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43 entries « 1 of 2 »


Journal Articles


Xing, Yunfei; Zhang, Justin Zuopeng; Storey, Veda C.; Koohang, Alex

Diving into the divide: a systematic review of cognitive bias-based polarization on social media Journal Article

In: Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 2024, ISSN: 1741-0398.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Journal Articles


de Raymond, Antoine Bernard

La société comme « système complexe » Vers une physique du monde social ? Journal Article

In: Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances , 2023.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Lerner, Celina

A construção do gênero no discurso conservador: uma análise de comentários em rede social Journal Article

In: Perspectivas em Diálogo: Revista de Educação e Sociedade, vol. 10, iss. 23, pp. 145-160, 2023, ISSN: 2358-1840.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Scherngell, Thomas; Schwegmann, Katharina; Zahradnik, Georg

The geographical dynamics of global R&D collaboration networks in robotics: Evidence from co-patenting activities across urban areas worldwide Journal Article

In: PLOS ONE, 2023.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Duan, Chensong; Liao, Hu; Wang, Kaide; Ren, Yin

The research hotspots and trends of volatile organic compound emissions from anthropogenic and natural sources: A systematic quantitative review Journal Article

In: Environmental Research, vol. 216, pp. 114964, 2023.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Reyes, Nash Jett; Geronimo, Franz Kevin F.; Guerra, Heidi B.; Kim, Lee-Hyung

Bibliometric Analysis and Comprehensive Review of Stormwater Treatment Wetlands: Global Research Trends and Existing Knowledge Gaps Journal Article

In: Sustainability, vol. 15, no. 3, 2023, ISSN: 2071-1050.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Bachelor Theses


Roux, Alexis; Doliget, Michèle; Escribe, Florent; Belamri, Pierre; Blazejczak, Louis; Séailles, Romain; Durand, Matthieu

Drones : surveillance et sécurité - Le drone au service de l’Etat ? Bachelor Thesis

Mines Paris PSL Research University, 2023, (Description de controverses - Mines Paris PSL Research University).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:



Abdo, Alexandre Hannud; Benbouzid, Bilel; Turnheim, Bruno; Raimbault, Benjamin; Barbier, Marc

SASHIMI and new frontiers in the study of socio-semantic networks with mixed-methods on the Cortext Platform Conference

Sunbelt 2023 Portland, OR, United States, 2023, (INSNA).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Masters Theses


Virta, Vera

Performance indicators in sustainability reporting: Evidence from Finland Masters Thesis

Utrecht University, 2023.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Technical Reports


Morais, Latino Loureiro

Veille sur la biodégradabilité des matériaux biosourcés Technical Report


Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Journal Articles


dos Santos Carvalho, Lidiane; de Lima, Clóvis Ricardo Montenegro; de Macêdo, Wânia Cristina Morais

A comunicação científica em tempos de pandemia do covid-19 Journal Article

In: Asklepion, iss. 2, pp. 141-161, 2022.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Ruhua, Huang; Yuting, Huang; Ya, Li

Research on Open Government Data Utilizationat Home and Abroad: Progress and Trends Journal Article

In: vol. 43, iss. 4, no. 5-15, 2022.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Calvo, Diana C.; Luna, Hector J.; Arango, Jineth A.; Torres, Cesar I.; Rittmann, Bruce E.

Determining global trends in syngas fermentation research through a bibliometric analysis Journal Article

In: Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 307, pp. 114522, 2022, ISSN: 0301-4797.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:



Breucker, Philippe; Enderli, Géraldine

Cortext Manager : un instrument qui impacte la recherche en Science Sociales Conference

Clermont-Ferrand, 2022, (16e JRSS, Journées de Recherche en Sciences Sociales).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Huang, Ruhua; Huang, Yuting

The research trend of open government data utilization: A systematic review Conference

Wuhan University University of Illinois, China, 2022.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Masters Theses


Larsen, Alberte Bau

Mapping out Nature National Park Gribskov - Controversies of nature, culture and realities. Masters Thesis

Aalborg Universitet, 2022.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Journal Articles


Shen, Yuanfei; Ji, Ling; Xie, Yulei; Huang, Guohe; Li, Xin; Huang, Lucheng

Research landscape and hot topics of rooftop PV: A bibliometric and network analysis Journal Article

In: Energy and Buildings, vol. 251, pp. 111333, 2021, ISSN: 0378-7788.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Bachelor Theses


Ambert, Margaux; Iparraguirre, Camille; Nowak, Natacha; Villain, Chloé

Faut-il des quotas en faveur des femmes ? Bachelor Thesis


Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Book Chapters


Noël, Marianne

Remaining Central and Interdisciplinary: Conditions for Success of a Research Speciality at the University of Strasbourg (1961-2011) Book Chapter

In: Kastenhofer, Karen; Molyneux-Hodgson, Susan (Ed.): Community and Identity in Contemporary Technosciences, vol. 31, pp. 41-64, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2021, ISBN: 978-3-030-61728-8.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Raimbault, Benjamin; Joly, Pierre-Benoit

The Emergence of Technoscientific Fields and the New Political Sociology of Science Book Chapter

In: Kastenhofer, Karen; Molyneux-Hodgson, Susan (Ed.): Community and Identity in Contemporary Technosciences, vol. 31, pp. 85–106, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2021, ISBN: 978-3-030-61728-8.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Masters Theses


Béchet, Nathalie

#IamNotaVirus: text mining analysis of the blame phenomenon and anti-asian racism on Twitter amid the Covid-19 pandemic Observation of the narrative diversity generated by hashtag activism in France Masters Thesis


Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Technical Reports


Comité d’experts, ANSES

Expositions aux champs électromagnétiques liées au déploiement de la technologie de communication «5G» et effets sanitaires éventuels associés Technical Report

ANSES Maisons-Alfort, no. 2019-SA-0006, 2021, (Rapport d’expertise collective - Saisine n° 2019-SA-0006).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Journal Articles


Gauld, Christophe; Franchi, Jean-Arthur M.

Analyse en réseau par fouille de données textuelles systématique du concept de psychiatrie personnalisée et de précision Journal Article

In: L'Encéphale, 2020, ISSN: 0013-7006.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Malanski, Priscila Duarte; Dedieu, Benoît; de Alencar Schiavi, Sandra Mara

Mapping the research domains on work in agriculture. A bibliometric review from Scopus database Journal Article

In: Journal of Rural Studies, 2020, ISSN: 0743-0167.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Omena, Janna Joceli; Rabello, Elaine Teixeira; Mintz, André Goes

Digital Methods for Hashtag Engagement Research Journal Article

In: Social Media + Society, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 2056305120940697, 2020.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Rikap, Cecilia

Amazon: A story of accumulation through intellectual rentiership and predation Journal Article

In: Competition & Change, 2020.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Proceedings Articles


Malanski, Priscila Duarte; Dedieu, Benoît; de Souza, Mariana Augusta; de Alencar Schiavi, Sandra Mara

Labor studies in agricultural value chains: a scientometric analysis from scopus Proceedings Article

In: SOBER 2020, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 2020.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Journal Articles


de Macedo, Laureano S. Ascensão

Arquivos deslocados: mapeamento de literatura Journal Article

In: Brazilian Journal of Information Science, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 5-34, 2019, ISSN: 1981-1640.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Malanski, Priscila Duarte; de Alencar Schiavi, Sandra Mara; Dedieu, Benoît

Characteristics of “work in agriculture” scientific communities. A bibliometric review Journal Article

In: Agronomy for Sustainable Development, vol. 39, no. 36, 2019.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Noël, Marianne

'Made in Europe for the World': Making a Claim for a European Chemistry in Publication Programs. The Case of the Supramolecular Chemistry (1987-2005) Journal Article

In: Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, vol. Volume LIII 1 - 2019, pp. 141-180, 2019, ISSN: 2532-4969, (Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi : an Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics, History and Political Science).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Masters Theses


Morales, Manuel

Industrial symbiosis, a model of strong sustainability : an analysis of two case studies, Tampico and Dunkirk Masters Thesis

Université Clermont Auvergne, 2019, (HAL Id : tel-02639298 , version 1).

Abstract | BibTeX



Helmond, Anne; van der Vlist, Fernando; Weltevrede, Esther; Geiger, Taylor; van Zeeland, Ine; Stefanija, Ana Pop; Ibanez, Fernanda; Wolny, Julia

Medicate or Meditate; the App Store’s Solutions for Anxiety and Stress Online

(DMI), The Digital Methods Initiative (Ed.): 2019, visited: 12.01.2019.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Journal Articles


Makowski, David

Mapping the Evidence on the Environmental Impacts of Land-Use Change for Non-food Biomass Production Journal Article

In: Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, vol. 30, pp. 227-236, 2018.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

PhD Theses


Vigni, Guido Fabrizio Li

Les systèmes complexes et la digitalisation des sciences. Histoire et sociologie des instituts de la complexité aux États-Unis et en France PhD Thesis

2018, (Thèse de doctorat dirigée par Chateauraynaud, Francis Sociologie Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE) 2018 2018PSLEH134).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Technical Reports


Demortain, David; Barbier, Marc

Analyse scientométrique d’un corpus d’études sur les effets des particules de l’air ambiant extérieur sur la sante Technical Report

2018, (Rapport d’étude pour l’agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Journal Articles


Prost, Magali; Prost, Lorène; Cerf, Marianne

Les échanges virtuels entre agriculteurs : un soutien à leurs transitions professionnelles ? Journal Article

In: Raisons éducatives, no. 1, pp. 129-154, 2017.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Journal Articles


Leblond, Nelly; Trottier, Julie

Performing an Invisibility Spell: Global Models, Food Regimes and Smallholders Journal Article

In: International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture & Food, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 21-40, 2016.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Proceedings Articles


Poibeau, Thierry; Ruiz, Pablo

Generating navigable semantic maps from social sciences corpora Proceedings Article

In: Digital Humanities 2015, 2015, (ARXIV : 1507.02020 ).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

PhD Theses


Gayoso, Emile

Coproduire le nouveau. Sociologie des plateformes de co-innovation PhD Thesis

2015, (Thèse de doctorat dirigée par Flichy, Patrice Sociologie Paris Est 2015).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Journal Articles


Cetro, Rosa; Barbier, Marc; Breucker, Philippe; Eggermont, Hilde; Gambette, Philippe; Kyriacopoulou, Tita; Roux, Xavier Le; Martineau, Claude; Turenne, Nicolas

Vers une approche semi-automatique pour la définition de motifs d'argumentation utilisés dans les résumés de projets scientifiques du domaine de la biodiversité Journal Article

In: Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, pp. 47-80, 2014.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

43 entries « 1 of 2 »

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