Journal Articles
Giry, Claire
Cahier de l’ANR n°17 : Les défis de la ville en transition Journal Article
In: ANR, 2024, (HAL Id: hal-04706976).
title = {Cahier de l’ANR n°17 : Les défis de la ville en transition},
author = {Claire Giry},
url = {https://hal.science/hal-04706976/
year = {2024},
date = {2024-09-24},
urldate = {2024-09-24},
journal = {ANR},
abstract = {Les cahiers de l’ANR traitent de questions thématiques transverses aux différents appels à projets financés par l’Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) et France 2030. Cette collection, qui existe depuis 2009, met en perspective les recherches, les innovations et les avancées en cours dans un domaine spécifique. Sans prétention d’exhaustivité, son objectif est de revenir sur les enjeux sociétaux et les défis d’avenir identifiés par les communautés de recherche mobilisées sur une thématique. Les cahiers de l’ANR s’adressent aussi bien aux chercheurs qu’aux décideurs politiques et au grand public.
Le présent cahier a pour thème principal la transition urbaine et a vocation à analyser dans quelles mesures les villes s’adaptent pour répondre aux enjeux climatiques, énergétiques et de biodiversité. Il fait référence aux différents projets de recherche financés par l’ANR dans ce domaine. Ce cahier, le dix-septième de la collection, a été coordonné par Anne Ruas, responsable scientifique à l’ANR, et Liz Pons, adjointe au responsable du département Sciences Physiques, Ingénierie, Chimie et Énergie, en collaboration avec la Direction de l’information et de la communication, la Direction de la Stratégie Numérique et des Données et la Direction des Grands Programmes d’Investissements de l’État.},
note = {HAL Id: hal-04706976},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Le présent cahier a pour thème principal la transition urbaine et a vocation à analyser dans quelles mesures les villes s’adaptent pour répondre aux enjeux climatiques, énergétiques et de biodiversité. Il fait référence aux différents projets de recherche financés par l’ANR dans ce domaine. Ce cahier, le dix-septième de la collection, a été coordonné par Anne Ruas, responsable scientifique à l’ANR, et Liz Pons, adjointe au responsable du département Sciences Physiques, Ingénierie, Chimie et Énergie, en collaboration avec la Direction de l’information et de la communication, la Direction de la Stratégie Numérique et des Données et la Direction des Grands Programmes d’Investissements de l’État.
Nemati-Anaraki, Leila; Ouchi, Ali; Pourmojdegani, Maedeh
A bibliometric Overview and visualization of Koomesh Journal from 2006 to 2022 Journal Article
In: Koomesh, vol. 25, iss. 4, pp. 535-549, 2024.
title = {A bibliometric Overview and visualization of Koomesh Journal from 2006 to 2022},
author = {Leila Nemati-Anaraki and Ali Ouchi and Maedeh Pourmojdegani},
url = {https://repository.brieflands.com/handle/123456789/61490
year = {2024},
date = {2024-08-06},
urldate = {2024-08-06},
journal = {Koomesh},
volume = {25},
issue = {4},
pages = {535-549},
publisher = {Brieflands},
address = {Iran},
abstract = {هدف:مجله کومشيکمجله قديميو پيشرودر ايراناست که از سال2006به عنوان بستريبرايتحقيقاتحوزه پزشکي
خدمت کرده است. هدف اصلياينمطالعه ارائهيکنمايکلياز ساختار انتشارات مجله کومش طيسالهاي2006تا2022از
مواد و روشها:اينمطالعه با رويکردکتابسنجيانجام شد. جامعه مطالعه را1238سند منتشر شده در مجله کومش
تشکيلميدهد.دادههايکتابشناختيايناسناد از پايگاهداده اسکوپوس استخراج شد و روندها و موضوعات مهم مجله مانند
ساختار انتشار و استناد مجله، مقاالت پر استناد آن، نويسندگان،مؤسسات و کشورها با استفاده از طيفوسيعيازتکنيکها و
ابزارهايمختلف کتابسنجياز جمله اکسل،SPSSنسخه26،VOS Viewer،CorTexوBiblioshinyاستخراج شد.
يافتهها:کومش هم از نظر بهرهوريو هم از نظر نفوذ ابتدا با افت و خيزهاييرشد کرده و سپس کاهشيافتهاست. دانشگاه
علوم پزشکيسمنان و کشور ايرانبه ترتيبموسسه و کشور با بيشتريندرصد مشارکت در اينمجله هستند. راهب قرباني
تاثيرگذارترينو پرکارتريننويسندهکومش بود. ميزان همتاليفي ًنسبتاخوبيبيننويسندگانبرتر مجله وجود دارد. بيشترين
همتاليفيبينکشورهايايرانو سوئد و از نظر شهر، بينتهران و سمنان صورت گرفته است. کلمات ايران،ورزش و اضطراببه
ترتيبسه کلمه مهم و پرتکرار نويسندگانبوده است. بيشترينبحث نيزبر رويموضوعاتprecision medicineو کوويد-19
نتيجهگيري:اينمطالعهيکنمايکلياز ساختار انتشارات مجله کومش طيسالهاي2006تا2022ارائه کرده است. اين
مطالعه ممکن است برايهيئتتحريريهمجله مفيدباشد، زيرااطالعات متعدد و مفيديرا برايپيشرفتو ادامه راهکومش
فراهم ميکند.
Introduction: The Koomesh Journal, a pioneering and influential medical research publication in Iran, has been active since 2006. This study aims to offer a comprehensive overview of the journal's publication structure from 2006 to 2022 using bibliometric analysis.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted with a bibliometric approach. The study population consists of 1238 documents published in the Koomesh Journal. The bibliographic data of these documents were extracted from the Scopus database, and various bibliometric techniques and tools, such as Excel 365, SPSS 26, VOS Viewer, CorTex, and Biblioshiny, were extracted to examine trends and significant topics such as the journal's publication and citation structure, highly cited articles, authors, institutions, and countries.
Results: Koomesh experienced fluctuations in productivity and impact before declining. Semnan University of Medical Sciences and Iran were the institutions and countries with the highest participation rates, respectively. Raheb Ghorbani emerged as the most influential and prolific author. The article "Estimation of natural age of menopause in Iranian women: A meta-analysis study" received the most citations. A considerable degree of co-authorship existed among the journal's top authors, with the most collaboration occurring between Iran and Sweden and, in terms of cities, Tehran and Semnan. The terms Iran, sports, and anxiety were the most prevalent and significant. The most discussion was on precision medicine and COVID-19.
Conclusion: This study has provided an overview of the publication structure of Koomesh Journal during the years 2006 to 2022. This study may be useful for the editorial board of the journal, because it provides numerous and useful information for the progress and continuation of the work.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
خدمت کرده است. هدف اصلياينمطالعه ارائهيکنمايکلياز ساختار انتشارات مجله کومش طيسالهاي2006تا2022از
مواد و روشها:اينمطالعه با رويکردکتابسنجيانجام شد. جامعه مطالعه را1238سند منتشر شده در مجله کومش
تشکيلميدهد.دادههايکتابشناختيايناسناد از پايگاهداده اسکوپوس استخراج شد و روندها و موضوعات مهم مجله مانند
ساختار انتشار و استناد مجله، مقاالت پر استناد آن، نويسندگان،مؤسسات و کشورها با استفاده از طيفوسيعيازتکنيکها و
ابزارهايمختلف کتابسنجياز جمله اکسل،SPSSنسخه26،VOS Viewer،CorTexوBiblioshinyاستخراج شد.
يافتهها:کومش هم از نظر بهرهوريو هم از نظر نفوذ ابتدا با افت و خيزهاييرشد کرده و سپس کاهشيافتهاست. دانشگاه
علوم پزشکيسمنان و کشور ايرانبه ترتيبموسسه و کشور با بيشتريندرصد مشارکت در اينمجله هستند. راهب قرباني
تاثيرگذارترينو پرکارتريننويسندهکومش بود. ميزان همتاليفي ًنسبتاخوبيبيننويسندگانبرتر مجله وجود دارد. بيشترين
همتاليفيبينکشورهايايرانو سوئد و از نظر شهر، بينتهران و سمنان صورت گرفته است. کلمات ايران،ورزش و اضطراببه
ترتيبسه کلمه مهم و پرتکرار نويسندگانبوده است. بيشترينبحث نيزبر رويموضوعاتprecision medicineو کوويد-19
نتيجهگيري:اينمطالعهيکنمايکلياز ساختار انتشارات مجله کومش طيسالهاي2006تا2022ارائه کرده است. اين
مطالعه ممکن است برايهيئتتحريريهمجله مفيدباشد، زيرااطالعات متعدد و مفيديرا برايپيشرفتو ادامه راهکومش
فراهم ميکند.
Introduction: The Koomesh Journal, a pioneering and influential medical research publication in Iran, has been active since 2006. This study aims to offer a comprehensive overview of the journal's publication structure from 2006 to 2022 using bibliometric analysis.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted with a bibliometric approach. The study population consists of 1238 documents published in the Koomesh Journal. The bibliographic data of these documents were extracted from the Scopus database, and various bibliometric techniques and tools, such as Excel 365, SPSS 26, VOS Viewer, CorTex, and Biblioshiny, were extracted to examine trends and significant topics such as the journal's publication and citation structure, highly cited articles, authors, institutions, and countries.
Results: Koomesh experienced fluctuations in productivity and impact before declining. Semnan University of Medical Sciences and Iran were the institutions and countries with the highest participation rates, respectively. Raheb Ghorbani emerged as the most influential and prolific author. The article "Estimation of natural age of menopause in Iranian women: A meta-analysis study" received the most citations. A considerable degree of co-authorship existed among the journal's top authors, with the most collaboration occurring between Iran and Sweden and, in terms of cities, Tehran and Semnan. The terms Iran, sports, and anxiety were the most prevalent and significant. The most discussion was on precision medicine and COVID-19.
Conclusion: This study has provided an overview of the publication structure of Koomesh Journal during the years 2006 to 2022. This study may be useful for the editorial board of the journal, because it provides numerous and useful information for the progress and continuation of the work.
Journal Articles
Veng, Adam; Papazu, Irina; Ejsing, Mads
Is Denmark a green entrepreneurial state? Mapping Danish climate politics between civic mobilization and business cooptation Journal Article
In: STS Encounters, vol. 15, pp. 1-45, 2023, ISSN: 1904-4372.
title = {Is Denmark a green entrepreneurial state? Mapping Danish climate politics between civic mobilization and business cooptation},
author = {Adam Veng and Irina Papazu and Mads Ejsing},
url = {https://pure.itu.dk/en/publications/is-denmark-a-green-entrepreneurial-state-mapping-danish-climate-p
issn = {1904-4372},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-09-05},
journal = {STS Encounters},
volume = {15},
pages = {1-45},
publisher = {Danish Association of Science and Technology Studies},
abstract = {This article is based on digital methods research using the tools Hyphe, Gephi and CorText to map the relations between public Danish actors – from informal civil society groups and NGO’s to business and state actors - and their “matters of concern” (cf. Latour 2004) in the heated political situation around the development of green transition policies following the enactment of the Climate Act in 2019. The Act was, according to the newly elected social democratic government, the “most ambitious Climate Act in the world”. It included such political innovations as the Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change, a group of 99 randomly selected citizens mandated to give recommendations to parliament, and a series of Climate Partnerships, business and industry collaborations tasked with developing recommendations and frameworks for the business community’s engagement in the green transition. The Climate Act was passed after massive popular pressure from the civic climate movement leading up to the election. Despite these efforts and the apparent political will to engage with multiple voices and interests, our network mapping shows that the business community, with an emphasis on “innovative and technological solutions”, were soon to become dominant in the network and align themselves more closely with the political system than the civil society actors were able to with their repeated calls for more radical and political action on climate change.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Scherngell, Thomas; Schwegmann, Katharina; Zahradnik, Georg
The geographical dynamics of global R&D collaboration networks in robotics: Evidence from co-patenting activities across urban areas worldwide Journal Article
In: PLOS ONE, 2023.
title = {The geographical dynamics of global R&D collaboration networks in robotics: Evidence from co-patenting activities across urban areas worldwide},
author = { Thomas Scherngell and Katharina Schwegmann and Georg Zahradnik},
editor = {Celine Rozenblat from University of Lausanne SWITZERLAND},
url = {https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0281353},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0281353},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-04-13},
urldate = {2023-04-13},
journal = {PLOS ONE},
abstract = {The focus of this study is on the geography of robotics Research and Development (R&D) activities. The objectives are, first, to identify hotspots in robotics R&D worldwide, and second, to characterise structures and dynamics of global robotics R&D collaboration networks through detailed geographical lenses of global urban areas. We use patents as marker for R&D activities, and accordingly focus on technologically oriented R&D, drawing on information from patents applied for between 2002 and 2016. We employ an appropriate search strategy to identify relevant robotics patents based on detailed levels of the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) and assign patents to more than 900 global urban areas based on the inventor addresses. The co-patent networks are examined from a Social Network Analysis (SNA) perspective by means of robotics co-patents, contributing to a global network where urban areas are the nodes inter-linked by joint inventive activities recorded in robotics patents. Global SNA measures illustrate structures and dynamics of the network as a whole, while local measures indicate the specific positioning and roles of urban areas in the network. The results are original in characterising the global spatial emergence of this generic new industry, highlighting prominent urban hotspots in terms of specialisation in robotics R&D, pointing to a global shift reflected by the increasing role of emerging economies, in particular China. The global robotics R&D has grown significantly both in total patenting and also in terms of R&D collaboration activities between urban areas. Also, for the networks, growth is not equally distributed, but is rather characterised by significant spatial shifts, both in terms of cities declining or climbing up the specialisation ranking, but even more in terms of the spatial network structure.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Reyes, Nash Jett; Geronimo, Franz Kevin F.; Guerra, Heidi B.; Kim, Lee-Hyung
Bibliometric Analysis and Comprehensive Review of Stormwater Treatment Wetlands: Global Research Trends and Existing Knowledge Gaps Journal Article
In: Sustainability, vol. 15, no. 3, 2023, ISSN: 2071-1050.
title = {Bibliometric Analysis and Comprehensive Review of Stormwater Treatment Wetlands: Global Research Trends and Existing Knowledge Gaps},
author = {Nash Jett Reyes and Franz Kevin F. Geronimo and Heidi B. Guerra and Lee-Hyung Kim},
url = {https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/15/3/2332},
doi = {10.3390/su15032332},
issn = {2071-1050},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-01-27},
urldate = {2023-01-27},
journal = {Sustainability},
volume = {15},
number = {3},
abstract = {Stormwater treatment wetlands are widely recognized as efficient and cost-effective solutions to growing stormwater problems. This study presented a new approach to evaluating the current status and trends in stormwater treatment wetlands research. The annual scientific productivity of different states was identified using a bibliometric analysis approach. The number of publications related to stormwater treatment wetlands has exhibited an increasing trend since the earliest record of publication. USA and China were among the states that had the most number of stormwater treatment wetlands-related publications and international collaborations. In terms of the population-to-publication ratio, Australia, Canada, and South Korea were found to have a higher level of scientific productivity. Analysis of frequently used keywords and terms in scientific publications revealed that the efficiency of stormwater treatment wetlands and the processes involved in the removal of nutrients and trace elements were adequately investigated; however, inquiries on the removal of organic micropollutants and emerging pollutants, such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products, microplastics, and industrial compounds, among others, are still lacking. Through the comprehensive review of related scientific works, the design, components, and primary factors affecting the performance of stormwater treatment wetlands were also identified. Future works that address the aforementioned knowledge gaps are recommended to optimize the benefits of stormwater treatment wetlands.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Hossain, Saddam; Batcha, M. Sadik
Global Research Trends in Sustainable Development Goals between 2000 and 2021 Journal Article
In: Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, vol. 13, iss. 76, 2023, ISSN: 0976 – 0997.
title = {Global Research Trends in Sustainable Development Goals between 2000 and 2021},
author = {Saddam Hossain and M. Sadik Batcha},
url = {https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Saddam-Hossain-5/publication/369009269_Global_Research_Trends_in_Sustainable_Development_Goals_between_2000_and_2021/links/6403651a574950594563f92b/Global-Research-Trends-in-Sustainable-Development-Goals-between-2000-and-2021.pdf
issn = {0976 – 0997},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-01-06},
journal = {Indian Journal of Natural Sciences},
volume = {13},
issue = {76},
abstract = {This present study explored how research themes and trends have developed in the field of sustainable development goals (SDGs) research, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of SDGs literature based on prior literature. A scientometric analysis will help current and future researchers figure out where the gaps are and how to fill them. The current study applied a bibliometric method, to identify yearly output, country collaboration, prolific authors, and contingency matrix between the keywords and journals themes and trends in the SDGs research. Publications related to the application of bibliometrics from 2000 to 2021were harvested from the Web of Science bibliographic database. A number of 21441 academic articles were found, and all bibliographic data were analyzed by the Bibliometrix and Cortext Manager. The trend in the production of research was positive. This study offers a clear picture of the development of SDGs research as well as helpful recommendations for future SDGs research.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Bessagnet, Arnauld; Crespo, Joan; Vicente, Jerome
How is the literature on Digital Entrepreneurial Ecosystems structured? A socio-semantic network approach Online
2023, visited: 01.01.2023, (Utrecht University, Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Group Economic Geography. Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography # 23.21).
title = {How is the literature on Digital Entrepreneurial Ecosystems structured? A socio-semantic network approach},
author = {Arnauld Bessagnet and Joan Crespo and Jerome Vicente},
url = {http://econ.geo.uu.nl/peeg/peeg2321.pdf},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-01-01},
urldate = {2023-01-01},
school = {Utrecht University},
abstract = {The paper provides a socio-semantic analysis of a scientific field which is of a growing importance to the academic community and policy makers: the field of digital entrepreneurial ecosystems. The purpose is to understand the way in which the ideas, theories and knowledge domains that nourish the field are structured. For this, we propose a methodology that combines the analysis of the structural properties of the coauthorship network with the semantic specificities that shape the sub-communities that interact within the field. The results show that despite the sign of a scientific integration, some key scientific issues on digital entrepreneurial ecosystems remain under-explored.
We conclude on the importance of the method to identify knowledge gaps to be filled and better frame private and public incentives for future collaborations.},
note = {Utrecht University, Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Group Economic Geography.
Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography
# 23.21},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {online}
We conclude on the importance of the method to identify knowledge gaps to be filled and better frame private and public incentives for future collaborations.
Journal Articles
Kalantari, Mahdi; Moghaddam, Shabnam Sadri; Vafaei, Fereidon
Global research trends in petrochemical wastewater treatment from 2000 to 2021 Journal Article
In: Research Square, 2022.
title = {Global research trends in petrochemical wastewater treatment from 2000 to 2021},
author = {Mahdi Kalantari and Shabnam Sadri Moghaddam and Fereidon Vafaei},
doi = {/10.21203/rs.3.rs-1913934/v1},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-09-02},
urldate = {2022-09-02},
journal = {Research Square},
publisher = {Springer, Environmental Science and Pollution Research},
abstract = {Petrochemical wastewater (PWW) is a huge industrial contaminant that generates a wide range of resistive and poisonous organic pollutants that harm animals and plants in natural water bodies when discharged untreated or partially treated. Therefore, it is vital to develop technologies that are simple, efficient, and profitable for the treatment of oily wastewater. Although, much study has been undertaken on the treatment of PWW, there hasn't been any recent work on bibliometrics analysis of global research trends on this issue. A bibliometric analysis will help current and future researchers figure out where the gaps are and how to fill them. The present study's focus is to examine the characteristics and trends of research on oily wastewater treatment with an emphasis on the treatment of PWW. This research was performed on five important aspects, including characterization of research publications; countries' performances and collaborations; an analysis of the best papers with the most citations; keyword analysis (including frequency distribution of the keyword analysis; the transformation of the keyword combination across time; and exploration of changes in rank over time); and journal analysis, according to the 2457 papers in the Science Citation Index Expanded using the Web of Science (WoS) database from 2000 to 2021. For further analysis, the contingency matrix, bump diagram, and inter-temporal network stream were employed.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Calvo, Diana C.; Luna, Hector J.; Arango, Jineth A.; Torres, Cesar I.; Rittmann, Bruce E.
Determining global trends in syngas fermentation research through a bibliometric analysis Journal Article
In: Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 307, pp. 114522, 2022, ISSN: 0301-4797.
title = {Determining global trends in syngas fermentation research through a bibliometric analysis},
author = {Diana C. Calvo and Hector J. Luna and Jineth A. Arango and Cesar I. Torres and Bruce E. Rittmann},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301479722000950},
doi = {10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.114522},
issn = {0301-4797},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-04-01},
journal = {Journal of Environmental Management},
volume = {307},
pages = {114522},
abstract = {Syngas fermentation, in which microorganisms convert H2, CO, and CO2 to acids and alcohols, is a promising alternative for carbon cycling and valorization. The intellectual landscape of the topic was characterized through a bibliometric analysis using a search query (SQ) that included all relevant documents on syngas fermentation available through the Web of Science database up to December 31st, 2021. The SQ was validated with a preliminary analysis in bibliometrix and a review of titles and abstracts of all sources. Although syngas fermentation began in the early 1980s, it grew rapidly beginning in 2008, with 92.5% of total publications and 87.3% of total citations from 2008 to 2021. The field has been steadily moving from fundamentals towards applications, suggesting that the field is maturing scientifically. The greatest number of publications and citations are from the USA, and researchers in China, Germany, and Spain also are highly active. Although collaborations have increased in the past few years, author-cluster analysis shows specialized research domains with little collaboration between groups. Based on topic trends, the main challenges to be address are related to mass-transfer limitations, and researchers are starting to explore mixed cultures, genetic engineering, microbial chain elongation, and biorefineries.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Papazu, Irina; Veng, Adam
Controversy Mapping and the Care for Climate Commons: Re-assembling the Danish Climate Movement by Counter-Mapping Digital Network Maps Conference
DASTS 2022.
title = {Controversy Mapping and the Care for Climate Commons: Re-assembling the Danish Climate Movement by Counter-Mapping Digital Network Maps},
author = {Irina Papazu and Adam Veng},
url = {https://pure.itu.dk/en/publications/controversy-mapping-and-the-care-for-climate-commons-re-assemblin
year = {2022},
date = {2022-06-02},
organization = {DASTS},
school = {Aarhus University},
abstract = {The general electoral campaign in 2019 saw a unifying culmination of the climate activist movement in Denmark, assembling everything from green think tanks, school children and direct-action protest groups, succeeded in conglomerating a forceful public that was later congratulated by the newly elected PM for turning climate into the paramount political issue of the Danish 2019 election. The government has since signed the “most ambitious Climate Act in the world”, including the public engagement initiative of the Climate Citizen Assembly, a group of randomly selected citizens mandated to give recommendations for the parliament’s green politics, and a series of “Climate Partnerships”, cooperative collaborations developing frameworks for businesses to engage in the green transition. Despite these efforts, the climate movement, alongside several scientific experts, has expressed dissatisfaction with the government’s politics on the green agenda, while the government itself maintains that it is upholding an ambitious climate politics.
This paper is based on nine months of mixed-methods research, using the digital tools Hyphe, Gephi and CorText to map the relations between different public Danish actors (informal civil society groups, NGO’s, businesses etc.) and their “matters of concern” (cf. Latour 2004) in the controversy of the Danish green transition. Inspired by literature on counter-mapping data science (Dalton and Stallmann 2018), the study introduces an interventionist methodological experiment in using network maps made with digital methods tools as props for material participation (Marres & Lezeaun 2011) in a workshop setting. As such, the paper seeks to explore how critical discussions of network maps can become a ‘prototype for mobilization’ (cf. Jimenéz 2014) for mapped subjects and entities to collectively evaluate and re-invent both their position in a controversy and their means, methods, and tactics for obtaining public impact. This methodological experiment is framed through a discussion of the experience of participation (Kelty 2018) and ethical attunement and world-building among activists (Zigon 2018), and argues for the potentials for collaborative methods and interventionist use of digital cartography in the field of controversy mapping in relation to the green transition.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
This paper is based on nine months of mixed-methods research, using the digital tools Hyphe, Gephi and CorText to map the relations between different public Danish actors (informal civil society groups, NGO’s, businesses etc.) and their “matters of concern” (cf. Latour 2004) in the controversy of the Danish green transition. Inspired by literature on counter-mapping data science (Dalton and Stallmann 2018), the study introduces an interventionist methodological experiment in using network maps made with digital methods tools as props for material participation (Marres & Lezeaun 2011) in a workshop setting. As such, the paper seeks to explore how critical discussions of network maps can become a ‘prototype for mobilization’ (cf. Jimenéz 2014) for mapped subjects and entities to collectively evaluate and re-invent both their position in a controversy and their means, methods, and tactics for obtaining public impact. This methodological experiment is framed through a discussion of the experience of participation (Kelty 2018) and ethical attunement and world-building among activists (Zigon 2018), and argues for the potentials for collaborative methods and interventionist use of digital cartography in the field of controversy mapping in relation to the green transition.
PhD Theses
Sørhaug, Jon Olav
På sporet av aktørar som skriv Ein studie av to digitale samskrivingskasus i ein ungdomsskoleklasse PhD Thesis
2022, ISSN: 1504-9272.
title = {På sporet av aktørar som skriv Ein studie av to digitale samskrivingskasus i ein ungdomsskoleklasse},
author = {Jon Olav Sørhaug},
editor = {Universitetet i Agder},
url = {https://uia.brage.unit.no/uia-xmlui/bitstream/handle/11250/3035826/Dissertation.pdf?sequence=4},
issn = {1504-9272},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-06-05},
urldate = {2022-06-05},
abstract = {On the Trail of Actors Who Write is a study of two digital cases of collaborative writing in a Norwegian lower secondary school class. The study maps, analyzes and discusses the writing process in two collaborative writing groups, consisting of six students – in close collaboration with software, texts from the Internet and other digital actors, during three double lessons in February 2020.
The study applies socio-material theory to writing in school contexts. The conceptual framework is based on actor-network theory (ANT), theories of linguistic materiality, visual network analysis (VNA) and case study methodology. The collected material in the study consists of both quantitative and qualitative data: student texts and source texts, video and screen recordings, and also interviews with the teacher and students participating in the project.
Central to the study is the question of how human and digital actors interact while writing, and which role technology plays in this process. The study reveals that the student texts are produced through a number of negotiations and trials of strength between students, search engines, digital source texts and writing software. Search engines greatly influence the planning processes in that they select, prioritize and promote other actors' texts, and indeed specific parts of these texts. The source texts affect the composition of student texts by circulating, replicating and, in some cases, mutating the linguistic material into
their texts. Writing software affects students' spelling through writing suggestions and corrective interruptions in the digital environment. The production of the student texts can thus be seen as transformations of linguistic material originating in the digital actors that participate in the writing process, and to some extent originating in the students themselves.
In several of the situations observed in these two collaborative writing cases, it is the digital actors that seem to have the greatest power of negotiation and impact. A practical implication for writing education can therefore be to strengthen lower secondary school students' critical approach and ability to negotiate with digital actors, so that students can make more independent choices while writing, also when collaboratively writing with each other and through digital technology.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
The study applies socio-material theory to writing in school contexts. The conceptual framework is based on actor-network theory (ANT), theories of linguistic materiality, visual network analysis (VNA) and case study methodology. The collected material in the study consists of both quantitative and qualitative data: student texts and source texts, video and screen recordings, and also interviews with the teacher and students participating in the project.
Central to the study is the question of how human and digital actors interact while writing, and which role technology plays in this process. The study reveals that the student texts are produced through a number of negotiations and trials of strength between students, search engines, digital source texts and writing software. Search engines greatly influence the planning processes in that they select, prioritize and promote other actors' texts, and indeed specific parts of these texts. The source texts affect the composition of student texts by circulating, replicating and, in some cases, mutating the linguistic material into
their texts. Writing software affects students' spelling through writing suggestions and corrective interruptions in the digital environment. The production of the student texts can thus be seen as transformations of linguistic material originating in the digital actors that participate in the writing process, and to some extent originating in the students themselves.
In several of the situations observed in these two collaborative writing cases, it is the digital actors that seem to have the greatest power of negotiation and impact. A practical implication for writing education can therefore be to strengthen lower secondary school students' critical approach and ability to negotiate with digital actors, so that students can make more independent choices while writing, also when collaboratively writing with each other and through digital technology.
Journal Articles
Shen, Yuanfei; Ji, Ling; Xie, Yulei; Huang, Guohe; Li, Xin; Huang, Lucheng
Research landscape and hot topics of rooftop PV: A bibliometric and network analysis Journal Article
In: Energy and Buildings, vol. 251, pp. 111333, 2021, ISSN: 0378-7788.
title = {Research landscape and hot topics of rooftop PV: A bibliometric and network analysis},
author = {Yuanfei Shen and Ling Ji and Yulei Xie and Guohe Huang and Xin Li and Lucheng Huang},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378778821006174},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111333},
issn = {0378-7788},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-11-15},
urldate = {2021-11-15},
journal = {Energy and Buildings},
volume = {251},
pages = {111333},
abstract = {Rooftop photovoltaic (PV) system, as part of the renewable energy development strategy to guarantee energy security and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in urban areas, has received a lot of attention during the last decade. To provide an up-to-date and systematic research landscape of the rooftop PV field, this study conducted the bibliometric analysis, collaboration network analysis, co-citation analysis, and hotspots detection based on 595 articles collected from the core collection database of Web of Science. The results showed that the number of publications per year in this field has increased steadily since 2015. The USA was the most important contributor in this research field in terms of quantity (number of publications) and impact (number of citations). The co-authorship communities were obtained by collaboration network analysis, and the international collaboration is expected to be further strengthened according to the research focuses of each community. The key knowledge base and the main hot topics of the rooftop PV research field were identified from co-citation analysis and keywords co-occurrence network. Furthermore, based on the literature review, a detailed analysis of the main topics was provided for a better understanding of the current research trends and opportunities. This study can be served as a strategic review of the rooftop PV field to help relevant researchers carry out in-depth research in the future.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
León-Vargas, Fabian; Oviedo, Jineth Andrea Arango; Wandurraga, Héctor Javier Luna
Two Decades of Research in Artificial Pancreas: Insights from a Bibliometric Analysis Journal Article
In: Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, vol. 0, no. 0, pp. 19322968211005500, 2021.
title = {Two Decades of Research in Artificial Pancreas: Insights from a Bibliometric Analysis},
author = {Fabian León-Vargas and Jineth Andrea Arango Oviedo and Héctor Javier Luna Wandurraga},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1177/19322968211005500},
doi = {10.1177/19322968211005500},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-04-15},
urldate = {2021-04-15},
journal = {Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology},
volume = {0},
number = {0},
pages = {19322968211005500},
abstract = {Artificial pancreas is a well-known research topic devoted to achieving better glycemic outcomes that has been attracting increasing attention over the years. However, there is a lack of systematic, chronological, and synthesizing studies that show the background of the knowledge generation in this field. This study implements a bibliometric analysis to recognize the main documents, type of publications, research categories, countries, keywords, organizations, and authors related to this topic.Methods:Web of Science core collection database was accessed from 2000 to 2020 in order to select high-quality scientific documents based on a specific search query. Bibexcel, MS Excel, Power BI, R-Studio, VOSviewer, and CorText software were used for a descriptive and network analysis based on the local database obtained. Bibliometric parameters as the h-index, frequencies, co-authorship and co-ocurrences were computed.Results:A total of 756 documents were included that show a growing scientific production on this topic with an increasing contribution from engineering. Outstanding authors, organizations, and countries were identified. An analysis of trends in research was conducted according to the scientific categories of the Web of Science database to identify the main research interests of the last 2 decades and the emerging areas with greater prominence in the coming years. A keyword network analysis allowed to identify the main stages in the development of the AP research over time.Conclusions:Results reveal a comprehensive background of the knowledge generation for the AP topic during the last 2 decades, which has been strengthened with international collaborations and a remarkable interdisciplinarity between endocrinology and engineering, giving rise to a growing number of research areas over time, where computer science and medical informatics stand out as the main emerging research areas.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Xu, Xin; Hu, Jiming; Lyu, Xiaoguang; He, Huang; Xingyu, Cheng
Exploring the Interdisciplinary Nature of Precision Medicine:Network Analysis and Visualization Journal Article
In: JMIR Medical Informatics, 2021.
title = {Exploring the Interdisciplinary Nature of Precision Medicine:Network Analysis and Visualization},
author = {Xin Xu and Jiming Hu and Xiaoguang Lyu and Huang He and Cheng Xingyu },
doi = {10.2196/23562 },
year = {2021},
date = {2021-01-11},
urldate = {2021-01-11},
journal = {JMIR Medical Informatics},
abstract = {The aim of this study is to present the nature of interdisciplinary collaboration in precision medicine based on co-occurrences and social network analysis. A total of 7544 studies about precision medicine, published between 2010 and 2019, were collected from the Web of Science database. We analyzed interdisciplinarity with descriptive statistics, co-occurrence analysis, and social network analysis. An evolutionary graph and strategic diagram were created to clarify the development of streams and trends in disciplinary communities. The results indicate that 105 disciplines are involved in precision medicine research and cover a wide range. However, the disciplinary distribution is unbalanced. Current cross-disciplinary collaboration in precision medicine mainly focuses on clinical application and technology-associated disciplines. The characteristics of the disciplinary collaboration network are as follows: (1) disciplinary cooperation in precision medicine is not mature or centralized; (2) the leading disciplines are absent; (3) the pattern of disciplinary cooperation is mostly indirect rather than direct. There are 7 interdisciplinary communities in the precision medicine collaboration network; however, their positions in the network differ. Community 4, with disciplines such as genetics and heredity in the core position, is the most central and cooperative discipline in the interdisciplinary network. This indicates that Community 4 represents a relatively mature direction in interdisciplinary cooperation in precision medicine. Finally, according to the evolution graph, we clearly present the development streams of disciplinary collaborations in precision medicine. We describe the scale and the time frame for development trends and distributions in detail. Importantly, we use evolution graphs to accurately estimate the developmental trend of precision medicine, such as biological big data processing, molecular imaging, and widespread clinical applications.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Rikap, Cecilia
Capitalism, Power and Innovation: Intellectual Monopoly Capitalism Uncovered (1st ed.) Book
London, 2021, ISBN: 9780429341489.
title = {Capitalism, Power and Innovation: Intellectual Monopoly Capitalism Uncovered (1st ed.)},
author = {Cecilia Rikap},
url = {https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.4324/9780429341489/capitalism-power-innovation-cecilia-rikap},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429341489},
isbn = {9780429341489},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-03-29},
urldate = {2021-03-29},
address = {London},
abstract = {In contemporary global capitalism, the most powerful corporations are innovation or intellectual monopolies. The book’s unique perspective focuses on how private ownership and control of knowledge and data have become a major source of rent and power. The author explains how at the one pole, these corporations concentrate income, property and power in the United States, China, and in a handful of intellectual monopolies, particularly from digital and pharmaceutical industries, while at the other pole developing countries are left further behind.
The book includes detailed empirical mappings of how intellectual monopolies develop and transform knowledge from universities and open-source collaborations into intangible assets. The result is a strategy that combines undermining the commons through privatization with harvesting from the same commons. The book ends with provoking reflections to tilt the scale against intellectual monopoly capitalism and arguing that desired changes require democratic mobilization of workers and citizens at large.
This book represents one of the first attempts to capture the contours of an emerging new era where old perspectives lead us astray, and the old policy toolbox is hopelessly inadequate. This is true for the idea that the best, or only, way to promote innovation is to transform knowledge into private property. It is also true for anti-trust policies focusing exclusively on consumer prices. The formation of global infrastructures that lead to natural monopolies calls for public rather than private ownership.
Scholars and professionals from the social sciences and humanities (in particular economics, sociology, political science, geography, educational science and science and technology studies) will enjoy a clear and all-embracing depiction of innovation dynamics in contemporary capitalism, with a particular focus on asymmetries between actors, regions and topics. In fact, its topical issue broadens the book’s scope to those curious about how innovation networks shape our world.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
The book includes detailed empirical mappings of how intellectual monopolies develop and transform knowledge from universities and open-source collaborations into intangible assets. The result is a strategy that combines undermining the commons through privatization with harvesting from the same commons. The book ends with provoking reflections to tilt the scale against intellectual monopoly capitalism and arguing that desired changes require democratic mobilization of workers and citizens at large.
This book represents one of the first attempts to capture the contours of an emerging new era where old perspectives lead us astray, and the old policy toolbox is hopelessly inadequate. This is true for the idea that the best, or only, way to promote innovation is to transform knowledge into private property. It is also true for anti-trust policies focusing exclusively on consumer prices. The formation of global infrastructures that lead to natural monopolies calls for public rather than private ownership.
Scholars and professionals from the social sciences and humanities (in particular economics, sociology, political science, geography, educational science and science and technology studies) will enjoy a clear and all-embracing depiction of innovation dynamics in contemporary capitalism, with a particular focus on asymmetries between actors, regions and topics. In fact, its topical issue broadens the book’s scope to those curious about how innovation networks shape our world.
Proceedings Articles
Abdelhamid, Sherif; Jalali, Yousef; Katz, Andrew
Factors Associated with Collaboration Networks in ASEE Conference Papers Proceedings Article
In: 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, ASEE Conferences, Virtual Conference, 2021, (https://peer.asee.org/37173).
title = {Factors Associated with Collaboration Networks in ASEE Conference Papers},
author = {Sherif Abdelhamid and Yousef Jalali and Andrew Katz},
url = {https://peer.asee.org/factors-associated-with-collaboration-networks-in-asee-conference-papers},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-07-26},
booktitle = {2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access},
publisher = {ASEE Conferences},
address = {Virtual Conference},
abstract = {Research collaborations are essential to advance rigorous scholarship, perform transformative science, and accelerate engineering education innovation. With this in mind, the engineering education community should continue investigating and evaluating the key factors that hinder or promote collaborative research within and across institutions, especially amidst efforts to continue to grow the field. Over the last few decades, research collaborations across institutions have grown significantly—however, few studies have examined the relationship between such collaborations and the institutional characteristics such as ranking, geographic location, or classifications (e.g., the Carnegie Classification of Higher Education Institutions) when studying collaboration networks. Our paper uses social network analysis (SNA) to help fill this gap by examining how some of these institutional characteristics are related to the institutions' collaborations and network positions. Social network analysis has emerged as a useful approach to measure research collaboration by evaluating several types of collaboration networks, including co-authorship networks. In this paper, we consider the institution network. Nodes in this type of network represent institutions, while links represent the pairwise collaboration between two institutions. Each link also has a weight that represents the collaboration frequency. The links form a social space that we can map and analyze to reveal systematic patterns in the broader engineering education community that might otherwise pass unobserved. For this study, we collected information about all papers published between 1996 and 2019 in the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) annual conference proceedings. From this dataset, we built the inter-institutional collaboration network and identified structural network properties, connected components, and modularity classes. The network data were then linked to data regarding each institution's (i) Carnegie classification, (ii) rankings based on the 2020 QS World University Rankings, and (iii) geographic location. With this augmented dataset, we were able to answer research questions about factors associated with inter-institutional collaborations through statistical analysis. In doing so, we identify the key patterns, trends, and associations from our networked data. Among the results, we found that a research institution's classification is significantly related to its network positions in the collaboration network, specifically its modularity class. Additionally, we found correlations between the institutions' centrality measures in the network, including the degree centrality, betweenness centrality, and structural holes. Our findings also indicate an association between the institutions' geographical proximity and their research collaborations. Overall, this study provides a lens through which engineering education researchers, faculty members, and administrators can understand the current state of research collaborations within and across institutions. The results can help researchers answer (and raise more) important research questions, support administrators in making decisions on funding and institutional partnerships, and help faculty members design and develop more effective programs that facilitate research collaborations.},
note = {https://peer.asee.org/37173},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
de Souza, Mariana Augusta; Malanski, Priscila Duarte; Dedieu, Benoît; de Alencar Schiavi, Sandra Mara
Agricultural labor in global value chains: a bibliometric review from Web of Science Proceedings Article
In: The International Symposium on Work in Agriculture (ISWA) 2021.
title = {Agricultural labor in global value chains: a bibliometric review from Web of Science},
author = {Mariana Augusta de Souza and Priscila Duarte Malanski and Benoît Dedieu and Sandra Mara de Alencar Schiavi},
url = {https://symposium.inrae.fr/workinagriculture-iswa/content/download/4950/70256/version/1/file/WS1_S2_Souza_Long%20paper.pdf},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-03-29},
urldate = {2021-03-29},
organization = {The International Symposium on Work in Agriculture (ISWA)},
abstract = {Agricultural labor is of great importance as it employs a large part of the population and provides food and other products to everyone around the globe. However, job opportunities in this agricultural sector have been decreasing. In order to change this situation, the rural population seeks to increase productive efficiency and added value in the production stages to enter in agricultural value chains and remain in global markets. However, there are no studies that summarize the advances of the main
contribution of global value chains approach to labor studies in agriculture. To fill this knowledge gap, the aim of the study was to characterize the research domains on agricultural labor in global value chains through a bibliometric review study. Our main findings are that (1) knowledge production on agricultural labor in global value chains is structured in three main research domains:
socioeconomic aspects of labor in value chains; implications of global value chains on labor; technological development of global value chains; (2) the top countries, top institutions, top journals, top authors and most-cited articles are identified. We show for the first time the overview of research on agricultural labor in global value chains indexed in Web of Science, which provides the path of references that can be used as background for further studies. The paper encourages research on new topics and collaborations between authors and institutions for such achievement.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
contribution of global value chains approach to labor studies in agriculture. To fill this knowledge gap, the aim of the study was to characterize the research domains on agricultural labor in global value chains through a bibliometric review study. Our main findings are that (1) knowledge production on agricultural labor in global value chains is structured in three main research domains:
socioeconomic aspects of labor in value chains; implications of global value chains on labor; technological development of global value chains; (2) the top countries, top institutions, top journals, top authors and most-cited articles are identified. We show for the first time the overview of research on agricultural labor in global value chains indexed in Web of Science, which provides the path of references that can be used as background for further studies. The paper encourages research on new topics and collaborations between authors and institutions for such achievement.
Journal Articles
Louvel, Séverine
What’s in a name? The three genealogies of the social insocial epigenetics Journal Article
In: Social Science Information, 2020.
title = {What’s in a name? The three genealogies of the social insocial epigenetics},
author = {Séverine Louvel},
editor = {SAGE Publications},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1177/0539018419897001},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-01-22},
urldate = {2020-01-22},
journal = {Social Science Information},
abstract = {Social epigenetics – the study of the epigenetic mechanisms through which social environments become biologically embodied – epitomizes recent claims that the boundaries between the natural and the social sciences should be reduced. Relying on a bibliometric study and on a qualitative analysis of publications in social epigenetics, this paper investigates how this research area defines and operationalizes the social dimensions that may have an impact on health status and disease risk. The paper also addresses how the social sciences engage with social epigenetics. First, the paper traces social epigenetics back to five epistemic backgrounds – two in animal research (on social defeat and early-life adversity) and three in human studies (on trauma, early-life nutrition and social adversity over the life-course). Second, it outlines the quest for epigenetic markers of social environments, and the associated expectations and controversies. Third, it analyses the three modes of engagement of the social sciences with human studies in social epigenetics: rejection (social epigenetics trapped in the quest for a ‘social brain’); warning and call for responsibility (social epigenetics has shifted from socioeconomic contexts to individual behaviors); and support and active contribution (social epigenetics may strengthen social studies of health). This paper argues that recent developments in social epigenetics could strengthen this third mode of engagement and expand the scope of interdisciplinary collaboration between the natural and the social sciences.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Journal Articles
Rikap, Cecilia
Asymmetric Power of the Core: Technological Cooperation and Technological Competition in the Transnational Innovation Networks of Big Pharma Journal Article
In: Review of International Political Economy, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 987-1021, 2019.
title = {Asymmetric Power of the Core: Technological Cooperation and Technological Competition in the Transnational Innovation Networks of Big Pharma},
author = {Cecilia Rikap},
url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09692290.2019.1620309},
doi = {10.1080/09692290.2019.1620309},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-06-26},
urldate = {2019-06-26},
journal = {Review of International Political Economy},
volume = {26},
number = {5},
pages = {987-1021},
abstract = {This article theoretically and empirically analyzes leader corporations’ innovation processes in contemporary capitalism. We highlight three characteristics: their transnational scope, the primacy of power or asymmetric relations exercised by leaders over the participants of their innovation circuits or networks, and the relevance of what we called technological competition and technological cooperation between leaders. Focusing on the latter, our theoretical contribution integrates the concepts of innovation circuit, global innovation network and modularity of knowledge production in order to elaborate a preliminary model for synthesizing leader’s technological competition and collaboration behaviors. This model is the general framework used for studying three big pharma’s innovation networks (Roche, Novartis and Pfizer). In particular, we study those networks by considering two outputs: scientific publications and patents. Network maps are constructed based on institutions’ co-occurrences, thus looking at who is co-authoring their publications and co-owning these corporations’ patents. We find that big pharmaceuticals co-produce together mainly generic knowledge modules, thus develop a strong technological cooperation. Simultaneously, to succeed in their technological competition they outsource stages of their innovation networks to subordinate institutions that, even if they contribute to achieve the innovation, will not be co-owners of the resulting patents, while big pharmaceuticals enjoy associated innovation rents.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Malanski, Priscila Duarte; de Alencar Schiavi, Sandra Mara; Dedieu, Benoît
Characteristics of “work in agriculture” scientific communities. A bibliometric review Journal Article
In: Agronomy for Sustainable Development, vol. 39, no. 36, 2019.
title = {Characteristics of “work in agriculture” scientific communities. A bibliometric review},
author = {Priscila Duarte Malanski and Sandra Mara de Alencar Schiavi and Benoît Dedieu },
url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13593-019-0582-2},
doi = {10.1007/s13593-019-0582-2},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-06-19},
urldate = {2019-06-19},
journal = {Agronomy for Sustainable Development},
volume = {39},
number = {36},
abstract = {Work is a central concern for sustainable farming systems and rural communities, especially regarding specific issues of the agricultural sector, as the strong decrease in rural employment and the less attractive working conditions. Many articles covering diverse related topics have been published. However, the few studies analyzing the state of worldwide scientific research on work in agriculture give only a fragmented view, since they focus on specialized topics and disciplines. To fill this knowledge gap, the aim of this study was to review the state of research on work in agriculture addressed by the scientific literature, through a bibliometric analysis by country, institution, journal, author, and keywords. Our main finds are that (1) work in agriculture issues is divided into six main research domains: occupational health and safety, labor market and rural employment, labor and farm sustainability, work organization, agricultural policy and agrarian changes, and labor and family farms; (2) these research domains are analyzed by five scientific communities: ergonomics, agricultural economics, livestock farming systems, rural sociology, and agricultural policy; (3) the reference authors, most-cited articles, and main journals were identified for each scientific community; (4) USA, France, and China arise as leaders in the scientific landscape. We show for the first time the characteristics of the main scientific communities worldwide that have performed the most relevant research related to work in agriculture over the past 10 years. This review provides a benchmark for future research on agricultural work-related topics and encourages collaborations between researchers from different scientific communities for interdisciplinary innovation, which support sustainable working conditions in agriculture.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Shen, Lining; Wang, Shimin; Dai, Wei; Zhang, Zhiguo
Detecting the Interdisciplinary Nature and Topic Hotspots of Robotics in Surgery: Social Network Analysis and Bibliometric Study Journal Article
In: Journal of Medical Internet Research, vol. 21, no. 3, 2019.
title = {Detecting the Interdisciplinary Nature and Topic Hotspots of Robotics in Surgery: Social Network Analysis and Bibliometric Study},
author = {Lining Shen and Shimin Wang and Wei Dai and Zhiguo Zhang},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.2196/12625},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-03-19},
urldate = {2019-03-19},
journal = {Journal of Medical Internet Research},
volume = {21},
number = {3},
abstract = {Background: With the widespread application of a robot to surgery, growing literature related to robotics in surgery (RS) documents widespread concerns from scientific researchers worldwide. Although such application is helpful to considerably improve the accuracy of surgery, we still lack the understanding of the multidiscipline-crossing status and topic distribution related to RS. Objective: The aim of this study was to detect the interdisciplinary nature and topic hotspots on RS by analyzing the current publication outputs related to RS. Methods: The authors collected publications related to RS in the last 21 years, indexed by the Web of Science Core Collection. Various bibliometric methods and tools were used, including literature distribution analysis at the country and institution level and interdisciplinary collaboration analysis in the different periods of time. Co-word analysis was performed based on the keywords with high frequency. The temporal visualization bar presented the evolution of topics over time. Results: A total of 7732 bibliographic records related to RS were identified. The United States plays a leading role in the publication output related to RS, followed by Italy and Germany. It should be noted that the Yonsei University in South Korea published the highest number of RS-related publications. Furthermore, the interdisciplinary collaboration is uneven; the number of disciplines involved in each paper dropped from the initial 1.60 to the current 1.31. Surgery; Engineering; Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, and Medical Imaging; and Neurosciences and Neurology are the 4 core disciplines in the field of RS, all of which have extensive cooperation with other disciplines. The distribution of topic hotspots is in imbalanced status, which can be categorized into 7 clusters. Moreover, 3 areas about the evolution of topic were identified, namely (1) the exploration of techniques that make RS implemented, (2) rapid development of robotic systems and related applications in surgery, and (3) application of a robot to excision of tissues or organs targeted at various specific diseases. Conclusions: This study provided important insights into the interdisciplinary nature related to RS, which indicates that the researchers with different disciplinary backgrounds should strengthen cooperation to publish a high-quality output. The research topic hotspots related to RS are relatively scattered, which has begun to turn to the application of RS targeted at specific diseases. Our study is helpful to provide a potential guide to the direction of the field of RS for future research in the field of RS.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Journal Articles
Nicot, Rose; Bellon, Stéphane; Loconto, Allison; Ollivier, Guillaume
The European networks of research, education and training stakeholders in agroecology Journal Article
In: Open Agriculture, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 537–552, 2018.
title = {The European networks of research, education and training stakeholders in agroecology},
author = {Rose Nicot and Stéphane Bellon and Allison Loconto and Guillaume Ollivier},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1515/opag-2018-0058},
doi = {10.1515/opag-2018-0058},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-12-05},
urldate = {2018-12-05},
journal = {Open Agriculture},
volume = {3},
number = {1},
pages = {537–552},
abstract = {In Europe, agroecology has become the center of many debates that animate political and professional arenas, particularly regarding the definition and scope of the concept itself. This paper attempts to understand the ways that the term agroecology is conceptualized by different participantsparticipants and how these concepts circulate so as to explore the interests at stake in the institutionalization of agroecology within the research and education institutions of Europe. We address the core research question of: what dynamics emerge in the networks of European stakeholders of agroecology? By combining different approaches of institutionalization based on network and discourse analysis, we study the dynamics of research, education and training organizations. We identify 10 different concepts of agroecology, distributed among 103 organizations. The significant difference that has been observed between the agroecological concepts in research and those in education/training emphasizes the gap between these two disciplines. The latter support a more political, transdisciplinary and holistic view of agroecology when compared to the former. Moreover, collaboration among European agroecology stakeholders is limited in both research and education/training. We also found that in most cases, collaboration between scholars does not guarantee a shared notion of agroecology, and conversely, sharing the same notion of agroecology does not assure collaboration. This led us to question the feasibility of institutionalizing agroecology and the missing link between a shared vision and the collective mobilization of stakeholders around a strong agroecology programme.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Matos, Fábio L; Ross, Steve W; ann ida Huvenne, Veerle; Davies, Jaime; Cunha, Marina R
Canyons pride and prejudice: Exploring the submarine canyon research landscape, a history of geographic and thematic bias Journal Article
In: Progress in Oceanography, 2018.
title = {Canyons pride and prejudice: Exploring the submarine canyon research landscape, a history of geographic and thematic bias},
author = {Fábio L Matos and Steve W Ross and Veerle ann ida Huvenne and Jaime Davies and Marina R Cunha},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2018.04.010},
doi = {10.1016/j.pocean.2018.04.010},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-01-01},
urldate = {2018-01-01},
journal = {Progress in Oceanography},
publisher = {Elsevier},
abstract = {We mapped submarine canyon research using a scientometric approach to define and characterize its scientific landscape based on a comprehensive bibliographic dataset. The abundance of studies covering structural and functional aspects of submarine canyons allowed us to identify the existing knowledge clusters, historical trends, and emergent topics in canyon research. Our analysis documented a network of knowledge clusters of which four were particularly relevant: a strong cluster on “Geology & Geophysics”, well established since the beginnings of canyon research; a cluster on “Biology & Ecology” that gained strength primarily over the past two to three decades; a cluster on “Oceanographic Processes” which occupied a central position in the network and connected strongly to almost all the other clusters and especially to the fourth main cluster on “Modelling”. A smaller, but also well connected, cluster on “Biogeochemistry” related closely to “Biology & Ecology”, and three other small clusters (“Sedimentology”, “Sediments & Tidal Currents”, “Canyon Sampling”) bridged the main clusters. Finally, we identified three small, but specific satellite clusters (“Oil & Gas”, “Chemosynthetic Communities”, “Molecular & Symbionts”). The high-level structure of the knowledge network reflects a latent interdisciplinarity in canyon research. However, the evolution of the research lines over the past nine decades suggests that this pattern arose mostly in the new millennium. Emergent research topics in the last decade also reveal a concern regarding anthropogenic impacts and climate-driven processes. Our results also show a well implemented and international collaboration network, although research efforts have been mainly directed towards only a few canyon systems. A geographical and thematic bias also characterizes canyon research, with specific topics addressed preferentially in particular canyons by different leading research institutions. This spatial and thematic bias, together with the paucity of truly inter-disciplinary studies, may be the most important limitation to integrated knowledge and development in canyon research and hinders a global, more comprehensive understanding of canyon patterns and processes. The scientific landscape mapping and the complementary results are made available as an open and interactive platform that canyon stakeholders can use as a tool to identify knowledge gaps, to find key players in the global collaboration network and to facilitate planning of future research in submarine canyons.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Technical Reports
Aubin, Sophie; Huber, Madeleine
eROSA. e-infrastructure Roadmap for Open Science in Agriculture : bibliometric study results Technical Report
INRA, Horizon 2020 2018, (Ref. Ares(2018)3404573).
title = {eROSA. e-infrastructure Roadmap for Open Science in Agriculture : bibliometric study results},
author = {Sophie Aubin and Madeleine Huber},
url = {https://zenodo.org/record/1305000/files/Bibliometric%20study%20results.pdf},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-06-28},
urldate = {2018-06-28},
institution = {INRA, Horizon 2020},
abstract = {This study highlights the results of a bibliometric analysis conducted at a global scale in order to identify key scientists and associated research performing organisations (e.g. public research institutes, universities, Research & Development departments of private companies) that work in the field of agricultural data sources and services. The added value of such a methodological approach is the resulting ability to provide a detailed answer to the question “who does what?” by collecting, processing, analysing and visualising the metadata1 of related scientific publications. The study focuses on articles that have been published in the past 10 years (i.e. during the period 2005-2015). As such, the analysis is a first attempt at delineating, mapping and describing the scientific community that the e-ROSA project seeks to engage with. It neither aims at being exhaustive nor at providing an evaluation on the scientific excellence of identified stakeholders as this is not the goal of the community-building activity under e-ROSA. The specific objectives of the analysis include:
1 - The identification of scientists and related collaboration networks involved in data science for agriculture in order to initiate further contact while building and engaging with the e-ROSA community throughout the project: e.g. these results provide valuable contacts in the context of the desk surveys that will be carried out under Work Package 1 in order to consolidate and reach out to the community, and in the context of the workshops organised under Work Package 2 that seek community-building and co-design of the e-ROSA Roadmap.
2 - The identification of specific domains related to data and computer science that are of interest to identified scientists (i.e. working on agricultural issues).
3 - The identification of related conferences and journals that the e-ROSA project can target in order to effectively reach out to the relevant communities involved in data science issues related to agriculture.},
note = {Ref. Ares(2018)3404573},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
1 - The identification of scientists and related collaboration networks involved in data science for agriculture in order to initiate further contact while building and engaging with the e-ROSA community throughout the project: e.g. these results provide valuable contacts in the context of the desk surveys that will be carried out under Work Package 1 in order to consolidate and reach out to the community, and in the context of the workshops organised under Work Package 2 that seek community-building and co-design of the e-ROSA Roadmap.
2 - The identification of specific domains related to data and computer science that are of interest to identified scientists (i.e. working on agricultural issues).
3 - The identification of related conferences and journals that the e-ROSA project can target in order to effectively reach out to the relevant communities involved in data science issues related to agriculture.
Journal Articles
Hu, Jiming; Zhang, Yin
Discovering the interdisciplinary nature of Big Data research through social network analysis and visualization Journal Article
In: Scientometrics, vol. 112, pp. 91–109, 2017.
title = {Discovering the interdisciplinary nature of Big Data research through social network analysis and visualization},
author = {Jiming Hu and Yin Zhang},
doi = {10.1007/s11192-017-2383-1},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-05-01},
urldate = {2017-05-01},
journal = {Scientometrics},
volume = {112},
pages = {91–109},
abstract = {Big Data is a research field involving a large number of collaborating disciplines. Based on bibliometric data downloaded from the Web of Science, this study applies various social network analysis and visualization tools to examine the structure and patterns of interdisciplinary collaborations, as well as the recently evolving overall pattern. This study presents the descriptive statistics of disciplines involved in publishing Big Data research; and network indicators of the interdisciplinary collaborations among disciplines, interdisciplinary communities, interdisciplinary networks, and changes in discipline communities over time. The findings indicate that the scope of disciplines involved in Big Data research is broad, but that the disciplinary distribution is unbalanced. The overall collaboration among disciplines tends to be concentrated in several key fields. According to the network indicators, Computer Science, Engineering, and Business and Economics are the most important contributors to Big Data research, given their position and role in the research collaboration network. Centering around a few important disciplines, all fields related to Big Data research are aggregated into communities, suggesting some related research areas, and directions for Big Data research. An ever-changing roster of related disciplines provides support, as illustrated by the evolving graph of communities.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Brás, Oriana Rainho; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Cambrosio, Alberto; David, Leonor; Nunes, João Arriscado; Cardoso, Fátima; Jerónimo, Carmen
Oncology research in late twentieth century and turn of the century Portugal: a scientometric approach to its institutional and semantic dimensions Journal Article
In: Scientometrics, vol. 113, no. 2, pp. 867-888, 2017.
title = {Oncology research in late twentieth century and turn of the century Portugal: a scientometric approach to its institutional and semantic dimensions},
author = {Oriana Rainho Brás and Jean-Philippe Cointet and Alberto Cambrosio and Leonor David and João Arriscado Nunes and Fátima Cardoso and Carmen Jerónimo},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-017-2491-y},
doi = {10.1007/s11192-017-2491-y},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
urldate = {2017-01-01},
journal = {Scientometrics},
volume = {113},
number = {2},
pages = {867-888},
publisher = {Springer},
abstract = {This paper analyses the developmental dynamics of oncology research in Portugal during the second half of the twentieth century and early twenty first century. Grounding its conclusions in a scientometric analysis of a database of publications covering the period 1976–2015, the paper shows how the expansion of oncology research from the end of the 1990s through the 2000s is closely related to science and technology policy decisions in the country. The main actors of the institutional evolution of the field are public organizations, both hospital and academia/research-based, frequently working together. Portuguese oncology research focused especially on organ-based cancers, underlining the strong link between the laboratory and the clinic. Accordingly, translational research is a major trend in oncology research, as evidenced by the analysis of publications in major journals and inter-citation maps. Networks of institutional co-authorships show the importance of regional and international collaborations. The collaboration patterns over time reveal the importance of national and European collaborations during the initial years covered by our publication database, in line with the major impact of Portugal’s integration into the European Union, and a growing importance of regional collaborations, as well as with North and South American institutions in more recent years. Portugal provides a case study of how twentieth century policies at the national and European levels have impacted on the evolution of oncology research in countries from southern Europe.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Book Chapters
Bouabid, Hamid; Rossi, Pier Luigi; Gaillard, Jacques
Les partenaires internationaux du Maroc: analyse et cartographie des co-signatures avec les chercheurs étrangers Book Chapter
In: Gaillard, Jacques; Bouabid, Hamid (Ed.): La recherche scientifique au Maroc et son internationalisation, Chapter 3, pp. 67-93, 2017.
title = {Les partenaires internationaux du Maroc: analyse et cartographie des co-signatures avec les chercheurs étrangers},
author = {Hamid Bouabid and Pier Luigi Rossi and Jacques Gaillard},
editor = {Jacques Gaillard and Hamid Bouabid},
url = {http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069762
year = {2017},
date = {2017-03-01},
urldate = {2017-03-01},
booktitle = {La recherche scientifique au Maroc et son internationalisation},
pages = {67-93},
chapter = {3},
abstract = {Ce chapitre propose une analyse rétrospective de l’internationalisation de la recherche marocaine et de son positionnement dans les clusters scientifiques régionaux à travers le prisme des publications du Maroc co-signées avec le reste du monde. Cette approche bilatérale est complétée dans une deuxième partie par une l’analyse des collaborations internationales du Maroc au sein des cluster (réseaux) arabes, africains et méditerranéens. Au cours des trente dernières années, la production scientifique marocaine se caractérise par une internationalisation marquée avec un niveau de publications signées avec des auteurs étrangers toujours supérieur à 50% en dépit du caractère fortement endogène des sciences médicales, lesquelles représente près de 40% de la production totale du Maroc. Ce niveau d’internationalisation varie en fonction des disciplines et des institutions. Il est comparable à celui de la plupart des « petits » pays scientifiques européens et assez proche de celui de la plupart des pays arabes. En dépit d’un recul en valeur relative depuis la fin des années 1990, la France, qui co-signe aujourd’hui environ 30% de la production scientifique marocaine, reste de loin le principal partenaire scientifique du Maroc et ceci pour l’ensemble des domaines scientifiques. L’Espagne, partenaire de 8,5% des co-publications, lesquelles sont en progression constante depuis les trente dernières années, s’affirme aujourd’hui comme le deuxième partenaire scientifique, suivi de l’Allemagne et des Etats-Unis, lesquels, jadis en deuxième position après la France, sont aujourd’hui le cinquième partenaire juste après l’Italie. L’Arabie saoudite, quasi inexistante dans les co-publications internationales marocaines jusqu’à la fin du siècle dernier, se classe en sixième position à quasi égalité avec les Etats-Unis et dépasse légèrement la Tunisie. Les autres pays appartenant aux douze principaux partenaires du Maroc (Canada, Algérie, Royaume uni, Portugal, Belgique) présentent des taux de co-publications autour de 2,5 % de la production scientifique marocaine avec, généralement, des progressions sur la dernière période. L’analyse des clusters scientifiques régionaux montre que le positionnement du Maroc demeure excentré dans le cluster scientifique arabe et africain et donc en décalage avec les ambitions partenariales du Maroc avec l’Afrique. En revanche, le Maroc est mieux positionné dans le cluster méditerranéen avec une bonne proximité avec le tryptique France-Italie-Espagne qui domine le paysage des collaborations scientifiques internationales dans cette région.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Salatino, Angelo A; Osborne, Francesco; Motta, Enrico
How are topics born? Understanding the research dynamics preceding the emergence of new areas Online
2017, visited: 01.01.2017.
title = {How are topics born? Understanding the research dynamics preceding the emergence of new areas},
author = {Angelo A Salatino and Francesco Osborne and Enrico Motta},
url = {https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.119},
doi = {10.7717/peerj-cs.119},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
urldate = {2017-01-01},
journal = {PeerJ Computer Science},
abstract = {The ability to promptly recognise new research trends is strategic for many stakeholders, including universities, institutional funding bodies, academic publishers and companies. While the literature describes several approaches which aim to identify the emergence of new research topics early in their lifecycle, these rely on the assumption that the topic in question is already associated with a number of publications and consistently referred to by a community of researchers. Hence, detecting the emergence of a new research area at an embryonic stage, i.e., before the topic has been consistently labelled by a community of researchers and associated with a number of publications, is still an open challenge. In this paper, we begin to address this challenge by performing a study of the dynamics preceding the creation of new topics. This study indicates that the emergence of a new topic is anticipated by a significant increase in the pace of collaboration between relevant research areas, which can be seen as the ‘parents’ of the new topic. These initial findings (i) confirm our hypothesis that it is possible in principle to detect the emergence of a new topic at the embryonic stage, (ii) provide new empirical evidence supporting relevant theories in Philosophy of Science, and also (iii) suggest that new topics tend to emerge in an environment in which weakly interconnected research areas begin to cross-fertilise.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {online}
Journal Articles
Raimbault, Benjamin; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Joly, Pierre-Benoît
Mapping the emergence of synthetic biology Journal Article
In: PloS one, vol. 11, no. 9, pp. e0161522, 2016.
title = {Mapping the emergence of synthetic biology},
author = {Benjamin Raimbault and Jean-Philippe Cointet and Pierre-Benoît Joly},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0161522},
doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0161522},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
urldate = {2016-01-01},
journal = {PloS one},
volume = {11},
number = {9},
pages = {e0161522},
publisher = {Public Library of Science},
abstract = {In this paper, we apply an original scientometric analyses to a corpus comprising synthetic biology (SynBio) publications in Thomson Reuters Web of Science to characterize the emergence of this new scientific field. Three results were drawn from this empirical investigation. First, despite the exponential growth of publications, the study of population level statistics (newcomers proportion, collaboration network structure) shows that SynBio has entered a stabilization process since 2010. Second, the mapping of textual and citational networks shows that SynBio is characterized by high heterogeneity and four different approaches: the central approach, where biobrick engineering is the most widespread; genome engineering; protocell creation; and metabolic engineering. We suggest that synthetic biology acts as an umbrella term allowing for the mobilization of resources, and also serves to relate scientific content and promises of applications. Third, we observed a strong intertwinement between epistemic and socio-economic dynamics. Measuring scientific production and impact and using structural analysis data, we identified a core set of mostly American scientists. Biographical analysis shows that these central and influential scientists act as “boundary spanners,” meaning that their importance to the field lies not only in their academic contributions, but also in their capacity to interact with other social spaces that are outside the academic sphere.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
PhD Theses
Gayoso, Emile
Coproduire le nouveau. Sociologie des plateformes de co-innovation PhD Thesis
2015, (Thèse de doctorat dirigée par Flichy, Patrice Sociologie Paris Est 2015).
title = {Coproduire le nouveau. Sociologie des plateformes de co-innovation},
author = {Emile Gayoso},
url = {https://www.theses.fr/2015PESC0055},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-12-04},
abstract = {Les plateformes de co-innovation sont des dispositifs en ligne que les entreprises ont commencé à développer au milieu de la décennie 2000, dans le sillage du Web 2.0, afin d’intégrer les consommateurs au processus d’innovation. Présentées comme de nouveaux espaces ouverts et collaboratifs, entièrement dédiés à la coopération avec les internautes, ces démarches participatives suscitent l’engouement des gestionnaires et des cabinets de conseil spécialisés dans l’innovation. Pourtant, rares sont les études portant sur la co-innovation qui aient consacré une enquête de terrain aux dispositifs mis en place et aux formes de collaborations qu’ils accueillent. La sociologie, en particulier, s’est notablement désintéressée — au profit des sciences de gestion — des initiatives de co-innovation impliquant de grandes entreprises et a fait porter l’essentiel de ses analyses sur des cas d’innovation ascendante, sur le mouvement du logiciel libre ou sur de petites structures de nature entrepreneuriale. Cette thèse, en prenant pour objet six plateformes mises en place par des très grandes entreprises françaises et étasunienne dans les secteurs des télécommunications, du transport de voyageurs et du matériel informatique, vise à combler ce manque.Au-delà de cette ambition qui tente de restituer la légitimité d’un objet de recherche au sein d’un champ disciplinaire, cette thèse tisse une réflexion autour de trois problèmes fondamentaux : pourquoi et comment les entreprises associent-elles les usagers à leur processus d’innovation ? Pourquoi et comment les usagers collaborent-ils, le plus souvent de façon bénévole ? De quelles nouvelles formes de collaboration, voire de relation, entre l’individu et l’entreprise ces dispositifs sociotechniques sont-ils porteurs ?Nous apportons des réponses à ces questions en mobilisant les outils combinés de la théorie du cadre de référence de Flichy, de la théorie des régimes d’engagement développée par Thévenot et poursuivie par Auray, et enfin des concepts standards de l’analyse de réseaux. Sur le plan empirique, cette thèse s’appuie sur une enquête de terrain menée depuis 2010 auprès des acteurs de ces plateformes, au cours de laquelle nous avons adopté une méthode quali-quantitative articulant 44 entretiens semi-directifs auprès des acteurs des plateformes (usagers mais aussi responsables de plateformes, chefs de produits, community managers), observations en ligne et analyse de réseaux des collaborations qui se nouent autour des dispositifs.},
note = {Thèse de doctorat dirigée par Flichy, Patrice Sociologie Paris Est 2015},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Technical Reports
Barbier, Marc; Breucker, Philippe
Les effets d’une programmation thématique des activités de la recherche publique Technical Report
2015, (DOI 10.13140/RG.2.1.4600.0485).
title = {Les effets d’une programmation thématique des activités de la recherche publique},
author = {Marc Barbier and Philippe Breucker},
url = {https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marc_Barbier/publication/280597175_Les_effets_d%27une_programmation_thematique_des_activites_de_la_recherche_publique/links/55bc8c4408aed621de0dd5ee/Les-effets-dune-programmation-thematique-des-activites-de-la-recherche-publique.pdf
doi = {10.13140/RG.2.1.4600.0485},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-01-01},
urldate = {2015-01-01},
abstract = {A l’issue de 8 années de programmation, l’ANR a initié une réflexion sur le bilan et les impacts des programmes ADD/SYSTERRA/AGROBIOSPHERE et sollicité la conduite d’une étude sur les projets soumis et lauréats de ces programmes. Cette communication propose les résultats d’une entreprise de caractérisation de ces impacts fondée sur l’analyse de données textuelles de corpus de projets répondant aux appels de trois programmes successifs. Suivant une méthodologie d’étude de domaine de recherche déjà éprouvée, le travail a consisté à caractériser l’évolution conjointe des thématiques de recherche et la structuration de communautés de recherche, suivant l’idée de la structuration d’une offre de promesses scientifiques portées par des collaborations de laboratoires. Les analyses ont été possibles grâce à la formation d’une base de données des projets soumis qui a fait l’objet d’un important travail ingénierique (application projbase). Ces analyses ont été réalisées avec la plateforme CorTexT grâce à l’application CorTexT-Manager qui permet des calculs de graphes de mots-associés et la visualisation de clusterisation de ces graphes. Ce travail exploratoire correspond à un intérêt grandissant de communautés en sciences sociales pour les dynamiques de recherche et les politiques qui les visent à un moment où les grands enjeux du développement durable font l’objet d’un traitement accru dans le cadre d’une gouvernance naissante du système terre.},
note = {DOI 10.13140/RG.2.1.4600.0485},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
Journal Articles
Granjou, Celine; Mauz, Isabelle; Barbier, Marc; Breucker, Philippe
Making taxonomy environmentally relevant. Insights from an all taxa biodiversity inventory Journal Article
In: Environmental Science & Policy, vol. 38, pp. 254-262, 2014, (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2014.01.004).
title = {Making taxonomy environmentally relevant. Insights from an all taxa biodiversity inventory},
author = {Celine Granjou and Isabelle Mauz and Marc Barbier and Philippe Breucker},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2014.01.004},
doi = {10.1016/j.envsci.2014.01.004},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
urldate = {2014-01-01},
journal = {Environmental Science & Policy},
volume = {38},
pages = {254-262},
publisher = {Elsevier},
abstract = {For several decades taxonomy has been marginalized in academic labs and universities. Today, rising concerns over biodiversity and ecosystem services are creating an unprecedented opportunity for it to be viewed as a crucially relevant field. This article aims to scrutinize how the biodiversity concerns entail new collaboration designs between taxonomists and nature managers and between taxonomists and ecologists. Our key point is that taxonomy's environmental relevance is not given: instead, taxonomic data have to be made relevant by taxonomists and their partners in specific collaborative and organizational arrangements. The article draws on an empirical study of an All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory (ATBI) in a national park in the French Alps, including an ethnographic survey combined with scientometric analysis. It was found that the collaboration initiated in the ATBI between taxonomists, ecologists and the park managers was paved with disappointments and reorientations because it partly failed to address the tension between a taxonomic and an ecological approach to the relevance of taxonomic data. The rise of biodiversity and ecosystem services concerns constitutes a “double-edged sword” for taxonomists: while there is greater opportunity for taxonomists to render their work visible through new research collaboration arrangements with ecologists, it also entails a risk that they remain mere data providers for nature managers and ecologists interested in ecosystem functioning.},
note = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2014.01.004},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Tancoigne, Elise; Barbier, Marc; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Richard, Guy
The place of agricultural sciences in the literature on ecosystem services Journal Article
In: Ecosystem Services, vol. 10, pp. 35-48, 2014.
title = {The place of agricultural sciences in the literature on ecosystem services},
author = {Elise Tancoigne and Marc Barbier and Jean-Philippe Cointet and Guy Richard},
doi = {10.1016/j.ecoser.2014.07.004},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
urldate = {2014-01-01},
journal = {Ecosystem Services},
volume = {10},
pages = {35-48},
publisher = {Elsevier},
abstract = {We performed a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the scientific literature on ecosystem services in order to help tracing a research agenda for agricultural sciences. The ecosystem services concept now lies at the heart of current developments to address global environmental change. Do agricultural sciences generate knowledge that covers this emerging theme? An analysis of scientific production allowed us to return to the ecological origins of this concept and see how little it has been appropriated by agricultural sciences until now, despite major focus on the issue of agro-ecosystems in the literature. Agricultural sciences tend to be more active in the field of environmental services, defined as services rendered by humans to ecosystems. The main studied services are those which have already been clearly identified and which act in synergy. Less attention is paid to the antagonisms between different services. These findings call for the implementation of agricultural research programmes that will consider the socio-agro-ecosystem as a whole and broaden the traditional issues addressed by agricultural sciences. We insist on three main management and operational issues that needs to be overcome if this is to be done: working at the landscape scale, increasing inter-disciplinary collaborations and take uncertainties into account.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Proceedings Articles
Lepinay, Vincent; Mogoutov, Andrei; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Villard, Lionel
Russian computer scientists, local and abroad: mobility and collaboration Proceedings Article
In: Proceedings of the 10th Central and Eastern European Software Engineering Conference in Russia, pp. 18, ACM 2014, (https://doi.org/10.1145/2687233.2687254).
title = {Russian computer scientists, local and abroad: mobility and collaboration},
author = {Vincent Lepinay and Andrei Mogoutov and Jean-Philippe Cointet and Lionel Villard},
url = {https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2687233.2687254},
doi = {/10.1145/2687233.2687254},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
urldate = {2014-01-01},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th Central and Eastern European Software Engineering Conference in Russia},
pages = {18},
organization = {ACM},
abstract = {In this paper we present the first results of the first comprehensive study of a population that has drawn attention over the past few years, Russian computer scientists (CS) and IT specialists. We collected data from digital platforms were CS and IT leave either signatures or digital traces. The difference between signatures and traces is the difference between intentional scientific claims (an article or a vitae) and by-products of activities that take place on the web. Digital signatures are a digital mode of existence of objects that exist otherwise; digital traces only exist on digital platforms.},
note = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2687233.2687254},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
PhD Theses
Omodei, Elisa
Modeling the socio-semantic dynamics of scientific communities PhD Thesis
Ecole normale supérieure-ENS PARIS, 2014, (HAL Id : tel-01097702 , version 1).
title = {Modeling the socio-semantic dynamics of scientific communities},
author = {Elisa Omodei},
url = {https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01097702/},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
urldate = {2014-01-01},
school = {Ecole normale supérieure-ENS PARIS},
abstract = {Comment les structures sociales et sémantiques d'une communauté scientifique guident-elles les dynamiques de collaboration à venir ? Dans cette thèse, nous combinons des techniques de traitement automatique des langues et des méthodes provenant de l'analyse de réseaux complexes pour analyser une base de données de publications scientifiques dans le domaine de la linguistique computationnelle : l'ACL Anthology. Notre objectif est de comprendre le rôle des collaborations entre les chercheurs dans la construction du paysage sémantique du domaine, et, symétriquement, de saisir combien ce même paysage influence les trajectoires individuelles des chercheurs et leurs interactions. Nous employons des outils d’analyse du contenu textuel pour extraire des textes des publications les termes correspondant à des concepts scientifiques. Ces termes sont ensuite connectés aux chercheurs pour former un réseau socio-sémantique, dont nous modélisons la dynamique à différentes échelles. Nous construisons d’abord un modèle statistique, à base de régressions logistiques multivariées, qui permet de quantifier le rôle respectif des propriétés sociales et sémantiques de la communauté sur la dynamique microscopique du réseau socio-sémantique. Nous reconstruisons par la suite l’évolution du champ de la linguistique computationelle en créant différentes cartographies du réseau sémantique, représentant les connaissances produites dans le domaine, mais aussi le flux d’auteurs entre les différents champs de recherche du domaine. En résumé, nos travaux ont montré que la combinaison des méthodes issues du traitement automatique des langues et de l'analyse des réseaux complexes permet d'étudier d'une manière nouvelle l'évolution des domaines scientifiques. },
note = {HAL Id : tel-01097702 , version 1},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Tari, Thomas; Caron, Pauline; Breucker, Philippe; Barbier, Marc
Characterising the Localisation of Projects Collaborations in Research Dynamics: methodological requirements and results for new visualisations of heterogeneous networks Conference
2010, (ENID 2010 - Methods and techniques for the exploitation of heterogeneous data sources).
title = {Characterising the Localisation of Projects Collaborations in Research Dynamics: methodological requirements and results for new visualisations of heterogeneous networks},
author = {Thomas Tari and Pauline Caron and Philippe Breucker and Marc Barbier},
url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262494844_Characterising_the_Localisation_of_Projects_Collaborations_in_Research_Dynamics_methodological_requirements_and_results_for_new_visualisations_of_heterogeneous_networks
year = {2010},
date = {2010-01-01},
abstract = {This communication proposes to discuss the construction of methodological requirements on databases building and software development, and aspires to show some concrete results in visualising heterogeneous networks of research dynamics considered through projects ecology.
Our reflection is grounded in the growing needs, either for decision makers or researchers of the STS and SPS communities to relay their analysis of facts on a convenient visualisation of structural relationships between heterogeneous actants. Their configuration in dedicated databases is worthy to focus on as they reflect the endogenous dynamics of research and R&D activities. Our hypothesis is that the aims, perimeter, contents and selected projects of funding programmes represent a relevant account of the un‐going technological and scientific dynamic on the one hand, and a relevant account of the mobilization and choices of scientific communities and science policy “makers” on the other hand. Those configurations rely firmly on spatial‐based organizations, mixing European, national and regional scales in formal and informal clusters. Our perspective in the CorTexT Platform of IFRIS is to enrich the studies of sciences dynamics on customized databases of research and R&D projects that represent Dthrough territories performative associations of laboratories, scientific teams, R&D firms and lead‐users.
Without ignoring the existence of a large array of scientific perspectives in Information Sciences about the measurement of science productions and science dynamics, we situate our work in the branch of analysis and visualisation of social networks. This field as well as indicators are central for evaluation and policy of science (Callon et al., 1986; Law et al., 1988). At present, the evolution of the analysis of scientific networks is largely attached to the question of characterizing collaborative and cognitive dynamics of knowledge production (Powell et al., 2005) and to the emergence of multi or trans‐disciplinary emerging fields of research (Lucio‐Arias, Leydesdorff, 2007) or paradigmatic field of research (Chavalarias, Cointet, 2008). Tracing and mapping knowledge in scientific database or in other electronic sources still represents a huge field of problems for many disciplines dealing with information. More locally, in relation to specific area of research, mapping heterogeneous networks appears to help the understanding of social dynamic of research activities (Cambrosio, Keating, Mogoutov, 2004; Cambrosio et al., 2006; Bourret et al., 2006).
Using co‐word analysis tools (RéseauLu), we have already proposed a social study focused on regime of knowledge production in agricultural science and on the significance of sustainability (Barbier, Mogoutov et al., 2008). We identified two emergent yet lively research themes: biofuels and vegetal fibres, and realized specific bibliometrical studies on those subjects. We then devoted sociological studies based on heterogeneous sources to fibres (Caron et Barbier 2009) and biofuel & bioenergy research (Tari 2009). Bearing in mind this type of overall view on scientific knowledge we wanted to develop an approach on research projects in those domains.},
note = {ENID 2010 - Methods and techniques for the exploitation of heterogeneous data sources},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Our reflection is grounded in the growing needs, either for decision makers or researchers of the STS and SPS communities to relay their analysis of facts on a convenient visualisation of structural relationships between heterogeneous actants. Their configuration in dedicated databases is worthy to focus on as they reflect the endogenous dynamics of research and R&D activities. Our hypothesis is that the aims, perimeter, contents and selected projects of funding programmes represent a relevant account of the un‐going technological and scientific dynamic on the one hand, and a relevant account of the mobilization and choices of scientific communities and science policy “makers” on the other hand. Those configurations rely firmly on spatial‐based organizations, mixing European, national and regional scales in formal and informal clusters. Our perspective in the CorTexT Platform of IFRIS is to enrich the studies of sciences dynamics on customized databases of research and R&D projects that represent Dthrough territories performative associations of laboratories, scientific teams, R&D firms and lead‐users.
Without ignoring the existence of a large array of scientific perspectives in Information Sciences about the measurement of science productions and science dynamics, we situate our work in the branch of analysis and visualisation of social networks. This field as well as indicators are central for evaluation and policy of science (Callon et al., 1986; Law et al., 1988). At present, the evolution of the analysis of scientific networks is largely attached to the question of characterizing collaborative and cognitive dynamics of knowledge production (Powell et al., 2005) and to the emergence of multi or trans‐disciplinary emerging fields of research (Lucio‐Arias, Leydesdorff, 2007) or paradigmatic field of research (Chavalarias, Cointet, 2008). Tracing and mapping knowledge in scientific database or in other electronic sources still represents a huge field of problems for many disciplines dealing with information. More locally, in relation to specific area of research, mapping heterogeneous networks appears to help the understanding of social dynamic of research activities (Cambrosio, Keating, Mogoutov, 2004; Cambrosio et al., 2006; Bourret et al., 2006).
Using co‐word analysis tools (RéseauLu), we have already proposed a social study focused on regime of knowledge production in agricultural science and on the significance of sustainability (Barbier, Mogoutov et al., 2008). We identified two emergent yet lively research themes: biofuels and vegetal fibres, and realized specific bibliometrical studies on those subjects. We then devoted sociological studies based on heterogeneous sources to fibres (Caron et Barbier 2009) and biofuel & bioenergy research (Tari 2009). Bearing in mind this type of overall view on scientific knowledge we wanted to develop an approach on research projects in those domains.
Proceedings Articles
Tari, Thomas; Barbier, Marc; Breucker, Philippe
Characterising dynamics of new sciences through project collaborations: a project-based scientometrica insight into French bioenergies research Proceedings Article
In: 3. European Network of Indicators Designers Conference: STI Indicators for Policymaking and Strategic Decisions. 2010-03-032010-03-05, Paris, FRA, 2010.
title = {Characterising dynamics of new sciences through project collaborations: a project-based scientometrica insight into French bioenergies research},
author = {Thomas Tari and Marc Barbier and Philippe Breucker},
url = {http://agris.fao.org/agris-search/search.do?recordID=FR2014006818},
year = {2010},
date = {2010-01-01},
booktitle = {3. European Network of Indicators Designers Conference: STI Indicators for Policymaking and Strategic Decisions. 2010-03-032010-03-05, Paris, FRA},
abstract = {This communication proposes to discuss the construction of methodological requirements on databases building and software development, and aspires to show some concrete results in visualising heterogeneous networks of research dynamics considered through projects ecology. Our reflection is grounded in the growing needs, either for decision makers or researchers of the STS and SPS communities to relay their analysis of facts on a convenient visualisation of structural relationships between heterogeneous actants. Their configuration in dedicated databases is worthy to focus on as they reflect the endogenous dynamics of research and R&D activities. Our hypothesis is that the aims, perimeter, contents and selected projects of funding programmes represent a relevant account of the un-going technological and scientific dynamic on the one hand, and a relevant account of the mobilization and choices of scientific communities and science policy “makers” on the other hand. Those configurations rely firmly on spatial-based organizations, mixing European, national and regional scales in formal and informal clusters. Our perspective in the CorTexT Platform of IFRIS is to enrich the studies of sciences dynamics on customized databases of research and R&D projects that represent through territories performative associations of laboratories, scientific teams, R&D firms and lead-users. },
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
(Sources: Google Scholar, HAL, Scopus, WOS and search engines)
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