associé, de le cartographier, de quantifier les autres effets induits liés à l’adoption de ces pratiques stockantes (pertes ou gains de rendement, émissions de N2O, lessivage de nitrate, utilisation de produits phytosanitaires...), (iii)de chiffrer leur coût de mise en œuvre, d’identifier les freins à l’adoption et de proposer une stratégie coût-efficace de stockage.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
Journal Articles
Akkari, Monia El; Sandoval, Mélanie; Perchec, Sophie Le; Réchauchère, Olivier
Textual Analysis of Published Research Articles on the Environmental Impacts of Land-Use Change Journal Article
In: Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, vol. 30, pp. 15-38, 2018.
title = {Textual Analysis of Published Research Articles on the Environmental Impacts of Land-Use Change},
author = {Monia El Akkari and Mélanie Sandoval and Sophie Le Perchec and Olivier Réchauchère},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-96289-4_2},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-96289-4_2},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-01-01},
urldate = {2018-01-01},
journal = { Sustainable Agriculture Reviews},
volume = {30},
pages = {15-38},
abstract = {Regardless of the scale considered, land use is determined by a variety of factors relating to both local soil and climatic conditions and socioeconomic considerations (population growth, food and energy requirements, public policies, etc.). Changes in land use resulting from shifts in these factors over time will have environmental consequences. We conducted a review of the scientific literature to identify the degree to which environmental assessments take direct and indirect land-use change into account. A textual analysis was completed on a collection of 5730 scientific articles, published between 1975 and 2015 and listed in the WoS™ database, addressing the relationship between reorganizations of agricultural and forestry systems, or spatial planning, direct and indirect land-use change resulting from these reorganizations; and environmental impacts. By identifying the most frequently used words or groups of words within this corpus (focusing on the title, abstract, and keywords fields), the textual analysis platform CorTexT Manager (Platform developed by IFRIS (the Institute for Research and Innovation in Society, based in the Paris region) assembles diagrams, or “maps,” of occurrence and co-occurrence for these terms, which can then be used to identify the principal themes addressed in the corpus based on clusters of proximate keywords. Eight clusters were so identified: two focused on climate change and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems (thus corresponding both to an aspect of the biophysical context and an environmental impact linked to a reorganization); one associated a reorganization (biofuel production) with a dominant environmental impact (the effects of greenhouse gas emissions); three were centered on keywords related to other types of reorganizations (urbanization, grassland management, forestry management); and two focused on environmental impacts on biodiversity and water resources. The five “thematic identifiers” showing the highest number of occurrences were greenhouse gas emission, land-use policy, biofuel, farm system, and pasture land, suggesting that the theme “GHG impacts of biofuel production” is the most prevalent. A more detailed textual analysis of articles in the cluster relating to non-food biomass production (1785 articles) was also conducted, and confirmed the growing importance, notably since 2005–2006, of research linking the bioenergy production, land-use change, and climate impacts from greenhouse gas emissions. Reorganizations toward non-food biomass production also help explain the presence of degraded lands among the most frequently occurring terms in the corpus. Life-cycle analysis is the most important assessment methodology used to evaluate the environmental impacts of bioenergy production.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Technical Reports
Demortain, David; Barbier, Marc
Analyse scientométrique d’un corpus d’études sur les effets des particules de l’air ambiant extérieur sur la sante Technical Report
2018, (Rapport d’étude pour l’agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire).
title = {Analyse scientométrique d’un corpus d’études sur les effets des particules de l’air ambiant extérieur sur la sante},
author = {David Demortain and Marc Barbier},
url = {https://www.anses.fr/fr/system/files/LISIS2018Rapportdanalysescientoparticulesfinal.pdf},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-12-21},
abstract = {Le domaine de recherche sur les effets sanitaires de la présence dans l’air ambiant des particules fines est à la fois ancien, et très évolutif. Au fil des années, les recherches sur la pollution de l’air se sont en effet portées sur différentes substances, et se sont intéressées à des particules de taille de plus en plus réduite. Bien que pourvu d’une ontologie partagée sur les substances ou les indicateurs de composition de l’air ambiant, ce domaine est différencié selon les pays, car les polluants d’intérêt ne sont pas les mêmes, les équipes sont plus ou moins spécialisées sur l’étude de populations cibles ou de cohortes habitant des régions variées quant aux facteurs déterminant la composition de l’air ambiant. Les enjeux politiques liés à ces recherches peuvent donc être importants, car les mesures de présence de différents polluants — et plus encore les analyses attribuant à l’exposition à l’un ou autre de ces polluants une causalité dans la survenue de maladies — peuvent être à l’origine de réglementations sur les technologies de transport, les émissions industrielles ou d’autres sources, ou bien encore peuvent inspirer des prescriptions de comportement individualisées.},
note = {Rapport d’étude pour l’agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
(Sources: Google Scholar, HAL, Scopus, WOS and search engines)
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